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16655353 No.16655353 [Reply] [Original]

Im the only one here. I am doing overnight. Theres a place with no cameras. Feel like whipping out my dck and fapping away.

Is this financially stupid? What are the chances of getting caught? Its outside in a high place, but im worried of a hidden camera.

What does biz think? Should I just nut when I get home? Some days I just cant take it. Work kills my libido and even then not enough

>> No.16655357

Just go to the bathroom and pretend that you are shitting. Whatever you do, unless you work at a bar or restaurant or some shit tier job like that, never EVER fuck a coworker.

>> No.16655360


>> No.16655364

Very rarely do big companies invest in hidden cameras for spots no one cares about.
I say go for it, I fap at work all the time.

>> No.16655365

When I used to work security there was a thicc Hispanic lady who was about 3 years older than me. So pretty young. But with the biggest fucking titties and ass I've ever seen. Ever 3 hours I'd go to the public washroom and nut on the sink. Never got caught.

>> No.16655371

do it in front of the camera. imagine you're looking them in the eye as you give yourself a firm handshake.

>> No.16655374

>never EVER fuck a coworker.
But he's about to fuck himself

>> No.16655387

you ppl are trashy. id expect this behavior from other races. guess white trash is just as bad.

>> No.16655391

Why'd you never try and tap that?

>> No.16655393

ur right. In my defense, im mid 20s so hormones are still crazy

>> No.16655428

not even a teenage me would ever do that shit faggot.

>> No.16655431

Im gonna eat your face for that one

>> No.16655445

Coom to a market buy of FRM and i'll send you 1M tokens.

>> No.16655449

Honestly she was flirting with me pretty much every day but somehow felt I never had a chance. The problem was she was a condo owner in an extremely expensive area of the city while I was a min wage security guard.

I'm a software dev now and have a thicc fiance so I guess I've fixed both those problems now tho.

>> No.16655460

>rich condo owner
its stuff like this that makes me want to make it with btc. Other people luck out, I should be able to too. Depressing we missed the first 2 boars tho.. we could have been billionaires or at least multi millionaires

>> No.16655462


>> No.16655475

Tbh I make good money now and I purposely choose not to enjoy it. >95% of my disposable money goes straight into btc every 2 weeks and never gets withdrawn. Precisely because of situations like that where I could have gotten some 10/10 ass but didn't because poorfag.

>> No.16655491

did you graduate on time btw? I need basically a yr and a half to finish and it doesnt seem worth going 15k in debt for a ba anymore (graduating at age 26 if I continue). I fucked up with a lot of decisions and am just trying to luck out with a gov job.

>> No.16655516

a women cares more about how much FUN you bring to the table, not about money

my gf owns condos too, she has been supporting me for 4 years. she even says she wants to propose to me. LOL

IM BROKE WITH 30k links, no job education NOTHING, I do DJ at clubs tho so maybe she thinks thats my passion or some shit.

>> No.16655556
File: 70 KB, 512x640, 6AAA3CD6-89AE-4B68-9DFE-FA096FA0D7F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of a guy I used to hang out with. He was always nice and shit when ever we hung out and would pay for everything. I thought he was gay, but he had a gf he lived with. His live in girl was like assistant upper management and then promoted to upper management. He was shit skinned, not African, but dark enough that girls thought he was black, and he was horny af. Turns out he would tell his live in gf he was hanging out with me but really at another hoes house banging her. Blew up in his face when his live in gf called me and asked if he was with me. Me being autistic said fuck no. He got mad at me and never talked to me again.

>> No.16655582

he didnt deserve her anyways. Good on your autism

>> No.16655597

Think of it as an investment ;) what's the risk to reward ratio, anon? There might be a hidden camera -- there might not. I'm sure people have gotten away with it just as those who thought they were safe got caught. Does the marginal utility and happiness outweigh the potential massive stain on your career? IMO totally not worth it, BUT -- to each their own. First rule of investing is never gamble more than you can afford to lose ;) and I do think this qualifies as a definitive gamble

>> No.16655606

>BASED underrated

>> No.16655624

Tbh I don't have a degree. I got a job over the summer of 3rd year out of sheer stubbornness and the pay was so good I never went back. I've been out of school a while now and make more than most senior developers

>> No.16655641

wait, how?? Howd you get a programming job without a degree? Teach me! Also, define good. Like 80k?

>> No.16656005

I've been working 2 years and went from 55k/year to 101k/year (don't ask me how we settled on 101...)

This is in Canada where the avg software developer maybe makes 80-85k if they're good. Less if pajeet.

