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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.16641854

What is this shit thread?

>> No.16641864
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Get in, losers, we're going to space.

>> No.16641868

What is the ceiling for GALT? If it gets bought out, how much do people usually get per share?

>> No.16641876
File: 122 KB, 1184x1104, EMJc1--UEAAw6Uw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a prediction market to bet on this piece of shit getting necc'd by turncoat Republicans PLEASE

>> No.16641879

>hurr durr im a billionaire troll heh look at all my dumb tweets, im probably HIGH when making them amirite 420 bro

>> No.16641889
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Based spaceman

>> No.16641890
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>> No.16641892


>> No.16641894

Could be almost anything. I would bet a minimum of 7$ a share but should be way more.

>> No.16641901

Search on google you mongoloid, enjoy losing money

>> No.16641902

hypothetically: would it have been dumb for me to buy into SAVA at 3.30? Asking for a friend

>> No.16641925
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it depends on the price the company gets bought out at, which is decided on a case-by-case basis
could be $5, could be $25

>> No.16641933
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Is that Amazon stocks beneath the Christmas tree?

>> No.16641956

why would GALT get a buyout? Buyout rumors are usually baghodlers trying to unload.

See also AMRN.

DCA. Sava is a long term hold.

>> No.16641962

What is the hypothetical formula? Is it like twice what each share costs, 1.5x a share, or random every time?

>> No.16641964
File: 6 KB, 232x184, Return YTD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good year so far

>> No.16641969

>literally worse than just investing in spy

>> No.16641974
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Why won't SNAP drop back to 14?!

>> No.16641982


Yeah that's a target retirement fund which is basically SPY plus some other stuff to diversify lol

>> No.16641987

I am thinking 30-40 is realistic.

>> No.16641993
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>> No.16641995

upside, you're beating buffet by like 10%

>> No.16642002

amount paid for company/number of outstanding shares

>> No.16642009

They cure alzheimers. Just hold until it gets official or set a limit sell to 100

>> No.16642013

I am going to put the last of my money in either galt or sava or both. Is getting into sava too late? Should I do 50/50? Sava gaining attention now make me feel it's too late there and I should go galt, or is there room for both of them in the world? Also don't think about me blaming you if I lose my money line I see people do with snss, I am asking for and want your opinion.

>> No.16642020

>why would GALT get a buyout

because of the fact that they're hired strategic advisors and have openly stated they're looking for a buyer or partner, their unique position in NASH cirrhosis, and the potential of the drug to boost the efficacy of checkpoint immunotherapy (Keytruda, Opdivo, etc) with a bengin safety profile, not to mention the numerous other diseases in which overexpression of galectin-3 has been implicated

>> No.16642034

LINKies are all at least 4x right now btw boomers

>> No.16642062
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>mfw that's a real tweet

>> No.16642064

>beating a man who holds 15% in cash at all times

Joking aside, it's been so long since a serious downturn that a lot of the funds I'm interested in have simply never experienced one. How can I evaluate downside risk when there's never been any downside?

>> No.16642069
File: 12 KB, 286x342, ITCI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So yeah, I bought a $19 call for $50 for ITCI and immediately changed my mind and sold it for no loss. Well, Today....yeah.

>> No.16642079

> AMD's ATM is 47.50$

Let's see if they can beat it before CES 2020

> have an extra long work day on January 9th that I can't skip

Fuck me in the ass, when does AMD's keynote start?

>> No.16642094

Why are we talking a GALT buyout? Are there rumors to that effect?

>> No.16642099

50/50 is ok i guess. My reason the buy any galt over sava now is my assumption of the buyout before sava phase2b results. But this timing is obviously a bit speculative, if galt won't hurry i will be quite annoyed. Anyway in case of no buyout the price should be about 6 when they start phase3. I plan to jump to all in sava near march/april.

>> No.16642107


>> No.16642115

God damnit NLTX.. Why did I ever take money out of that Id be fucking rich right now if I had put my AMRN in there too... Up nearly 20% again today and Baker Bros bought more on Friday.. I just put money back in and it's alraedy up 2%

>> No.16642117


>> No.16642123

SAVA doesn't look like it's gonna dip again any time soon so I just took my profits from selling it and rebuying it twice and bought GALT for a longer hold, while still leaving money in the tank to buy a SAVA dip.

>> No.16642125
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I don't think a single one has provided any sort of evidence that they are still (or ever was) in a position though. Me however, representing /smg/.. caught the bottom of the drop this year. So we're even above you cryptotards when it comes to crypto matey

>> No.16642138

NLTX has gone from $4 to over $12 since I first started trading it.. Ive missed out on tons of gains getting cold feet on it

>> No.16642148
File: 86 KB, 1547x894, NLTX-Predict-It-18dec19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooo, I missed that. Will it follow my shitty lines I drew a few days back? Kek'd

>> No.16642158

SAVA seems like an interesting pick, I like their approach to Alzheimer's (not targeting amyloid, going after neuroinflammation), but Alzheimer's is historically an extremely difficult indicator for biotechs to find success in (which is partially because most of them have tried to target amyloid, which SAVA isn't doing)
I do plan on getting into it after GALT, though

>> No.16642165


>> No.16642168

I've been more swingtrading SAVA. Managed to make 30% twice in 2 days. So it's fine if it doesn't dip for me again today.

