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16651446 No.16651446[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>nearly 2020
>don't have a based black girlfriend yet

Why even live

>> No.16651456

i'd rather not get the HIV

>> No.16651464
File: 959 KB, 2096x2572, suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EWWW look at this fucking BABOON wtf

and most importantly


>> No.16651465

>still don't have aids
thats why i dont want one

>> No.16651474

Ones that are worth your time are in incredibly short supply. It verges on a miracle finding one that is

>not a mouthbreather
>not a golddigger
>not a whore
>not extemely Catholic because she's a mouthbreather

>> No.16651478

Well I’m a racist but she is a hottie

>> No.16651491

No need for slave niggers, we have robots now

>> No.16651499
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She looks like she fucks white dudes

>> No.16651508

I bet she's a kissless virgin

>> No.16651666

wow fuck thats not fair

>> No.16651673

>black kissless virgin
>look at "black" music today promoting sex, materialism, satanism, gangster culture, and drugs
Anon, I...

>> No.16651913

My sister is literally a black kissless virgin and shes not a roasty either i honestly don't think shes ever hit 135.

>> No.16651935

Stop posting these thots you’ve been spamming the board with this garbage

>> No.16652027

Maybe because im a nazi nationalist?

>> No.16652030

>an arab calling someone a nigger

>> No.16652042

Because niggers are hedonistic and naturally stink!!

>> No.16652072

reminder that HALF of black women have HERPES

google it if you don't believe me

>> No.16652085

She is probably around 21 right?

The problem with nignogs is that they age pretty bad. See that big ass? in a few years you could park your truck on it. Also they lose their hair.

>> No.16652105

Topkek don't be hard on the resident twink

>> No.16652114

post pics

>> No.16652122


Is your sister cute and do you mind her dating white guys? I would take care of her bro.

>> No.16652223
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Would breed gently.

>> No.16652230

Oh god I love dark women so much but they dislike me because I am pale and red headed.

>> No.16652235

why? so she can raise your child and cheat on you with Tyrone while spending your $?

>> No.16652243

>extremely Catholic
Wut? Most blacks people are in denominations like AME and that’s essentially a cultural framework, they don’t give a fuck about following Christ for the most part.

>> No.16652293
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Only White women cheat. You didn't know?

You've never had a chocolate girl, I can tell. I have.

Blacks (especially from good families and with fathers) are much more conservative than the loose, White whores who 99% populate Tinder.

>> No.16652323


are these black goddesses into ugly white bois?

>> No.16652335

This is actually pretty true. Black women from stable religious families tend to be god tier in everything that isn’t controlled directly by genes.

>> No.16652347
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Truth be told like with any other high quality women, you need to be physically fit, and at least 6-1/2" long with a good girth. Less than that and she will be forced to used toys and shit, which is degrading for you.

Bonus points if you're handsome and blondish. I noticed dark women don't go for the swarthy Italian looking faggots.

>> No.16652351

You do realize that if you breed with her your children will be quadroons that both black and white society will reject?
What appeals to the eye is not always in your best interests. Remember the 14 words.

>> No.16652354

You get a differential of like +2. So if you’re a white guy whose a 6 you get a black girl whose an 8. Give it a whirl, they fuck well too.

>> No.16652371

>posting niggers

>> No.16652374
File: 133 KB, 960x1200, z23738002V,Ella-Balinska.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black and white society will reject?

Attractive hybrids are very much in demand all over the world because of their universal good looks.

I want to give the world 10/10 mulat daughters for other European Chads to seed.

Pic related. Polish dad, Jamaican mother.

>> No.16652376

Ok shlomo. You like to play the big nigger dick card when pushing your interracial white women fucking niggers narrative, but what can you possibly say to make a nigger female desirable to white men? They're ugly. They're stupid. They talk like retards. They stink. Their entire family and social circle is nothing but niggers who are just as worthless. Their hair is gross. Their lips are gross. They sweat nonstop. They listen to stupid shit music. They dont work. The percentage of actually physically attractive niggresses out there, that are also intelligent enough to hold a conversation with a white person, is so minuscule, it's literally not even worth pursuing. You could throw a rock in any random direction and hit a white girl who is more desirable than 99.99999999999% of female niggers.

>> No.16652388


this >>16651464
the pussy stench is unbearable

>> No.16652402

>not a mouthbreather
Kekd hard!!

>> No.16652403
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>Mahgrebi calling anyone a nigger

Lmao, why are Africans so self-hating?

I bet you jack it to skinny blonde whores with the bodies of 14-year old boys?

>> No.16652431

Thought this wasn't true at first so I got myself a black hooker. Nice looking girl college age but that pussy smelled. It reeked of sweat. Most pussy do not smell or taste good but this one was truly special.

>> No.16652444

Dad also a billionaire and a cool dude. Helps.

>> No.16652466

only hot black women in a thread about hot black women. and only because she has some whitey genes

>> No.16652525
File: 83 KB, 636x600, 5A7CB47F-269B-46F1-B63E-B37636162AD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a beautiful qt. But what are her political leanings? and does she value the nuclear family unit?

>> No.16652574
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>and only because she has some whitey genes

Whatever makes you sleep better at night, COOMbrain.

>> No.16652719

Look at the chad meme stuck on the door, kek