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16655607 No.16655607 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cope with knowing you're going to be poor the rest of your life?

>> No.16655633
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By trying again tomorrow!

>> No.16655634

Buying chainlink and knowing I did my absolute best after.

>> No.16655647


>> No.16655655

By not showering

>> No.16655698

>How do you cope with knowing you're going to be poor the rest of your life?
Resigning yourself to this 'fact' is the cope

>> No.16655712

How are you supposed to make it when real wages have declined for the last 50 years?

>> No.16655753

hobo in los angeles. you can get everything you need for free including clothes, food, shower and education. full autismbux and medicare if you do your homework before the interview. stay away from the homeless camps and find a safe place to sleep. don't do drugs/alcohol. the weather is good most of the year so you don't have to worry about freezing to death. los angeles city admin all the way up to the fag mayor loves its hobos because they can virtue signal for reelection.

>> No.16655775

I have 45k LINK and am set to inherit a real estate portfolio that brings in $28k/month after debt service. I plan on using my time to start a charity, any ideas?

>> No.16655788

drugs and panic attacks mostly

>> No.16655797

fuck wasteful charity, jive directly to people who need it. how about you start by paying for my medical treatments which will be tens of thousands faggot.

>> No.16655799


>> No.16655804


Why do liberals think day for jobs are careers? They always think someone else has to give them a job or opportunity.

>> No.16655859

You think this explains why you haven't made it (yet) but it really does not. Do not try to rationalize your situation with words like oh the world is against me, the economy is bad, wages have not grown.
it is this mindset that keeps you down.
Can't you see you have internet? Access to tutorials and books and everything you need to learn and get good. Yes the economy is bad, or whatever, but there is opportunity also.

>> No.16655870

"real wages have declined for the last 50 years?"
this is something you've seen in a youtube video, it has nothing to do with you.

>> No.16655882

I cope by looking at my aristocrat dividend gains for the month and see that they have given me another $2000 to buy even more dividend stock. . .

>> No.16655895

you boomers are retards. How the fuck do you expect people to escape and carve their own path without fucking capital? Learn to think. Also piss poor way of justifying a shit society where most people are fucked. Thats a mathematical fact btw

>> No.16655902

i buy chainlink.

>> No.16655904

Imagine being this retarded. It has everything to do with op AND the rest of americans. Its like you retards cant grasp math. You wouldnt survive this job market if you had to start from 0 like millennials do. We dont have ponzi schemes like you guys did

>> No.16655905

most people are fucked because they are to stupid to realize they are stupid. . .

>> No.16655918

False and a shit way of justifying the economy. 30% if jobs pay hardship wages and 32% pay livable wages. Scarcity isnt the fault of citizens and not escping due to lack of capital to start their own ventures is also not their fault.
You seem to be under the impression it can NEVER be the shitty economy. It MUST be the individuals fault. Bullshit as stats show

>> No.16655927

1 I'm no boomer,
2 Why so mad

>> No.16655975

>30% if jobs pay hardship wages and 32% pay livable wages.
If true, the last thing you should do is try to live off of that shit job, as if it is your life forever. Leverage that shit-job-money into books or tuition or whatever it is you need to get yourself into a better situation. Do not resign yourself to "be poor the rest of your life?".

>> No.16655983
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>> No.16656291

Are you a coder?

>> No.16656656

kek no, but i've noticed it too. they do talk like this.
maybe talking yourself up is the cope

>> No.16656684

maybe 2 years tops since i have 1M Nerva and that shit is going to $1 so....ticktok.

>> No.16657537

How much do you invest to make 2k in dividends? Is it all in the aristocrat ETF?

I have 20k in the vanguard high yield dividend ETF but I make like $500 a quarter

>> No.16657807
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I'm not. I firmly believe that I'm going to be the most successful out of my family in the past 3 generations. The most successful I've seen in my family is middle class, and I'm going to surpass that by being upper middle class. They have good paying jobs but they're shit with their money, they try and flex (hate that nigger word) on us and have gone bankrupt once. I'm easily going to surpass my immediate family, and hopefully set my children up for success in the future. You just watch.

>> No.16657819

>implying the Jews will allow that to happen
top kek

>> No.16657828
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I will have to act like a jew then

>> No.16657855


You just told a liberal to self improve. That's a complete non starter for them. It's the government's job to feed and house then and make them save money

>> No.16657965

No one needed to self-improve when the economy was good.

>> No.16658255

Yeah. Parents and grandparents had houses and a good paying jobs handed to them. Self improvement was alien concept to them

>> No.16658296
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>to stupid

>> No.16658338

I get NEETbux and work minimum wage, but effectively I'm just about hitting median income.
This is not poor. I get to throw 40% of my overall income into crypto monthly

>> No.16658436

How is every other 4chan user on NEETbux when its so hard to get

>> No.16658509

I'm diagnosed with schizophrenia bro :d
Not really suffering from it, I get minimal dose of meds.
I got so fucked because of years of drug abuse and fucked up childhood. I probably don't have schizophrenia. A doctor once diagnosed me with Borderline Personality Disorder, he said that three year off drugs and I won't even need the meds.
But never mind that, I will get NEETbux for the rest of my life.

>> No.16658653

Nobody gets rich working for somebody else.