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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 588 KB, 1232x1232, bitcoin-logo-3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1669404 No.1669404 [Reply] [Original]

How many coins do you actually have? People talk about buying Lambos but it seems like most people here only have a couple hundred in bitcoin. I'm about to go all in, 120k and let it roll to Jan.

>> No.1669425
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>I'm about to go all in
what could possibly go wrong?

>> No.1669429

I got exactly 1 btc.

>> No.1669549

I have 16. I would go all in too if I was you, but as a longterm investment. With that amount, make sure to get a hardware wallet, though.

>> No.1669558

currently holding about 25 bitcoins

ill sell half if we get to $800

ill also sell half if it drops to $750

>> No.1669618

0.25, looking to acquire 0.75 BTC, up to 1 BTC, and forget it. That would be enough.

If bitcoin becomes the new gold standard / USD, ten billion people will have to share twenty million BTC by the time I would retire.

That means I would have five hundred times more capital than everybody else if the total amount of BTC would be distributed fairly, which it won't be.

Meanwhile, I focus on education, acquiring sought after qualifications, establishing a predictable income and putting more time into traditional investments. Instead of wasting my best years sitting on a estonian cutlery-assemblers forum shilling obscure cryptocurrencies.

>> No.1669983

I won a bit from trump becoming president, roughly a years salary.

I diversified into monero because I was worried about keeping that much money on a network that can't handle more than 2 tx/sec. Every time price goes up you can't move btc for a whole day. I'll switch back if block size ever meets TX volume on busy days, but I don't see it happening.

>> No.1669995


Nothing. Although right now tis terrible to buy.

>> No.1669999

Holding 3 BTC for the longterm just in case it becomes the new gold and trillions pour into it.

Not a big loss if it becomes completely worthless few years down the road.

>> No.1670086

Roger Ver bought that lambo, look how old it is!

The question you need to ask is what is the maximum daily withdrawal from the exchange?

No use having a million dollars in BTC if you can only take out 3k per week.

>> No.1670087

Where u gonna buy 120k worth of bitcoin?

>> No.1670103

2 btc ,not buying more till the price dips below 700 which i believe it will ,long term this is going to the moon

>> No.1670112

So should I buy now or wait?

>> No.1670184

It's at its highest price since the 2013 crash ,so you could say now is not a good time to buy but then there's nothing really stopping it from rising other than something like an exchange getting hacked

>> No.1670199
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20, already up 4k since I bought.

>> No.1670213

when you see it...

>> No.1670238

wait a bit, it will drop near christmas/new year, it always does

>> No.1670239

damn dem quads

>> No.1670251

Around $100, I'm trying to turn it into $1000 by trading with altcoins.
If I'd have 120k, I'd buy for 20k max and start a business with the rest or buy some kind of property.

Bitcoin is an awesome concept but if something happens in China the price could free-fall and we would only be guessing what really happened, it's too volatile to go all in.

>> No.1670420


Just buy at ANY price and be sure you own 21 BTC. Hold 21 BTC for 10 years = rich guaranteed. It's physics.

>> No.1670483


I'd buy more but my trustworthy supplier has vanished.

>> No.1670486

750 is too high to stoploss like that. There is no real resistance above that; but there are several below it. Find a depth chart and set your stoploss at just beyond a large buywall in the low 700's, would be my advice

>> No.1670498

Shitcoiners have to make these threads daily to cope with the fact that they're bagholders for Internet magic money with no value

>> No.1670701

If internet magic can elect a fucking president, then it can make me rich too

>> No.1670710
File: 17 KB, 684x225, bitCoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wouldn't you just buy gold?

>> No.1670711

Hi /biz/

I had 20 bitcoins. Then lost them all gambling.

Now all i have is 3000 shitty Waves

>> No.1670714

Because gold is for old cunts and poo in loo clueless fucks.

>> No.1670719

the people buying lambos had bitcoin when it was worth less than 1 dollar

buying in now is no better than a coinlfip for +/- 10%

>> No.1670727


Put it in gold..Best case scenario, you'll make more than you would with bitcoin...
Worst case, you loose nothing and may have to hold it a few years...