>> No.16642174

I remember this time last year people were mocking me for putting 80k in AMD at 32. Well who's laughing now? I even bought 4k more at 19. I tried to tell you fucks it was a winner.

>> No.16642175

No rumors, just look behind the facts. Why havent anyone bought at these lows? Why the gastro journal entry now? Why the adaptive trial design? Why bmy is sitting on 20bil cash and still haven't bought anything? Why no cmo if they wanted to go alone? Both mrk and bmy would benefit hugely on gr-md-02 for their anticancer therapies. It would be stupid not to scoop this up with some pocket change

>> No.16642180

how's this above shit when the majority of us bought in around .45 easy and even in december at .25ish, if we were to talk about YTD

>> No.16642181

Tfw almost bought 3k SAVA shares at opening but cancelled order because I couldn't watch and follow stock bc of work

>> No.16642193

I wouldn't have thought to factor in BMY sitting on cash for that.

>> No.16642198

Oh it’s a pun, I take back my snide remark

>> No.16642205
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I've been telling them for months to buy AMD but nope they stick to bioshit. Oh well, more for us AMDCHADS.

>> No.16642206

Because you didn't, or if you did post a picture like I did with date and shit of your position and I'll congratulate you

>> No.16642229

I took profit at $5. I only had 100 shares, but I've been kicking myself. I've been trying to buy back in on the dip because I've been bearish on it, but I've always been too cheap and failed to get any shares .. 6.49, 6.59, 6.69 then 7.39, 7.59, 7,95 ... regret.

Though I still see it as a pump built upon retail speculating on baker bros which is soon to correct, just that correction is more likely to be at $9-$10 rather than $8.

I'd be interested in anybody who can explain the fundamentals of the current valuation.

>> No.16642230

just check the archive. why would there be wall-to-wall posts in december '18 if we weren't in? silly, silly boomer

>> No.16642231

Also, share structure cleaned, back bay working still, election coming. Bmy ceo sending cryptic messages at interviews. Shlevin telling he will answer questions as long as he stay within the sec rules...

It's not too subtle.

>> No.16642244


>> No.16642249

Well you were certainly right about SAVA and Pendy has been telling us to buy GALT since before I started using this board. So why not throw some money at it.

>> No.16642251

Bought some Tesla stocks on a whim some days ago, and it's been exploding ever since. Feels good man. When should I sell?

>> No.16642256

a week before earnings

>> No.16642276

should I just buy some Jan 2021 calls and be done with it? I really don't want to hold too many speculative pharmas.

>> No.16642277

How much longer until your snss prediction moves you up the ranks?

>> No.16642290

That's not the main thing. It will triumph everything in current trials going againts neuroinflammation alone. It elinimates amyloid toxicity by not letting it bind to several key receptors.
So more soluble amyloid in the bloodstream to fight pathogens and support the bbb. Also less ptau, better nmdar signaling, and reduced toxic tlr4 signaling. It solves almost everything.

>> No.16642295

That doesn't prove shit kek'd. Even if they bought they probably sold as soon as it rose 10-20%, don't you think people would have sat on /biz/ bragging about their 1000%+ positions if it was true (with actual proof of their massive positions)? Come on, don't be gullible.

>> No.16642318

That's a refreshing post
I've seen a lot of people shill biotechs on here, but I've rarely seen them actually talk about the science behind it
That's definitely piqued my interest, I'll look into it

>> No.16642322

>Even if they bought they probably sold as soon as it rose 10-20%

you really don't understand the average linker do you?

>> No.16642327

Should be within the next few months. It got delayed but nothing is over.

>> No.16642332

I’ve been visiting here for about a year now

I invested about $600 in AMD when it was about $19.50 or something

Now it’s $45.50

Along with some other investments, like PCG a few weeks ago, I make 115% for the year

Real question is: did I do a good job or did I take the easy way out by investing in AMD primarily?

>> No.16642340

GBR coming off bottom could bounce back up to 1.40 before dropping back down.. might be a good dip buy play

>> No.16642341

I got in at $14.95 2 years ago on a tip from /pol of all places. Had strong hands as it fell to $9 but wish I had DCAd. Still up over 200% though.

>> No.16642344

You said sava was surefire and seem to have been right. Is GALT surefire as well?

>> No.16642345
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Lots of faggots have been shitting on AMD for years and doubting us AMDChads. You did a great job. Fuck the retards.

>> No.16642350

>LMT pumping
>LLY and AZN dumping

>> No.16642358

You beat the market, that's something to be proud of

>> No.16642359

Agreed... AMD was getting shit on big time and now look at it.... crazy how the market work AMDchads really pulled it off

>> No.16642360

Am imissing something with GALT? I started researching all morning. Insiders selling through the year, CEO quit, I can go on. I get the story, but this has red flags all over it no? Btw I usually only trade commodities so maybe I'm off

>> No.16642362

You did a fantastic job. How easy it was doesn't really matter, you beat the indexes.

