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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16658842 No.16658842 [Reply] [Original]

now that this piece of shit if dying, can we get all the legit posters who left because of annoying linktards back? this board is so dead now

>> No.16658858

1000$ EOY, never selling.

>> No.16659196
File: 489 KB, 1270x750, 1574366967294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16659406

i see an old ass link meme, i respond
piss sack meme is one of the first i saved

>> No.16659422

its not dying until its out of the top 20, then its going to fall off a cliff and we can laugh at the stinky suicides

>> No.16659646

Without LINK all this board would have ever delivered in the last 2 years are scams and PnDs. You’re a fucking moron. You only have yourself to blame, countless good threads used to exist shilling LINK below 20 cents, and you ignored them all. Now you’re here bitter and begging for a board where everyone loses money instead of just you. Fucking kys.

>> No.16659653

tick tock stinky, should have sold at the ATH

>> No.16659655

>t. jealousy

>> No.16659665

SerGay = fat scammer


>> No.16659667

how low can you go linky?

>> No.16659671

This board was never good

>> No.16659960

>he thinks there was no other mooning coins to ride
linkies are absolutely deluded retards who live in cages and don’t see beyond what happens beyond their useless shitcoin proved again

>> No.16660333

Oh? Name one - just ONE crypto which outperformed LINK since late 2017 had you bought when biz was shilling and we’re still holding now.

Remember, you need a 10x. Go on, I’ll wait here.

>> No.16660340

Sorry an 18x since biz was shilling during ICO.

>> No.16660351
File: 106 KB, 403x403, Rocket-Ship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank me later

>> No.16660371

Before link there were pandacoin and several other cultish PnD scams, this is just the last in a long line. It's the type of ppl this board attracts, a huge percentage is poor, lonely and miserable and thus susceptible to the "frens" bullshit and promises of "making it" by buying a premined shittoken. Ah well.