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16650102 No.16650102 [Reply] [Original]

What the hell happend to the middleclass?

>> No.16650110

They either got rich or stayed poor

>> No.16650113
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the middle class is actually the same intelligence level as the lower class and was out maneuvered and out smarted by the top tier businessmen.

>> No.16650122
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they believed in a benevolent elite, in a world where cattle decides over the course of history, not T-Rex

>> No.16650127

It left for China with the factory jobs. It's their own fault though, the american middle class had decades to save up money to invest in the companies profiting from cheap chinese labor, they chose to live above their means instead and now are paying the consequences.

>> No.16650139
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>> No.16650143

this was never middle class, you dumb faggot

>> No.16650146

Kevin's dad was part of the mob.
He was never middle class.

>> No.16650149

This, do you people understand tv vs reality?

>> No.16650151

>What the hell happend to the middleclass?

"Hi I've been living under a rock for the last 40 years."

It's called capitalism, idiot. We gave society away to the rich, and keep electing governments whose policies benefit only those with economic power.

>> No.16650160

we've had capitalism for much longer than 40 years you dolt

>> No.16650291

Middle class were actually poorfags enjoying a temporary increase in living standards because of the economy. The middle class have always been dirty plebs that are barely literate in finance.

>> No.16650303

These policies destroy and subvert the middle class and create a cattle class which soaks up benefits or works dead end minimum wage jobs.

>> No.16650309


>> No.16650334

>I've had cancer for 40 years how would that affect anything differently now?
Dumb fuck alert

>> No.16650430
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survival of the fittest nigga

>> No.16650527

This. Middle class is just the same low IQ lower class except they got lucky, that’s the difference.

>> No.16650583

Boomers thought giving senseless tax cuts to corporations and the wealthy would be a good idea. That and implementing "free trade" agreements. Basically, neoliberalism.

>> No.16650608

>Kevin's dad was part of the mob.

>> No.16650635

What do you suppose is a better way of life?
Socialism doesn't work.

>> No.16650649

Have you ever taken an economics class other than econ 101? Economics is more nuanced than "hur durr capitalism or socialism."

>> No.16650651

tax "cuts" (down to Canada & Europe's level) for corporations is a good idea. Tax cuts for the rich was retarded and basically Regan is the worst and most liberal president we've ever had. Dude gave amnesty to 4m illegals and turned California blue for eternity, made tax cuts for his friends instead of businesses, and Hollywood then tells us that conservatives worship him which convinces retards to actually do so. Dude was a sham.

>> No.16650657

>what happened to the middleclass
jews were finally giving a green light

>> No.16650744


Yep. Corporate elite and government killed them.

>> No.16650754

Like many others they moved fluidly into and out of various income brackets at different points in their lives. "Classes" are not fixed.

>> No.16650756


>> No.16650902

If you unironically use the term "capitalism" or "socialism" in a sentence, you are low IQ.

>> No.16650941

We’re still here, now poor and wondering WTF happened.

>> No.16650962
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Outsourcing killed the manufacturing-based middle class. This led to increased class stratification. It's a vital industry.

>> No.16650982


China in particular. Entered the WTO in 2001 and the green light was given for American companies to start offshoring their labor there. Just look at that tangent from 2000 onward, an absolute gold rush for China.

Trump was right, and that's why the business elite of both the Republican AND Democratic Party have been lying to you and trying to make him out to be a fool for taking them to task on trade.

>> No.16650987

Look at this low IQ sentence.

>> No.16651055

The Wet Bandits have some serious balls to be robbing the place then

>> No.16651159
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>> No.16651203

They all decided to buy retarded shit like big houses, college degrees and cars instead of investing in things like new ventures and stocks.

They had a chance to become upper class and squandered it by being low iq and not understanding that things will change.

>> No.16651251
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Globalist Jews are destroying the middle class. The 4th Industrial Revolution is rooting out what, specifically? The middle class.

>> No.16651279
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>> No.16651329

What middle class? There are traditionally two classes, those that support themselves by passive income, from investments and assets and those who support themselves by waging. The labor class got poorer.

