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1668428 No.1668428 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to decide if I should quit working while I'm in school and say fuck it and get a student loan. I fucking hate washing dishes but I'm completely in love with the possibility of graduating without owing anyone a dime.
For those of you who went that route, if you could start over would you do it again? Any regrets or success stories?

>> No.1668617

I worked every single semester i was in uni, full time. I graduated debt free. Just put in the work so you dont have to take out loans, and if you hate your job, then just find another one you enjoy more.

>> No.1668629

I'm a freshman and I'm already 20k+ in debt. I regret everything already. Keep going anon. It may suck for now but after you graduate and get a job you'll be way ahead of the majority of your peers.

>> No.1668687

I quit shcool and went straight to work
Only thing I regret is all my mates went to uni and it looks fucking easy

>> No.1668704

So does a horse butt fucking
Let me tell you, shit is not easy

>> No.1670393

Shameless self bump

>> No.1670415

There are a few things to consider:

>What loans would you be eligible for?
>What's your major?
>How is your performance in school?
>What are your employment chances right out of school?
>Do yo plan on starting a family or are there any other major expenses that you can foresee in the furture?
>Are you good at budgeting?

>> No.1670544

Sally Mae and private by wells fargo
Very high
Going long on escort start up

Thx for the help

>> No.1670606

sounds like you're in one of those rare situations where a student loan might be worth it and acceptable.

>> No.1670612

I'm in my 20's, make less than 30k a year, and I still managed to buy a house all because I avoided student debt like the plague. It's worth it.

>> No.1671200

Seems alright. Now do the calculation, what share of your entry level salary would you have to put forward to pay off the loan in 3, 5, or 10 years.

>> No.1671347

Is washing dishes / working having a significant effect on your studies? If not, I'd keep washing.

Debt sucks, and showing that you worked your way through school shows initiative and responsibility. It also shows a willingness to sacrifice short term goals for long term dreams.

I graduated debt-free. It took me 7 years to finish, and the last 2 years I worked full time night shift, but I had some spending money, no debt, and a resume with real work experience on it.

>> No.1671355

Get a student loan, dont go to school, start a business with the money instead and spend all your time making sure it successful. Never pay the loan back cus fuck them

>> No.1671495

if you can get enough in extra school experience to justify the extra debt take the loan-if it just gives you extra time to shitpost keep working

>> No.1671566

I don't know how people can study and work at the same time. They either are studying a meme career or not sleeping

>> No.1671570


Or have no social life. When I was working 40 at nights and taking 9 hours of classes I was literally always working, studying, or sleeping for 2 years. Only Saturday nights were mine, and I still had to be home by 10 to Get Shit Done.

>> No.1672315

>Get Shit Done
Did you capitalize those on purpose?