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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1666659 No.1666659 [Reply] [Original]

What are some helpful tips to stop caring how your actions affect other people?

My current mindset is that the reward is always worth it but I can't help but feel bad about it, especially if I'm fucking over people I like.

>> No.1666664

be a sociopath

>> No.1666666

just convince yourself that simulation theory is real and there actually are no other people.

and satan get.

>> No.1666669

grrr i was trying to get those satan sixes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm >>1666667

>> No.1666673


>> No.1666678

Remember that most people are morons who don't give a shit about whether their actions affect other people let alone you.

>> No.1666702
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>> No.1666716

>this thread again

If reward is what you seek, the Reciprocal Altruism Principle proves that if you want the maximum reward possible, you have to do what is best for other people. If you don't understand the RAP I can try explaining more if you like.

>> No.1666718

I think that caring about how your actions affect other people is a good thing. I wish more people were like that

>> No.1666722
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>> No.1666732

yeah, please elaborate. interested.

>> No.1666746

hello brother

>> No.1666780

Why would selflessness ever evolve? What evolutionary benefit would altruism serve to an organism? After millions and millions of years there should be no altruistic genes left on earth. And there are none, because altruism doesn't exist. Nobody is selfless, selflessness does not exist, it is all literally for the benefit of the individual organism.

The best way you can benefit yourself also just so happens to be the best way to benefit others, the more you are benifiting others the more you benefit yourself.

>> No.1666787

Example: if you wanted to help out the homeless people, you could give your house to maybe 10 homeless people max. After that, you can't help anymore.

But if you start a charity that shelters homeless people, you could help 100 homeless people and you would be getting paid to do so. Both you and the homeless people are benefiting more that the comparatively "altruistic" notion of giving away your house.

>> No.1666816
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>> No.1667134

This ends the thread.

>> No.1667675

You can make most money relatively ethically and you'd be surprised the amount of opportunities you afford yourself by being generous and cordial with the right people.

>> No.1667687

what am i looking at here?

>> No.1667711


I don't know why it's so common that neckbeards on this site seem to think acting like a Hollywood villian rich guy assures their path to wealth. Probably because they have no life experience and spend all their time playing video games and masturbating.

>> No.1667718
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>we live in a simulation theory
thank you satan, you help me when god can't

>> No.1667729
File: 12 KB, 265x343, Schiff Jacob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you, some kind of jew?

>> No.1667743

>babbys frist patrick bateman
stay poor you edgy autist