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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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16673917 No.16673917 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people get so worked up about this project? I have never seen FUD like this. Every post has 30 schizo comments. Nobody would go to this much effort if they weren't completely obsessed and trying to buy more.

>> No.16673929

My bags are filled my feet are up waiting for the rocket ship to Valhalla

>> No.16673940
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You pretty much answered your own thread. It's been a while since someone was this dedicated to stopping a scam.

>> No.16673958

It's really just one spaz who apparently has enough free time to spam all day

>> No.16673961

Yeah I haven’t seen someone this dedicated since the fud before DAG did a 10x. Ftm is only starting. It will have it’s IOS wallet come out. Get listed on Binance US. Then coinbase. The fud is gonna blast off the charts.

>> No.16673971

found him

>> No.16673974

Nice nice so when will all of this fantasy happen

>> No.16674011

Wallets come in January they just tweeted it. Then comes binance us. Binance announced they were exploring adding them last week.

>> No.16674016

>ftm is only starting
It fucking pumped in July faggot fuck. This coin was doomed from the start. If anybody thinks any differently then they’ll unironically never make it.

>> No.16674017
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>Nobody would go to this much effort if they weren't completely obsessed and trying to buy more.
YES!! It's the same fucking jelousy when they tried to stop FANTASTIC BITCONNECT with their RACISM and HATE 4 ppl with success like US!!! FAAAANTRTOOOOOOOMM!!!

>> No.16674018

They’ve had an iOS testnet wallet app for a while now.

>> No.16674031

>believing a listing on binance will allow you to “make it”.
Spotted the newfag.

>> No.16674043

is this the "mainnet"?


>> No.16674207


>> No.16674261

I don’t understand this transparent strategy of calling out all information as “fud.” You know it just makes you look like a retarded child, right?

>> No.16674281

oh shit

>> No.16674289

that fag unironically says he's trying to protect the reputation of muh "crypto space" lol

>> No.16674324

That's definitely BS. Nice try though

>> No.16674472

It's actually the github tho. It is not disproven.

>> No.16674516

There's nothing to disprove baka... This a pic from a branch on the go-ethereum forked repo, of course you're going to see some name changes like that. All the unique technology of ftm is in a different repo (go lachesis)

>> No.16674573

Shouldn't FTM be a dag and not just some ethereum fork?

>> No.16674583

No the consensus model itself has a DAG structure but is independent from the blockchain in which it is implemented.

>> No.16674604

Thank you, good to see some anons do know what's going on

>> No.16674609

In the case of opera, lachesis is use in conjunction with Go-EVM.

When opera upgrades in mid 2020, they will replace Go-EVM with FVM.

Of course there is Go ethereum code in opera as opera is then implementation of lachesis consensus with EVM.

People still dont get that Fantom is all about the consensus module. The next exciting thing they are researching and developping is a superior VM.

>> No.16674623

show me how/where the new consensus protocol is integrated with their copy of go-ethereum.


>> No.16674629

That's totally different from ICO and the info they gave to CMC:
FANTOM is a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) based Smart Contract platform that aims to solve the scalability issues of distributed ledger technologies

So basically an ethereum fork?

>> No.16674643

Dude you're not even looking at the right repo.

The one you linked to is not even used for opera, that is a side repo for testing go ethereum stuff.

>> No.16674662

So when they plug lachesis into cosmos, is it literally a cosmos fork?

Yeah, maybe... but the point is that they've built a consensus far superior to anything else out there. And it can be integrated in various blockchain or DAG solutions. Kinda like AVA labs which released Avalanche consensus.

Get it?

Fantom built opera using EVM as it would be the most compatible and accessible way to let people try, build and interact with the lachesis consensus.

>> No.16674678

That's because there is no other repo that is even possibly a "mainnet" node. The go-lachesis repo is not a network node and the lachesis_launch is just a few config files. This is nowhere near what they claimed and any marketer could hire a barely competent dev to rename a few files. This is bullshit.

>> No.16674703

Yes you retard. You are looking at go-ethereum when you should be looking at go-lachesis

>> No.16674709


>> No.16674717

So an ethereum fork with a better consensus than Ethereum with the largest dev community in crypto? And you will even beat the ETH 2.0 solutions being rolled out? Any independent third party confirming this or just fantom marketing dep claiming this?

>> No.16674718
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I love how the goal posts keep moving when people fud this. Link really destroyed this board, didn't it? Feel bad for you all.

>> No.16674722

>So when they plug lachesis into cosmos, is it literally a cosmos fork?
Cosmos is based on tendermint and has no use for "lachesis" consensus.

>Get it?
No. everything you are saying is technically incorrect and retarded.

>> No.16674725

So both ICO and CMC description have been totally misleading?

>> No.16674741

Eth 2.0 will bring huge improvements in other areas than consensus like sharding, etc. Fantom built the first permissionless , leaderless aBFT consensus which allows dynamic participation. Everyone's playing on the same team here.

>> No.16674750

Yes cosmos is based on tendermint. And what? Xar using lachesis improves finality from tendermint 2secs to sub second.

