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16676689 No.16676689 [Reply] [Original]

I generally lurk, but this caught my eye
So I was reading a lot of FTM fud on the board all day and figured that they wanted to have people dump the coin so they could accumulate more. Turns out the coin is actually a shitcoin made by Russians.

Here's some proof I dug up from new commits.

> 1. (See image)
the already low TPS lowers dramatically if someone runs the tool they put on this repo with a couple of nodes. The more nodes, the lower the TPS. (even if there's only one attacker)

The results in this image can be found here (results made 2 hrs ago):

> 2. Some Russians created the above tool. The first link links to a Russian version of an amazon page for the ec2 instance. See: https://aws.amazon.com/ru/ec2/instance-types/t2/

Please unfud me, I'm all ears. I unironically sold most of my stack after seeing this.

>> No.16676710

Yup, total scam. Someone put a bounty on Andres head

>> No.16676728


I don't see how this could be a surprise to anyone. They've been caught lying multiple times.

>> No.16676756

Thanks man I’m so grateful that you’ve figured this out and consequently I’ve market sold my 500k fanties and will be sure to invest in Multivacum token because that’s a better shitcoin

>> No.16676766


Denny Daggins is a pajeet scumbag working for Satsgang. He pumps and dumps all Satsgang projects and is part of their online spam group.
He has admitted to this on multiple occasions. He does the same thing for Satsgang in all their scam threads.

He blames all FUD on one-two people. He uses this Raphael sandnigger because as an indian (a very dirty stinky indian) so he hates pakis.
This piece of shit scammed the DAG community and help Satsgang manipulate their token to the point nobody can sell. All the volume is fake and buy/sell walls are fully owned by Satsgang.
He is trash, he is personal friends of the piece of shit scumbag DAG CEO. He is paid to be here, he does not give a fuck about facts or logic, he has only one job. Troll the fuck out of anyone exposing the Satsgang scam. He defends them to the death and will do anything to switch the subject. He is by all means the worst poster on biz and a complete lunatic.
If Karma is a real thing, Denny Da Rocket will be eaten alive by rats while getting fucked up his ass with a baseball bat made of glass shards while watching Pakistan win the world cup of cricket or whatever stupid fucking game they play in dirtbagistan.

>> No.16676783

Lol these fags are in damage control in every thread.

>> No.16677345
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>Daily reminder that none of you pajeets will ever escape your shithole.

>> No.16677372

Found the pajeet Satsgang shill. Its the usual bullshit. Thread is exposing our scam, better just say its a scam and now moving on to (insert other Satsgang pump and dump scam coin failed business)

Fuck these people, we need to compile all evidence, etherscans proving who is doing all the dumping and where those wallets are located. Lets get to the bottom of this and get the jannies to make a sticky so anons stop getting scammed

>> No.16677373


That thread was from a Ukrainian Op

>> No.16677461

I should be over all the butterflies

>> No.16677662


Step 1: Accumulate failed shitcoin with a bot when its at ATL.

Step 2: Build massive stack for a few thousand dollars since its dead.

Step 3: Spam Twittter, Reddit, and Spam biz with threads about 10000X

Step 4: Manipulate token price with massive buy/sell walls fully controlling who gets in or out.

Step 5: Dump on everyone buying in, making sure you are the only one who gets out.

Step 6: Once at ATL after dumping take a giant shit in the street to celebrate.

Step 7: FUD the same project you just dumped and tell everyone to get into (insert another Satsgang scam shitcoin here)

>> No.16677678

Yup exactly. They even have starting just shitting out random schizo stuff to cause confusion. Truely pathetic. I didn't even fall for this shit I just truely hate them

>> No.16677704

If you want to complain, just talk to Ben Jorgensen CEO @ DAG. He pays them, thats why they are here scamming everyone. DAG was fucked, all the way to .001 and then he signed a marketing deal with Satsgang. Biz/Twitter spammed hard with pro DAG misinformation about a fake USAF contract that ended up being a small grant awarded to hundreds of other startups on the same day. I cant believe they havent been sued yet but im sure its coming.

>> No.16677815

Seriously dude, you sound insane. I see you are having fun with your vpn?

>> No.16677825

Thank you, great investigation. I also read some threads earlier today and will sell my bag. Even though I will have a loss. It's just to scary to keep going on, I am afraid it can crash. Something is very fishy and wrong with that project....Sigh, had so much hope for Fantom...