I write pretty boring enterprise code most days but here and there I get to do something involving machine learning or distributed systems and it's pretty cool.

Also, if you live in America, multiply these numbers by like 1.75x. Because salaries in the US are far higher than in Cucknada.

>> No.16656013

Sorry, you wanted me to tell you how to get a job. What do you currently know? Are you starting from 0?

>> No.16656020

Nothing about computer science. Actually, Im a security guard. Did a 2 yr degree in the trades. Not for me. Have an incomplete bachelors in business admin/econ(10 classes/1.5yrs to finish). All the other jobs ive had were general labor, tradie work, or customer service work. Im in the shitter right now

>> No.16656058


Ok so you'd be starting from scratch. Depends on what you want to do. If you want to be a web developer, you can learn HTML, JavaScript and CSS and that's pretty much it. If you learn React or Angular 2+ on top of that you're immediately hireable provided you can PROVE you know these technologies.

Aka create something and put it on GitHub or some other software versioning system.

If you want to be an actual software engineer, you should also learn a systems programming language. Learn C++ or Java. I chose Java because it's the one I ended up liking more (and it happens to be the higher paid and has more jobs.) Take an online course in data structures and algorithms.

Learn how to program web servers to take requests from users and spit out useful data. Learn how to use databases in your web servers (amongst other reasons to use them, databases allow very fast searching of massive amounts of data, usually in terabytes or petabytes at the enterprise level.)

I can't really write a full guide but pretty much I was an autist for a year because I enjoyed it so much and ended up creating an app that indexed 23 billion matches from a game I used to play. Got interviews like they were candy.


Learn shit. PROVE yourself by handing employers hard evidence you can do the job.
Result, no one gives a fuck you have no degree.

>> No.16656066

Btw about a fourth of all software engineers are self taught or have completed unrelated majors. So I'm not some rare case. Anyone can do this with enough autism and make 6 figures easily.

It's a literal meme but "learn to code" isn't actually a Jewish shill.

>> No.16656079

Also. When you're stuck on a problem... just google for a solution. It sounds pajeet as fuck but the final and ultimate skill you learn as a software developer is research, not programming.

Being able to find information and understand it enough to provide value to a company is the reason I'm hired. Not because I know how to type into an IDE.

>> No.16656148

to start start, would you try youtube, udemy, or khan academy?

>> No.16656193

I'd say just use online text based tutorials to learn at first. Read carefully, understand what they're saying and then try to replicate it. Make sure you can run your program without bugs. Customize it and play with it to see what you can and can't do. When you feel like you've had enough of that particular topic, move on.

I can link you a few sites to start off on. I'm not affiliated with them in any way and infact I encourage you to try and do your own research. You may find even better tutorials.

Simple step by step guide to Java:

Simple step by step guide to HTML:

At first, you will be using these languages separately. But once you're competent, you'll find out how to make a Java web server spit out an HTML page, for example. This is called integration because you're integrating the two technologies into one application.

Don't integrate anything except HTML and CSS. Advice from me. Learn HTML and CSS separately from Java. Learn JS only after you've learned HTML and CSS.

Lastly, if you have a question, google it. Don't ask others for help. Struggle through it and you'll be a better developer in the end.

Your ultimate goal is to become a full stack developer unless you find you'd rather do some other type. (This is the type of software engineer that is most prevalent, has the most job openings and usually commands the highest salaries)

Mostly important to enjoy your work in this field. If you don't like it you will not survive in the workforce, trust me. So learn a lot but experiment and have fun as well.

>> No.16656200

Also the reason I heavily discourage video courses is because they are usually filled with pajeets. Too many retards on youtube and udemy. Khan Academy is acceptable, and maybe even good, but I think you should use text tutorials.

The reason is: more advanced topics like for example "reactive websocket authentication in the Spring Framework" will not have videos available. Only the documentation written by the creators of Spring. Therefore get used to text.

>> No.16656233

Also, this is not super important at the start because of a magical thing called abstraction (google it) but it will be more and more important as time goes on and you start doing more advanced things.

Look up how a computer works.


It sounds dumb but literally go and learn how your computer takes electricity in, transforms the electrical signal into 1s and 0s and transforms that into letters and transforms the letters into a website.

You will understand so much more in the long run.

And I recommend also learning C (not C++) once you have learned a little Java so you can understand how the computer is REALLY executing your Java commands at the lowest levels.

I'd say you can probably become semi competent in 6 months. And easily work ready in a year. You're a security guard. You've got lots of time to learn this stuff and get good.

Make use of it brother.