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16662444 No.16662444 [Reply] [Original]

So they have the money but how the fuck do they actually use this in real situations? I mean do they just literally go up to hot women and say they are rich?

>> No.16662450
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>> No.16662476

Have sex

>> No.16662486

Yes and we grab their asses they feel big money energy right away. Always respond back with yes daddy

>> No.16662502

On a serious note I wouldn't mind a girl calling me daddy. Not like it's my fault they weren't raised right. Not rich doesn't matter tho because all things come to an end OP. Go get em champ

>> No.16662572

Girls are attracted by money.

Imagine you own a Lamborghini and you stop by a random thot walking on the street.
You roll down the car window and without saying a single word you just make a "come here" sign with your fingers.
11 out of 10 thots will get in the car without questioning if you're a rapist.

>> No.16662592


You drive a fancy car and get seen in and around it. Women will find out.

>> No.16662603

Yeah, gold digging post wall roasties will find out and seek to milk you for everything

The prime tail is getting railed by robust chads and tyrones in college

>> No.16662609

You don't need to say anything it speaks for itself

>> No.16662631

Master: When you go to the hot new club in LA on a Saturday night, what do you see? You see a group of young adults all trying to impress each other. They’re wearing their best clothes, their finest jewellery, their $300 hair cuts, their collectors’ watches, their leather shoes. The game is: whoever looks the most expensive wins the most attention, respect, and admiration. They may even attract a sexual partner.

Everyone in the club is playing the charade of looking their best. But there is a truth that no one can see. It’s a game built on the back of evolution. Whoever can afford the most resources to apply to their body, resources that ultimately achieve nothing useful for survival, must by extension have even more resources back at home, or an amazing ability to acquire more resources at will, making them the most desirable mating partner.

Student: It’s funny when you spell it out like that. But yeah that’s exactly what is happening I suppose.

Master: But there is a lie that ultimately one cannot uncover. Even the most trained eye cannot tell if the person with the expensive attire actually possesses lots of resources, or if they’ve foolishly invested everything in appearances and have nothing that would make them a good mate or parent for future offspring. This is why the game is so hard to play. People are constantly signalling and looking for counter signals. But there is a player who exists who always wins.

>> No.16662635

Student: Who is that?

Master: Into the club walks a man who is wearing no jewellery, he looks like he cuts his own hair. His shoes are cotton sneakers, built only for comfort, and he wears denim jeans and a wrinkly t shirt. What is his story?

Student: I guess he could either be absolutely poor, or he is so rich he doesn’t need to impress anyone with fancy clothes.

Master: This is a correct observation. But let’s assume this person also, naturally, wants to attract a mate. Why would they not put any effort in to their clothing.

Student: I don’t know.

Master: It takes someone of reasonably high intelligence to see that there are two possible stories for why this man is wearing casual comfortable clothing. And this person only wants to attract the most intelligent mating partner, because that is how you have intelligent children.

Student: So you’re saying that by eliminating all the women who immediately think he must be poor, he has removed all the unintelligent people from his potential mating pool?

Master: Precisely.

>> No.16662643

Student: Ok, but what happens if no one comes up to him? If everyone simply believes he’s poor?

Master: If he is actually poor, then nothing will happen. If he is not faking it, then an astute observer will eventually see a signal that cannot be faked.

Student: What is that?

Master: There’s a very intelligent woman standing in the back of the club, watching this man, wondering that very thing. She’s trying to figure out why he came to this club just wearing comfortable, practical clothing, instead of fancy attire like all these other men and women. She watches him for a while. She sees him order a glass of sparkling water. She wonders why he’s not ordering expensive champaign like all the supposed ballers. He either has no interest in getting drunk, or he can’t afford champaign. She’s still curious, but not sure.

Then she sees the signal. While the man was not paying any attention, just sipping his water, a well known business man, a very wealthy man, sought this man out to get his attention, and shake his hand. He sat next to him. Then, an A list movie star walked up to this man and sat next to him also, and struck up conversation. It was clear the casually dressed man was the center of the conversation. Throughout the evening she watched this man. The people who were nobodies paid this man no mind. The only people that came and sat with him were known to be the most wealthy or famous in the club. She still didn’t know who this man was, but she could see that all the most successful people in the club knew something she did not. She asked the other women she was with what they thought of him. They scoffed when they saw his clothes.