>> No.16677829

they did this with : FTM , QNT , VIDT , TELLOR , OWN , LTO , UBT , MITX, LIT

shitcoins that will never recover

>> No.16677846

Fuck off with your vpn pscyho, we are discussing Fantom here. Don't destroy also this thread with your fucked up delerium and insane rambling. Fuck off.

>> No.16677861

What the hell? Is this real? 18 tps with just seven nodes? That's a total disater!

>> No.16677868

you lost your money fren

>> No.16677873

Don't think he's a total psycho. There are definitely projects which are so artificially shilled here you can tell the posters are not true anons in their memes and way they speak

>> No.16677878

OK, sorry, you are not the psycho idiot that is shitting up every single thread now with his satsgang, denny dagins rambling.

>> No.16677890

I am trying to get as much information as I can get regarding Fantom, but there is one guy with obviously vpn, shitting up and spamming every single thread with all kinds of nonsense totally unrelated to the thread.

>> No.16677902

Anyone from Fantom here able to answer?

>> No.16677909



Denny Daggins is a pajeet scumbag working for Satsgang. He pumps and dumps all Satsgang projects and is part of their online spam group.
He has admitted to this on multiple occasions. He does the same thing for Satsgang in all their scam threads.

He blames all FUD on one-two people. He uses this Raphael sandnigger because as an indian (a very dirty stinky indian) so he hates pakis.
This piece of shit scammed the DAG community and help Satsgang manipulate their token to the point nobody can sell. All the volume is fake and buy/sell walls are fully owned by Satsgang.
He is trash, he is personal friends of the piece of shit scumbag DAG CEO. He is paid to be here, he does not give a fuck about facts or logic, he has only one job. Troll the fuck out of anyone exposing the Satsgang scam. He defends them to the death and will do anything to switch the subject. He is by all means the worst poster on biz and a complete lunatic.
If Karma is a real thing, Denny Da Rocket will be eaten alive by rats while getting fucked up his ass with a baseball bat made of glass shards while watching Pakistan win the world cup of cricket or whatever stupid fucking game they play in dirtbagistan.

>> No.16677910

I checked twitter regarding Fantom, but they seem total boomer and have no clue about all the fishy stuff surrounding Fantom. Looks like biz gives the best information.

>> No.16677914

Lmao dude, no.

Go to their telegram if you want to hear more of their lies, otherwise take the loss or keep holding and see what happens

>> No.16677925

Oh, God, here we have the insane idiot again, spewing his retarded garbage. Report his ass.

>> No.16677944

I asked some simple questions not so long time ago and they kicked me out. Ridiculous. Thank God the boomers are so stupid so the price is actually still quite good. I will sell my bag for sure.

>> No.16677958

Lol yeah if they ban you for technical questions that's a huge red flag. Hope you didn't lose a lot

>> No.16677986

Only around 20-25%, could be worse, just feeling super lucky I got this information so early. FTM is dangerous and can crash real hard, real fast.

>> No.16678026

Why would non-holders care so much to actively fud this. hmm

>> No.16678046

Can you explain what OP said? Are the screenshots true or not, and if so, does it mean what OP says? It looks VERY convincing to be honest. Plus all the other stuff from the other threads.

>> No.16678072

Since when to holders fud their own investment?

I was going to buy it but held off so thought I'd share for nufags who bought into a scam.. karma or what ever..

Oh well, pee pee poo poo fuck niggers trannys and jannies etc.

>> No.16678081

>The more nodes, the lower the TPS. (even if there's only one attacker)
That's because they have O(n^2) bandwidth complexity.
It's a brainlet design

>> No.16678093
File: 146 KB, 1259x768, 1535832446320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Told you retards that only Nano can function as a DAG due to the limited data transferred per transaction. Do one thing, and do it well. Anything more than a base currency won't work with a DAG, unless of course it is centralized. But why even bother with crypto in that case.

>> No.16678094

Coz you guys actively shitting on biz

>> No.16678095


Good way to get money from the poor morons of Newfags, Denny.
Now I understand why in 4chan they hate Indians so much or all the shit related to that part of the Asian world.

