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16698049 No.16698049 [Reply] [Original]

>"B-but stock markets ATH!"
We're fucked bois.

>> No.16698058
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>> No.16698071

Boomers should be cashing the fuck out today and riding off into the sunset

>> No.16698114
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Should be illegal to own a house you don't live in. Rite?

>> No.16698161

No. But it should be illegal to have an empty house for over 3 months. Like a giant fat fee.

>> No.16698171

>all in tether in a bull market
>wtf guys why can't I buy as much bitcoins as I could years ago?? the world is ending!!

>> No.16698175

I bet it is in your cuntry. You need to go back.

>> No.16698178

No it isn't but it should be. In America. It'll fix housing and renting issue.

>> No.16698211

No it won't you retard.

>> No.16698218
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Wilderness should pay you reparations for all the centuries of oppression. Rite?

>> No.16698260

What the fuck are you even doing here bootlicker?
>MUH Make laws that interfere with privacy that always fixes stuff & never blows up in our face

>> No.16698267

>have family
>have multiple houses
>just put each house as each family members primary address

>> No.16698287

If they're living there it's fine. If not then they get a FINE.

>> No.16698292

/biz/ is not a commie board, commie scum. you need to get the fuck off and never come back.

>> No.16698306

I really can't argue with you if you're going to go full retard.

>> No.16698335

kys he never said taxation is theft

>> No.16698353

He's throwing out any argument as "commie" yes he's as retarded as libertarians who complain that taxation is theft.

>> No.16698384

>71% of morons live on the east or west coast and refuse to move to "flyover" states where land is inexpensive and plentiful. They also refuse to buy a prefabricated "mobile" home because they are "tasteless". So they toil away in their little apartment, working a shit job, in a place where a burger that's not McDonalds costs $15.
Fix'd. You're welcome.

>> No.16698615

Good job literally quoting the headline wrong, you dunce.

>> No.16698670

>OP says 71% of people can't afford a home
>Article states 71% of family's can't afford yo buy a home

Keyword is "family"
Just don't have children. The gene pool is already full of imbreds in the West, why have your beautiful daughter marry a heroin addict and waste 18 (or more) years of your life and money just to end up a trog?

>> No.16698688

it says 71% of the country

>> No.16698696

Yes! Stop reproducing goys!!!!

>> No.16698710

>71% of people work in McChickies according to this anon over here
Low IQ detected.

>100s of Millions of Americans should just live in a trailer than a home
What exactly does that say about entire country if your solution is this? Absolute fucking retard.

>people would rather stretch their budgets and live close to their job/friends/family than to move to a "rural" place where there are literally no job prospects.

>> No.16698725

trumplets btfo. economy is strong my ass.

>> No.16698762

Crazy what happens when you allow foreigners to buy massive real estate portfolios as rental properties then you import tens of millions of illegals

>> No.16699251

and even a casual look at statistics could tell you the claim is biased. 71% of the country by land mass? impossible, most of it is farmland that would cost literal pennies. building a shack + land on that is in the 5 figures, not 6 figures, and most americans could afford that by saving, even on min wage
so that "71% of the country" has to be determined through population size, i.e. a city of 5 millions likely counts for 1/60th of the country to them
ergo the anon you're replying is absolutely right
people who make these sorts of claim don't do it innocently, as you can see in >>16698710 they soon move the goalposts. "oh but i have to live near family" "oh but i have to have an iphone and the new jordans", nevermind that those are wants, not needs
it's the same type of shit claim as WOMEN EARN 77 CENTS FOR EVERY DOLLAR A MAN EARNS

>> No.16699291

71% of counties, not 71% of Americans, retard. 71% of the US's landmass is out of reach.

>> No.16699428
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Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

>> No.16699502

kill yourself faggot

>> No.16700032

Hiphop should make a music bout this..

>> No.16700038

But why?

>> No.16700045

>Hiphop should make a music bout this..

Get off my board, Rajesh.

>> No.16700088

And you'll just spend millions of dollars of tax payer money checking these homes constantly around the country, right commie?

>> No.16700102

You do realize Walmart is the nations #1 employer? The wide majority of Americans work shit jobs, get used to it.

