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16663813 No.16663813[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you think they had a merry Christmas?

>> No.16663855

Unironically yes.

>> No.16663858

lol I remember them

>> No.16663877


>> No.16663884

Who's that brown man on the right?

>> No.16663887

They went all in at 4k USD from what I remember

>> No.16663904

the part of me that wants karma hopes they didn't, the patriarchal patsy in me hopes at least the kids did.

>> No.16663967

they're still up on their investment so yeah anon I think so

>> No.16664274

>hopes they didn't
why the fuck would you hope for something so vile you shitty human being?

>> No.16664283

because good looking ppl deserve good christmases, or what - stfu, you self-righteous bag of moralistic wank

>> No.16664286

ha ha ha, just had this crazy thought that maybe one day the girl on the left will grow up and become a prostitute because of the poverty and no education. Meanwhile i get rich from shorting BTC to zero, and get to fuck her.. ha ha ha ha, wouldn't that be funny, ha ha.

>> No.16664295


>> No.16664297

Im neutral on the subject, he on the other hand is a jealous edgelord who hopes random people he has nothing to do with are having a bad christmas
Are you an fedora edgelord as well?

>> No.16664364

you are a closed pedo if that is the first think you think when you see an underage girl

>> No.16664374

Nothing wrong with a little bit of CHEESE. At least pedoniggers dont snitch on you they keep secrets. At least its not MY kids getting dingle dangled

>> No.16664379

Id kill one if they even look at mine's

>> No.16664384

because their father was an irresponcible asshole for gambling on his family's future, then to add further insult to injury exploited the social media novelty value of it to massage his ego.
He's the vile terrible excuse for a human being. Also there were to parts to my post, and you stopped only 10 words in. Lurk more.

>> No.16664390

i am talking about her in the future, when she is an adult..
you can see she will grow up to be a good looking woman.

>> No.16664400

Can you please stop saying unironically? You sound like a 16 year old nigger that who just learned how to read. Also, this might be complicated for your nigger brain, but all things are unironic, if something is ironic people will fucking say so, there's no need to point out how unironic everything is you fucking little faggot.

>> No.16664406

also it is weak af to pick on pedos, they are the lowest of low hanging fruit.
seems like a stupid exercise to moral fag about it, as everyone does it.
It's like saying i think starving children is bad.. like, it's a waste of words and thoughts, because everyone says it and knows it.

Say something different than the generic crowd message..

>> No.16664437
File: 46 KB, 720x782, 1576751333904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you please stop saying
Get the fuck off my board

>> No.16664493
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That's not bad. During the MtGox bubble I remember a news article about a couple of Spanish siblings who used their inheritance to buy Bitcoin in 2012. At the MtGox peak they had turned a few thousand euros into 300,000. Even after the plunge down to the $200 range they were still well ahead. If they held on through the 2017 bubble, it would have been around five million.

>> No.16664514

What's even funnier is that even now you believe Bitcoin will fail. Sad. I hope when you're sucking off hobos down by the bus station so that you can get a little protein in your diet, you remember this thread.

>> No.16664604

They will next year.

>> No.16664629

>no education
They live in the fucking Netherlands. The education system is fantastic and free.

>> No.16664672

my man, this used to be the case, but a couple years ago they changed the system. What used to be free money, has now been turned into a loan (with nearly no interest).

>> No.16664714


>> No.16664732
File: 10 KB, 299x168, Download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can also go study in Germany where there are no college fees and the federal state pays you €560 per month Bafög and you only have to pay back half of this with zero fees.

>> No.16664762

>Nicest guy/psychopath

Cringe as fuck.

>> No.16664771

I’d kill myself if I were you’s

>> No.16664810

i think you are unironically a faggot

>> No.16664830
File: 34 KB, 628x502, DesireToKnowMore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea how you get that from my post and genuinley want you to elabourate on your thinking? Because I don't see any nice guy or psycopathy in it at all.
If anything I'd think you'd assume I was a dumb broad or a raver hippie or something.

>> No.16664884

At least I know terrible things happen to you types in prison, even in solitary the guards will "accidentally" open your door when the right guy is cleaning the tier

>> No.16664902

usually the ones killing/raping/beating were victims of pedos when kids themselves, or their wives/gfs were, I think they have good reason to victimize pedos

>> No.16664934

Note: I've heard that pedos are pedos because they, in their childhood, were victims of abuse.

>> No.16665123

How? You're think of them when they turn 18 and are adults

>> No.16665893
