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16653374 No.16653374 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is not about making money but saving money. What are some small cheap things you do to save money?

>> No.16653411

live in a modest home
cut my own hair
shop at good will/savers
make my own meals, never eat out
buy cheap booze
bought my bmw340 2 years old instead of new

>> No.16653414

stopped smoking THC & tobacco
stopped drinking alcohol
do 50 sit-up/push-ups in morning
only use girls for sex and never buy them shit

>> No.16653445

>cut my own hair
I tried this but it's hard. Are you a wizard?

>> No.16653452

>Flush the toilet only once a day
>Cold showers
>No lights until it's literally impossible to circulate around your house without bumping into everything
>No ventilator no matter how hot it gets
>No aircon, just blankets and/or more clothes while inside

You literally cannot beat this god tier list

>> No.16653467
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I rarely turn the heat on but I still can't stand cold showers at winter time. I'll spend a few bucks for warm showers.

>Flush the toilet only once a day

>> No.16653471

How much did you spend on Tobacco when you smoked?

>> No.16653483

no, i just buzz it since i'm a hairlet

>> No.16653489

Oh then I guess you can DIY. Can't imagine paying $20 + tip for a buzzcut

>> No.16653492
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How to save money: Put money into bank account

>> No.16653496

Also you don't need high speed internet, just get a cheap 4g plan with 15gb or so and try not to watch too much porn.

>> No.16653500
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>> No.16653506

Wipe your ass with your hand

>> No.16653507

you can invest in a self cut system they also teach you how to diy your own hair

>> No.16653510

only buy groceries that are on sale unless its like ramen, rice, potatoes, etc
take cold showers when its not freezing winter
wear each piece of clothing you own for 5+ days before washing it and wash on COLD
hang dry your clothes, dont use a dryer
bundle up inside in the winter instead of cranking the heat
shorts and no shirt or wife beater and turn on a fan in the summer instead of a/c
pee in bottles, the shower, and the sink
my cheap cell phone plan cost me $30 for a year
use unprotected wifi or ask your neighbor there wifi password when you're chilling at his house
shave your head, you wont have to pay a barber and you never need a shower in the morning

>> No.16653517
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I'd like to do this but my retard brother that I share the home with plays online games so I can't. Actually had to upgrade the internet because he kept crying about lagging while playing League of Legends

>> No.16653520

You just need a mirror, a good razor and at least 100 iq points so you don't accidentally kill yourself

>> No.16653540
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Interesting. I'm actually interested in cutting my own hair because the barbershop is the only place left where I go out to spend money.

I already cut out restaurants and entertainment.

>> No.16653546

learn how to diy with the selfcutsystem and you'll never need to go to a barber ever again. it's a good investment.

>> No.16653558

>still living in crusty western country
>pay taxes
>pay Obamacare
>pay cost of living

Move to third tier street-shitting country and live homeless. That’s truly zero cost living.

>> No.16653573
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Every summer I imagine completely shaving my head and wonder how clean and cool it might feel but I never have the courage to do it.

One day friend.

>> No.16653613

it feels great in the wind and freezing cold in the winter. a beanie is a must for the winter!

>> No.16653651

you can even do the system yourself if you can manage to connect 3 mirrors together instead of paying 100 or 150$ for this. that lesbian chick in the vid is hot as fuck btw, her haircut looks cool.
-Replace all your lightbulbs with LED bulbs (warm white only) if it's not already done. They use 10x less electricity.
-You can save 50%+ water consumption if you change your shower head. example: https://www.bustle.com/p/the-3-best-water-saving-shower-heads-9913617

>> No.16653667

You need a stationary mirror, a hand mirror, a pair of scissors, and a hair trimmer. Practice with cutting a little bit of hair first.

>> No.16653669

Don't eat out or do the starbucks thing. Don't be an ass and crank the heat up to 85 and remember to turn it down before you leave for work. Keep track of all expenses in quicken. You can see right off where your money goes each month. Mostly your biggest money suckers will be Food, Utilities,Rent (or mortgage),Gas,and auto Insurance. These you can't really do much with other than utilities and food. Don't fall into the debt trap (credit card). Yeah having one is nice and when shit happens it makes dealing with it easier but keeping a balance long term is just you tossing money down the drain. Your giving money to the company each month in fees/interest. Nip that shit in the bud.