>> No.16700177

lol forever renters

>> No.16700202
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>> No.16700250

imagine being the 71%
lmaoing @ their lives tbqh
t. minimum wage home owner

>> No.16700251

>100s of Millions of Americans
it's 71% of one generation, not all americans

>> No.16700323

i'm sure people are laughing at you for living in bumfuck nowhere too, bro

>> No.16700343

We have imported million and millions of the 3rd world, of course many people cannot buy homes.

I am sure the numbers are more reasonable if you only count Americans.

>> No.16700348

Literally how we did it under communism.
This guy wants to reinvents the soviet rules lol.

>> No.16700355

Fuck people like you suck..

You know nothing you just hate that someone has more than you.

>> No.16700365

well when there's literally no justification for someone owning 3 houses and most people owning zero, yeah, people are going to be resentful.

>but h-he earned it!!
yeah sure. we all know it's from inheritance. kys

>> No.16700378

I’m pissed about it sure but I also gotta respect the boomers for absolutely dominating my asshole for the next many decades

>> No.16700383

>my parents were retards so i deserve to get one of your non retarded parents houses

>> No.16700388

there's nothing to admire about being born in the right spot at the right time and getting to live life on EZ mode.

>> No.16700397

>muh just world fallacy

>> No.16700402


Nothing is ever good enough. You can buy a house but oh noes I demand it be in San Francisco or something..

>> No.16700405

Id literally set my extra houses instead of giving them to your commisars.

>> No.16700410

>well when there's literally no justification for someone owning 3 houses

WTF there is justification is it a good investment.

>> No.16700413

On fire i mean.

>> No.16700427

>71% of people can't afford a home
Pathetic subhumans

>> No.16700428

you can't even write properly, so i doubt you own extra houses.

anyway, cry more, capitalist pigs. Bernie is coming.

>> No.16700432

When someone says country they mean americans, like 80% of the country is obese

>> No.16700439
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>t. guy who got a house through inheritance

>> No.16700450

You didn't capitalize that you lad. Bernie is gonna redistribute resources in hell soon, hes older than Lenin's mumified cock.

>> No.16700453


How is that fucking relevant you jealous covitious little kid?

>> No.16700461

>if i keep calling people jealous, i don't have to defend this indefensible society

>> No.16700468

Who said that I have a house?

>> No.16700474

so you are a pathetic subhuman?

>> No.16700480


Pfft just because you not not getting your way does not mean the society is indefensible.

>> No.16700487

You sacks of human shit need helicopter rides.

>> No.16700504

>if i keep acting like every problem in society is actually an individual problem, then nothing needs to change

>> No.16700505

But soon Ill stop being one

>> No.16700510


Why is the answer to change all of society rather than simply changing yourself?

>> No.16700512

this but unironically.

>> No.16700514

>calls himself a pathetic subhuman
>thinks anyone cares about his opinion

>> No.16700521

Damn mate
You are pathetic subhuman and you will be like that forever it seems

>> No.16700522

society-wide problems cannot be solved through individual choices. this should be obvious to anyone with an IQ above room temperature.

>> No.16700535

You not getting free stuff is not a society-wide problem.

>> No.16700542

>if i keep attacking stupid strawman arguments, i don't have to address the actual ones

>> No.16700554

Dont waste your time on such pathetic subhumans mate

>> No.16700560

>t. self-described subhuman

>> No.16700564

You have not provided any examples of actual problems just your personal one.

>> No.16700585

>something makes me money therefore it is ethical
if you have no ethics, don't put that on us. the idea is that owning houses with nobody in them for the express purpose of raising the price and selling it to someone who can't afford the mortgage later is not actually healthy, despite it giving you some short term profits.

>> No.16700590

>yeah sure. we all know it's from inheritance.
so? their parents earned it, makes no difference.

>> No.16700592

You're fucking idiot and probably a racist. Can't wait until Bernie implements full communism on your ass.

>> No.16700595

I own a house and am part of a family that is worth a lot more than yours. So there goes your ad hominem arguments. Do you have anything else? Didn't think so.

>> No.16700602

>I just want free gibs cause my parents worked
inheritance niggers everyone

>> No.16700603


>> No.16700609
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>> No.16700619

The statement was "there is literally no justification".

Well there fucking is I pointed it out and no arguments about ethics or healthy even apply.

No one does what you describe anyway you low info clown.