>> No.16651332

This. Everyone wants to shut Trump down because he has a way of pointing out the bare truth in a very matter-of-fact, almost autistic fashion. Attempts by the establishment to hide these facts have only made it more obvious as time goes on.

>> No.16651341

This was an upper class neighborhood. Robbers wouldn't be house hunting in a middle class area. Kys

>> No.16651353

The middle class in China is larger than the entire US population.

>> No.16651383


Positive things have started to happen. Wages in the low income sector are rising faster than middle and high for the first time in decades. And some of the globalist economists are slowwwwlly starting to walk back their dogma...

Like these articles



>> No.16651391

Haha Trump and his family are part of the establishment.

>> No.16651429


He is a rogue. There's a reason why a man 10x richer than Trump has decided to run against him in Bloomberg, and why media outlets ran by the richest men on the planet have nonstop FUD against his administration. Even Fox News will start to bristle on trade. If you want to know where the real issue lies, look for the one that you aren't allowed to scrutinize, my little peon.

>> No.16651453

They were incrementally convinced to turn on one another until they made up a smaller and smaller portion of the population. The rich played this century fairly well, but I don't think that the next century will go as well for them even though they're hoping for another gilded age. The next round of people who look like they will be middle class have considerably more potential leverage to work with even if they skew naive.

>> No.16651462

He's not just a rogue he has access to time travel technology.

>> No.16651488

I normally disregard shit like this, but on this one I dunno. It would make a lot of sense.

>> No.16651503

Statistically untrue.

>> No.16651521

>What the hell happend to the middleclass?

The foreign invasion. The snakemen gave all the jobs and houses to the orcs. It won't stop until we fight back.

>> No.16651528

Literally ever time I post on this website on christmas eve or Christmas day there is some faggot virtue signaling about how I should go spend time with my family. But you know what, wagies dont even get christmas day off anymore. My local gas station opens up at 6am on christmas morning, the wagies have to open up presents at 4am and get ready at 5am. The entire nation is a hodgepodge of hunnakah, Kwanzaa, and Ed-al fitr. All christmas is seen as is a payday for the foreign invaders selling their cheap trinkets to white america, they couldn't give less of a shit about your holiday or wether your kinsman get to celebrate it, they'd rather have them show up at 6 sharp so their welfare buddies we imported from the middle east aren't inconvenienced. So fuck you I guess, I'm actually the bluepilled "well adjusted" person now for not giving a shit I guess.

>> No.16651539

>Outsourcing killed the manufacturing-based middle class. This led to increased class stratification. It's a vital industry.

Healthcare is only raking in because of insurance. If it wasn't for healthcare insurance, they wouldn't be able to charge outrageous prices. Instead the bad guy becomes the insurance company.

>> No.16651559

Mostly that the manufacturing sector shrank. Most of the jobs floating around manufacturing have traditionally been decent paying ones, but as tech gets better and fewer workers are needed to do more work, those low skill workers are funneled into retail and service industry jobs, which were never designed to be careers. Thus the traditional middle class phases out into the lower and upper classes, which administrative and highskill jobs feeding the rich, while brainlets get the menial tasks that I'm not going to pay a livable wage for.

>> No.16651565


Yes, well that's pretty much a bubble at this point. No society can survive where 50% or more of its population are working in healthcare...

>> No.16651578


>insurance company is the bad guy boo hoo

They're profiting from underwriting what is essentially gambling on bankruptcy due to illness. Cry me a river.

>> No.16651583

in historical terms the middle class was a fluke

>> No.16651602

But that's not what happened. Don't keep parroting the snakemen propaganda. We didn't lose jobs to technology.

We lost them to foreigners both in our country (invasion immigration and duhversity hiring) and in their country (offshoring). Place the blame where it belongs on the foreigners. They have become richer and we have become poorer.

Our leaders didn't protect our jobs and our economic livelihood. This is why so many of you are neets or incels and why you are demonstrably poorer than the boomers. So its up to you to fight back against this injustice and oppression.

