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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16682820 No.16682820[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If women are paid less for the same work, why dont companies just hire women to lower costs?

>> No.16682830

because they are not paid less

>> No.16682912


>> No.16682915

Because no actual work would get done

>> No.16683082

Femanon here. This is exactly what is happening. Why do you think so many of you cannot find meaningful work?

>> No.16683154

More like we voluntarily dont because we bought chainlink. Dumb bitch.

>> No.16683190

They literally aren't. Men do more work per $ paid.

>> No.16683210

i wonder why women are more likely than men to go to college and get a degree. well, i don't really wonder why. it's because on average we make worse decisions.

>> No.16683224

Have sex incel

>> No.16683237

Women get paid the same in entry level positions. Executives shaming male wagies who have no power fills me with rage. It's executive culture that does the "sexist" alleged wage gap. Not male wagecucks

>> No.16683244

Have sex incel

>> No.16683250

The only appropriate use of actually announcing being a female.
Meaningful work is not sucking off Mr. Sheckleberg

>> No.16683255

go girl i respect you so much

>> No.16683257

Thats exactly what they do. Women have a lower unemployment rate than men

>> No.16683260

They are inefficient so the cost u save in wages doesn’t matter

>> No.16683264


>> No.16683271

Because females evolved to seek strucure in their lives. Thats why they seek marriage, fall into MLM schemes, religion, go into stable government/education jobs etc...

Women are very risk averse, therefore they earn less.

>> No.16683289

Lol 17K linkies here plus two businesses and one additional income stream. Keep seething in your mother’s basement while I accumulate a larger stack.

>> No.16683297

don´t be so mean to this brave girl

>> No.16683308

Because you get what you pay for

>> No.16683313
File: 197 KB, 650x2220, 16B809AB-0CA1-4124-B0A1-9295C79CAB42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After Donnie wins 2020. 2024 will see a woman. 2028 will see an actual faggot. Are you ready? They’re already priming the stage for it. Butthole Pete and all these la creturas

>> No.16683320

Risk averse? Sounds like you don’t actually know any females in person.

>> No.16683329

Fun story the guy in that gif survived the colombine school shooting

>> No.16683330
File: 727 KB, 636x636, 1576702882514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are stupid, weak, lazy, soulless, emotional and useless. We should enslave them and treat them like objects to serve men's willing only, like every single successfull civilization ever did before in the history of mankind.

>> No.16683361

Because they want shit done properly

>> No.16683386

because they suck

>> No.16683388

You guys seriously need to get it together. Therapy works wonders. Sounds like you have mommy issues to me.

>> No.16683390

>i know a tall chinese guy

>> No.16683399

Based and redpilled

>> No.16683426

This board is such a toxic shithole.

>> No.16683719

Because they're also less productive.
They hire the because of quotas for women in workplaces but 90% of the work is done by men.

>> No.16683775


Did you not consider showing your boss your pussy? Women seems to have a selection bias in left-based countries. Bosses likes having more females around even if the company revenue takes a hit from it.