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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 47 KB, 499x665, shed_tg_by_tgsamuel-d9ca6yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16646760 No.16646760 [Reply] [Original]

Literally the only way for a young person making less than 80k a year to get ahead in life is to buy a house. If you live in an expensive area and make less than 80k you're a total fucking retard

buy a 150k house for $5250 down, mortgage + MIP + property tax your monthly bill will be less than $1,000 and in 10 years you'll have over 30 grand in equity to do whatever the fuck you want with while rentcucks literally throw away money

>> No.16646783

Literally like totes OMG bb. No. Other. Way.

>> No.16646792

I want to fuck her

>> No.16646808

Thanks for the sell signal.

>> No.16646842

I want to go ass to ass with her and take a huge constipated shit so she takes it up the ass and I fuck her butthole with my shit-dong.

>> No.16646862

Lmao, you'd be lucky to get a mortgage of that amount if you'd even put 10k down, let alone $5250. You're a smooth brainie, huh?

>> No.16646868

FHA loan, you retarded nigger faggot

>> No.16646891

Wow 30gs future value 10yrs down the line ain’t worth shit

>> No.16646908
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>not even accounting for location
>implying /biz/ larpers could still even get approved

You still need SOME form of established credit to even get considered. Jesus christ are you really this smooth?

>> No.16646917

literally doesnt change the fact youre a fucking retard for not knowing about an FHA loan, fuck outta this thread dumbass

>> No.16646926

you say this as you blow 40 grand in rent in that same time span

>> No.16646930
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Read the Amazon reviews on this one. Come back when you're done.

>> No.16646943
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Sure thing, smoothie. Whatever helps you sleep at night

>still ignoring my main points

>> No.16647009

Rent is not throwing away money, you cucks will spend 10 years paying interest before you even touch the principal.

Interest rates are at an all time low. Money is basically free. If real estate was a sure bet investors would just dump cash in.

You can make money in real estate but it's hard work, or luck, not free money.

>> No.16647055

your "main point" got BTFO by 3 letters and you went on to talk about credit lmao guess what dick fuck? you can qualify for an FHA loan with a 580 credit score

youre obviously a teenaged permavirgin retard. kys

>> No.16647110

What should they do if they're making over 80k to get ahead in life?

>> No.16647117

>being this retarded

>> No.16647147

I've been poor for so long I don't even know what the fuck to do.
I'm making 90k per year and have more than 100k just sitting in my savings account because I know jack shit about investing and real estate around here seems fucking overpriced and I'm wary of buying anything even though I do want to buy something.

>> No.16647167

idk, you can already afford a nice apartment and car and still save $1,500 or so a month granted youre not living in Hollywood or Manhattan

>> No.16647225

> he bought at the top of the market
Enjoy getting BTFO'D in 2 years fag.

>> No.16647292
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>he says this as he hands his landlord another $1,000 for his 900 square foot box

>> No.16647302



>> No.16647323
File: 200 KB, 1285x1606, FE94D78D-9022-444D-86ED-8FC654440E0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More than 90% of millionaires own their house. The correlates higher than iq, achievement, college, or anything else.

>> No.16647344

So buy a house and get a ladyboy?

>> No.16647355

30k in 10 years is shit!!! invest in cryptos and see your money go up 10 fold in ten years minimum

>> No.16647356
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I mean or buy a condo since it's half the size/maintenance/price and just pay it off in a few years. I got a condo for 60k and it will take 22 months to pay off. Then I just have shitloads to blow on my get rich quick schemes. Plus my HOA fees are fucking $122 and they take care of all my shit outside. Mortgage is literally $380.

>> No.16647358

My man, that dude's just yanking your chain. don't get so easily triggered

>> No.16647380

You live in a nothing little town though.
And you can hear your neighbors having sex.

>> No.16647403
File: 18 KB, 525x478, daniel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

28x leverage on a price that doesnt even exist outside of flyover wastelands

>> No.16647472
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I'm sorry, what?

>> No.16647498
File: 605 KB, 1078x1385, SmartSelect_20191223-215746_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what was that again? ya shitskin rentoid?

>> No.16647534

>15 min drive from downtown
fuuuuuuck I must have been born in the wrong state.

>> No.16647739

source on this?

honestly there is no excuse for making less than 80k a year in current year a 10k stake in PNK should net you an additional 20k or so in ETH over a year to supplement a normal fag wagie ration

>> No.16647796
File: 441 KB, 607x801, 1572129921814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely retarded. Houses are expensive. Lots of work, upkeep and taxes not to mention paying for them in the first place. A house is not an investment, it is a way to lose money. Unless you are able to ride a housing bubble or rent. You're literally giving the most braindead boomer advice there is.

>> No.16647821

>lots of work and upkeep
i guarantee you struggle to brush your teeth every morning

>> No.16648034

This is the funniest post I’ve seen here in a while.

>> No.16648127

>t. NEET

>> No.16648154


Listen you stupid fucking niggers.