>> No.16642366

When I was younger, before I started investing, I was going to put some money in AMD when it was 5 because for some reason I hated intel.

Kicking myself now

>> No.16642380

>CEO quit
Traber got kicked out by the new COB because he was incompetent

>Insiders selling through the year
I assume you're referring to 2018, when they sold before the "failure" of the NASH-CX trial (more due to Traber's failure to design the trial properly than anything else)
I agree that was shady behavior, but it's in the past and management bought during the RO

>> No.16642400

Thanks. Still looking into it. I've lost money on every pharmaceutical stock I've traded except for jazz. Jazz though could have been a millionaire but sold way to early. Still haunts me

>> No.16642407

Is that 30-40 ceiling or buyout?

>> No.16642439

the value of the company is in the promise of the intellectual property (the only galectin-3 inhibitor remotely close to being brought to market with very strong patent protection), and the backing of the billionaire COB (Richard Uihlein) will help ensure they can bring it through trials and get it to market (preferably with the help of a BP buyer or partner)
there has been a large body of science emerging recently showing the potential of galectin-3 inhibition in an extremely wide variety of diseases, and their only competition in this area is very early stage has other issues such as problems with drug delivery

the company has made some mistakes with their trial design in the past that has lead to multiple "failed trials" (with Traber as the CEO and CMO), such as messing up the dose selection and duration of the trials, but they have a new CEO now and have painstakingly designed this trial for success in collaboration with a leading CRO (Covance) and KOLs in the area (Stephen Harrison and Naga Chalasani), and can change the trial as they go to optimize things like dose selection and treatment duration (it's an adaptive trial)

>> No.16642467
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>he didn't buy ITCI this morning

>> No.16642474
File: 210 KB, 1278x1136, first day trading with real money roughly 1k at a time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend months backtesting system
>spend more months forwardtesting (demo)
>now starting to trade with real money for the first time but using small amounts for proof of concept

over 1% gains on the day, feels good man. got a lot to think about today, might not trade again until tomorrow im not sure yet depends how i feel. any fellow scalpers out there? my goal is 1% a day. let's see how i do this vacation. the idea is if it works with small amounts of money it should be scalable, i know how hard this business can be so im totally fine with taking it slow starting out.

>> No.16642481
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I bought a call last week, then sold it like 10 mins later.

>> No.16642486

you need 25k to day trade, which i would not call a small amount to start with

>> No.16642487
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>add up by hand all profits/losses of the day
>Should be up $45ish
>Robinhood graph shows me as down $53
Why. I'm down like $2 in brk today. Why can't robinhood do math.

>> No.16642489
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restaurant and food not doing so hot this day

>> No.16642503

i have more than that, just because you have 25k+ doesn't mean you have to trade with 100% of your account all the time. in fact you'll often do a lot better if you are able to scale into your positions, or at least have enough capital to do so. im only starting by buying $1k worth of shares at a time right now though and seeing how i do with that, so the goal right now is to make at least $10 a day off of that.

>> No.16642527

Buyout. I think it will trade up to 6 at best before it in the short term.

>> No.16642547

>Pill up big
>pharma calls down big
Damn iiiiiiiiit

>> No.16642550
File: 224 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20191223-174128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After 16 months of fucking around and doing stupid trades and being constantly red (muh meme stocks) things are starting to look up. Granted this is just a pension account but I'm up 7.52% on my lifetime ISA and have some cash on hand to buy in on some dips

>SPY down to 290 for Xmas please

>> No.16642567
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What if you made them with cryptocurrency?

>> No.16642571
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>buyout at TEN TIMES the current price

>> No.16642579

That's even more surefire, only the timing is speculative. It's a working drug, very cheap to make, patented all over the place, good for dozens of indications, no side effects. A big pharma could start 20 clinical trials with it tomorrow. Just have to get the dosages right. Also tons of papers to support it, about 1 paper/week nowadays saying it galectin3 inhibitors should be given to this and this disease

>> No.16642581
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Elon is cool and his existence pleases me.

>> No.16642582


>> No.16642617

you think someone may buy galt for $30? i was feeling a little bad for you guys but if you want to delude other people into believing this RETARDATION i'll shit on you like everyone else.

>> No.16642631
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1% a day (for portfolio) could be 'slightly' unrealistic... xD but at least you sound like having a good time

ridiculous restrictions. however for something like retail forex intra traders (100% lose) that might be protective probably, not sure.

>> No.16642640
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>> No.16642649

You gonna buy the dip in big cola?
I want to load up again on pep calls, but market is a bit overbought with light volume for the holidays...

>> No.16642651

a collage of people that have been more right than you, very nice

>> No.16642672
File: 8 KB, 228x221, an utter state of despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KO was supposed to dip harder this morning. Fucking stock market can't just do what it's supposed to.