>> No.16700624

Trust fund babies getting BTFO'd

>b-but I earned it, my daddy made me mow the lawn when I was 12

>> No.16700629

You have not provided any examples of actual problems just your personal one.

That statement holds, nothing you said rebukes it.

>> No.16700640

I just love when you leftist fucks pretend this is at all about morals.

You target practice shallow grave belongers want the shit government to steal even more from people so you can have things for free, that is not at all moral or ethical.

DIE DIE DIDIDokhaedwasdolkhgdhkl

>> No.16700653

>My parents did not give many anything so no one else should have anything either.

>> No.16700671

>DIE DIE DIDIDokhaedwasdolkhgdhkl
you need to be 18 to post here, kid

>> No.16700680
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>> No.16700695


If that was followed this thread would not even exist.

Communist need fucking death.

>> No.16700707

and you need English classes, apparently.

>> No.16700754

>anyone who doesn't support the notion of investment properties is a communist
All they fucking have to invest in in China, one of the most communist countries in the world, is property. Look how that's turning out for them. Incredibly active construction economy, sure. But entire ghost cities where the buildings are completely owned and held vacant. Yeah, I'm sure that will turn out just fucking fine in that clearly capitalist utopia.

>> No.16700758

Ideas are cool if they aren't retarded. Just don't give out retarded ideas as solutions.

>> No.16700761

I can justify murder with how much fun it is, or that it combats global warming. You can justify anything you want with anything you dare.

>> No.16700766

Blaming central government planning bullshit on capitalism.

Choke to fucking death on your next meal.

Your meal that capitalism is going to provide not some precious nanny government.

>> No.16700775

Ignore all you want it does not change the validity.

>> No.16700781

I think it should be illegal to own property in a country you don't live in. That would be a hell of a good start to stopping chinks

>> No.16700789

>eliminate all taxes on labor and capital
>tax land at the market rate

Please explain to me how this would not fix the problem in it's entirety.

>> No.16700807

It is understood that there is no sane justification.

Why cant we have a proper property tax? solves all this shit.
Makes the people who need the land use the land, whether it be farmland or housing. Makes the economy more efficient.

>> No.16700808

Property owners already have more than enough money being stolen from them.

This is all just some petty childish game where you want to punish people you are jealous of.

>> No.16700822


How are you so low info?

Being an investment vehicle IS A FUCKING Justification period.

There is a proper property tax, what the fuck are you even talking about?

People are taxed even more when their property is empty.

>> No.16700832
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>>19 posts by this user
seethe lmao

>> No.16700835

How are they being stolen from if we eliminate taxes on production?

The fact is, the supply of land is perfectly inelastic, if anything they are stealing from us. It's funny how you bring up capitalism but in Wealth of Nations Adam Smith literally says

> A tax upon the rent of land may either every district being valued at a certain rent, be imposed according to a certain canon, which valuation is not afterwards to be altered, or it may be imposed in such a manner as to vary with every variation in the real rent of the land, and to rise or fall with the improvement or declension of its cultivation.

You fucking commie faggot

>> No.16700841

the main way rich people make money is capital gains, which makes housing a nice target for bubbles and speculation. The working man makes money through his wage, indirectly (in many countries) taxed at 50%. Meanwhile: no tax on rent money, no real tax on capital gains.

>> No.16700842

When I make it clear I want you faggots dead it goes without saying that yeah I am angry and sick of you pukes.

>> No.16700847
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lmao u r dum m8

>> No.16700852


Good god!

Go learn about the shit you are running at the mouth about!

>> No.16700859
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>Being an investment vehicle IS A FUCKING Justification period.

>> No.16700861

my parents left me with jack shit, maybe a few hundred in a savings account at most.

audacious of you to call someone that when you're arguing that someone's life earnings should be stripped of them because you don't like who they allocated them to.

>> No.16700863

Alright, I'll argue this, because I'm bored: resources being distributed more fairly can be a net benefit for society. Single payer healthcare in the US would save companies insurance money, keep the less privileged working more instead of home longer when they're sick because they can't afford medication, would destroy the inefficient bureaucracy of the health insurance industry, and prevent the massive healthcare cost inflation caused by insurance and healthcare providers demanding better discounts and having access to more and more money.

I've argued that "getting free stuff", in this case I've defined "free stuff" as healthcare, is actually net beneficial for society, and hence is a societal problem if society wishes to reap the benefits of having healthier and happier individuals.

