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16673337 No.16673337 [Reply] [Original]

>no degree
>no school
>run a modest labor based business paying me 80k a year after expenses
>can scale and make 100+
>iq well above 130
>intense ADHD
>can’t seem to get into academics because lack of interest/hands on
>understand basic front end web application but too sedentary/boring to further education
>people just view me as a chad/laborer with no brain until we have a conversation
I want to make an impact on the world. It’s obvious it won’t be as a scholar/brain like Musk, or Zuckerberg. Is my only way out grinding then investing and becoming a Gary Vaynerchuk?

>> No.16673346

The only way out is by luck. Prepare to fail a lot

>> No.16673378

>Muh IQ

>> No.16673383
File: 31 KB, 500x575, pff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to make an impact on the world.
>iq well above 130
He doesn't know.

>> No.16673395

is that mold remediation anon

>> No.16673398

You gotta be like Richard Branson tier, that guy is dumb as fuck but good salesman.

>> No.16673657

IQ factors out and affects everything you do
Haha I’m very aware. It’s mostly about taking action and being original to get noticed.
You’re right, but he definitely isn’t stupid. Persuasion and closing is one of the most important skills in everyday life & business. It’s what puts the $ in your hands so might as well perfect the art of persuasion, timing, understand emotional/social behavior, think quickly, etc. It all factors into being high IQ. Regular people are less conscious and less likely to excel at these things unless they were naturally born into extroversion and high in consciousness; which is a killer combo. Normies call it being a people person

>> No.16673691

only impact you want to have 30+ is the impact of your dick against a tight vagina.
With 20 you have dreams and unrealistic imaginations of this clown show but u'll figure sooner or later urself.

>> No.16673744
File: 65 KB, 399x745, 7bb62c42a11a24c1327b56c0e151a0b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it summer?
Men have a responsibility to work hard for the survival of their DNA that was planted in good breeding stock. Furthermore, men are charged with instilling work ethic, wisdom and the fear of God.
Anyone who tells you different is a product of the modern age.

>> No.16673752

I rather die than have meaningless sex with someone I can’t connect with on a spiritual and emotional level

>> No.16673756

thank you brother

>> No.16673888


>> No.16674089

everyone is born uneducated you retard

>> No.16674100
File: 1.46 MB, 1124x1620, jesusboii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew nice jesus you got there and checked.

>> No.16674114

Expand your business, take income from it and reinvest it in the business, become a titan of industry.

>> No.16674234

Stop presenting your high IQ as an asset, it makes you sounds pretentious and people don't like that. If really you want to integrate the normal functioning society you need to format your personality.