>> No.16642677

so i've heard... all the better though if i can pull it off then. honestly i could keep doing this, like SGMO is still going up today because they got a milestone payment from PFE, probably a good buy right now tbhwy. the idea is 1% a day on average, assuming some days will be more and some days less.

so far it seems difficult to lose as long as you're always trading along with the trend and split up your capital enough to be able to buy cheapies and average down as long as the trend holds which is pretty easy to see with exponential and hull moving averages. the problem to me always seemed that trend traders try to put 100% in at the beginning of the trend and take 100% out (or if they're smart, scale out 50% and let the rest ride after moving up the stop loss to break even) but they get fucked in markets that go sideways and pop their stop losses. easier to just keep scalping a trend over and over so when the trend ends it's not a big deal to give a little back.

>> No.16642685
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YUGE december passive income again. nearly double from Jan 1 to Nov 30. Year end cap gains distributions vary but based bull market has helped. 100% reinvested. Keep staking them shares for compounding on compounding on compounding.

>> No.16642694

I know that feel.
I will never forget my palladium knockout

>> No.16642696
File: 117 KB, 469x480, xuayyx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dip? Dip??
No Im buying DRI and more Dunkin Donuts

>> No.16642712

Yeah i'm in SHAK long term but this is annoying.

>> No.16642719

would it ever be a good idea to buy a stock just before it pays out dividends? then just wait for the stock to go up to at least where you bought it at to sell it but keep the divvy? im always looking for high probability betting ideas, redpill a scalper like me on dividends anon.

>> No.16642744
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>> No.16642747
File: 405 KB, 1099x1427, 00E05A93-FF75-4E4E-885B-52CD6C9CF82C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PEP below 140 is now a dip. It’s just a blip in the meteoric rise of the snackfood and Gatorade juggernaut. Very curious to see how Pepsi cafe does next year.

Buying calls on these “dips” has been very profitable for me.

>> No.16642749

Dividends are priced in, so you're SoL.

>> No.16642764

Acst halted

>> No.16642782


People think that AMRN might be about to get a buytout cause how the stock has been hovering around 21 for a week and I think two big executives are also on the board of other companies now

>> No.16642786



>> No.16642793

based? based!

>> No.16642794

I dont need pep ever again but when Ko has its cyclical 13% drop Ill buy in that

>> No.16642795

Who knows, but it went from $3 TO $2 in less than a second. Some are saying insiders dumped though kinda doubtful.

>> No.16642804

What do you anons think about BA?

>> No.16642813
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>tfw big stronk green

>> No.16642819


>> No.16642821

Holy fuck am I glad I didn't FOMO in on that shit.

>> No.16642822

https://www.marketwatch.com/story/online-gambling-company-draftkings-to-go-public-via-acquisition-by-diamond-eagle-acquisition-2019-12-23-7911028 I'm going to buy this after the New Year.

>> No.16642823

I think they will get it together and recover eventually.

>> No.16642832
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My guess is its just a matter of price discrepancy. But if there is urgency on big pharma's part then it could be a very large haul.

Some of my shares I've now had for over a year. I'm ready and waiting.

>> No.16642834

Source? Looks like bullshit speculation stocktwists shilling...

If you say so...

>> No.16642835

what happened? should i be buying/shorting anything right now or has that ship already sailed?

>> No.16642841

If the stock is volatile enough or has upside, you'll be fine.

For example, IIPR is paying a $1 dividend at the end of the month, but realistically their stock price is going to climb at least $20 over the next couple months.

>> No.16642843


>> No.16642847

Looks like a rival was halted from trading. Thats it. So many fake AMRN links have been posted lately, I think he wants you to bid up the price or just fuck with you.

>> No.16642850

ACST ... check stocktwits.

Are these people bots or are they that ... confused? It is literally the same sentiments expressed over and over again.

>Mere manipulation to get cheaper shares
>THEY are trying to get YOUR shares
>Games to trigger stop losses before buyout
>Big companies trying to buy this for a song

It is like old people got on the internet with their news rage addled brain hopped up on paranoia.

>> No.16642852

ACST started moving again but it's stopped again?

Feel bad for those fuckers

>> No.16642860

>please sir do the needful
I wonder how many of the posters are bots and paid shills

>> No.16642871

I don't know.
It's all so surreal but that's probably what bagholding does to you.

>> No.16642877

godspeed brother. I got in this, but only 10 shares.

>> No.16642879

im the dude just starting out scalping trades with $1k positions at a time lol i don't think i'd help much there. i'll still never understand holding a stock overnight when such crazy shit can happen and stop losses won't save you. so much more consistent to just have a basic FA thesis (company is or isn't garbage, public sentiment is positive/negative, what is the short float, etc) supporting a TA system.

this video is fucking fantastic btw i highly recommend everyone check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGglyvc8d58

>> No.16642887

so what are the meme stocks to hold right now?


I need some suggestions.

>> No.16642895

>holding shit stocks when you can buy PILL and basically print money

>> No.16642903

Shill me something that I can buy and hold for a month without looking at it that will make me money. SPY?

>> No.16642904

this is why day trading will always be superior to investors buy and hold (and pray) strategies. one day you wake up and you have half as much money as you did the day before, sad. hard not to be delusional in that case i feel, but that's what happens when you gamble on penny stocks like a retard.

>> No.16642905

QYLD. Laugh at the suffering of your peers and remember that dividends are your fren.