Why would you buy bitcoin while the price is high? Pleb tier

>> No.1670774

I need 1000 satoshi (not even 1 cent)

Can /biz/ help me out?


>> No.1670794

>He hasn't invested in PotCoin


>> No.1670986

Why isn't there an easy way to make bitcoin transactions of this magnitude?

>> No.1671165

When Trump gets in China wouldn't relax currency controls thereby removing most of the support, would they?

Interesting times ahead. Time to stock up on rice and beans I think.

>> No.1671489

I have 3.6 BTC and will buy more in january when i get a couple K in €, well, depending on the price.
Im only expecting a raise the next couple years, all my savings are going into BTC

>> No.1671536

>it always does
Really? How come?

>> No.1672302
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>> No.1672307

are you fucking retarded

>> No.1672345

damn niggger...how did you get involved?

>> No.1672358

Like. .30

What year will I be rich

>> No.1672521


>> No.1672610
File: 351 KB, 1613x1210, 1394711389791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a shoop

>> No.1672681
File: 191 KB, 671x1004, MuhSafeHaven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the actual shoop
2035, judging by physical laws. Owning 21 BTC means you are in a group of less than 1 million people. It's impossible that you aren't rich in 10-20 years being part of such a small amount of people judging by the current tiny BTC marketcap and judging by the amount of wealth that is going to be transferred from Yellencoin and other fiat memecurrencies, memestocks and gold as it gets exposed as a weak way to store and move wealth.

Owning 21 BTC+: elite.

>> No.1672689

Yours is the shoop, that's why it's smaller than the original and missing parts of the picture. Go home, kiddo.

>> No.1672705

I have my life savings in bitcoin. which means 2

>> No.1672710

>even if it was a shoop, implying it somehow invalidates the fact that someone paid someone a lambo worth of BTC thus proving the fact that BTC is valuable shutting down coping aspies that say it isnt
keep coping, nocoiner.

>> No.1672717

The days of making money with BTC are over. A few early adopters are filthy rich, but nobody on this board will ever be.

>> No.1672749
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nice try nsa

really though, a good amount, I'm overexposed. A better metric would be the coins that have passed through my hands. many.

Was actively buying/selling from $200 usd, but should have HODL - had no idea it would quadruple in the next year.

>> No.1672907
File: 592 KB, 620x415, 1465020687326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How many coins do you actually have?


I was the guy posting donald duck pics and giving away btc back in June when the price rocketed to this price

I watched the price go from $1100 to $170 and never sold.

The price could go from current $785 to $200 and I still wouldn't sell

Nu_male cucks and chinks love to panic sell but the price always rebounds

All I wanted for Christmas was Trump to be president but bitcoin rising is just icing on the cake

>> No.1673219
File: 1.75 MB, 1652x3056, NocoinerSuicideWatchNeverStops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maximun cope

>> No.1673232


Don't use money you can't afford to lose and it's all good

>> No.1673242

Traders in the west convert to a more stable currency to avoid getting burnt by price swings during the holidays.

>> No.1673455

>had 50 btc when they were worth $2
>lost them all to my buddy in a prop bet cause he beat me in Mario Kart
>He lost them all the same night playing on some sketchy satoshi dice style website

So what's the most you've ever lost in Mario Kart? 39k for me

>> No.1673459

You lost $100. You didn't have them when they were valuable.

>> No.1673462

If bitcoin went up that much you wouldn't need (or want) to trade it for dollars which would presumably be on a serious decline.

>> No.1673486

That's not enough to get rich unless you have the capital in the first place. You all missed the train. Your posts are the real cope.

>> No.1673508

I just want to remind everyone that there is a small chance that bitcoin will be overtaken by another crypto currency. You can take it for granted that fiat will die and crypto will rise but if all you do is sit on your 21btc and forget about it you could be poor in 20 years.