>> No.16651621

>Yes, well that's pretty much a bubble at this point. No society can survive where 50% or more of its population are working in healthcare...

My point is insurance is what props up the bubble. Its also why easy to obtain student loans leads to the university and tuition bubble. Its also why the easy to obtain morgages leads to the housing bubble.

If people stopped paying the outrageous amounts hospitals and doctors charge, then the hospitals would eventually charge reasonable amounts.

>> No.16651636

>>insurance company is the bad guy boo hoo
>They're profiting from underwriting what is essentially gambling on bankruptcy due to illness. Cry me a river.

Its your doctor that is bankrupting you. I don't see why people refuse to see the real bad guy. I guess its because doctor sheklestien has a hooknose and you don't want to be called a name. Nonetheless he is the bad guy for charging amounts that will bankrupt you.

Also, insurance companies usually only make money of investing premium.

>> No.16651649

>in historical terms the middle class was a fluke

No. It was a victory. Until the dark times. Until the snakemen and orcs.

>> No.16651664
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c-correlation is n-not causation {they will say}

>> No.16651675

>we didn't lose jobs to tech
>foreigners turkur jurbs
fucking brainlet

0 investment in infrastructure
trillions spent blowing up brownies
fiat printed to -99% value
housing costs driven up by rich around the world
there are only slaves and slave owners

>> No.16651696
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Right anon, it was totally """"""""""""""""automation"""""""""""""""""", and not a deliberate, massive cash grab and golf rush by American businessmen


>> No.16651704


>It's not the HMO
>It's not the financial sector the formed around it
>It's the skilled worker who makes a fraction of what is billed for his time
>Something anti-semitic
>Companies dindu nuffin

I kind of think people like you deserve to be exploited.

>> No.16651717

>there are only slaves and slave owners
This. The people at the top are only concerned with exploiting labour. All this feminism talk is centuries old, but only came into fruition in a system that abstracts away individuality and treats everyone equally as a slave.

>> No.16651718

the bots are coming the bots are coming

>> No.16651782

I never said we lost jobs to tech. Im saying they naturally moved away from manufacturing. The net amount of jobs is larger than it has ever been, they just aren't in manufacturing. The jobs follow the money, and there is a lot to be made on the phones. The downside is that now brainlets like you actually have try. And that is hard so you rationalize it as jobs being stolen somehow unfairly, when in reality is just that whites are at a competitive disadvantage, and will almost always be beaten out for a low skill job because there are other people who are way better at that shit job than you. Just ponder that. You suck so bad that even the easy jobs are too hard for you.

>> No.16651846

I think the only flaw with that is that female in the workplace is going to be statistically more expensive than a male. Less willing to work long hours, more susceptible to not being able to work (pregnancy and maternity leave being,the big ones), modern press railing you for paying them less on those grounds. Why deal with the hassle of it all if not for some outside mediation?

>> No.16651863

Based and true. Fuck Christmas and fuck while people

>> No.16651869

>insurance company profit margins 60%

>> No.16651875


That is disingenuous. The United States has standards, laws, and regulations. This puts a high threshold burden on American manufacturers. They have to meet certain environmental standards and pay their workers honestly.

We can't compete with 3rd world shitholes that will literally enslave children to make the same products while dumping all of their waste into the nearest river without issue. We functionally cannot compete with that. And maybe you'll smugly sit back and say "oh well" but that's not how it works either, because Americans are the ones BUYING these products, and have the leverage to demand these same products get made intranationally.

The alternative is settling for this slow race to the bottom where all brainlet jobs are outsourced to Asian and Africa while those displaced get stuck on welfare and opioids and rack up a huge tax bill that gets laid on me. No thanks. I will fight this to the end.

Don't parrot their lies and talking points, they already have enough money and useful idiots in the media to do that for them.