>> No.16642909

Stocktwits is the most blatant PR fuckery on the internet. Still a good source of info if you can see the patterns in the bagholding shills, paid pumpers, and the FUDders.

>> No.16642921

ACST just got halted again for pending news.. I doubt it's good considering how it just plumetted

>> No.16642932
File: 350 KB, 1000x1000, bagholding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are these people bots or are they that ... confused?
Not bots. That's all very standard cope and whinge of the bagholder.

>> No.16642933

>acst drops
>stockwits says good news coming, will be $7 by the end of the day

>> No.16642941
File: 77 KB, 649x722, that V tho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair it looks like it's bouncing. whether or not that's a dead cat bounce idk but just saying.

>> No.16642943

I am a buy and hold, how does holding a triple leveraged ETF benefit me?


>> No.16642945

Just bought 300 more shares of NLTX at 13.33 cause Fuck me Im scared bros

>> No.16642946

>the galt shill unkilled herself

>> No.16642957


>> No.16642977

>muh decay
Compared the performance of TQQQ to QQQ. It may not achieve 3x in the long run, but it still beats it by a large margin.

>> No.16642981
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Just took profits in soxl, not liking the action. Set a limit sell for pill but might just hold it.

You’re right that’s they’re dangerous if you’re not paying attention. But if you’re able to identify a secular trend and stay in it until it reverses, you can make out quite well.

But it is a massive gamble.
Pic related.

>> No.16642994

MTNB, NLTX and BCRX, also SGEN.. and AMRN if you believe in the holy buyout otherwise stay away this stock isn't doing sweet fuckall

>> No.16643006
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>> No.16643008

SGEN just dipped below my DCA

>> No.16643017

Where do you get your news from ?

>> No.16643019
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>> No.16643020
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Why are people so retarded?

>> No.16643026

memes from /smg/ and @realDonaldTrump

>> No.16643028

I jsut sold it at break even and put my shit into NLTX.. SGEN not moving enough for my liking

>> No.16643031
File: 571 KB, 1125x968, 9CCCF7C6-22E1-4EFB-83C1-2AF6CE3677A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fuckkng ads... god damn it hiroshimoot

If your looking for something that’ll do well in January... IBB XBI XPH are the safer ETFs I expect to preform well.

I also really fucking like MRK and they should have some good news from the FDA in January

>> No.16643037

i ignore the news

>> No.16643038
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>> No.16643046
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And /r/wallstreetbets, amirite

>> No.16643055
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We've got 5 more years of this bull market lads.

We're all gonna make it.

>> No.16643056
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Everyone post this year's gains (or losses if you're a degenerate)

>> No.16643078
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>> No.16643092

think or swim gives you a news feed for any given stock. also normie shit like yahoo finance, seekingalpha, stocktwits, etc. one of the most important things to know about the stock market is that there are a ton of self-fulfilling prophecies in it that you can consistently make profit off of. it's the opposite of forex: in forex the banks take price the opposite way of where the majority of dumb money is going, you want to be betting against the majority. in stocks people move the price and stocks actually have intrinsic value and supply/demand so all of those major points of support/resistance are seen and traded on by everyone and their mother, or golden crosses everyone can see that shit, or the VWAP or MACD breakouts on the 5/15 min timeframes which are the most popular for intraday.

everyone can see the same goddamn shit it's so easy with a little work. everyone wants to gamble though it's crazy to me when you're dealing with real money. i haven't even been doing this for a year yet and even i figured this out.

>> No.16643096

year's not over yet, I can still make it

>> No.16643102
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>> No.16643106

>so high

>> No.16643111

Whoa! Congrats on this one, anon! I was thinking about buying this on Friday but didn't.

>> No.16643114
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Im gonna shoot straight with you anons. I need to know more about VALE but I'm at work and can't get deep into the DD right now. Any of you neet gods have any intel on this mining shit?

>> No.16643125
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>> No.16643126

They’re only gains if you sell
...you didn’t sell, did you anon?
Uh oh... well thanks for paying for all those gibs, neetbux, and fighter jets.

>> No.16643133


Mbot. Went on a multi-day run before to 17+ and look to be sbout to do it again

>> No.16643135

i still don't get why TSLA is doing so well when it's such a garbage company. it's sad how much of an effect hype has on the market, where you're better off making money off of dreams instead of being able to invest in real companies with actually important innovations that help humanity. but hey, money is money.

>> No.16643137
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>In freefall
Maybe I’ll spec on it in January before pic related

>> No.16643139
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>> No.16643140
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These are unrealized gains ma'am

>> No.16643146

They do iron ore and nickel primarily. Also a bunch of other stuff, and some hydroelectric.

>> No.16643158

You want my opinion... inside you?
That’s pretty gay

>> No.16643164
File: 651 KB, 1125x1613, 24C4F58E-96A6-4D95-9282-86D5D74AB08B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is... not the pic I chose

>> No.16643167
File: 769 KB, 830x749, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough, but is it gayer than pic related

>> No.16643172
File: 29 KB, 965x365, Screen Shot 2019-12-23 at 11.54.15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slow and steady for a long time and now its making me money. my investment capital was about $23K this year into these investments (doesn't include my 401K or my crypto stash)

>> No.16643179

Fake it till you make it is the new winning strategy

>> No.16643188

shill me on ILIKF, are they a meme?