>> No.16678108

I actually read Fantom's whitepaper and this tps number is, as expected, way overblown. The basis of the consensus algorithm is just DPoS.
1. a set of nodes is selected via DPoS
2. these nodes generate blocks as fast as they can
3. they settle on 'absolute time' using BFT (details appear very susceptible to node-level DOS but let's ignore that) and assume literally every DPoS node is honest). This is called 'atropos' and it also creates a dag of valid 'event blocks'.
4. then each node processes all !!!! event blocks from all nodes. When there's a conflict between transactions in paralell blocks, a transaction that's earlier according to the absolute time is chosen.
An extremely peculiar quote from the whitepaper:
>As each node processes all transactions that are broadcast to the FANTOM network, it should provide excellent transaction processing speed.
what this means: throughput is fundamentally limited to the parallel capacity of any individual node. This is inherently less scalable design than sharding, which makes the consensus parallel itself (each node only verifies a subset of blocks).

A detail of their 'lachesis' consensus is that it's _extremely_ wasteful in terms of bandwidth, as at worst O(n^2) bandwidth used for O(n) of processing. That's because nodes just spam every block they generate, but at worst only one block from all generated at any second is going to be valid. So each node generates n blocks, there are n nodes, giving n^2 blocks, but only n blocks turn out to be valid at the end.
This is a really absurd design decision. If they forgot about their absurd 'DAG' design and just moved block generation to one node at once, but with parallel processing (same throughput) all that waste would be avoided.
This signals to me they have no idea what they are doing, so the real TPS - for real transactions, not specifically designed parallel tests - is almost certainly going to be in the low hundreds.

Looks like my estimate was actually too high.

>> No.16678116

>and this tps number
and their stated tps number

>> No.16678154

Doing it for years and yet biz STILL doesn’t have flags

>> No.16678171

We actually have the shittiest jannies of all the boards

>> No.16678672

I think it could be possible Satsgang pajeets are jannies. Denny Daggins was posting in DAG telegram saying he was applying for a jannie post so he could control the hate of DAG on Biz. Imagine the DAG CEO literally paying a fucking indian to come to 4chan to stop people from exposing an Indian pump and dump scam group fleecing their community. He gets my vote for biggest piece of shit in crypto.

>> No.16679374

That was my theory during the bullrun and when I posted a few threads about it I was banned.

>> No.16679817

You are that pakistani homo with the pedo sunglasses that are shitting up all the threads on biz with your crazy comments and vpn, right?

>> No.16679822

So STILL no one from Fantom could comment on or explain this? Really? This is absurd.

>> No.16679845

Honestly, we've been refuting and dealing with so much fucking fudd it's grown tiresome. Just in case you haven't noticed the overwhelming coordinated shizo league of fuddsters. Check the archive and telegram and the website and stop listening to pieacemeal info that's constantly twisted or just outright lies.

Fantom moon mission is set, we don't care one iota for trying to pump anything through shilling. The moon mission will take off by the power of institutions and all the large and smart investor whales who jump in, after that the rest will FOMO and we will dump some of our bags on those people. Which one you want to be is up to you, we don't care anymore because we're set.

>> No.16679866

You do realize there is zero facts in your comment? You have no explanation of what OP found, just some generic we are going to moon and your answer is you don't have time to answer? I already asked simple answers regarding switch of dev teams not being communicated to the market and got insta banned from telegram. Totally insane and a big, big red flag.

>> No.16679895

Anyway, my conclusion is clear. This is a scam project. I am selling my bags.

>> No.16679915

stfu retard, you don't have any begs. You're the sociopath that's fuding every thread with 20+ replies.

>> No.16679928

>stfu retard, you don't have any begs. You're the sociopath that's fuding every thread with 20+ replies.
Thanks Fantom community. That stupid asshole comment sealed the dealed. I am selling my bags and I warn everyone else that Fantom is clearly a scam. Just look at the lack of explanation to what OP found and the comment I just got. This is how scammers operate.

>> No.16679951

fuck. I really believed in you autists and bought 100k. Sell before Bogged

>> No.16679978

Go ahead, no one cares.

>> No.16680235
File: 346 KB, 640x964, 997A5B2F-7365-4F10-A13A-89866AB12190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is sarcasm you low IQ brainlet. And also I hold Fantom and I’m NOT FUCKING SELLING FAGGOT

>> No.16680574

Sociopath. Lying, manipulating, pretending, twisting facts. Unfuckable incel that's wasting his life on this Vietnamese fishing forum knowing you'll never get any woman to love you.

>> No.16680589

Great. Fantom community responding to more and more facts coming out, exposing Fantom team as liars and scammers, in this very convincing way;
>Sociopath. Lying, manipulating, pretending, twisting facts. Unfuckable incel that's wasting his life on this Vietnamese fishing forum knowing you'll never get any woman to love you.
Great. If anyone still is uncertain about FTM being a scam or not, just read the comments from the FTM community.