I could argue the same for healthcare. Many businesses and out of city work provide living arrangements for their employees, because of the net benefit it provides them. They wouldn't do it if it wasn't profitable. Do you think instead, they should say "fuck you, no house gibs for you, pay for your own place"? They'd just be hurting themselves.

>> No.16700870

>tfw live in toronto area
>live with my parents in the suburbs. a 1BR downtown costs almost $2k/mo US dollars to rent, which is 50% of my after tax salary
>have coworkers that make less than me, but own condos downtown. paid for by their parents who live in HK
>demographic of the downtown core is almost all east asian
>they all drive Audis, wear name brand clothing (the same Gucci sneakers and Balenciaga sock shoes, jackets by Canada Goose, Mackage and Moncler)

how does one get by in this situation? how do i become rich enough to own my own place /biz/?

t. 32 year old khv that lives with his parents

>> No.16700872
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good luck refuting this one capitalists

>> No.16700873

Well it fucking is..

>no one should be allowed to invest their money because I don't have any.

>> No.16700877

not in mexico dude, fucking mericans
the entire world is the US, right? seethe more amerilard

also there is a question of gradient, the working man is taxed way more that the rich

>> No.16700878

>a net benefit for society.

We don't have a fucking society.

An economic zone with ethic enclaves is not a society, I don't care if mexicans, asians and blacks benefit and I don't want them benefiting from my labor.

>> No.16700880

That's a stupid system anon.

Taxes on land should be the only taxes. That way you can opt out if you want but society doesn't have to eat the opportunity cost of faggot speculators hoarding something with a perfectly inelastic supply that everyone needs to live.

>> No.16700885
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>> No.16700887

They will get absolutely and undeniably NIKKEIREKT

>> No.16700892


>> No.16700898

Its a society-wide problem until the market reflects actual housing demand, stupid boomer. Look at median housing prices back in the 80s and 90s. Retard

>> No.16700900

stop using terms like "inelastic supply", you're confusing him

>> No.16700929

>I could argue the same for healthcare
I mean housing, obviously, based on the following text.
No argument found, try again.

>> No.16700953

Based, impactful, succinct. excellent post.

>> No.16700965

It's not really easy to wrap your head around but once you see what land values *actually* are it becomes so obvious that it's shocking that we're not actually doing this.

Picture someone with a farm right in the middle of Manhattan. I agree that you should have every right to have a farm in Manhattan if you want one, however, I believe any system that would encourage this use of land is fundamentally flawed. In the real world, every farm owner sells out because they're allowed to privatize the gain of public investment. It's not the the farmer deploying labor or capital to make the farm increase in value, ITS OTHER PEOPLE DOING IT. All public investment is reflected in land values. People want to build on your farm, but as it stands they must agree to the price you've arbitrarily set. Captialists would build buidlings on it, deploy capital, hire workers, etc, but they can't until they meet the asking price of the landholder. It is my belief that this can be remediated by charging the landowner the opportunity cost of holding a farm on what should be the site for a skyscraper.

This is far easier to collect and less intrusive than a tax on income or capital gains, yet essentially IS the same thing, while putting massive amounts of land into productive use.

>> No.16700985

>people actually arguing him
>Die die die die commies die you don't agree with me so die
>finally caves and shows his true colors and brings an economic discussion to race
if you sucked off a gun, it'd gladly blow you back.

>> No.16700997
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>> No.16701006

Fuck commies, I simply pointed out we don't have a fucking society so you arguments about greater good etc. are just outdated bullshit.
Did not cave into anything.

>> No.16701010

yup, sounds pretty based. and you'd think low tax conservatives would be all over it. i wonder why they aren't...

>> No.16701025
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wow thats strong cope.

>> No.16701032

because land is the ultimate store of value

all smart people realize this and aren't going to be stoked that they can't use land as a 401k anymore.... but realistically you're not going to end income taxes without an outright revolution.

>> No.16701038

>1.6% of U.S single-family and condos are empty so that means the entire system should be tore down and destroyed.

>> No.16701040

Things can't be that bad. People are living somewhere otherwise everywhere would have a homeless problem.

So they can't move out and start a family. People with money can, then that's great for them.

