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16711642 No.16711642[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You ARE going out tonight and not just staying at home to post about shitcoins... right?

>> No.16711649 [DELETED] 
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Always alone, normies disgust me.

>> No.16711652

haha no that would be really depressing, right guys ;) i'm having the time of my life haha

>> No.16711654

No thanks the money I would have spent on food and drinks just bought me 2 more ounces of silver.

>> No.16711659

went to sleep at 10pm after one drink after work.
very happy with my decision.

>> No.16711663


>> No.16711676

In 25 dude only losers don't have a loving Christan wife and kids by this age

>> No.16712287

Going out on NYE is legitimately awful. Just stay at home.

>> No.16712310

NYE is a shitshow

>> No.16712319

i spent the night with my family

>> No.16712357

already new years day here and i am incredibly hungover

>> No.16712375
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>You ARE going out tonight and not just staying at home to post about shitcoins... right?

>> No.16712393

>Uber: $40
>Drinks: $80
>Admission price: $20
>Gas: $5

Look at that I just bought one more ETH. There's a reason normalfags are POOR

>> No.16712401

nah sirgay paid me $1k in linkies to pump his shitcoin. I gotta hit my quota.

>> No.16712409


>> No.16712433

No, there might be a risk that I could end up kissing a girl, getting a blow job or even fucking.

Risk too high.

>> No.16712436

>one more ETH
Never thought about how expensive going out actually is.

>> No.16712444

yes im pre drinking and hating my self

>> No.16712449

can't buy memories anon
least, not yet

>> No.16712450

No going out til the next bullrun, every penny I have is going into Crypto

>> No.16712459

Have flu, whoops.

>> No.16712480

>Ahh yea remember that time we were drunk
>Ahh yea remember that time I got laid

Like tears in the fucking rain.

>> No.16712484


Based film

Wish someone would livestream a NYE movie tonight

>> No.16712498
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I mean don’t be a compete recluse hermit and isolate yourself completely from friends and family and whatnot but what is normies obsession with going out at every chance possible?

>> No.16712507

Im spending the night fireing rockets into my neighbors garden

>> No.16712626

Millennials love wasting money that's why they can't afford shit. That generation is all about experiences and not material goods.

>> No.16712676

no movie
but Happy New Year to you, 42
have some radiohead instead:

>> No.16712693

I spent all night last night having anal sex with a jewess so no

>> No.16712710

Nah I'm working on some passion projects whie drinking as my gf is cooking food for me. I don't want to spend any money or really leave my cozy house tonight honestly.

>> No.16712797

social status. posts to social media. thats basically all it is

>> No.16712816

Fuck that, I’m working. Will take making $500 for doing next to nothing for 7 hrs vs spending $100 on bar admission ALONE. Y’all already know this invoice is going straight into ETH.

>> No.16712818

No, ill probably spend another night creating a thread bashing nano and shilling my coin. See you tonight

>> No.16713030

Saw star wars. It wasnt actually that bad, jj did a good job finishing that clusterfuck

>> No.16713042
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>> No.16713048


Have sex:priceless

>> No.16713062

ok that was good I must admit. But it really isn't and you know it.

>> No.16713067


I know ;(

>> No.16713101

Super Based, this decade is the decade of the autist, normalfag systems will collapse to their own entropy.

>> No.16713163

umm, well no actually

>> No.16713177

what's it like in 2020? did the racewar start?

>> No.16713199
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>> No.16713333

I moved 900 miles to get away from friends and family and never have anyone ask me to do shit. Worked perfectly.

>> No.16713348

I go to sporting events and gay restaurants all the time and I have no social media

>> No.16713375

You just like wasting money like a zoomer faggot then.

>> No.16713376
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Im at a party RIGHT NOW on a yacht and im still posting about shitcoins what the fuck is even the point anymore?

>> No.16713379

damn, going out is cheap

>> No.16713387 [DELETED] 

I just realized I said both gas and uber in my hypothetical... and no one has called me out. /biz/ is full of brainlets i swear to fucking god.