>> No.16662651

She decided to go and introduce herself to him. She was honest enough to admit she didn’t know who he was, but she was quite curious. He knew by virtue of the fact that she could see he felt no need to wear the most expensive clothes and this was reasonable, that she was more intelligent than most of the other people in the club.

Student: Right. So you’re saying people that need to impress others wear fancy clothes. People who wear comfortable clothes in public are either poor, or very rich.

Master: Millionaires wear suits. Billionaires wear shorts. The new graduate lawyer wears his best suit to work each day. What does the owner of the firm wear?

Student: I don’t know.

Master: Whatever they want.

>> No.16662660

Jeff Bezos had one mediocre mistress. Money won't help you get laid short of prostitution.

>> No.16662666
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stupid roasties don't know these alpaca socks cost 75 bitcoin

>> No.16662672

hot bitches come to them.when you are good looking or rich, you dont even have to try

>> No.16662680

unironic mega cope (not by you but whoever wrote it)

intelligent women want rich partners too. it's assuming women think like men when they don't, because it was written by a man. not to mention le intelligent woman in a club lol. intelligent women will even have children with a stupid rich man who just got lucky. all that matters is that he has it
being rich means you can have 10 kids with 10 different women if you wanted and all of them could be raised well

he already has 3 sons and 1 adopted chinese kid though

>> No.16662687


>> No.16662709

>1 adopted chinese kid though

Why do you think this is a point in his favor?

>> No.16662739

>3 sons
>1 adopted Chinese daughter
>(he's adopted himself)

It is

>> No.16662748

OP it's Christmas so I'm going to give you a present:

women want you to show them a world that they didn't know existed before. You know that whole "I can show you the world scene" from Aladdin? That exactly. Wanna why seemingly high class women will date lower class men? Because they're letting them into a new world. It's exciting.

So if you're a millionaire: use that to find new worlds to show people, and then do that. That can be anything, race cars, nice restaurants, cool cars, or just fun experiences around your city. It doesn't matter: it just has to be new fun stuff. If you can figure that out, you've figured it all out.

>> No.16662772

women are attracted to power and status, being rich instantly gives you both. All that about being confident and "yourself" is bullshit and ultimately boils down to faking power and status. Why else would a man be so confident? Surely he must be of higher value than the men around him?

>> No.16662828

gym tan laundry, the rest comes naturally

>> No.16662873

Ya'll need sex.

>> No.16663491

buy girls drinks at bars

>> No.16663564

>Mike Tyson voice: hey you like nice cars? I got a lot of nice cars. Why don’t you come with me? We can check em out. You know who I am, right? I’m mike Tyson. I got nice cars and nice houses. Come on, let’s go. I’ll call the dealer right now. He’ll open the dealer, and you can pick out any car, and I’ll buy it. It’s nothing. Come on.

Then he brought them to his house and railed them like a wild horse in a fight so they couldn’t even walk straight.

>> No.16663565

based, we're all going to fake it

>> No.16663624

This is a cute story but the problem is, most autist here barely work in social settings. They can't talk, they don't dress well and they probably are NEETS or can't even get a good job.

>> No.16663663

They grab them by the pussy

>> No.16663751

The moral of this story is that clothes, money and material things are pure cope. People, regardless of gender, are attracted to power. For women, that means men of high social standing. If you're a nobody trying to show up to a fancy nightclub dressed casually, you'll get turned away for looking like a scrub. If the bouncer knows who you are because you're important, then you automatically gain points regardless of how you dress.

True story, my sister met this guy at a rave who is like 5'2 and looks like a leprechaun. But once she found out he ran a vintage clothing store she could use to leverage her design career, she spent months working for him trying to get him to notice her until she convinced him to marry her. In their wedding photos he had to stand on the slope of the beach to appear taller than her, kek. And that's the story of how my sister married a leprechaun because of his stature in the community.