If you are active in this space and understand the true virtues of Bitcoin you will know that Monero is the other coin you need to own and hold along with your bitcoin. 21xmr is less than $200 dollars at the movement. This is a hedge you would be crazy to neglect.

>> No.1673509



>> No.1673512

Absolutely true. If you believe fiat is obsolete, then so too is BTC.

>> No.1673513

The government will just make bitcoin illegal to accept as payment if it's ever a threat to destabilize traditional currency

>> No.1673835

about 57 btc, 900 eth and 50,000 icn

>> No.1673867

There's literally 0 realistic competition for bitcoin.

>> No.1673872

>tiny marketcap
>missed the boat
pick one

>> No.1673876
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>> No.1674155

tons of shit have tiny market cap that never take off.

>> No.1674224

Can you please elaborate about something happening in China and how that would effect the price of Bitcoin.

>> No.1674252

Dude please, stop gambling. For the good of the humanity, stop this gambling mess everyone. You know you can't win

>> No.1674286

Market stability slows down a pump and dump.

>> No.1674385

Owned 20 back in 2013.
Now 0.333 but will get more

>> No.1674394

I can't help it. It's not the first time i lost 15k worth of BTC on satoshidice and it won't be the last.

>> No.1674399

how do i pay thai trannies after sucking my cock in BTC? do i transfer the money to their bitcoin wallet?

>> No.1674424

7 9 0

>> No.1674928

try stop being a faggot

>> No.1674930

you have to stop what is shit and what isn't. you can't do that that's why you own no BTC and you'll stay poor.

>> No.1674932

2.9, and I had 80+ when it was worth little over 2, used it to buy drugs, didn't even consider bitcoin as an investment :S

>> No.1674934

I feel so dumb, made some money buying and selling between 450 and 550 but I feel like it's been going up to much recently to buy any now, like it could fall $80 and stay there.... idk wtf to dooo

>> No.1675494

this was me over the summer

>> No.1676353

Buy Litecoin much cheaper and you will have a lot of coins

>> No.1676362

smart anon!
I hold 65 btc and 40k icn

>> No.1676473

Damn I've got only 20.99999999 bitcoin so i can't become rich ._.

>> No.1676510


>> No.1676511

whats the point of icn if its based on eth and eth has been a disaster?

>> No.1676533

they're going to invest in all sort of cryptos and crypto based start ups

>> No.1676540

even then if bitcoin 10xs you still wont be a millionaire tho

>> No.1676642

With BTC, 1000% gain in 10 years is a real considerable possibility. What else is there? Index funds? Precious metals? kek.

If you'd understand what drove the price up the last time, you'd understand why it wasn't sustainable and why this time it's different. BTC is pretty much a low-risk investment with a high upward potential.

>> No.1676653

i agree, im sitting on six figures worth, but i think expecting $7k bitcoins anytime soon is wishful thinking

>> No.1676960

Hey you guys think you could give me 15 bucks in bitcoin?

>> No.1677151

Next dip when? Wanna buy some more. Or is BTC taking off for good this time?

>> No.1677375

nocoiners on suicide watch

>> No.1677378

exactly, theres nothing else that is more exciting and realistically powerfull enough to 1000%

>> No.1678075

could you elaborate why its 21 BTC? I heard this meme a lot. Is there any factual basis to it?

>> No.1678086

>six figures
ok m8 why lie chicken pie

>> No.1678119

theoretically a single btc can make your family multi-billionaire or even 10 thousand btc can not buy you a pizza in the future. nobody knows.

it's half of 42 if that helps...

>> No.1678167


Hi anon!

I´m about to go all in with 100k too! Just bought 3k on BTC, but I´m finding it kinda hard to buy huge amounts at once. All I'm being able to do is buying small amounts, 1~3 BTCs each time.

Could you give me some legit advices?

>> No.1678262

because the total btc that can be mined is 21 million so they went with that

not six figures of bitcoin, obviously, just their dollar value

>> No.1678433

The /ccg/ has good links to buy BTC but if you're looking to buy without ID then buy via Localbitcoin but you'll paying a premium.

