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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16685608 No.16685608 [Reply] [Original]

The IRS is coming for me but I can't remember the passwords to all the exchanges I traded on in 2017 or the multiple 256 encrypted email accounts! I guess they are shit out of luck! Eh?

>> No.16685613

Get your Anus ready for jail moron.

They don't give a fuck, they just want their cut.

>> No.16685620

But I can't remember anything

>> No.16685624

And I'm literally broke - they probably owe me money for the past two years of losses which exceed my profits by over $3k now

>> No.16685645

Did you file those? Then you're still fucked, you're required to file everything.

JAIL - The IRS loves the tax cheats.

>> No.16685696

lmao, the IRS don't give a fuck

>> No.16685750

>ay yo white boy. yeh you. what you in fo?
>i..d..didn't pay my crypto t..t..taxes... i f..forgot my p..passwords
>oh taxes huh. well we got a tax in here whitey. das rite. it's called the butt tax. and you finna pay on time erry day from now on bitch.
Watch out for your cornhole, bud

>> No.16685761

im not sweating it people are making stupid money this year that my ~12k gains cashed out are a fart in the wind

>> No.16685788


>> No.16685816

get a lawyer

>> No.16685865

That costs money and I don't have any! I'll probably just do what trevan James is doing and get on a payment plan for life paying them like $5 a month.

>> No.16685868

my dad is a multi millionaire business lawyer and my brother is an accountant. you dont have to report anything till you cash out
if you buy a dragon dildo for $5, and you trade it for 5 horse dildos and then sell those horse dildos for $100, then you report taxes

>> No.16685883

>I guess they are shit out of luck! Eh?

Nah you're shit out of luck.