>> No.16680610

The false "oh noes bad people call the wamulance!" attitude is what gives you away the most. Nobody trusts or should trust anyone in business trying to give the impression they're doing something for the greater good. You're trying to fudd for your own sake, not because you care about any potential scams, which Fantom is not.

>> No.16680638

Moron. Look at my comments, I have tried for days no to get the fud verified or falsified. The stupid Fantom community gave only abuse or lies. That's why I am dropping my fantom bags. Clear sign of a scam.

>> No.16680646

19 Posts by this id

Nobody is this invested in saving people from a scam

>> No.16680711

I was asking questions to OP and then answered abuse by the stupid fantom morons defending what is now clearly a scam. We were promised revolutionary dag tech with 300 000 tps, smart contracts, and world's most advanced dag. Got 18 tps and some crap built upon forked Ethereum Virtual Machine. What a fucking joke. And fuck you scammer.

>> No.16680770

so sell your bags already. What are you waiting for you cunt? Stop crying here like a little bitch that you'll do it and just do it you unfuckable incel. You're not important at all, no one gives a flying fuck what you do or don't do. Even if you would kill yourself no one would care. We would only wonder if you did a backflip or not.

>> No.16680799

Fantom scammers responding to scam accusations, everybody:
>so sell your bags already. What are you waiting for you cunt? Stop crying here like a little bitch that you'll do it and just do it you unfuckable incel. You're not important at all, no one gives a flying fuck what you do or don't do. Even if you would kill yourself no one would care. We would only wonder if you did a backflip or not.

>> No.16680936

Fuck these fud threads are cringe. You’re not suppressing shit you stupid retard. You’re just wasting the time you should be spending at the hardware store buying rope because you were too much of a mongoloid to finish accumulating in time. Just be a good Pajeet and settle on your 10k Fantom stack.

>> No.16681263

Another Fantom scammer trying to explain to the public why Fantom is not "really" a scam:
>Fuck these fud threads are cringe. You’re not suppressing shit you stupid retard. You’re just wasting the time you should be spending at the hardware store buying rope because you were too much of a mongoloid to finish accumulating in time. Just be a good Pajeet and settle on your 10k Fantom stack.

>> No.16681341

11% up today. I bet we earned more today with FTM then you do for your payed fud.

>> No.16681455

If the price goes up despite bad news, you know it's scam. The product is not the price driver, hype, staking and marketing are. The last 48 hours on biz clearly documented a full blown scam. The hysterical, nonsensical responds to OP and his finding only further proves that Fantom is one giant ugly, smelly pile of scam. That shit will go to zero. Bitconnect.

>> No.16681465
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LMAO statsgang seething

>> No.16681480


>> No.16681595

You dumbasses should read between the fud. Buy now, sell when Binance US listing announced. There's your guaranteed 2x. Fuck this is exhausting reading this crap.

>> No.16681599


>> No.16682095

That's not how it works. Biz knows Fantom is a scam. This will spread to twitter and then to plebbit. Nothing will save Fantom, scam shitcoin is going to zero.

>> No.16682193

>24 posts by this id
What the fuck is your game?

>> No.16682293

you and your pathetic attempt of fud, that's been going blatantly and noticed for the past weeks, are not biz
stop man, you are degrading yourself

>> No.16682307

Fuck off from biz, scammers. Back to twatter.

>> No.16683125

Are any of these people in your telegram?

Denny Daggins AKA Denny Da Rocket AKA Donny
Tri Gemma

If so, you are being robbed by pajeet indians in a pump and dump scam.

ive looked at the etherscans. Trace where the dumps are going, straight to SE Asia

Stay safe out there, people are fleecing these failed business shitcoins. You think all the fake volume is for fun? Its a scam people, and a very obvious one at that.

>> No.16683170

do not believing this fud .

buy fantom token now .

>> No.16683171


>> No.16683188


>> No.16683278

OP here,

it seems this thread became a clusterfuck.

Some notable observations that I have made are that nobody has any counter-arguments. I have only seen hate and personal attacks to random posters. This is quite sad since I really want this coin to be a success.

Be safe out there bros, and calmly protect each-other from scams.

>> No.16683321

Be sure to avoid the most devious scammers of all - the people who try to trick you into NOT spending money on something and telling you its a scam when in reality it's the next 100x MOON MISSION! And they're only trying to suppress de price and accumulate and it's whales, the whales they are suppressing de price and hiring fudders!

Truly the most disgusting scammers are the ones who attempt to fool you into not buying things.