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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16684937 No.16684937 [Reply] [Original]

BISQ is a decentralized exchange that is fully open source and community driven
they have been developing over 5.5 years and are doing just to provide a service

they're new token distribution is totally different from ICO scams
they only issue tokens for development work and the development work is voted on what's work it or not
the tokens only give a discount on BISQ services so it holds a small cash value but isn't some psudo ownership token scam
this cycle is used to have a community driven development and reward cycle that's decentralized and open source

look at how much it has grown over the last 5 years and now with its new development model it's going to really take off.
this is what "defi" looks like, this is what a real decentralized app is


>> No.16684961


>> No.16684979

>While ETH was scamming billions BTC devs made BISQ

while eth devs were busy planning, doing, checking and adjusting on thousands of applications and usecases; btc devs are slow as shit and barely managed to make an exchange that no-one will use - amazing!

>> No.16685039

>thousands of applications and use cases
>only used for money laundering and scam tokens

>> No.16685051

>while eth devs were busy planning, doing, checking and adjusting on thousands of applications and usecases; btc devs are slow as shit and barely managed to make an exchange that no-one will use - amazing!
they're literally scrapping 1.0 because it's so shit and 2.0 isn't going to be ready for over 3 years
they literally scammed billions in this multi year process of technobabble and unrealistic goals
look into the quantum computer scam vitalik ran previous to ethereum

>> No.16685059


>> No.16685063
File: 152 KB, 1024x398, jkwbn7giij241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

their shit isn't even backwards compatible
what was all this planning and adjusting lol

meanwhile bitcoin kept all its qualities that made it valuable and developed further than ethereum could even imagine

>> No.16685350

that image has things 'developed' since 2010
coinjoin is a thing since 2013
omni is dead and it's what usdt was using, now switched mostly to ethereum
rootstock is dead
drivechain and elements are completely obsolete
everything in the mining section is several years old
tbtc is developed on ethereum, someone got confused

basically, this image is pure cope from a btc maximalist. More separate things are actively worked on ethereum every week than cumulatively in the history of bitcoin.

>> No.16685572

a lot of these projects are funded on community contributions and donations
wasabi received a partial payout for coinjoins just 7 months ago, so all of these things are being actively developed

it's different from ETH where you run an ICO scam for 8 figures and dance around badger dance with nothing to show for it
polkadot was a ICO scam
parity was a scam that locked 100s of millions
Istanbul the devs tried to add 140k ETH to the fund
they already premined 72 million ETH
1.0 ETH to be scrapped
2.0 ETH is 3+ years away

you have no clue what you're talking about
ethereum is the biggest scam in human history

>> No.16685579

This is the type of guy you don’t listen to. His goal is to fuck your life over.
It’s sad.. Have sex incel

>> No.16685590
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I don't give a fuck
ETH kids like you seethe whenever I post facts about their gay little project

>> No.16685604

>they're literally scrapping 1.0 because it's so shit
and yet literally 1000's of devs are building on it, right now.

>bitcoin kept all its qualities that made it valuable
it turned into a garbage 'hodl' ponzi, and lightning is vaporware trash.

>a lot of these projects are funded on community contributions and donations
ICO's are literally community funding you spastic hodlcunt.

>> No.16685610

I don’t really give a shit about anything crypto related. But I do know you’re trying to con biz into buying an utter shitcoin. Congrats, you’re fudding a coin with world recognition on a Mongolian basket weaving forum. Ggwp, keep it up.

>> No.16685619

ICOs are cheating retards who think they are buying a piece of the project
the tokenomics charade scammed billions from stupid people

>> No.16685642
File: 58 KB, 1159x845, th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I do know you’re trying to con biz into buying an utter shitcoin. Congrats, you’re fudding a coin with world recognition
ok bud
it's people like you that set this space back 5 years

>> No.16685676

It’s people like you who don’t have running water and decide that publicly shitting is a good thing to do. It’s also people like you who miss the forest for the trees thinking your shitcoin has any chance at success.
Don’t blame me, blame the devs.

>> No.16685694

>It’s people like you who don’t have running water and decide that publicly shitting is a good thing to do.
What does this mean?

>> No.16686052

kek what do you think that map shows?
because it shows that bitcoin has no more room for growth, contrary to eth.
>even grandmas know about bitcoin
>why would you buy something growing that the general public doesn't know about
>buy bitcoin and hold bags with grandma

>> No.16686111

Thanks OP. How do I get these ICO scam tokens if I don’t participate in dev work?

>> No.16686184

still rooting for ETH...
poor soul

>> No.16686334

The bisq ico tokens are like gift cards they will trade under their face value always
It's only a means to fund development
You'd only buy them to save money on fees it's that simple

It's all ICOs should be because they don't give equitity or ownership like stocks do

>> No.16686345

Ok sir but I still do not see how this will provide grain for my village and water for the loo...my patience is tested

>> No.16686408

The same could be said for the bisq token. Don't get me wrong, bisq seems like a good project, but it doesn't need a token.

>> No.16686434

How my village sustain itself with shitty scam BISQ?

>> No.16686545

Truedex.org nothing else needed

>> No.16686613

B-b-but when eth does it, it’s a scam, r-right?

>> No.16686631

>boomer thinks btc will have a function besides le digital golde