>> No.16653673

I think I could just buy three flat mirrors and diy it. $150 for a premade "system" sounds rediculous

>> No.16653676

Just discovered costco.
In Australia food is really expensive, savings on food grow quite fast.

>> No.16653679

holy fuck thank god i'm not poor enough to do any of this...

>> No.16653773

Hell I get by on a shitty 27k a year salary with Green left over. Yeah I know location,etc maters but shit I'm making it. By not being a dumb ass with my wad. Some dudes are rolling with 60k plus but they're deep in debt or other shit. (kiddie payments, school loans,gambling debt, drug issues,etc). So you know yeah I make shit. But at least I don't have any of that shit hanging around my neck.

>> No.16653782

Go to shops near closing time to get cheap goods that won;t last until the day after, and do the same near holidays.

Go to markets at closing time for cheap fruit and veg.

Buy gigantic sacks of veg (ideally at the above times/for a bargain) and preserve them. You can save money on the freezer and fridge, as well as increase nutrients, by fermenting them.

Here in the UK they've been doing 1kg (2.2lb) of carrots for 20p, so I got a few quids worth and fermented them:

4 cups carrots grated
2 tbsp sea salt
mix, put in jar and pack very tightly
mash it until it is covered in its own juices
put lid on very loosely, and leave an inch between the carrots and lid, at least
leave in a warm place 3 days (or until main bubbles stop), then put in a cool place
This is very nutrittious and will last months, easily.

Can be done with anything really, but more watery veg needs for salt. And some things are best done whole e.g. onions.

>> No.16653833

Fermented carrots sound cheap and nutritious, but does it taste good?

Does australia import most of its foods?

>> No.16653892

>Fermented carrots sound cheap and nutritious, but does it taste good?

Different anon, but anything tastes good after you've eaten it for a few weeks of primarily eating it. Your tastebuds become accustomed to it and eventually begin to crave it.

>> No.16653904

Drive with your headlights off at night to save on electricity

>> No.16653947

It's like sauerkraut compared to cabbage really. After you start eating the fermented version you'll wonder how anyone eats it raw. It is the only way to get the maximum nutrients out of the thing without a cow-tier digestive system.

I think fermenting>cooking>raw in terms of nutrients. But you might want cooked carrots for flavour or for sick people (might not want to test your intestines with living food if sick).

Also you can put a tbsp of grated ginger in the carrots for flavour, at the beginning of the process.

>> No.16654009

Cook meals at home, don't go out to eat a lot, pissing outside, growing vegetables in the garden, wash laundry during the evening hours, don't buy unnecessary material goods, and shower 2-3 times a week depending on how funky I get.

Main meals are frozen chicken tendies and chicken thighs with a can good. $4 per bag of tendies is enough for 3 meals. Can of carrots, corn, or peas are 50-60 cents each. Chicken thighs usually $6-8 a package, portioning 2 thighs per ziplock so about 13-15 thighs. Get about 6-7 meals from that too. Pasta is cheap at 90 cents a box that gets you 2-3 meals per box with a glass jar of sauce going for $1-$1.30.

Fasting is helpful in reducing the need to eat and is a healthy thing to do.

Salary 21k a year. Ride a bike to and from places when driving isn't needed.

>> No.16654033

Orange juice, bananas, apples, get $1 pizzas from Wal-Mart. Make home made salsa that's about $4-5 per 2 cups and $2 tortilla chips that are about 4 servings. Spend about $100-150 on food a month.

>> No.16654050

>get $1 pizzas from Wal-Mart.
You'll kill yourself with the shite they put in tat stuff. Better to not eat than to eat that. Just buy a massive sack of oats. Simple as.

>> No.16654055


You like that glyphosphate huh?

>> No.16654063


>> No.16654081
File: 212 KB, 2048x1536, van pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy a cheap van and live in it

Pic related, 10k for everything including the van itself

>> No.16654120

I was waiting for someone to suggest living in a van. Sounds cool but I heard it's an ass to find a parking spot legally/illegally

>> No.16654130

Also if the van breaks down (serious problems such as engine, frame, transmission), will you just buy another van and remake your home, or will you pay thousands to fix it? You did put a lot of money into the van.