I really do suggest waiting off on buying BTC right now.

>> No.1678434

Yep, waiting for that dip before increasing my position.

>> No.1678437

>calling members of the fingerpainting board bagholders of btc

>> No.1678545

Are you the guy that got raped by his father and became a Bitcoiner 4 life

>> No.1678860
File: 528 KB, 500x332, 1140035 - RuneScape human.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got around 50 coins. I've never actually bought any. Mined 4 btc with GPU back in 2012, got the rest from selling Runescape gold.

>> No.1678886

Picked up another 14, probably not the best time but I feel like I felt in Oct 2013. BUY BUY BUY BUY

>> No.1678926

How do you make btc from selling gold?

>> No.1678930

Runescape gold. People give you BTC, you give them virtual gold in-game in an MMORPG called Runescape

>> No.1678936

How much rs gold do you need to make for 1 btc? Do you just use bots? OSRS or the new one?

>> No.1678942

It's a meme which originated in plebbit.

Dumb fuck redditors think they're unique being in the "one in a million" club

Hundreds of thousands of bitcoins have been lost forever from people who lost their keys or got phished/hacked/gox'd so the real amount of bitcoins is probably more like 18-19 million total

Also Reddit is the epitome of mediocrity so they keep reinforcing the 21 meme when in reality it's not that many

There's some faggot herd who keeps mentioning the 21 meme and I cringe and hope he keeps his coins on some shitty site like coinbase

>> No.1678985

yeah, unfortunately you're not getting rich on 21 btc anymore, maybe if you dropped that 15k back when it was sub 100. nowadays its more like 210 minimum and even that's pushing it.

>> No.1678996

they really should modify the protocol so that miners can reclaim bitcoins from addresses not touched in x years.

>> No.1679001

id prefer for bitcoin to be worth something

>> No.1679285

absolutely terrible idea

>> No.1679320

71.61 for me, holding 11 for my parents and 4.06 for my brother.

>> No.1679323

your cent isn't worth sending with the fees as high as they are.

>> No.1679346

21 is exactly the one you need to be in the 1 million club at a protocol, in practice is less everyone knows that smartass

being in a group of less than 1 million is a LOT of leverage compared to the already idiot that doesn't even know what bitcoin is = guaranteed rich status in a decade you cancerous faggot.

>> No.1679348

short sigthed moron
btc will be 100k in a couple of decades

>> No.1679349

we already have fiat cuckrrencies for that

>> No.1679376

why you can easily move your coins to an other address every decade or so if you still have the keys. it could also be linked to periodic security update. stronger keys are left alone but the weakest ones that are outdated for 20 years are considered abandoned and reclaimed by the miner (we can have a max sum per block they can reclaim too).

>> No.1679645

fiat is no better really, if a guy dies that hid a lot of money unless you print more that's lost forever. crypto could be better in this regard too especially if you have a crypto with finite supply (which i find retarded in a growing economy and population)

>> No.1679650

can we stop this "muh deflationary spiral" meme

>> No.1679652

you can stop with whatever the fuck you want but deflation is not really good and when a currency is inherently deflationary it holds back the economy. thankfully btc has almost 0% market capitalization so it won't affect shit.

>> No.1679653

>holds back the economy
you mean malinvestment

>> No.1679654

no i mean the entire fucking economy.
i don1t want to sound like a retarded keynesian but most off the gdp does comes from consumption. when you have a currency that is worth more every day that will discourage spending and yes also other investments and loans.

>> No.1679661

An economy should grow when it needs to grow, not through fear of losing purchasing power.

Deflation doesn't discourage spending, it discourages malinvestment. I'm still going to buy a PC if I need one, even if I know there will be one twice as fast for the same price 1 year from now.

