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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16707150 No.16707150 [Reply] [Original]

So, another decade is gone, faggots. Have you accomplished anything? Nothing. I see.

Do you realize that you do not have another decade to waste, because you will be too old and too useless?

This is the time to think about it.

>> No.16707439
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I am too young to be affected by your gay demoralization thread OP
just finished my education and became a wagie, time to buy BTC
hope you kill yourself next year faggot

>> No.16707495

also nice reddit image where they censored nigger

>> No.16708483


>> No.16708490
File: 54 KB, 1024x1024, 1555393824892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

garbage demoralizing thread
kys OP

>> No.16708501


>> No.16708513

>escaped poverty
>escaped an abusive household
>overcame severe malnourishment and got fit
>helped my Mom escape poverty, learned to code and helped family with the money
>started my first 3 businesses, one of which was quite successful
>found a good girl and became a dad
I did well desu. The only thing I failed to accomplish was retirement by 25yo, but 30 seems doable

>> No.16708517

fuck off.
projecting much?

I wrote a chad trading algo.
I taught myself it sec.
I ran my own business (mediocre success though but will be better next year)

what did you do?

>> No.16708526

and I got double dubs in my id.

how about that faggot?

>> No.16708606


Well, quite modest, to be honest.

Almost finished MIT Math for CS course, giving that English is not my native language.

Studied some shit here and there. Read some books. Still long way to go though.

>> No.16708674

good man, keep at it!
happy new year!