>> No.16713407

alpha as fuck

>> No.16713412

wait are you really?
post pic

>> No.16713420


>> No.16713428


>> No.16713499

post pictures

>> No.16713585
File: 3.89 MB, 4032x3024, 20191231_230252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just took this of random people dancing

>> No.16713591

Jesus Fuck
jump overboard, that looks grim

>> No.16713636


>> No.16713637

none of those people look happy to be there

>> No.16713638

Just be comfy during winter holidays. If you want to party do it in the summer.

>> No.16713736
File: 1.76 MB, 4032x3024, 0ACA3B85-B067-4B19-A203-466EEADF4027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sitting alone on a beach in Mexico waiting for some fireworks or something. For some reason I was compelled to come out here instead staying in. Still lonely though

>> No.16714321

I put my daughter to bed at 1830, then played Factorio while my girlfriend knitted next to me. Ate ice cream at midnight, and got an amazing blowjob.

>> No.16714372

Your ass is that sore, huh?

>> No.16714380

You just said you put her to bed

>> No.16714385

as yacht anon fed himself to the sharks, you won New Years, congrats

>> No.16714510
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My roommate invited me out with some of her coworkers. I went out but felt really out of place so I just stayed to get some good and a beer and went home and slept through the clock turning midnight kek. I just didn't think I had anything in common with these people.

>> No.16714528

>My roommate invited me out with some of her coworkers
I'm having difficulty conceptualizing how and where you fucked up from here, assuming hetero male beer drinker etc. but whatever. Hope you had a good sleep

>> No.16714545
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I just didn't wanna be out. I don't get a lot out of going out for drinks with strangers I guess. I'm good friends with my roommate of course, but I also was already tired as fuck and just hated it. Didn't really feel like spending all my money on bar crawling with people I didn't know well

Getting ready to go back to bed soon.

>> No.16714548
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>> No.16714573

no harm done anon. BUT all this perfect setup (in with roommate + her friends + New Year) - its maybe not forever you enjoy such bounty, you know what i'm saying. Occasional harvest makes the man

>> No.16714604
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Yeah i would have loved to if I'm being honest, but I'm also kind of a mess right now and I just didn't think it would have happened. Maybe next year... But I just wanted to be home rather than faking it for a quick lay with a good friend all night. (still have to live with her so I don't want it to be awkward)

>> No.16714643

And damn she's coming home and talking to her made me realize I could have made out with her at midnight MAYBE since people kept chanting that and she didn't find anyone. Or there was also a cutish redhead. Oh well, how it goes I guess

>> No.16714663

never too late
>cutish redhead
its your funeral, after all
good 2020 to you, wherever your path may lead. Flatmates/Redheads - drink another beer, decisions make themselves then

>> No.16714683

That's still poorfag tier mate.

>> No.16714742
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Yeah, all true. Happy new year to you friend. Here's to persisting in this doomed world we have created for ourselves.

2020 is when we all make it

>> No.16714900


>> No.16714956

Yes, we saw autists gaining power through the election of donald trump (man with autism), and the mooning of crypto to new heights in 2017.

The shut in/autist/neet will become more and more powerful this decade. Our presence will be known and felt.

>> No.16714971
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My boi

>> No.16715119
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This. Going out and the posts about it are a sort of currency. I love my normie friends, but it's like they were programmed for this sort of behavior or something. Seems like they aren't all there in the head or they're running away from reality. Based MK Ultra overlords made it easier for us Jews to keep on Jewing. Oh well.


>> No.16715363

Yeah I get you. But to be fair, we all have our escapisms

>> No.16716036

Incredibly lame.

>> No.16716048


>> No.16716054

>That generation is all about experiences and not material goods.
Is that really bad?

>> No.16716128
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>> No.16716134

Got very drunk and fucked my girlfriend 3 times

Will be watching some anime with her now

>> No.16716139
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Not really priceless, I can fuck a relatively hot hooker for 100 bucks, but its still cope if you arent Chad.
So yeah its over.

>> No.16716195

>tfw no gf

>> No.16716216

Those are bad and worthless memories.

>> No.16716221


>> No.16716256

Makes you poor so figure it out

>> No.16716273