Houses are not a source of wealth. They are a low cost STORE of wealth. They are meant to be a relatively large and stable holding place for massive amounts of cash you want to keep out of the bank system in case of emergency.

Millionaires own houses because they are fucking millionaires and already have high incomes from specialized jobs or successful businesses. They didnt buy a house to become millionaires! You have it backwards, fuckwits.

Saving money to put into a house and tapping your credit to do so IS RETARDED! You can literally make millions from using similar loans on starting or growing a business. Shit, even leveraging those loans to buy diversified dividend stocks would be smarter.

Stop being dumb niggers. Stop buying crypto lottery tickets, stop buying boomer bag real estate, stop wasting time trying to get rich quick.

>> No.16648170

Your mother’s moon

>> No.16648180

my "town" is 300k and I actually think my neighbors died when I moved in

>> No.16648396
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>> No.16648644

I bought a fixer upper in a black neighborhood in a medium city. All surrounding blocks are starting to gentrIfy. Bought for 45,000, 2,000 fha down, 7500 costs all together (lawyer, transfer fee, pre paid insurance for a year, etc.).

Fixing up is more work and money than i thought, buying a house is no joke. Im really handy can fix anything besides plumbing and electric. Anyways, I live in 1800 sq ft rowhouse for 495 a month. Price of my home has already gone up 15,000. A home isnt an investment, except long term. If you are planning to stay somewhere 5 years or longer, and are prepared to be responsible for repairs, its worth it. Rents around here are 800 for a small 1 bdrm. Plus, worse case scenario, itll take them 2 years to kick me out, living rent free.

If u buy, make sure you factor the roof, furnace, water heater, and plumbing. Those are major repairs. Mine were brand new, with recipts when i bought except the water heater which probably has about 2 or 3 years left.

>> No.16648660

if you have enough capital buying a home and repairing it and flipping it can make you good money. or even building a home, but you probably don't want to build one without one to live in already. depending on the area obviously, don't build a home in the city, only out towards the smaller towns with less requirements and laws

>> No.16648698

Your risk-reward is retardedly bad flipping houses below a commercial/bulk level with your own cash.
Remember, every retarded basic bitch soccer mom that forced their husbands to buy a home in 2007 in the US has the same idea to make money. Why the fuck would you do what they are doing?

>> No.16648727

Or you could buy a ton of Kleros and live off the ETH from staking in 2020

>> No.16648735

boomer threads desperately trying to pawn off their ponzi to the next gen are getting increasingly desperate
we're still one step above the shitcoin shilling pajeets, but just one step

>> No.16649065

More than 90% of millionaires are millionaires purely because they own their own house.

>> No.16649184
File: 1.91 MB, 300x228, 1534169769989.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything you say goes against the principles of good investing. The fucking absolute state of biz.

>> No.16649201

>"The principles of good investing"
>the very same principles that consistently ensure most people are broke or middle class.
> the very exact same principles that real estate and wall street insiders tell non-insiders to make more money

Shit, I guess we are wrong for trusting 20-something bimbo real estate agents, coked out portfolio managers and ponzi runners.

>> No.16649206

>becoming a millionaire by "investing" 30 years of income into a house and literally nothing else.

Lol sure

>> No.16649246

Florida fag here. The real estate market is actually really solid.

Cute house.

>> No.16649261

>And you can hear your neighbors having sex.
I heard my neighbor get pregnant and now they moved out to an actual house.

>> No.16649266

>Literally the only way for a young person making less than 80k a year to get ahead in life is to buy a house
Fuckin retard

>> No.16649280

>bought house in 2014 for $300k
>sold in 2018 for $340k
>did the sale by myself, no broker fee
>walk away from closing with almost a $90k check

that said, not looking to buy again anytime soon. shit is way overpriced everywhere. plus maintenance DOES suck fat donkey dong. apartment living is soooo easy and my expenses are literally a 3rd right now of what they were with the house.

>> No.16649302


> Risk $300k to make 30% after 4 years doing all the work.

I am so sorry to hear that. Hopefully you have found a better way to make money.

>> No.16649406



not denying that i timed the market perfectly. but also you gotta figure in rent costs in that same area compared to the mortgage i had. was only paying an extra $300 a month for the house which was all going into equity anyway.

>> No.16649582

>making less than 80k a year
don't worry about buying a house, just kys yourself

>> No.16649625

He's right though. If you define millionaire as someone who is worth a million dollars rather than someone who earns 1 million annually than home equity is easily the largest contributor to net worth. There are tons of people out making 150-200k who are "millionaires" only because they bought a big house.

>> No.16649629

It depends, if you plan on living in the house yourself exclusively, then rent can actually be better, but ONLY when assuming you save the same amount of money you would pay for a mortage and invest it with some good dividends, then for the same timespan as some mortage you would have more at the end as with the house (the only exceptopn is if the real estate prices would surge hard in your time of the mortage)

Seeing all the real estate bubbles around your best bet would be buying when it pops and renting till then