>> No.16643193

>Just took profits in soxl
I am considering doing this with both SOXL and PILL. I am concerned about an impending drop based the chart and would rather buy back in at the lower price than ride out the cycle before I see more growth.

>> No.16643198
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these are for smaller traders, i assume long term volatility way too much psychologically

because there is the retail short religion that algos and such are clipping. i got my ass burnt too latest burst, but instead of blaming musk and tesla just accept the loss as it is a horrible trade. ive been long on tsla too. tsla short religionists are mostly people are invested and shorted long times ago, they are caught in bad positions if not outright broke already thus they become angry and blame it on tsla and musk instead of accepting what they are - horrible typical retail traders that algos beat the fuck out


>> No.16643203

Who are you?
What have you done with the real degenerate gamber 3xETF SOXLanon?

>> No.16643212
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I had $34 calls and sold way too early. Didnt think it'd explode this hard but at least I made something

>> No.16643217

it never ceases to amaze me how many people put their money in the stock market and really have no fucking clue what they're doing besides getting a random tip from some anon and praying. there are so many tools and resources out there available to help and they don't even try, even though their real hard-earned money is on the line. i spent so much fucking time reading, watching youtube videos, and backtesting you have no idea dude lmao

>> No.16643284

well clearly you have not learnt your lesson if you still taking losses, 'reading books' and watching 'youtube videos' for investing information probably wont you any more sophihsticated. sound like you are not much better than the people you think are bad

>> No.16643302

everytime i try to mention these "tools", they laugh at me

>> No.16643304

Is it a good buy on the tail of that dam collapse? I mean cheapies and all that... Or is this a risk better avoided?

>> No.16643323

One of their dams collapsed? I dunno. That sounds bad.,

>> No.16643334

to add to this, i love how algorithms and bots probably make up a massive chunk of trade volume in today's modern world yet people seem to still scoff at TA but... those bots and algos were programmed off a certain set of parameters like MAs, MACD, RSI, etc. thank god we're still ahead of the bell curve(albeit for not too much longer) before prediction-based A.I. algos learn to anticipate human behavior

>> No.16643365

I forgot about rocketman’s xmas gift...

Why the fuck did I sell so much LMT and NTDOY?

>> No.16643389

I have a high time preference and lack the time to research much. This is why I let a roboadvisor handle 99% of my stonks.

>> No.16643400
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>> No.16643407
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Wow, SAVA looks like it will close above 3.30. Bullish as fuck!

>> No.16643415

this fucking sucks

>> No.16643422


>> No.16643446

I'm in both. 500 indexes are easier to find in your 401k, so I do VTSAX in my ira.

>> No.16643475

SLV puts?

>> No.16643487

For a regular brokerage account, total market index or s&p 500 index?

>> No.16643489

Probable safe at these prices. $15.50 strike for next month or so?

>> No.16643491

I just got a 10k Christmas bonus. Should I put it in SAVA now? Or better to put in GALT before the rise begins?

>> No.16643494
File: 16 KB, 691x381, lilwkhsx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WKHS isn't a meme, it's the future.

>> No.16643504

half in cash savings, 25% in GALT, 25% diversified across other stuff you're holding or SAVA if you want

>> No.16643506


>> No.16643508
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>> No.16643548

why? what do they do so well no one else can do?

>> No.16643560

Lots of volume on $16


>> No.16643562


Easy buy and hold..

>> No.16643576

Of the two, I like VTSAX better, but I don't use my brokerage account for buy-and-hold stuff until I've maxed out tax-advantaged accounts. It's just for my bonds, my PMs, and my options.

>> No.16643587

Building vans for UPS. Finalists for the multi-billion dollar USPS van contract. Sold their drone business but retain a partnership with the company to develop delivery drones. Just got the Lordstown GM plant. Supported by both Trump and Pence.

>> No.16643604

>tax-advantaged accounts
You can't touch the gains until you are 60 though...

>> No.16643605

Anyone else playing SRNE (Sorrento Therapeutics?) they had rejected a buyout offer for $5 a share, been “hearing things” that another buyout or significant partnership may be announced soon. It stands to reason that this will be over $5 soon. I loaded up on $4 calls like a feckin tardigrade

>> No.16643621

Acst page is a funny read. People are absolutely seething right now.

>> No.16643634
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Where my Santa Rally frens at?

>> No.16643640

Holy shit that 54% drop, what the fuck happened

>> No.16643654

Why do you care, let them laugh, their loss is our gain.

>> No.16643657

>using options based solely on a hoped for buyout

What if the buyout gets announced the day after your calls expire?

>> No.16643663
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heh, nothing personal kid

>> No.16643664
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>> No.16643680


Wow, guess I shouldn't have dumped my shares.

Shit like this is why I haven't sold my SNSS.

>> No.16643695

You can still reinvest them, though, so that doesn't keep you from taking advantage of compounding. It just keeps you from being an idiot and buying lambos with it.

If your plan is to make it big and retire early, you'll need way more than you can stick in your tax-advantaged accounts anyway.

