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16651520 No.16651520[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw #womenaretrash is trending #1 on christmas eve

>> No.16651551

explain to brainlet

>> No.16651552

Top kek if thats true

>> No.16651556


>> No.16651560

Have sex

>> No.16651564

have sex with trash? Why?!!!

>> No.16651566

It should be white women are trash. Asian and Latin girls are awesome and willingly worship my white cock

>> No.16651587

based and checked

>> No.16651685

Incredibly based people are commenting like 'waking up to this on christmas eve is not on' just look away from the screen or something how hard can it be?

>> No.16651695

fake news

>> No.16651713
File: 839 KB, 1022x749, 1577144156506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I short roasties?

>> No.16651730

Big if true

>> No.16651777

Imagine all the cum she took in that barren pussy

>> No.16651794

>bright, ambitious, attractive
Kek fuck roasties

>> No.16651816

An incel wrote this. It's too cliche.

>> No.16651868

No because there was nothing about dating niggers

>> No.16651878

>regretting everything
hmm checks out

>> No.16651879

you realize only feminists use this word seriously? Also how low IQ are you if you cannot pick up on the feminine writing style.

>> No.16651885

based, I'm moving to South America or Asia when I make it

>> No.16651924


As if? Is this to drum up some shit about misogyny in 2020? Fuck journalists and sjw activists

>> No.16651934

>I'm moving to South America or Asia
>south america
dude no

>> No.16651946

That’s actually pretty sad to read. At least she knows that she fucked up, and isn’t trying to turn it around and blame all her problems on “society” or men or something. Growing old alone and unwanted is a very scary thought

>> No.16651964
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>> No.16651975

the other 364 days of the year when women spam #menaretrash on pretty much every social media telling us to relax and that we are over reacting THEN one day of the year men actually explain their issues with women, funny enough on christmas eve, and use the same hashtag as them and all of a sudden every man in the world is an incel LMAOO and the women are being le oppressed again xD

fucking retarded roasties btfo again, feminism is dead and achieved it's goal a long time ago, whats going on now is so pathetic i wish reddit/twitter/facebook/ig would just burn to the ground

>> No.16651986

funny how the bigger white knights are always fat/bald/beta/ugly etc who can't even get laid, why do they love women so much and attack other incels?

>> No.16652000

its all the same shit. they just seem exotic to you but they're also trash

>> No.16652002

No, let him come here, let dumb money go to smart money

>> No.16652033

yeah this is what happens when girls ruin their lives. "i think i need therapy and i need to be in a hospital."

when guys ruin their lives they're homeless and are like "dammit how do i scrounge together $40 tonight to get some crack. where did it all go wrong" or "i hope the guy that lives in the dumpster next to my trash can doesn't try to bite my face again tonight."

>> No.16652057


Asian women are shit

>> No.16652097

I love seeing shit like this, I hope it's real. Unconscious roasties deserve everything they get.

>> No.16652130

Oh shit lol check'd.

>> No.16652148


Totally agree. The following women make good wives:

Black, Latina, Asian.

It's just white women.

>> No.16652247
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Ok shill

Women hate is just Jewish divide and conquer

>> No.16652280

no women hate is justified but solely hating on white women is jewish D&C, although white women really make it hard for anyone to defend them. They are such faggot traitors, politically, racially, and spiritually (they live off of netflix jewry)

>> No.16652526


>> No.16652553

>white woman
>jewish person
choose one

>> No.16652584

Moral high ground is all they live for

>> No.16652595

that woman is so lost and low IQ it literally it hurts my brain to comprehend her existence

>> No.16652613

lmao how did we swing this?

>> No.16652634
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>> No.16652641

This post is textbook crying soijack material

>> No.16652649

>then quit my job to travel the world
lmao fucking roasties never learn

>> No.16652682

Yes. That's why they are fat. Because they have some moral high ground. And that some people (not them) are simply genuinely kind is also impossible. Or it must be declared bad, to a degree that it's usually not even them attacking others, but others attacking them for reasons of insecurity. And this "moral high ground" meme is something some shithead cancer meme retard has actually thrown against my head the other day. Because his retard cancer head is filled with memes. Which essentially dictate his entire life. So if there's a vegan, while you are some literally stereotypical trailer trash shithead, you must declare them as such "muh high ground chasers only for ego reasons". Of course "them also always being fat" is also some stereotype shit that exists only in your head or funny meme images. As if people with actual moral high ground would be fat. Retard.

>> No.16652689

Imagine actually trying to demonize good-hearted people who save the environment while odds are extremely high (>60% of all americans are overweight) that you are a fatty yourself.

>> No.16652697

>Noooo, not the heckin cool wine aunterino!!

>> No.16652700

instead of shorting anything, long on local wine companies and pharmaceutical anti depressant companies. they make big money on these wine aunts and millenial women are all fucking single

>> No.16652720


>> No.16652774

get out roastie

>> No.16652784
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Checked and based

>> No.16652804

i think hes saying the twitter post is cringe m8

>> No.16652809

go advocate for thousands of 3rd world africans to come into america some more homo

>> No.16652816

black women are only good to work on my cotton field

>> No.16652821

Based onions chad

>> No.16652837

nope, search ig for "wander" and see how many travel roasties show. wander/adventure is their word

>> No.16652860

Wrongo faggot. I live in rural Japan and I can't remember the last time I saw a fat bitch

>> No.16652870

Asian women are some of the worst