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16650774 No.16650774 [Reply] [Original]

Is Litecoin doomed to fail?

>> No.16650786

only shitcoin worth having

>> No.16650789

Mostly yes, it was literally a testnet currency

>> No.16651653

It will out-pump BTC next bump

>> No.16651764

why what does it do?

>> No.16651779

yes charlie lee is a peice of shit like most. ltc has no value in the long run. its nothing

>> No.16651788

ltc was my first coin i bought in 2017 cuz i was a poor fag that knew nothing. Buying this in 2020?
>not going to make it

>> No.16651860

instant value transfer
OG like BTC but more useful

>> No.16651894

i always use it for transfers because it is liquid and fast, but have never felt like holding any is a good idea. i don't even want it at 40 bucks so i guess litecoin has a perception problem when it comes to value

>> No.16651902
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Even the creator of the Litecoin dumped that shit at peak.

>> No.16652012
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>tfw LTC is currently trading below November two thousand thirteen (2013)'s peak


>> No.16652028

this. based chink

>> No.16652063

developers almost always sell the top or the bottom, there is no inbetween

>> No.16652163

Litecoin founders gave up on their own shitcoin, does no one remember this ? ? ?

>> No.16652196

This mostly. Charlie Lee may or may not have had good intentions going in, but he definitely bailed out with perfect timing and doesn't give a fuck about it any more.

The transcript from his meeting with the Litecoin Foundation got leaked maybe five or six months ago, and he told the directors of the LF that nobody was working on the code any more except him, and he wasn't doing much. So, no new features are going to show up any time soon. Without some reason to use it instead of ETH or BTC or BCH, it's going to drop dead eventually (and so will BCH).

I strongly believe Charlie Lee was behind all the rumors of "Facebook is going to adopt Litecoin!!!" which just happened to come out a few weeks before it shot up and peaked and he sold everything. He claimed that "I had to sell because a really big business deal requires me to avoid a ''''''conflict of interest'''''!!!" and also tweeted that "Satoshi Nakamoto should do the same and dump all his coins too, if he really believes in his project he'll doooo eeeeet!!!!!"

What an asshole. I'd love to see an investigation into those rumors, and if he was the one behind them, I'd love to see his ass end up in federal prison for scamming everyone.

>> No.16652207
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Yep, see >>16652196 , it took me fucking forever to type that. :-(

>> No.16652517

Good fud. Its bottom is near and any fud will be worthless when it hit 100$ again

>> No.16652730

Litecoin, even considering what CL did, will remain one of the entry level crypto for normies. A gateway with bitcoin.

>> No.16652750

That's probably not good lol

>> No.16653441
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Yawn. 95% of "entry level" people have never heard of anything other than Bitcoin. The remaining 5% are either going to buy Bitcoin or look for some new shitcoin that will totes make 100000000% gains in a week just as soon as the code gets released.

>> No.16653454

Charlie has confirmed there's 0 dev