>> No.1679675
File: 22 KB, 501x136, btc bal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.8ish. will probably sell that .8 in the next month or so and hold on to the remaining two.. the IRS/coinbase thing isn't a good step forward. I want/need to swap all my btc into a new wallet and ditch the old addresses/wallet. Zcash is still promising in my mind.. holding a few of those because of the benefits they have over BTC (untraceable).

>> No.1679681

>Deflation doesn't discourage spending
that is not what history shows at all
>it discourages malinvestment
actually that's a special thing when you are used to inflation and suddenly in deflation or just no inflation people will seek the percentages they are used to and take stupid risks. it's temporary really.
>I'm still going to buy a PC if I need one, even if I know there will be one twice as fast for the same price 1 year from now.
very much not the point, you will buy what you absolutely need to, it's the spending on top of that that will stop in deflation. that decreases the velocity of money sometimes by dramatic amount which breaks the economy to a crunching halt. it has happened dozens of times. it will happen with or without bitcoin a lot. only thing that changes is keynesians can't just ramp up the money print trying to offset the decreased velocity with excess supply (kinda what has been happening since 2008). they can't do that, which means depressions would resolve on their own assuming of course you don't want your economy to grow long term. but if the economy tries to grow and the money supply doesn't change it's just not gonna work out. there is monetary or psychological mechanism to support that decreased money supply would increase spending in any which way.

and that is why btc is just an asset and not a currency. and will probably remain so unless they fix this shit.

>> No.1679682

*there is NO

>> No.1679792

Inflation encouranges wasting money in programmed obsolence trash. Deflation makes you a saver, therefore less prone to mindless consumerism.

>> No.1679800

>perpetual growth
2008 wants his meme back

>> No.1679884

i hope so too, then i'll be sitting on more than 20 mil, but i also like being realistic. if you really believe this i hope you have more than a few thousand dollars worth yourself then, too.

>> No.1679998

>Deflation makes you a saver, therefore less prone to mindless consumerism.
that's something nobody wants besides a few retards. mass saving makes the economy slower investments dry up loan dries up no more startups no more research and development no more new technology or at a much slower rate than now. meh, some inflation keeps the wheels spinning better. they realized this a long time ago. the methods on how to achieve it is in debate. nobody in his right mind wants deflation. not even the shadow of deflation.
doesn't have to be perpetual. but yes we need to grow the economy to advance as a civilization.

>> No.1680034

800 ETH and 11 k ICN

>> No.1680128

Now I have 2.386 bitcoin.

>> No.1680422

nocoiners need to stop posting

>> No.1680460

i have a little over 1.5 btc, considering buying 3.5 more right now

i get this feeling like i'm going to really regret it if i don't get at least 5 right now while it's still under $1k

>> No.1680478

>couple of decades

too long, how to speed up the process, any idea?

i'm talking what events can speed up that, i'm not waiting

>> No.1681061

Similiar here, i bought 3.5 btc and considering buying like 2 more

>> No.1681069

literally nothing else in the world is this much of a guaranteed moon/1000x returns. be patient or get a job.

>> No.1681082

Load up on as much btc as possible and enjoy the ride,were going to make it.

>> No.1681205

Couldn't keep the finger off the buy trigger.
At 10 now. This is gone be huge

>> No.1681216
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>> No.1681231


8 2 0



>> No.1681232

Got an account around 2009/2010 because my friend had one. He has a couple hundred bitcoins from selling WoW gold back when it was worth next to nothing. Wasn't much info about it so I had no clue how it really worked and was too embarrassed to ask him how it worked.

>> No.1681253

>tfw won .4 in dice
Was pretty cool, won't be playing it again. Almost lost a whole BTC in the process. Boy was my heart pumping.

>> No.1681255


>> No.1681256

>rich guaranteed
Never trust someone who says this.

>> No.1681264


>> No.1681270

>827 now


>> No.1681278


Exchanging real currency for magic beans.

You can say the magic beans are worth anything you want.

Good luck trying to trade those beans back into usable fiat.

>> No.1681283

I literally did just that and I regret it already


>> No.1681285

but that's just as easy as buying.