>> No.16701046


Commies literally believe the government should give everyone in the planet a mansion,an iPhone,car, and free healthcare


Real world statistics estimate the real number of illegals to be between 50-70 million

This is your typical Bernie voter

>> No.16701053

>admits that taxes on income are theft
>no we can't move away from this to a system that's not only more economically efficient but more equitable as well because commies

>> No.16701057

I like living out here, keeps me away from faggots

>> No.16701083

i cant wait for subprime auto loans, reverse mortgages and the renting market to crash the entire economy.

>> No.16701099
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can't you niggers read?
OP's pic doesn't say that 71% of families can't afford a home, it says the average family can't in 71% OF THE COUNTRY
just move the do 29% of the country that's still affordable
most of these people have shit tier jobs anyway, it's not like they need to live in a top tier city to make a living

>> No.16701117

You're always going to be in the vicinity of one

>> No.16701119

>the renting market

The rent goes up because the shit puke maggot government constantly raises taxes.

Every single fucking year the government insists the property is worth more so it is.

>> No.16701122

but anon wages drive land values

homes are only affordable where there's no work for the vast majoirty of people..... if the work was there, land prices go up

l2 law of rents

>> No.16701126

>can't you niggers read?

If they could read they would not be leftist sacks of shit.

>> No.16701132

bruv you're getting stone cold dabbed on

>> No.16701135

>homes are only affordable where there's no work for the vast majoirty of people

That is bullshit, plenty of 80-120k population towns that have work and houses for under 150k.

>> No.16701153

Why won't Trump address this?

>> No.16701154

>just uproot your entire life and move brio
>what is family, friends, a job or culture?

>> No.16701156

right and how many computer enginners and finacial professionals can work there?

Opportunities are limited.

Wages drive land values retard. This is irrefutable.

>> No.16701158

What does that nigger slang even mean?

>> No.16701160

Because in the land of the free nobody wants to live in a five level apartment any more. Everybody wants the single house or maybe first floor
This eats a lot of land
Just build up 10 story apartments and you will see two bedrooms going out or $800 again

>> No.16701165

>just uproot your entire life and move brio

That is what our ancestors did you fucking prick.

>> No.16701179

I'd posit that plenty of developers earn their livings buidling such places.

The problem is the amount of buildable land held idle for speculation and the amount of land being underutilized because of a broken incentive structure. Cities are full of vacant lots because it's more profitable to hold and speculate than it is to deploy capital and buidl something.

>> No.16701191
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based and redpilled
pic related

>> No.16701209

>right and how many computer enginners and finacial professionals can work there?

This is true and is the only reason I do not live in a smaller town myself.

>Opportunities are limited.

That is not true, there has never been more opportunity, you are just not going to find it locally, the key would be to start an internet based business and live in the smaller town.

I am pushing to accomplish that as we speak.

>> No.16701211

>It is my belief that this can be remediated by charging the landowner the opportunity cost of holding a farm on what should be the site for a skyscraper.
Interesting idea, but I'll bring a couple counterpoints: what if one owns a plaza, but a skyscraper could go there? Despite it not being unproductive land, if one type of building is more productive than one there, should we put the other owner out of business?

And brought to a further extreme: it a town is found to be built on top of a large reserve of oil, should all of the townspeople be billed based on the opportunity cost of not drilling for oil on that land and put all of those people out of a home?

>> No.16701220

>That is not true, there has never been more opportunity, you are just not going to find it locally, the key would be to start an internet based business and live in the smaller town.

You're completely in denial if you think a town with 100k population can support an unlimited number of water treatment plant operators, or that expecting all of them moving to a low COL area would even be desirable.

Maybe you can make the case as to why you think taxes on income are superior to taxes on land?

>> No.16701238

ITT Boomers Mad
In the US wealth is inherited generational even the big bad joos get and know this privilege. This is why I'm a communist today you can't defend the system

>> No.16701243


Me and my wife make 120k/yr combined and still wouldn't have been able to come up with a down payment if it wasn't for huge bitcorn profits in '17. Student loan debt is fucking brutal. I feel for the zoomers, gl lil bros

>> No.16701244

As long the perceived value for land goes up, they could hold it up forever, since all projections tell us that everybody will live in megacites sprawling from new york to boston in 50 years
Can't see how to break up this issue, since the local communities will never put "empty lot taxes" 2% higher then the possible amount making in a sale. As long the final sale price will be always bigger than any tax paid, this will stay

>> No.16701246

>what if one owns a plaza, but a skyscraper could go there?

