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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1669134 No.1669134 [Reply] [Original]

How the FUCK do you write a good one?

Mine always come out sounding cringey or are too long. Any tips for a grad seeking corporate finance? Dos and donts for cover letters?

What can I do to sound better in my cover letter given that I have no experience to include?

>> No.1669311


Limit your resume to 1-2 pages, 1 if you can swing it. No employer will spend more then 3 minutes looking at it when he has 30 others to go through.

Tell them what you will bring to the table. "I have X Y and Z and a fucking nice pokemon collection" usually gets them wet and ready.

Then comes the interview. Dont just let them ask you questions, YOU tell THEM why they should hire you. Also, answer their damn questions honestly.

t. Guy who makes $8 an hour as a janitor.

>> No.1669321

anyone else find this pepe strangely uncomfortable to look at

>> No.1669381

I just found it searching for pepes. I agree tho.

>> No.1669395

Did you go to a top uni such as Wharton or Duke?

If you went to a shit-tier school, then your cover letter won't matter anyways