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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 70 KB, 1400x933, pnk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16690059 No.16690059 [Reply] [Original]

Help a brainlet out. Should I wait for the sale or buy now?

>> No.16690300

It all depends on how much you need. At current liquidity you should be able to buy around 1 million off IDEX and Uniswap at market price. If you wanted more you probably want to wait for the sale but that's risky because it could moon before then. So what I did is buy up now and aslo save some Ethereum for the sale.

>> No.16690351

You can fit in a good chunk in Uniswap and also buy in the sale. Like above said, up to you and how fast you think it'll all go. I've been an itchy buyer since this current dip with all these Vitalik tweets lately, and will go in on the sale as well. Either way is comfy.

>> No.16690356
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You honestly think he is going to wait for the sale before putting 90k ETH in like the other ETH dev?

Not a bad move. Personally I've been buying weekly for the past few months.

>> No.16690367

both. cover your ass. surprised it's still in the same fucking range for a year.

>> No.16690382

>all these Vitalik tweets lately,
Source or bullshit

>> No.16690411

kek where the fuck have you been?

>> No.16690419

He didnt tweet nothin' about this pajeet shittoken
Why would he

>> No.16690423
File: 2.81 MB, 3024x3024, PNKVit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are a bunch. Look around.



>> No.16690432

He retweeted the token sale announcement saying they were a good project and on the bleeding edge of decentralization or something like that.

Must have removed it after pressure from his handlers since they didn't get their bags yet.

It's real though. I'm sure its around somewhere along with all the rest of his mentions about Kleros.

>> No.16690471

Really? I noticed another one of his Kleros tweets was gone too. Can't recall which. Going dark before the boom. We are definitely going to make it.

>> No.16690489

Nice inspect element

>> No.16690504

Yeah Vitalik has deleted some tweets about it in the past. Disregarding his autistic thoughts though the project is one of the best OG "muh cypher punk" experiments out there. I'm tired of things trying to be money and this is actually killing it with other use cases.

Imagine being so cynical that you miss out on one of biz's best fundamental calls of 2019, if not the only other than LINK of course. I don't blame you though. FTM and RSR really shit up this board.

>> No.16690506
File: 189 KB, 1600x1070, Vitalik-Shilling-Kleros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice work anon, someone needs to spoon feed the lazy brainlets.

He also spoke about them at ETH 2019 conference as shown in attached pic.

He also mentioned them on his blog, just ctrl f kleros.


He mentioned them in another tweet too but I can't remember where to find it.

>> No.16690521


Ctrl + f Kleros. It's real anon, I know your jaded, I am too. There is still light out there.

>> No.16690531

Oh shit what up same fag was literally thinking the same thing

Only he can save himself anon. We've done all we've can.

>> No.16690535

I forgot about that blog post. 2020 is PNK's year.

>> No.16690550

You Kleros fags better be right. I'm only 5% down but the opportunity cost is killing me. Best be worth it or I will find you. (Honestly tho it feels like Links early days at a 1m cap, kek, so i'm good I guess.)

>> No.16690551

The lack of fud around this project is a good reason to stay away. The only reason people shill is to convince others to buy their bags.

>> No.16690555
File: 116 KB, 610x394, 1570988388957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blog post
>fundamental call
>someone needs to spoon feed the lazy brainlets
>as shown in attached pic
>2020 is PNK's year.

>> No.16690592

There is fud

>> No.16690595

The great part about it is staking PNK earns you ETH. This thing could keep gaining traction and there is going to be more ETH up for grabs. PNK is your right to that ETH. It's not a purely speculative greater fool play like many other things in this space are.

>> No.16690637

Plenty have called it "stupid" or whatever, but I think they're just poor or salty from the bear IMO.

It's an ETH shovel. The "shovel" meme, is a meme, until it's not, especially at a 1M cap.

>> No.16690638

What is the fud?

>> No.16690654

I don't know of any true FUD. Just that "it won't take off" / is "dumb", whatever. Brainlets don't look past cool names and logos.

Check the telegram for the pure autism on display, poke around in the system (and read), and you will be a believer.

>> No.16690681

Oh im already a believer, bought 50k PNK yesterday and am waiting for the sale to buy another 50k

>> No.16690687

> pure autism

He means the intellectual "these guys are above my IQ" not the typical autism you see around here.

Both types have trouble interacting with society though. That's true.

>> No.16690707
File: 120 KB, 1137x640, high iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16690713

This makes me even more confident in the project

>> No.16690766

You looked at the Telegram and thought "these guys are above my IQ" too huh? I'm sold

>> No.16691586

Well I think the main fud (which is true) is the idea is way too autistic to take off/also quite a bit too early to the game. Smart contracts aren't really used for much yet so needing juror to dispute them is still useless

>> No.16691738
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>> No.16691766

Token sale starts in january though