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File: 38 KB, 350x400, Greg Maxwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16687980 No.16687980 [Reply] [Original]

He, and his fellow conspirators hijacked the BTC community and then BTC itself. They strangled it to force the need for a second layer. A layer they control and have the patents for, namely the Lightning Network. Satoshi saw what was happening and tried to stop them. That's when the smear campaign against Craig started. All of the so called "evidence" proving Craig is a fraud is manufactured by Greg Maxwell and his co-conspirator. Craig may have an unlikable personality, but make no mistake, he is Satoshi and a lot of people have serious money and social stakes in keeping on with the current narrative that he's a fraud. This so that people wont take him seriously when he calls out the money grabbing scam BTC has turned into. Don't let anybody tell you that Craig just fakes it or speaks incoherent techno babble. Read his articles yourself on his blog and make up your own mind. He is VERY knowledgeable and it's a pleasure to read his writings. BTC is no longer Bitcoin, it was turned into a Crime Coin to solicit heinous crimes and money laundry. It is everything Bitcoin sought to end.

Read Craig's blog and you will have no doubt that what I just told you is the truth and that the narrative pushed in social media is designed to transform you into a Judas doing the bidding of dark forces. Bitcoin at scale brings honesty to the world. That's why they fight so hard against it. We are in the midst of a war between good and evil. Don't be evil, be good!

>> No.16688011

Craig didnt pay me for my bsv shill threads here last week. What's the deal do you know? Have you been getting paid? I emailed his gmail acct but havent heard back and also PMed him on the forum

>> No.16688017

I didn't get paid either usually we start our campaigns 2-3 hours ago but a few people on my discord are protesting until our payments clear

>> No.16688031

ok thanks glad its not just me. fucking tired of this shit

>> No.16688045

You faggots didn't get paid? Lmao @ ur lyfe

>> No.16688085

>. Craig may have an unlikable personality
He's a faggot. You can never trust a faggot!

>> No.16688173

get in on twetch. All discussions about this is happening there

>> No.16688181

Sweet. Hook me up with a link, senpai.

>> No.16688183
File: 427 KB, 1920x1080, EMhXJQ4WkAE3crH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16688202

dm this guy and he'll hook you up with a deal

>> No.16688238
File: 63 KB, 1077x1172, EMu4ExLUcAAMC1I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does craig's stupid slut niece, river, post on there?

>> No.16688252
File: 516 KB, 545x588, River.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course. Her name is River

>> No.16688541
File: 39 KB, 500x500, 3gbrpz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That dumb bitch needs to stop bullshitting like she understands TA

>> No.16688607