>> No.16643698

at the end of the day all that really matters is whether or not you're making money and how much (%). if it works for you then more power to you.

>taking losses

...what? im making money because i actually put in the time and effort to learn, the dumb money are the ones "taking losses". also how the fuck do you know anything if you didn't read it or watch it from somewhere and then test the shit out of it for yourself? what's your strategy oh wise one?

>> No.16643707
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>> No.16643708

Workhorse Group only has a 10% in Lordstown Motors Corporation, they're not the same group. Their pickup offering seems terrible since it only has a 80 mile battery and undoubtedly will be much worse than the cyber truck unless they completely start from scratch and get access to technology they don't currently have. SureFly was going to spin off into another company but is only valued at 33 million.

Maybe the stock is cheap but I don't like the company at all.

>> No.16643731

I bought in around there at market open and sold that lil pump today lol my portfolio went up 14%

>> No.16643737

Wrong, Tesla cultist.

>> No.16643748

So if crypto goes on a bullrun and I end up with 8 figures, a regular brokerage account is my only choice then right? Would it be wise to just dump everything in VTSAX? I'm used to 50% drops in crypto so volatility doesn't phase me one bit.

>> No.16643749

i remember seeing so many twit shills trying to shill that when the UAW strike was going on (i was shorting GM at the time and i guess they wanted GM to buy WKHS). what a piece of shit lmao. to be fair it's been uptrending for a while now though, to play devil's advocate.

>> No.16643771
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>Making constant safe returns
>Not buying high and selling low
>Not being down 20% YTD

On my /biz/?

>> No.16643785

Where do I go to look for options activity so I can copy what others are doing I found bar chart today and they show the most unusual options there's a few puts on Tesla in a few puts on AMD that look promising anywhere else that shows this with volume?

>> No.16643786

I say always keep 10K in vtsax/vti no matter what.
I’m going to start adding to VDIGX instead of adding more to vtsax. Actively managed funds tend to underperform the market in bull runs, but outpreform in corrections. At least, I think that’s the case.

In any case, I like the dividend growth strategy, though it might be time to look for a buyback achievers fund.

So what books and videos?
Still tryna get into nononsenseforex

>> No.16643805

I sold at like $3.55 .. Should i buy back in?

>> No.16643817

Your opinion on municipal bonds? Even though volatility doesn't phase me, would it be wise to buy bonds as well?

>> No.16643820

>all the technicals say the stock is going down
>"""investors""" just call it cheapies/buying opportunity
>surprise surprise stock goes down more

why not just short it? why not just wait for all of the technicals to say up before buying? it's not rocket science, buy and hold investors make no sense to me. just keep hodling and complaining about "this piece of shit stock" lol.

>> No.16643829

what app is that

>> No.16643834

No opinion on munis

>> No.16643854

I wouldn’t assume they always do what they say they’re doing. They may buy put protection and never admit to it, because they want everyone else to HODL and buy the hell out of it.

Our shills are similar.

>> No.16643859

How about bonds in general then? For someone that has developed immunity to volatility thanks to time spent in crypto, are bonds even worth it? Or just go all in equities?

>> No.16643867

I'm holding this for a year minimum. this pump wrecked my cost avg, so I'll just DCA 20 shares a day until I have 1 k (only have 400 now)

>> No.16643873
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M1 Finance

>> No.16643874

SAVA and NLTX insider buying


>> No.16643886

If you've got a sudden windfall of $10,000,000+, then yes, a brokerage account is going to be where most of it ends up.

Though really, if you've got that kind of money, priority should still probably be avoiding paying taxes on it.

>> No.16643892

it depends if you may need some of that money anytime soon, or if you have additional income coming in, how much your portfolio is worth, what your retirement goals are, etc. no one can answer your questions accurately without knowing more about you.

if you're young and plan on working for awhile, you probably dont want much exposure to bonds, as you'll be able to buy dips with any extra income. keep your risk high while you're young.

>> No.16643902

>priority should still probably be avoiding paying taxes on it
It would be prudent to just pay off capital gains taxes to get the IRS off my back though right? The IRS is no joke.

>> No.16643913
File: 20 KB, 640x323, 350DD7B2-2528-4BDE-B30A-B4E8FFECF95F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For someone that has developed immunity to volatility thanks to time spent in crypto
Stop saying this sheesh I get it

Bonds are for old people and the ultra-wealthy. For safety, I prefer allocating 5% to gold, paper gold or the real thing (in a safety deposit box)

I always keep a “bear fund” of cash in case of market corrections, to buy cheapies.