>> No.1681306

nocoiner coping with a 2015 meme

very sad!

>> No.1681339
File: 23 KB, 394x458, a14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you bought all the way through 2014, 2015 and 2016


>> No.1682004

on the bright side chances are you would have sold long before now when it "mooned" the first time

people forget only last year it was just 220 usd

>> No.1682455

A little over 11.

Made all of them and way more way back when they were valued at ~2 USD

>mined over a 100 coins with a 150 euro GPU
>most gone
>gambled on the first BTC poker site for sums that'd now be worth over 10k
>bought a 4chan pass for year when it was worth ~2.5BTC

holding a few still at least.

>> No.1682474

How the fuck do you counterfeit gold? It either is gold or its not.

>> No.1682479
File: 12 KB, 526x745, bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got 22 BTC at the moment. Started buying about a year ago and have done quite well for myself I must say. I'm looking forward to my early retirement.

>> No.1682489

I imagine you'll be able to use mobile to mobile transfers, or paper bitcoin promissory notes. It's already possible to create paper bitcoin notes today. In the future when bitcoin is widely known and accepted you'll have no problem paying for your, er, professional services with btc

>> No.1682498

People actually think BTC will make them rich.. lazy poorfags greed.. A typical trait of plebs.

>> No.1682528

bitcoin has already made many early adopters rich. Why couldn't it happen again? If you look at the chart >>1682479 you see that if bitcoin becomes widely accepted as an alternative to fiatskis the value could skyrocket.

Further, many people are working on sidechains and other technologies built on top of the bitcoin network to improve money transmission. Imagine if you could send your existing fiatskis anywhere in the world instantly and with low transaction and foreign exchange costs compared to today. No more letting Visa or PayPal siphon off a considerable cut of your sales. If businesses could accept payment globally without giving up 3% to a payment processor, you think there wouldn't be demand for that?

That's only scratching the surface of bitcoin's potential. There's a lot of opportunity. It's still early days.

>> No.1682533

there's some delusion about people with 20-30 coins becoming millionaires but i think we'll see pretty substantial gains the next 24 months nonetheless

>> No.1682536

>Why couldn't it happen again?
Because back then nobody actually expected it. Now a shitton of third world BTC bagholders hope there will be a second moon but that's now how getting rich works, never has never will. Btc won't get widely accepted either because governments and central banks exist. They will stop this from happening anyway.. Wars have been started because people tried to mess with them.

>> No.1682538

god dammit, Ivanka so good

>> No.1682542

I'm waiting for another dip to purchase some

But looks like it's well on its way to going over $1000

I dont want to purchase one now and then see a fucking dip happen. That always happens

>> No.1682552
File: 998 KB, 460x307, aeon flux.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just let the dip happen. It's fate mang.

>> No.1682557

It doesn't dip while the pump effect is on.
As soon as it dips slightly people like you will buy it up. So it looks like it doesn't dip.

Just buy and hold.

It's going 1k+.

>> No.1682577

we'll see. governments can try to stop human progress all they like but they can only succeed at that game for so long. Further, if people are sending government fiatskis over the bitcoin blockchain using sidechains, what exactly would their issue be? We'd still be using their counterfeit money, it'd just be exchanged over blockchain instead through the slow, expensive bank transfer mechanism we currently use.

>> No.1682605

why hasn't facebook gotten overtaken? it's hardly flawless, people have a lot about it

BTC isn't as big but networking effect is pretty strong here as well. if you can't get people to even change a social media platform, it's going to be pretty hard to get them to change their currency of transactions without a government forcing them to

>> No.1682626


>> No.1682644

based anon, making his family profit from this revolution. My mum had 6k to invest, but I didn't told her about bitcoin bc I would feel so responsible if it went down.

>> No.1682650

I see your point and I also think there should be inflation, but it must not be controlled by the government. However, how comes, when the government tries to stop inflation by reducing the money supply, it doesn't seem to work. Wouldn't this indicate that it has no effect on the way people spend their money ?

