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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 688x288, cuckadvice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1668233 No.1668233 [Reply] [Original]

Follow this advice if you want to be a fucking cuck while kids on youtube make 5 figures a month with shitty videos and other means of online revenue with little effort while you commutecuck for life.

Also internet money making or death general.

>> No.1668253

>with little effort
YouTube was almost a full time job when I used to do it.
You sound like you think its easy to monetize anything on the internet but it takes just as much work as anyone running a brick and mortar business.
Stop being stupid and just finish high school.

>> No.1668285

>Also internet money making or death general.

when's your funeral planned?

>> No.1668744
File: 49 KB, 970x880, 1481638189936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love it how retards will tell you that youtube is a hard job.

Interesting in an internet money making thread, always fun to read about people's success.

I've been personally thinking about making League of Legends or Minecraft videos, the playerbase is incredibly big and the teenagers spend so much time watching videos.

Shit man, all you have to do is find a way to make teenagers click your vids and you're good to go 10k a month easy.

>> No.1668746

investment vehicles is a bad idea. you ever wonder why boomers try to sell rotted out shells on Craigslist for 30 grand? it's because those were investment vehicles that never got taken care of. it's hard to keep a car running well for 40 years without really driving it.

>> No.1668749

>investment vehicles is a bad idea. you ever wonder why boomers try to sell rotted out shells on Craigslist for 30 grand? it's because those were investment vehicles that never got taken care of. it's hard to keep a car running well for 40 years without really driving it.

Holy fuck

Did you actually think an "investment vehicle" was an automobile? My sides.

>> No.1668750 [DELETED] 

Wow okay, btw. can you show us your channel and income statement OP

>YouTube was almost a full time job when I used to do it.
I always suspected this. Even one of those shitty Vlogs would take a few hours to write, shoot, edit, encode, upload, and then you need to spend a bit of time doing the social media post

I still want to do it.

>Shit man, all you have to do is find a way to make teenagers click your vids and you're good to go 10k a month easy.
I CALL BULLSHIT! but you've piqued my greed and curiosity, if I could earn a livable wage though youtube I'd be happy.

Seriously where does your income come from?
How do you promote your stuff?
How consistent is this 'easy 10k' is that a good month?

>> No.1668760


>> No.1668761
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I don't make money (sorry if I worded it awkwardly), I just said that if you somehow get teens to click your vids you're golden.

I have created just a single meme video, posted it on a subreddit (I'm not a redditor) and got like 10k views. Got 21 dollars (that I can't pay out before hitting 100 or 200 dollars) from it but it took me like 10 mins to make. Generally a very positive experience.

I don't have much experience with Sony Vegas so I'm still in the learning phase but man, once you take of there's no landing.

I think all you have to do is find a big community (reddit) and do videos that will please them.

Just understand that the best viewerbase is 13-17 years olds.

>> No.1668771

Sure OP, care to show us your chanel and income statement?

Only works if you're lucky enough to get scale like that guy, like 20k over 2 years is nothing to sneeze at I'd grip that opportunity with both hands, but it's not like you can quit your day job for that sporadic income.

Like >>1668253 says, it would be like doing a full time job constantly uploading videos so you basically need to have enough revenue to susbside both the making of your videos and your real, actual life (not all of us can live with our parents and do NEET life)

I assume you're replying to the post I deleted - wanted to watch the video you posted first and then edit my reply. As for your 10 minute to make meme video, sure, 2 dollars per minute of work is great but can you consistently replicate that success? That's what interests and worries me.

>Just understand that the best viewerbase is 13-17 years olds.
Really? Low spending power. Surely the best audience, the higher CPM is baby boomers. Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know, never done the Youtube thing.

The thing here is, how do you get scale. 1 dollar per thousand views, or 2 dollars like the guy you posted isn't that great, because that means... well okay let's say I can abandon being a wagecuck for 40k a year. So that means that I need to have 20,000,000-40,000,000 views a year. Okay so let's say I release 24 videos a year, averaging 1 million views each (of course it becomes more pareto: I'd probably have some videos getting 3 million, while the median view range is like 500k or something). I need to CONSISTENTLY do that. Fuck...