I think under this system, you'd be foolish to build such a plaza.... everyone always seeks to optimize their ROI. My stock answer would be to ask the market.... why don't you see such plazas in manhattan as it is?

>should all of the townspeople be billed based on the opportunity cost of not drilling for oil on that land and put all of those people out of a home?

I don't think the tow are mutally exclusive, for one. You could have some shithole town built amongst oil derricks with relative low land rents, but I think in reality the free market would sort it out.

>> No.16701259

see >>16701191

>> No.16701273

>I think in reality the free market would sort it out
A man wanted to build a 1000 container city for the homeless in Vegas
The city council said, that Nevada isn't a shithole that needs tent cities/container cities and refused to allow this
If the free market *is* allowed, I want to offer a Hong Kong cage bunk for $100 in NY, just do rattle some people who still think its not yet "that bad" and "we should assume it is"

>> No.16701298

What has that to do with the stock market?
Just means housing is to expensive and people can’t manage their money

>> No.16701335

I work in an area which is up and coming.
Most of the people working with us in the complex are from other states
If everybody is moving because they can make 6k a year more, then the market will capitalise on that and take that extra 6k with rent, food, toll fees and the gov taxes the rest with taxes
we had a good run in this area, but its clearly getting gentrified because everybody wants MOAR

>> No.16701360

I'm not a huge fan of building codes myself but that's a separate issue.

What I'm saying is that 'ground rent' is priced into every product you buy. I think this is a mujch better source of public revenue, as this value is objectively created by society (or inherent of the nature of thing itself) and is not antagonistic towards production like income or sales taxes are.

>> No.16701401
File: 1.14 MB, 250x250, 1572191407851.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I'm on the other subhuman's side but this response is golden.

>> No.16701408


>> No.16701468

>I think under this system, you'd be foolish to build such a plaza...
So, is the underlying philosophy here that land should only go to those who can develop it most efficiently, thus profitably? The rich would be able to afford to use land in a way that isn't efficient, the poor wouldn't. In the same sense, the rich can usually do better things with the same land than the average person due to cost of entry and economies of scale.

I mean this with all due respect of course, I like the philosophical aspects of these discussions as long as everybody can keep a lid on their personal biases and emotions, unlike some of the people in this thread.

>> No.16701522

>71% of people could afford a home if they were responsible human beings like 100 years ago instead of wasting money on useless shit and traveling

>> No.16701548

>wah please make it less attractive to build houses, nanny state
and in five years
>wah why can't I find a house, why are the rich people only building for themselves???

>> No.16701560

Only the rich can develop land as it is, so I consider that a nonstarter. Taxes on land are progressive because the more higher value land you have, the more you pay.

The point would be to make it economically unwise to use land in any way other than the highest an best use, which is prefectly fine in my line of thinking, as I pointed out above, I do believe that you should be able to have a farm in manhattan if you want to, I just feel you should compensate society for the lost benefit of the forgone conclusion (in this case jobs, housing, and shoping for everyone else).

I think this would be a massive benefit to the poor because ideally they'd receive revenue from all land, and massive amounts of land would be put into production. It would also help capitlaists by removing taxes on production and the 8000 page tax code with a simple system that a laymen can understand.

>> No.16701581

Thanks for the replies anon. Thoughtful posters like you make it worth it to sift through a bunch of hate and frogs to find some interesting discussion.

>> No.16701607

Read 'progress and poverty'. Literally the greatest book on the subject of economy I've ever seen. Think about it for a few months and read it again.

It's difficult to discuss the enormity of these ideas succinctly. But once you really realize the big picture, it's impossible to look at the world in the same way.

>> No.16701610


>> No.16701644

This will make people seethe but you are right, the only thing uniting the vast majority of people in this country is the love of money.

There is no shared cultural heritage among Americans anymore. People in NYC more in common with people in London and Shanghai than they do with those who live an hour away in upstate New York.

>> No.16701652

I got mine house, FUCK u silly idiots. Capitalism, bITCH.

>> No.16701687

The South (read:Dixie) has a pretty shared culture. And there are subsets to it. MS, AL, and LA are all fish, french, and offshore oil, for example.