>> No.16663763

You get it

>> No.16663775

Just be able to last more than 5 minutes playing this game

>> No.16663814

They live a lifestyle above the means of the average wagie. Your appeal is that you offer them access to a lifestyle inaccessible to them normally, and they're dependent on you if they don't want to sink back down to the average wagebitch's lifestyle of fastfood and superhero movies. I've seen guys with money who still can't get women. The problem is that they're /comfy/ and basically live a normal middle-class life, but with less work and more expensive food. So with cars, houses, vacations and the like it's very easy to make a girl attracted to you and make her try to please you. The problem is that you can't show your house off to everyone.

In order to actually get a girl at first you need to signal a bit of wealth somehow. You need to do it in varying environments too. High class or low class, public or niche. It's good to get that broad exposure. Unfortunately, unless you're getting literal prostitutes, you can't just stay at home and have hot girls come to you.

But I don't recommend any of this. Reinvest money instead of wasting it on the pursuit of women. Women fucking suck and don't deserve as much attention, effort, and resources as they get.

>> No.16663841


He's probably unhappy in the marriage. One of them is probably cheating

>> No.16663847


is this Samson Mow?

>> No.16664339


>> No.16664402
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they get out of the house and have the confidence and charm to actually speak to other people, some of whom might be attractive women for one.
The rest kind of takes care of itself if you're not an autist, or at least are a autist who has studied human interaction like you're a zoologist.
It's not a fucking mystery.
Even broke guys get pussy, if you're rich then that multiplies your chances, especially to get golddigging whores. It means girls who would have been like "He's cute but I'm not sure" now be like "I'm not sure, but he's rich, may as well"

>> No.16664448
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When you have money. Chicks just fucking know. Even if you don’t flaunt your wealth, they fucking know.

>> No.16664463
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There are people ACTUALLY this dumb on this board that they think guys just walk up to women and whisper in their ear "i have a 7 figures bank account" and that SOMEWAY SOMEHOW gives you keys to the pussy. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. KILL YOURSELF OP.

>> No.16664508

Nobody here will ever know because:
1. You will never have net worth exceeding $1M
2. You will never have the balls to leave your basement
3. Even if you somehow achieve the first two, you'll be so autistic in the real world, you'll probably get ripped off from the first whore you meet. You are just genetic trash and don't know how to deal with women regardless of status and appearance.
COPE with this post however you like

>> No.16664549

>at the third point currently
Anyone who was able to became a millionaire is capable of learning social interaction with women, even if it's hard.

>> No.16664558

WRONG. There are a bunch of sperg millionaires that still don't get laid no matter their net worth.
They are smart, but not in a social situation.

>> No.16664560

The biggest benefit of being rich isn't your money. It is your free time. Time that can be used to get chicks while everyone else is working.

>> No.16664564

>Time that can be used to get chicks
not if you are refreshing /biz/ 20 hours a day

>> No.16664566

not by using actually and literally in every sentence, that's for sure. if you do that you sound like an autistic virgin

>> No.16664580

This was the most autistic thing I've read in a while. Yeah the club scene/dating scene is fake and it'd be easier if more women were open rather than playing this dumb game. The writer has never been to a club as they don't let people in who dress like shit. If this guy was smart he wouldn't even be at the club.

>> No.16664586

This is so much easier being rich desu. I've met a couple girls it'd definitely have worked out with had I been able to afford this rather than being a NEET.

>> No.16664589

+ the rest of the 4chan slangs
If they discover you browse this shithole, it's over.

>> No.16664594

probably a linktard

>> No.16664601

I doubt it, they'd probably look in and maybe ask if it's a rental

>> No.16664687

You seem to project your resistance to learning and new experiences of any kind - you're a huge moron.

>> No.16664729

You are the fucking antisocial basement-dwelling spergs that will never be rich and popular.
Keep projecting

>> No.16664812

1) Wrong
2) Right
3) Right

>> No.16665094

Don't know any millionaires but everybody else just becomes a drug dealer and give whores free coke and x in exchange for diseased pussy.

>> No.16665112

dem projections

>> No.16665122

do you really want a girl that easy?

>> No.16665320

mediocre cope
I love how everyone starts to cope immediately after the truth about them is exposed. Brilliant!