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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16673613 No.16673613 [Reply] [Original]

>waiting for Q1 2020

>> No.16673962

why u want to lose more money?

>> No.16674187

Did they ever release an updated roadmap? Last I heard was end of Q1/Beginning of Q2 is when mainnet should launch.

>> No.16675128

Sto with your fucking Fud. Venezuela, Argentina and Africa soon. Greece will start using Rsr and please do not forget that they have Euro. African mobile company interested on the App of Reserve. How can you people be so dump not to see the potential of this project?

>> No.16675201

KYS satsgang shills

>> No.16675309

brainlet detected

>> No.16675348

Pot calling the kettle black, RSRetard.

>> No.16675365

Pee pee, poo poo.

>> No.16675535

Wtf is satsgang? Can someone please explain or link this shit?

>> No.16675629

One of the most prolific market manipulation groups in the crypto space. If it’s been shilled on 4chan then there’s a pretty good chance Satsgang was involved in one way or another.

>> No.16675639

copypasta faggot detected

>> No.16675653

satsgang has been manipuilating RSR since beginning and they're planning to dump again pretty soon

>> No.16675939

Where is your EVIDENCE you stupid street shitter?!

>> No.16676031

lol dude satsgang has been around manipulating coins since the obsidian dump.

>> No.16676572

satsgang is the lowest effort fud ive ever seen. this is how i know you're all brainlets

>> No.16676622

>he actually thinks Satsgang is FUD
This is how I know you're a newfag.

>> No.16676661

how new are you?

>> No.16676684


Link just one thing that proves satsgang isn't a made up word ya fucking fag

>> No.16676688

satsgang was manufactured fud created specifically to attack rsr because you low iq niggers can't fud rsr any other way.

>> No.16676697
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>spoonfeed me

>> No.16676703

sure anon, sure. keep telling yourself that. how much are you down on your investment?

>> No.16676725

Laughing and cringing imagining a group of 45 pajeets in a telegram channel with 3 primarch jeets calling shots and initiating "attacks" to pump or dump a coin with their collective pool of 0.39 BTC. Obviously the primarch jeets front run the poor fuckers they swindle into joining.

Anyways RSR is a great long term hold.

>> No.16676732

>can't prove dubious claim

>> No.16676733

you're only down if you sell the bottom like you faggots did who are now desperately trying to fud so you don't have to rebuy the top.

>> No.16676737

kek i have 4.5m of this pajeet shitcoin gonna get to 6m in the next few days

>> No.16676755

Rest in peace young sir

>> No.16676759

checked, fuck, im actually going to market sell now. can't believe satsgang got me AGAIN

>> No.16676800

yep, son, that was a classic satsgang's dump and dump, shame you fell for it.

>> No.16676811

checked AGAIN. why would satsgang do this to me? i worked so hard for my money and then they just dumped on me :(

>> No.16676866

satsgang is all in on Pegnet now

if you want to ride their shill wave, get it now

>> No.16676894

No one talked about fake gang till recently. You must be new lol

>> No.16677167

An updated roadmap should be releasing soon(tm). Mainnet could get delayed till 2021 but as far as we know all the tech is ahead of schedule, so it’ll come down to when the team feels it’s the right time to launch according to adoption.

>> No.16677175
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>> No.16677238

This might start marginally working if you didn't post one in every thread, you fucking Ganges-basted buffoon

>> No.16677638

Someone doesnt know how Satsgang shilling works.

Step 1: Accumulate failed shitcoin with a bot when its at ATL.

Step 2: Build massive stack for a few thousand dollars since its dead.

Step 3: Spam Twittter, Reddit, and Spam biz with threads about 10000X

Step 4: Manipulate token price with massive buy/sell walls fully controlling who gets in or out.

Step 5: Dump on everyone buying in, making sure you are the only one who gets out.

Step 6: Once at ATL after dumping take a giant shit in the street to celebrate.

Step 7: FUD the same project you just dumped and tell everyone to get into (insert another Satsgang scam shitcoin here)

>> No.16677671

Hopefully the team feels great, they seem to be really making waves in the regions they expose to it. Not to mention the possibilities with Binance in the areas...

>> No.16677681

>binance listing

you got scammed. admit it and move on.

>> No.16677735

Yay! New copy pasta we will all get to see in every thread!

>> No.16677769

Is this ruining your day Manoop? Indian Pajeet Scammer Lives Matter?

>> No.16677775

Never said 2020 binance.

>> No.16677875

It's some tiny group on twitter with almost no activity. Fudders, shillers, and other assorted retards picked it at random and pretend it's a massive shill conspiracy that manipulates the market by shilling on 4chan. I don't know why they bother; there aren't enough people on /biz/ to make a dent in prices either way so it seems like a massive amount of wasted energy to keep up this charade.

>> No.16677897

im sure satsgang is behind btc price drops as well, good job anon you've managed to look like the biggest brainlet retard here

>> No.16677912

they can't get their story straight

they are both street shitters and the best most grand conspirators on the internet lol

>> No.16678636

LOL you sound so dumb

>> No.16679794

> 2020 is going to be the year of the DeFi
RSR hodlers will make it

>> No.16679840 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16679852 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16679857
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>> No.16680351

Why not use Euro when you’re in Greece? They aren’t a shithole like venezuela

>> No.16680359

Faggot shill detected

>> No.16680369

You're a fucking nigger and no one believes you. kys

>> No.16680375

No, it's not a good hold.
