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File: 568 KB, 1585x1423, Screenshot from 2019-12-28 14-24-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16681123 No.16681123 [Reply] [Original]

For the remaining 1% of BTC hodlers who still think that Craig will dump 1M bitcoins, this is the last nail in that silly meme's coffin.

Let's just wait for Hal Finney to resurrect and tell his part of the story.

>> No.16681166

cunt's fucked

>> No.16681170

don't think any btc holder believes that nonsense

>> No.16681176

only gullible forktards have ever believed this guy’s obvious lies

>> No.16681180

Craig never had access because he is not Satoshi, just a liar desperately trying to make money via pretending to be Satoshi.

The most likely scenario is that the real Satoshi died. Though we will see what happens regarding the real Satoshi's 1m BTC, personally expect them to stay untouched for another 4-8 years until BTC hits 50k.

>> No.16681202

What is his endgame?
If he actually is Satoshi it seems like putting a bullseye on his head for law enforcement and blackmailers, encouraging them to fuck him up whereas if he laid low he would have more plausible deniability and better chance of personal safety and privacy even if people suspected and named him as a possible Satoshi.
If he's a fraud, then what does he gain aside from some brief notoriety and publicity, Kleiman's estate surely won't be the last to sue him. And I'm sure he'll get blackmail threats... what does he gain?
In fact the more I think about it, the more I think he's a fraud after a quick buck.

>> No.16681212

>The most likely scenario is that the real Satoshi died

Was he ever involved in the silk road at all? It seems pretty likely that he was into illegal things, it popped up pretty shortly after bitcoin got popular i think , and buying/selling drugs would be the first thing I think of when seeing anonymous money.

Just think the forbes list billionaire satoshi died of a fentanyl overdose from silk road heroin in his room somewhere and his computer was thrown out or in a parents basement with his personal belongings

>> No.16681223

there's no risk for him even if he is satoshi,
so far he only left evidence he's a fraud, perhaps on purpose.

>> No.16681226
File: 181 KB, 600x480, The_Empty_Roost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16681227

The true end game : He is Satoshi and he want build a new nation on the original BTC but in 20011 it wasn't possible.

Now a band of moron doesn't wants to give up on BTC Ponzi scheme before 1M by coin.

Satoshi was 3 dev one of them died so now no one have access to the found.

>> No.16681235

>The true end game : He is Satoshi
and so 's my wife
fucking wanker

>> No.16681286
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>> No.16681299

Yes, $35 in the Copyright Office Gift Shop.
To Be Framed And Stuck On His Wall Along With The Rest Of His Forged And Useless Shite
even the fucking copyright office had to issue a press release stating he's a lying wanker. The absolute fucking state of this cunt. A veritable international plague on legs

>> No.16681301

>If he's a fraud, then what does he gain aside from some brief notoriety and publicity,
he got to con low iq betas like calvin into funding his lifestyle....

>> No.16681309

and of course nothing has come of this. Anyone remember the satoshi larping and shit from last november? nour? then that encrypted message about segwit and being known to save bitcoin?

>> No.16681312

do you understand that literally anyone can obtain registration rights even if they don’t own the IP

>> No.16681314
File: 70 KB, 966x737, copyright_office_satoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you lie so much Gregory? Would you say your occupation is Professional Liar?

>> No.16681317

CSW doesn't need to dump BTC to make it go to zero. BTC will do that on it's own. This is where you retards get it all wrong. Your mind is only focused on things that cloud your discernment. You think that 1 or 2 things must happen in order to get a defined result. CSW doesn't even need to be Satoshi - that's a distraction for the retards to limit your ability to think for yourself.

>> No.16681322
File: 57 KB, 596x592, Screenshot_221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



The games are only just beginning.

>> No.16681324

One year later and exactly nothing has happened with any of last november's bullshit including creg's bullshit segwit fatal flaw

>> No.16681332

Your Pic Related basically confirms, the WP registration (of which there has since been a few) is FUCKING WORTHLESS. SO, are you illiterate, or desperate? IT. PROVES. NOTHING. IT. IS. WORTHLESS. like creg. a bundle of shite

>> No.16681333

I'm sure bitcoin will drop dead any day now as creg claimed last year.

>> No.16681347
File: 948 KB, 1024x1182, salty_neckbeard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For the remaining 1% of BTC hodlers who still think that Craig will dump 1M bitcoins, this is the last nail
phew. our BTC bags will surely moon now that it is 100% confirmed beyond any doubt. I will encourage all my friends and family to buy in and hodl until more people buy after them, increasing the price, so we can sell them for more dollars than we paid for them. BTC is such an amazing useful technology!

>> No.16681351
File: 189 KB, 592x738, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound desperate and nervous. Why is that?

The law will start catching up with you in the coming year. Sure it does take a while to get everything in order, but you will eventually end up like finely ground dust disappearing into the ether of history.

>> No.16681370

hows them bullet wounds healing then - y'kno, from the days in the Jungle, fighting, who was it again, the Australian Tax Office Criminal Investigations Renegde Brigade ?
>one sick puppy

>> No.16681375

He will sell Bitcoins to buy refugee cum to wash his hair with

>> No.16681400
File: 258 KB, 721x500, greg_is_fucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wonder you are so desperate to stop him, he has all the goods on you. Do you think spreading disinfo on Biz will keep you out of jail? Do you REALLY think you can stop your impending prosecution with your inane ramblings on a mongolian basket weaving forum?

You must not sleep very well these days Gregory.

>> No.16681416

well, there's 'impending' and there's, y'kno, ACTUAL. May I suggest, you learn the difference. Because, from where I'm sitting, creg does appear to have some ACTUAL ACUTE Court Problematic coming up. As opposed to your fantasist bullshit. Speaking of which, how is the libel case against McCormack getting on btw ? creg did SO PROMISE that was going ahead, you know

>> No.16681442
File: 975 KB, 1024x683, greggles2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just point and laugh at this creature.

>> No.16681446

>6 months ago

>> No.16681460

>Yeah so we asked this cunt if he's Satoshi nakamoto and he said aye so we just registered it
Undeniable proof that Craig is indeed (claiming to be) Satoshi.

>> No.16681491

That's a no, then

>> No.16681497
File: 427 KB, 1920x1080, 1577168183033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, this desperation. It took a single internet nerd to humiliate Creg, for fuck's sake. He found a critical bug in BSV that would result in money theft, Shadders had to thank him. What about Creg? He can't code and can't audit his own coin!

>> No.16681508

he worked for paul laroux, the inventor of truecrypt and probable inventor of bitcoin. craig wright glows. his whole purpose is to sow division and uncertainty around cryptocurrency

>> No.16681762

Satoshi is so fucked

>> No.16681826

Bitcoin is too complex for a basement dude to invent

>> No.16682199

Jesus the absolutely deluded state of BSVtards

>> No.16682261

>getting sued for half of his Bitcoin
>"hey guys I'll have access to the Bitcoin in my trust"
Do you retards not understand 5D chess?