>> No.16651909

That wasn't the point of that tirade Muhammad, but whatever fucks your goat I guess

>> No.16651917

Negligible variance against 100% increase in workforce, and residual benefit of increasing consumer spending (economic growth) by breaking down the traditional family unit (household management is commoditized).
> source I'm Jewish

>> No.16651936

It’s labour that wasn’t tapped into at all before though. Any contribution at all is going to make the top richer. Doesn’t matter if they have different work lives as mothers, the fact they are out of the house and waging at all is the key to what I’m saying

>> No.16651937

>The United States has standards, laws, and regulations. This puts a high threshold burden on American manufacturers

what if consumers started demanding these sorts of products, instead of fawning over the cheapest pair of sneakers they can get their hands on

>> No.16651954


Consumers can demand we go back to the labor and trade protections we had for 150 years before the boom-time drawdown of the 20th century

>> No.16652021

My aunt is middle class. Growing up it felt like we were going to a rich area when we would visit her middle class Californian suburb. I can only imagine what the elite live like, it must be like another world us poor folk can't even begin to imagine.

>> No.16652036

*slaves, slave owners, and neets

>> No.16652071

immigrants and automation drove down wages and eliminated jobs, demoralization propaganda caused mass inaction on the goal of improving one's own life

>> No.16652084

based and realistic-pilled

>> No.16652095

did your single mommy tell you all of that son?

>> No.16652106

Is this supposed to be a middle class house?

>> No.16652116

Too many women in the work force. Housing prices sky high. Affirmative action hiring. Third world outsourcing. Degradation of the family unit fueled by hypergamy and female biased family court. Single income family no longer feasible for the majority. Upper class stayed same, middle class bumped down to lower class.

>> No.16652224

This. I see my dad and they have really bad money managment its not even funny

>> No.16652462

>durka durka strawman whataboutism to defend orcs
>doesn't disagree too many orcs here and orcs have jobs
>trillions spent blowing up brownies

Think if all the money spent on orcs was spent on loud and proud Caucasians. We would be living in a golden age.

Fuck the orcs and fuck the self haters that try to defend them. You are enemies to America

>> No.16652482

>>insurance company profit margins 60%

Your thinking of the hospitals profits margins.

Why do you defend Dr Hooknose without any facts or logic? Why won't you admit he is fucking you into financial oblivion with his usury level medical bills.

>> No.16652497

Read Lenin on labor aristocracy. Imperialism gave first-world workers an artificially high standard of living, and now they're being pulled down to an average level with everyone else in the world.

>> No.16652551
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The Marxist plan to eliminate the bourgeoisie middle class. Brought to you by central banks.

>> No.16652577

Middleclass is a boomer concept because the economy was blooming back then. Now it's dead.

>> No.16652829

america is an enemy of freedom
kys brainwashed burger

>> No.16653102

american consumers dont give a shit about how their products get made, they just want whatever is cheap.

why do you think walmart and amazon are the biggest american companies, that literally made all their billions from cheap chinese garbage?

>> No.16653140

the lower class subverted the middle class by shopping at corporations and receiving gibs

>> No.16653177

Winnekta, IL, where this house is located, is the second wealthiest area in the state. The median home value today is almost $2,000,000. This was never middle class.

>> No.16653213

>be middle class
>live in a mcmansion
>neighbours hate you do much you can't rely on them to check on your kid if you leave him at home on his own.

>> No.16653272

Yup got to work today while people junior to be get to have it off. And the dumb corporate cocksuckers at this place won't ever vote in a union...

>> No.16653290

>Never tell anyone your kid is going to stay behind because he was supposed to come with you
>expect people to check up on him

>> No.16653455

>live in a 12 bedroom mansion
>can't afford a long distance phone call

>> No.16653518

phone lines were cut, it was established early on
did you even watch the movie?

>> No.16653575

Don't you mean (((American))) anon?

>> No.16653610

Work sucks. Getting paid 15 per to just deliver pizza around a smallish city? Not bad. I mean hell it could be worse. You could be a desk zombie tied to a desk for 8 hrs and have to put up with bullshit and paperwork.

>> No.16653821

>phone lines don't work
>orders pizza
>apparently a localised outage, surely they know someone in the next town

>> No.16653882

>not T-Rex