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16650898 No.16650898 [Reply] [Original]

Why are people so obsessed with unions?

I don’t know who to believe, because every time someone swears by a union, it’s usually some dirtbag, alcoholic, beat up, druggie, divorced, dirty, Mexican or white trash person.

>> No.16650936

I read the title and thread as "onion" a knock on onions cultured zommers.

>> No.16650967

beardlet cope

>> No.16651021

Unions were great when they were mostly white men. Now, not so much. Kind of like the country as a whole

>> No.16651050

The people on the right are responsible for New England IPAs. West Coast IPAs are far superior.

>> No.16651487

jews hate unions
nothing makes a industrialist yid seethe more than seeing workers unite against them

>> No.16651492


>> No.16651493

>Unions were great when they were mostly white men.

No, they were fronts for the Mafia. We might have gone too far in the other direction, but Unions were rackets until like the 90s.

>> No.16651553
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No Union:
"You own a factory? I'll work in it for $17.50/hr with a low deductible health plan & PTO."

"LOL, how about $8.00/hr and a GoodRX coupon. Final offer."

With Union: "You own a factory? I represent 4,000 factory hands in the area. You can agree to a reasonable contract with us or we won't work for you"

"N-No! You're not supposed to bargain collectively! That means I don't have all the power in this equation! F-fine... j-just don't strike, OK?"

Reminder that Ronald Reagan was a member of the Screen Actors Guild.

>> No.16651819

This. Even still companies find ways around this. A coworker of mine used to work for a company contracted by GM to handle and ship auto parts. They paid minimum wage even though he was driving a forklift and using all kinds of machinery on the job.

Hell, if my current job was union I'd be making $18 or $19/hr, though I admit I'd be far lazier.

>> No.16651883

> though I admit I'd be lazier

That's fine though. Sometimes things can favor the worker and it's not the end of the world.

>> No.16652728
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Aside from their use in cooking, bringing their distinctive taste to many dishes that would otherwise be bland, onions have been used in folk medicine for the relief of coughs, colds and catarrh, especially asthma, but more recently some of their curative properties have been attributed to a compound called allyl propyl disulphide, which is thought to have a similar effect to insulin in balancing blood sugar levels.

>> No.16652737

Unions have the same outcome as tariffs. But there's nothing one can do to stop them.

>> No.16652811

Unions are good and bad. I spent my teens and twenties doing construction and there's plenty of union horror stories.

>Unions stop a lot of dumb bullshit from the company

>Constantly putting retarded boomers and SJWs into managerial positions
>The simplest things always become a bureaucratic nightmare
>Some unions actually have mandatory protesting and you have to take days off work to do it. It's not even for workers rights, usually garbage related to gay rights
>Union management always becomes a retard shit flinging fight with the company over things that have nothing to do with the job (literally got emails asking everyone to sign a petition to demand an espresso machine in the break room)
>Completely based on seniority, which means you're always going to get passed up for a promotion in favor of the boomer that doesn't even know how to use a computer

In my opinion, if you're working for a large company, you'd be stupid to not be part of the union. You should be looking for a job for a small or medium sized business that doesn't need a union because it treats its employees decent. Unions just let you pick how you want to get treated like shit as a wage slave. You can get shit on by the business or the union

>> No.16652819
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not sure, seems to attract a lot of crypto CEO's though

>> No.16652853


Forgot to add the absolute worst of the cons

>Impossible to remove retarded boomers and their incompetent friends.

Have seen people do illegal and dangerous shit that nearly killed several people and they get a slap on the wrist because they're related to whatever boomer has seniority in the union.

The police union and teacher's unions are also great examples of this. People that should be fired on the spot and held criminally liable are just given paid leave and a new job someone where else.

>> No.16653639

I’m in the Film and Tv union in LA...it’s shit but it’s certainly better than the shit storm of nothing I had in NYC. I can actually afford a decent apt out here and my heath care is pretty decent. I’m paying into a pension but honestly I don’t think it’ll be there when I go to collect so I’m not banking on that.

>> No.16653829

Stubble is the redpilled option. Jawline is clearly visible and can even be accentuated, and if you can actually grow hair there then thick stubble shows you have high test PLUS if you have a good jawline.

>> No.16654121


Unions are mostly important as of now so that wagies and full-time workers get more than a billion Zimbabwe dollars an hour (5c).

The U.S has weak unions as why waiters need tips for an acceptable pay and how that ice cream companies workers wages were more than halved mid-contract.

Australia has stronger unions and don't have these issues.

Hope that helps, faggot.

>> No.16654263

People obsessed with unions:
>benefit from embezzling from them
>owe money to them and are rationalizing their servitude
>are communists
>are city officials taking kickbacks and laundering their dirty money publicly
>have a tendency to commit crimes and target individuals trying to hoist themselves up by their own bootstraps
>rob those that employ them blind, usually through intimidation and theft (time, material, and financial)
Choose at least 1. Dont buy into the mafia hype OP. Its a shame because the more based union guys Ive met get fucked at every turn but have no choice due to where they work. Want to see something funny? Watch the amount of yous this post gets on fucking christmas eve. Fuck commies and fuck jannies. Merry Christmas.
Australian unions exist because of a series of snake-bites during the filming of Kangaroo Jack in the early 2000s. Stop pretending you are better for that.

>> No.16654460


>> No.16654482

I know its not the same but I have the highest paid job with no titulation on my city because of a conglomerate of unions, if you are a key sector you demand whatever you want or they face a permanent strike, unironically a group of street sweepers can destroy a city if they just dont work.

>> No.16654495

Southern european btw, americans workers are brainwashed and spooked by anything that smells slighty red.

>> No.16655383

both look like fags

>> No.16655402
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>[open mouth intensifies]

>> No.16655424

chads are chads shaven or not.
fags are fags shaven or not.

>> No.16655468

unions serve a purpose, to provide higher wages and security for its members. Those not in a union curse them. Those in a union appreciate them. You will ready endless stories from non union members complianing about the salary and benefits of union members, but those complaining do not get union jobs, but instead wage slave and cry about instead. Imigrants know to get a government job. Secure salary and benefits to allow for their kids to go to school and live the american dream. Americans see the advantages in front of their face but complian about the imigrants instead of taking adavantage of the opportunities.

>> No.16655573

Supposed to help add competition to counteract corporate lobbying through collective bargaining.

In reality they always devolve into deranged Marxist cults peddling insane ideology.

>> No.16656282

reminder that the 40 hour workweek, as opposed to 'idk 11-12 hours a day who cares' was a union thing

reminder that 'labour laws requiring breaks' were originally a union thing

jesus for people who blame every goddamn thing on rich jews you guys sure hate it when anyone besides rich people get things

>> No.16656494

All political views are an expression of self interest. It doesnt have to be consistent. In fact, its more advantageous the more unfair it is.

>> No.16656511

Unions were a creation by low iQ whites like Polacks, Italians, and Irish. And of course I use the term 'white' loosely. Notice how it was all high immigrant coastal cities where unions flourished.

>> No.16656531

and also Jews