>> No.16654136
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Continue the good job frens, no monies for the boomies, frugal life ftw

>> No.16654154

This one is for you bro

>> No.16654348
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>still plays pretend after childhood
beat him

>> No.16654402

I spend less then this guy by doing everything opposite.
I live with my parents.
I get barber to give me a proper cut. Once every 3 months.
I barely shop but when I do, it's amazon.
I don't make my own meals, I eat out a lot.
I literally don't drink.
I don't own a car. No worries about paying for it or paying for insurance.

>> No.16654456

>no car and living at home
no one cares about you freak boy

>> No.16654466
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rate my slightly above minimum wage budget and plan

>> No.16654488

must be nice paying no rent

>> No.16654512
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Do you seriously plan on saving your money purely in fiat?

>> No.16654639

The ingredients aren't bad. Otherwise I'd be dead already. Plus I add chopped tomatoes, garlic clove, and oregano to it. Not a fan of oats, but they are rich in fiber so if you like that not a bad choice. Grains are not the best source of carbs compared to complex sources, but meh. If that's what you like. We all don't have to bare down so hardcore to save money.
This is technically a myth. The amount of that in grains is very small.

>> No.16655436

a penny saved is a penny earned. This means you work to do more with less, saving money by not spending it. Some of cheapest pricks you will ever meet are rich, becuase they do not waste money on stupid shit. They have financial security instead of crap.

>> No.16655657

I'm 35. One wife one kid. Manager of a restaurant at 25k$ a year plus tip so around 3000$ undeclared right in my pocket. Have a house (160k value) half paided after 6 years, one car ( wife is driving it on the weekdays) and I'm on cycling on weekdays even in winter. Wife is in finance and getting 50k, after bracket and taxes we earned the same (fucking Canada). Hard mode: a few freezer to get the most of groceries deals, I'm a pussy and can knit basic shit for winter, ask for some deals with locals who works at differents restaurant for deals at buying large meat quantity deals. If you ask nicely restaurants nicely they can sell you very nice things

>> No.16655851

which province? Must be one of the cheaper ones to be able to live with $25k/year (USD or CAD?)

>> No.16655960

It's easy as fuck
get a trimmer with adjustable lent
do parallels on you head
ear height: 10mm
go up in increment of 3m
top of the head 25 mm
top sides 18mm (higher lenghth difference is okay at that lenght)
then move don in bands 15-12-10 (the shorter the hair the lower the length difference to avoid looking retarded)
I've been doing it for 10 years, takes me 15mn, and people don't even guess

>> No.16655976

I haven't showered in about 7 months.

>> No.16656022

I'd like to see the full financials for living in a van, most people who talk about it tend to be quite crafty but financially illiterate
I'm pretyy sure looking at x years of van living it averages out to the sme as renting, including insurance, gas, maintenance, breakage, etc...
It has the advantage of being mobile, but if uo're not moving around I can't see how it makes sense financially
just a corner table calculation, if the van is 10k, thats 1 year and 8 month of 500$ bedromm in an appartment already furnished. In that time span, you'll pay insurance+gas+non financial (social) cost of living ina van, where as in the flat you'll pay bills. And that's assuming no maintenance/fixing costs on the van (which is bound to happen if you're using it everyday)

everyone I've ever met living in a van is putting aside for the next fix or repaying the last one. they always rationalize it as "after this it'll be alright" but it never ends

>> No.16656047 [DELETED] 

buy merino wool clothing and don't wash it for weeks

>> No.16656052

I eat twice a week

>> No.16656085

Anacondas are not welcome in this thread.

>> No.16656107
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I researched a lot about both tiny home and van life, and the grand summary of people's opinions is that:

1. There are WAY more hidden expenses and inconveniences of van/tiny home living than people expect

1a. HOWEVER, the overall cost is still cheaper than normal home living

2. Finding parking space is often hard and illegal. Moving around gets tiring. Neighbors don't like you.

3. Gym membership (the ones with good facilities and showers) rocks

>> No.16656244

Don't buy shit you don't need.
I know people here act too sophisticated to shop at Walmart, but you need to shop at Walmart for groceries anyway.
Buy generic brands.
The discount bakery rack at Walmart is awesome.
Dont pay for cable or netflix. Its easy to find pirate websites.

>> No.16656261

I use the 2% cashback Citi card for all purchases.
Its also easy to track all your spending just by logging into your account.

>> No.16656399

Imagine the smell

>> No.16656406


>how to fuck up your house and introduce mold -the post