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File: 121 KB, 1140x641, Craig-satoshi-1140x641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16710807 No.16710807 [Reply] [Original]

Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto and core cucks are seething!

The bonded courier will arrive tomorrow and dispel all doubt!

Fellow BSV supporters, your efforts will be rewarded with riches beyond your wildest dreams, but only if we show support publicly using our true identities. We must prove to the doubters that our faith is true, and this cannot be done while hiding behind anonymity.

We must dedicate ourselves without limitation to honor the one and only Satoshi!

>> No.16710862

Finally! This is good news, I'm absolutely SICK of waiting.

>> No.16710894

100k EOY 2020

>> No.16711089

put a trip on OP, so we can laugh at you tomorrow

>> No.16711129

you bought the courier story?

The truth is Dr Craig Satoshi is a hyper genius. You think that he could create a system of keys that he wouldn't be able to crack? You think he could stop himself from remembering the random inputs that generated the list of addresses?

In order to LEGALLY keep his coins, he had to deny himself access until 2020. That is why he has been on the verge of being blackout drunk ever since. In early 2020 he will sober up and remember the 100's of private keys from memory alone.

>> No.16711142

Not buying your scam coin rajeesh. Don't like it? Stiff

>> No.16711198

>bonded courier will arrive
Sounds like some shit from Skyrim

>> No.16711309

I only bought int the bsv coin for this exact day tomorrow all doubts will be cleared and we shoot to number 1 on CMC

>> No.16711372

I support Craig fully my name is Michael Richardson

>> No.16711686

CSW is obviously Satoshi

He has provided hundreds of pages of proof and there is not a single shred of evidence to suggest otherwise

Only a delusional dumbass would doubt him at this point

>> No.16711752




>> No.16711772

Screencapped to laugh at you faggots

>> No.16711799


In cryptography, there is only one proof: the private key the law is no the rule.

Decentralization works without government, the consensus is the only law.

>> No.16711815

are you 12 years old?

>> No.16711829

even a 12yo is smarter than you it seems

>> No.16711849


If you think copyright the blockchain will stop projects, you are an idiot.

>> No.16711864

Your decentralized pedo darknet coin will be banned.

>> No.16712071


I wait for the now riches that have been dream of and promised. Thank you good sir Satoshi Craig.

>> No.16712266


>> No.16712604

>iN cRyPtoGrphI

We don't live in cryptography. We live in the real world dumbass.

>> No.16712610
File: 106 KB, 632x1952, 1576196005478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw tulip trust is delayed ANOTHER year
BSVjeets on literal suicide watch

>> No.16712649

If digits creg an heros at the strike of midnight.

>> No.16712723

BTC will go to 0 within 1 week.

>> No.16712732

CSW is Satoshi and he is about to become the richest man on Earth

>> No.16712883

idiots like this one still exist in 2020
hope for mankind is dwindling

>> No.16712970

Imagine being this stupid

>> No.16713036

It's insane to me that Craig managed to trick Gavin Andresen into believing he signed a message with Satoshi's key when actually he just used some weird crypto fuckery to fool him. Gavin is the #6 biggest contributor to Bitcoin with 64k lines of code written. He is literally a Bitcoin genius and Craig found a way to fool him. I can't help but admire the level of knowledge that required. I could potentially see a universe where Craig is Satoshi or part of the Satoshi group, and just fucked with Gavin to flex his own supreme knowledge of Bitcoin while exposing Gavin's shortcomings.

>> No.16713054
File: 127 KB, 600x339, thecorekeksareafraid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope harder coretard
He also "fooled" Ian Grigg and Jon Matonis. Sure is an amazing conman...

>> No.16713121

he fooled neither they are trolling

>> No.16713153

I’m baffled by your ignorance. Craig Wright is Satoshi. Any sane person would have come to this conclusion a long time ago.

>> No.16713197

>This is trolling: http://financialcryptography.com/mt/archives/001593.html
copius maximus

>> No.16713198

So for all idiots who think this guy is Satoshi, why hasn't he ever moved a single Satoshi to prove it? That's kinda the whole fucking point.

>> No.16713209

The bonded courier arrives tomorrow.you are unbelievably stupid.

>> No.16713213

based on the actual evidence only sub 70 iq retards would think so

>> No.16713219

i will be here tomorrow to collect your salt

>> No.16713245

When has this dude ever been right...about literally anything? BSV is at $97 and he called $1200 by EOY with a 99.999% chance, right?

>> No.16713252

yeah not even gold bullion has that purity.

>> No.16713253

Even Creg has said he doesn't know if the courier was even set up. Come on man

>> No.16713262

You forgot to change your trip ranjeet

>> No.16713268

i can't really follow his narrative it changes every day sometimes twice

>> No.16713271

The bonded courier will arrive tomorrow. BSV will be over $1200 as soon as this happens. This is literally going to happen within hours. How can you imbeciles possibly be so stupid.

>> No.16713280

T. I missed the real Bitcoin mooning and think I'll make it from some ausfag scammer because he claims to be satoshi

>> No.16713282
File: 61 KB, 451x560, 4F91B294-1B3D-4ABA-B02C-DBD70CB7A942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how can you possibly be so stupid!!!!

>> No.16713283

What makes you so confident?

>> No.16713284

Are you all a bunch of brain dead stoned kids shitposting from your parents basement? You’re all so fucking stupid.

>> No.16713293

yeah any somali nigger can claim to be satoshi ans spin a tale up but only satoshi can sign right and proper with the keys we know he has.

>> No.16713295

Ah I took the bait. Happy new year

>> No.16713302

BSV is the only chain that scales because it follows Craig Wright’s design exactly as he had it in v0.1. He literally designed the perfect coin at v0.1! He is a genius, and quite possibly the smartest person alive today. All of you FUDsters are only embarrassing yourselves.

>> No.16713377

He already signed multiple times in front of multiple people. How many times does he have to prove it?