>> No.16674784

Fantom will start announcing deals now

It's going to be a big ride trust me. Hyped for this. It will be mind blowing where fantom have got their consensus already

>> No.16674786

> hur dur everything you say is retarded

"Opera isn't a DAG based structure." ~ True, Opera is EVM running on Lachesis consensus.

"It is another fork from Ethereum." ~ False, Lachesis is ground up built, only the EVM core is used. EVM is not Ethereum.

"Lachesis consensus is built with the design of a DAG." ~ True

"Lachesis consensus isn't a DAG." ~ Consensus can't be a DAG. A DAG is a structure, it is not consensus, consensus are protocols such as Nakamoto, RAFT, BFT, pBFT, or in Lachesis' case aBFT

>> No.16674892

So in other words, your Fantom ICO was based on totally false premises:

>"FANTOM is the world’s first DAG based smart contract platform that solves the issue of scalability and confirmation time of the existing blockchain technology."

>> No.16674910

Give it a rest. It's not fantoms fault constellation dag is dumping

>> No.16674919

> "Lachesis consensus is built with the design of a DAG." ~ True

And is meant to be used in conjunction with any blockchain or DAG

Hard to wrap your heard around that?

>> No.16674925


>> No.16674931

Denny Daggins is a pajeet scumbag working for Satsgang. He pumps and dumps all Satsgang projects and is part of their online spam group.
He has admitted to this on multiple occasions. He does the same thing for Satsgang in all their scam threads.

He blames all FUD on one-two people. He uses this Raphael sandnigger because as an indian (a very dirty stinky indian) so he hates pakis.
This piece of shit scammed the DAG community and help Satsgang manipulate their token to the point nobody can sell. All the volume is fake and buy/sell walls are fully owned by Satsgang.
He is trash, he is personal friends of the piece of shit scumbag DAG CEO. He is paid to be here, he does not give a fuck about facts or logic, he has only one job. Troll the fuck out of anyone exposing the Satsgang scam. He defends them to the death and will do anything to switch the subject. He is by all means the worst poster on biz and a complete lunatic.
If Karma is a real thing, Denny Da Rocket will be eaten alive by rats while getting fucked up his ass with a baseball bat made of glass shards while watching Pakistan win the world cup of cricket or whatever stupid fucking game they play in dirtbagistan.

>> No.16674967

You can't go to the financial market and sell the world's most advanced DAG with smart contracts and 300 tps, only to end up with a consensus model that has design similarities of a DAG

>> No.16674974

Are you the homosexual pakistani pervert and sexual pedo-predator with a vpn?

>> No.16674978

It's not for sale, it's open source

>> No.16675016

Fantom Foundation had an ICO. Fantom Foundation has produced financial and product statements regarding a future DAG, not ethereum fork with a dag structure on top.

>> No.16675054

Start ups pivot retard.

What's more bullish? Putting out a single DAG or building the best consensus which any project can decide to build on?

>> No.16675083

Most of fantom was a presale not ico. ICO was a tiny amount of tokens.

We learned recently one presale investor put in $2m and will be running validator nodes

So I assume they are fine with what fantom are doing

>> No.16675221

>building the best consensus
Taking stuff out off your ass is not facts. Retard. Any neutral party confirming your bullshit? Any communication with the market about your total product shift and explanation of why? No? Why not?

>> No.16675242

>Start ups pivot retard.
ICO's lie

>> No.16675271

They had the same mis-information both presale and ICO. So you claim one pre-sale guy, that supposedly is OK with fantom and solely based on that you reach this conclusion?
>So I assume they are fine with what fantom are doing
Only a miracle will make you avoid class action lawsuit. You promised 300 000 tps, world's most advanced dag with smart contracts.

>> No.16675274


Yes actually. There has been tons of transparent information shared about what fantom are doing all yeat

>> No.16675313

That claim is not consistent with you banning some of your strongest supporters from telegram.

>> No.16675328

When did you first inform about 500 tps?

>> No.16675329

White papers arent promises.

They are still working towards the achievement of much higher tps.

300k tps is math modelled theoretical limits which they are still thriving to achieve. Further improvements like new VM keep increasing tps.

The class action thing is BS.

>> No.16675332

Go read all the research papers and medium posts

>> No.16675340

the shizo's fud makes no sense to me
he fuds that the team is different than the one at ICO, but he also fuds that the new team has different goals than the old team

>> No.16675355

the funny thing is he is from constellation dag and they only have 4 team members left because they are broke

>> No.16675364

LMAO mainnet 500tps
You clowns are gonna be homeless soon.

>> No.16675367

Even start ups which hold SEC registered private equity funding rounds are able to pivot and change their plans. Yet, he wants us to believe that a crypto startup which had a presales and ICO isnt able to adapt their strategy?

These guys are such brainlets

>> No.16675381

Based on current 1tx per cent block.

El be increased to 10 then 100 which will bring tps to 5k then 50k tps. The new VM in Q2 will bring it to 100k +

>> No.16675392

1Tx per event block*

It* will be increased.

>> No.16675395
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> chink scam
We are not falling for this, Pajeet.

>> No.16675461

So sick of these moon boys. If your aren't in ftm for the tech then gtfo.