>> No.16701691

The refutation is obvious: Just be an entrepreneur to take advantage of this. No one's forcing you to choose wageslavery over entrepreneurship. Your cowardice is what prevents you.

>> No.16701783

Poor "people" don't deserve to live.

>> No.16701902

>Kills all people below a net worth of X
>People with net worths just a bit above X are now the poor ones
repeat ad infinitum until only the richest individual remains, whose level of relative poorness is undefined

>> No.16701950

What the hell does this have to do with the discussion?
>public services, aka "free stuff", can be a net gain for society
>hurf durf we don't live in a society
waste of internet real estate

>> No.16702035

You need to own property outright versus a bank mortgage. Otherwise you’re still in debt to them. Fuck off with your petty comments we live in a feudalistic society.

>> No.16702082

Holy shit you and OP are idiots and can’t read. It fucking says:

The AVERAGE family can’t afford 71% of homes. Ie 71% of homes are overpriced for the average family.

Holy shit this board can’t even read

>> No.16702102


The US left the gold standard in 1971. Fiat currency and fractional reserve lending started inflating the price of assets, which explains most of the increase in "profits" for the rich since that time (poor people generally do not hold stocks or investment property and could not participate in the bubble). Government fiat is the reason we are in this mess in the first place, not the free market.

>> No.16702171

wow edgy

>> No.16702193


WHO THE FUCK CARES about shared cultural heritage in regards to this topic? What would that have to do with ANYTHING? Japan has a shared cultural heritage, but they're still fucking slowly sliding into an economy that is struggling to sustain itself because they don't have enough people. If you are a fascist or whatever that wants to live in Americana 50s suburbia at some point you have to choose how you balance the way the market is moving with your own goals. If a bunch of dumb fucking boomers tied up money in housing that nobody can buy because it is a huge bubble, the economy is going to crash. For white people, for asians, for blacks. Everyone is going to go down. If it is bad enough, you get chaos, and if you fear commies or racial violence then you shouldn't want a situation of chaos where a bunch of people are getting burned because they can't even find a job because nobody has any money because all the banks are in flames.

That is why retards who are bitching about "muh house muh parents muh commies" are just self-defeating morons that will cling like black eyed piggies to their property and let the economy burn and feel self-righteous about it with absolutely no realistic understanding of what is even happening. They're just screaming "MINE" and think they're heroes of the market or some shit. If we have to sacrifice a fraction of some billionaire and corporate assets in a controlled manner to put the economy on better footing then that's what has to happen. If some average people have to suffer some losses too then its either happening now or it is happening in an uncontrolled shitfest later.

>> No.16702224

if you have kids you should want them to do better than you to continue passing on your genes

>> No.16702837

Based and hick-pilled.

>> No.16702877

Cringe. What do you expect when raising children, that you can fuck them?. Fucking pedo piece of shit. Every girl you fuck is also someone's daughter by the way , it's the cycle of life you fucking retard. Sick of seeing this coomer shit posted everywhere like it's a quote from the bible.

>> No.16703283

>a woman's only value is having sex with her
if this is true then why raise your daughter at all? lock her in a cage and raise her like a dog and sell her to some saudi prince. if you love your daughter, and you raise her like a human, how can you accept that she is only valuable as a sex object? the cognitive dissonance is palpable.

if you raise her like a human, you accept that she is capable of making her own decisions and one of those decisions is to experience her own sexual pleasure and have her own children if she wants. You are boiling down your daughter's entire existence into "a fucktoy for another man" while also trying to rationalize raising her to be a rational, logical, free-thinking human being.

>> No.16703426

Less attractive to hold empty houses, you fucking cuckold.

>Fuck people like you suck..
Same can be applied to you.
>You know nothing
I am pretty sure I know more than most of /biz/ and especially people like you.
>you just hate that someone has more than you.
I am actually in the top 1% bracket and not even against a bit more taxation or even taxes on empty houses.
Also, not an argument. Literally nothing what you said is an argument against what I stated because it obviously works.

>> No.16703489

It's pretty easy and it's been debunked a long time ago.
Those "extra" dollars are going into the health insurance benefits which largely pays for illegal's healthcare when they ditch the bill.
When you count all the benefits, not just wages 90% of the gap disappears.

>> No.16703634


> Implying they have any brains whatsoever