>> No.1682651

109, literally made over $8 grand in last 48.


>> No.1682678

75 here, + making $200 btc a day from passive income

>> No.1682688

Nice mate nice, living in Australia and having them go from $1,000 to $1,180 last few weeks has brilliant.

>> No.1682708

See what

>> No.1682736

basically most of the BTC volume is from China, so anything they do will dramatically swing the value.

>> No.1682737

have you killed yourself yet?

>> No.1682743

what area is your passive income from?

>> No.1682749

Does anyone else feel really bad when BTC moons? ive been buying all year and now im worried i wont have enough to reach the moon.

>> No.1682751

lying cocksucker.. if you were anywhere near that sum you wouldn't be on this board full of degenerate gamblers

>> No.1682761

TFW live in australia, get $1000 AUD every semester for going to Uni for "expenses".

Bought bitcoins with all of it the past 2 years,

2 of the payments was when it was $200USD

th... thanks?

>> No.1682762

As long as you don't sell you have jack shit

>> No.1682801

tungsten outside, some alloy inside so the weight / oz is correct

you could say that about any asset you own, that house you live in, that car you drive, them shoes, jack shit

>> No.1682811

Like my house that gone up 48% since purchase as well? Stay salty no coiner. It's the same as any stock or share you hold. NET WEALTH.

>> No.1682819

Well not really. All classic assets have insurance. House you can live in even it is worth nothing, money you can spend anywhere. Money in banks have a cap protection so at least some amount is safe no matter what. Bitcoin is pretty much impossible to get back from an exchange decides to fuck you over.

>> No.1682825

>Having any coins in any exchange after MTGox.

>> No.1682828

risk worth taking.. we like to make hackers rich

>> No.1682858

its not like 50k in bitcoin is going to change your life or anything

and i thank you

>> No.1682861

>How many coins do you actually have?

pure speculation. It might pay off but I won't feel bad if I miss out on the payday because the odds of it failing are just too huge.

Just like I don't feel bad for not betting on Trump. It may have paid off, but it was still a stupid move.

>> No.1682872

Odds of failing seems huge because you don't trust the tech. It is a personal view that depends on your belief. As a computer science student, I know all I can know about bitcoin, and I think it is the most secure investment currently. So it is just a question of pov I guess

>> No.1682875

Is it too late, or should I buy in thinking it's gonna hit 1k usd in Jan?

Could do like 30 - 40k aud to play with, was looking at doing it a month ago when they were 730ish, fucking kicking myself now.

>> No.1682909

This fucking thread...

Is this honestly how mature the crypto community is?
>nocoiners btfo!!!11
>suicide watch

Seems awfully defensive and childish for people who claim to believe in their investments. Like... I get it for shitcoins. If you push just a few people into buying them you can make your own little pump and dump. But BTC has way too much market cap to be influenced by /biz/ posters - so why do people still aggressively push it?

Coiners making mad gains doesn't take away from nocoiners. And nocoiners pointing out their reasoning for not jumping on the bandwagon doesn't take away from coiners. Just smile, sit back and enjoy your journey to the moon. Who is right and who is wrong will be determined by the numbers, not the amount of shitposting on /biz/.

Always evaluate decisions based on the information available to you at the time. Picking the stock with the best performance the day before and getting angry you didn't invest in it is a path to certain madness. There's a difference between making the right call and making the wrong call but getting lucky. I don't think everyone who didn't buy low automatically made the wrong call just the same way not everyone who bought low made the right call at the time.

>> No.1682914

This is not the crypto community, it is the biz community...

>> No.1682926


That picture is like 5 years old you retarded newfuck.

>> No.1683001


>Expecting rationality and maturity on 4chan

>> No.1683042

Ivanks tits r fake. fake nose too.

>> No.1683044

I'll give you some advice. Since you don't know anything about trading, use a % trailing stoploss, that is really wide. If you go all in, at least you can say you tried.

This is months late. Anything can happen.

>> No.1684180

I have 0 BTC but I do have 1501 ETH.