>> No.1668778
File: 614 KB, 2560x1443, mi gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing with youtube, 13-17 years olds are the best group because you get paid for clicks, not actually for selling anything. Teenagers have the most time and the least developed taste, so they can spend all day watching your medium effort videos. You get the same money for a 15 years old as for a 24 years old, I think.

I think the most important part of youtube is not getting hit videos but creating a loyal fanbase that will click every video of yours. So that you can shit out videos and they will watch it.

Sure my video got 10k views, but if I had 100k subscribers it would have gotten 120k clicks. Once I get more efficient with Sony Vegas I will be able to create better vids in lesser time.

Once you get your following and a kind of niche you can pretty much upload the same shit over and over again and shittards will eat it up. Just look at all these prankster vids, they just repeat the same shit and get clicks. Or Leafyishere, he does the same shit everyday and kids click his vids like crazy.

>> No.1668809
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A thing I would like to add, if you ever do make enough money, invest that shit. You see numerous people that were super popular and then fell off.

You don't want to be the guy that earns 150k a year and then after 3 years falls off and makes 20k but hasn't invested any of his half a million.

>> No.1669044

The post.

>> No.1669280

Never change /biz/

>> No.1669297

>The thing here is, how do you get scale. 1 dollar per thousand views, or 2 dollars like the guy you posted isn't that great, because that means... well okay let's say I can abandon being a wagecuck for 40k a year. So that means that I need to have 20,000,000-40,000,000 views a year. Okay so let's say I release 24 videos a year, averaging 1 million views each (of course it becomes more pareto: I'd probably have some videos getting 3 million, while the median view range is like 500k or something). I need to CONSISTENTLY do that. Fuck...

Seems pretty accurate. After production cost and taxes assuming a 1 dollar CPM based on total viewcount is realistic. If you produce maybe one video a day you need an average of about 110k views each to make a living. Good luck getting there.

Youtube revenue is not a lot, that's why many Youtubers look for other revenue streams, like merch or patreon but you actually have to be likeable for that so ..yeah..

>> No.1669323

No kids are the biggest audience you don't know shit you are going to fail. Minecraft? Teenagers? No.

Also enjoy an overly diluted market you are gonna make a Minecraft video holy shit that's amazing you and every kid who wants the same pie you will be lost in an ocean of content. You know nothing of what you are trying to do.

>> No.1669365

This is bait, r-right?

>> No.1669766
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Sure, you're going to fail if you just repeat what every idiot does. That's why you have to find your niche. With Teenagers I obviously meant kids as well.

I have a friend with 50k subscribers that makes Minecraft videos daily and he pulls in around 500 bucks a month for making 10 min videos every day (he usually just records 5h in one sitting and has vids for the entire month).

>> No.1669793
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>> No.1669920
File: 194 KB, 389x297, 1438567081735.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cruise through reddit or neogaf or /b/
>pick up on what the kids are into
>make a video about the current meme
>promote it until it picks up
>acquire ad rev bux

brb, torrent Adobe Premiere

>> No.1670163

1. get a job
2. keep debt fairly low
3. pay your bills on time
4. save or set money aside
5. start an online business in your spare time
6. reinvest part of your your revenues back into your business; save the rest
7. if it grows to the point that you can quit your job, then quit and do it full time
8. if not, keep doing it and saving that money
9. have 401k and investment vehicles that grow over time
10. invest in real estate rental properties
11. retire comfortably at 60-70 while cucks have to work until they die in their 80s

>> No.1670829

>online business
such as...?

>> No.1670857

> Get a good education
> Work hard & Save
> Climb the corporate ladder
> Invest in property & Index funds
> Retire comfortably

Sounds like boomer bullshit, remind me again what % of boomers are retiring self funded and able to maintain their standard of living & which ones bought $60,000 properties back in the day rode them to the top of the bubble?