Actually listen to this guy:

>> No.16643953

i posted one video here already: >>16642879

some other good ones: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWpe30R2VnM (basically been learning about how to use finviz in general, great screener)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y55s2tihNI4 (don't buy any of his shit obviously but the free info in that video about strategies involving moving averages is great for beginners)
and more specifically on those subjects: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKWnrlD8cqU
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EV01N43RjIE (what short float is and a strategy on how to profit from it, i like to look into a lot of different niche strategies and cherry pick what i like and add it to my own system. here the basic idea is if there's a large short float and the stock gaps up, those shorts are now seriously on the wrong side of the trade and will have to cover, pushing the price up further)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DICZVkBK3_k (basically a crash course on why chaikin money flow and relative strength are important and can be used to pick stocks to buy or short, good for swing/position traders or to get a good bias for day trading).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoN1XM8SndA (rich dad poor dad stuff, just generally useful financial education about assets and liabilities. sound on the vid is a bit fucky though).

i've read various important books like trading in the zone which most traders know about, currently reading a book about options pricing strategies using black-scholes. a lot of stuff you can find on youtube as an audiobook too which helps. i also like to read biographies on famous traders, financial history (flash crash, financial crises, great depression, history of the stock market, etc). i look at trading as a sort of strategy video game and so all of this stuff is just naturally fun for me, i'd probably still play this "game" even if we just got in-game currency like gold or gems or whatever instead of real money.

>> No.16644000

I've had quite a good day with STONKS today.

>> No.16644017

>priority should still probably be avoiding paying taxes on it.
If you don't know people on the inside, doing this is the most stupid shit you can do. It's obviously legal to find ways to decrease taxes by using smart loopholes, but trying to avoid them? Fuck that, just pay it.

>> No.16644032

Hey thanks.
And thanks for admitting you’re just a noob getting his feet wet for the first time. Too many blowhards around here.

Pretty sure he means legal ways to avoid paying any more than is absolutely necessary in tax.

>> No.16644085

What the IRS doesn't know can't hurt it. With that amount of money, the best thing to do would be to talk to an actual tax professional.

>> No.16644107

np, and yeah im a new but i'd hardly say im a noob. i've been spending pretty much all of my time not at work or eating/sleeping learning about the stock market and testing/optimizing my system. sure im starting out with small amounts but what matters to me is the percentage, not the actual amount. if it proves itself to work consistently i'll keep increasing the amount im trading with, if it works with $1k it should work with $100k you know what i mean? (assuming the liquidity is there of course, but you can always just play more expensive stocks. even if you had over a million dollars you could still just buy like 1k shares of AMZN, same thing).

>> No.16644120


>> No.16644132

Can I use a brokerage account like a bank account? Basically just keep all my money there and invest every once in a while. What would be the downside to this? Apart from missing out on the bs 2% interest.

>> No.16644145
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fucking lol /biz/

>> No.16644153

Yes, and you actually still get those BS interest payments from “sweep” every now again with Schwab. Better than nothing but I doubt they keep pace with inflation.

>> No.16644154
File: 2 KB, 956x48, Sigh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why you shouldn't trade CFD's, would have been $90 in 10 seconds if I got filled. But nope.. because of fucking garbage ass spread it skipped me even though I was well above price. Mmmmh, I love it

>> No.16644156

>Apart from missing out on the bs 2% interest.
you can buy ETFs that are very short term bonds which will be similar to saving account returns (e.g., $BIL)

there are brokers that offer banking services (checking account, etc.) and link up all of your accounts for instant transfers

>> No.16644161
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Redpill me on SRNE, do you have a reason to believe a buyout may be coming or just rumors? I see data is due soon

>> No.16644164
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You're gonna make it anon. Being open to learning and a general positive outlook on things are two important intangible skills when trading.

>> No.16644183
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>> No.16644187
File: 87 KB, 974x1061, 1576538912332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain your strategy a little better. Are you going all in in 1k amounts on a single stock then scalping? Clear this up for me. Thanks.

>> No.16644217

Yes, I meant legal ways. Or at least, ways that don't attract IRS attention.

>> No.16644247

also taking it slow. i basically am where i am today because i seriously fucked up my very first trade, putting all of my money in (averaging down) and suffering a double digit drawdown over months before it came back and i got out with a small profit before it crashed. all the time i was waiting it motivated me to learn as much as i could and test as much as i could so that such a thing would never ever happen again.

you know how they say the worst thing that can happen to a new trader is to be successful on their first trade or couple of trades, because it builds their ego up? i basically got the exact opposite of that lmao.

im scalping with $1k amounts with the option to buy more if it drops to certain levels while still meeting my conditions for being in a trend. when even one of my indicators starts disagreeing i will just try to get out with small profit or break even and stop trading and look for another stock where the "stars align" so to speak. i buy on strength and sell on strength, and stay away when the momentum has died off too much.

the trick is to put together a system of indicators that accurately tells you what the trend is, you can mostly do this with moving averages and momentum and volume indicators. it took me many months of testing to figure out what works for me, but the reward is eventually getting to quit my day job and just do this for the rest of my life with unlimiting earning potential, seems pretty fucking worthwhile to me, so here i am.

>> No.16644276
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>the reward is eventually getting to quit my day job and just do this for the rest of my life

>> No.16644277

how big of a meme is AT&T?

>> No.16644307
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Absolutely based. I'm rooting for you. I'm essentially where you were a few months ago. I'm still fine tuning my strategy and getting my psychology right. Still FOMOing and chasing things down when I should just cut my losses. Are you working with a 25k minimum account? Sometimes I have to sit out the 5 days after executing 3 day trades.

>Imagine not having the dedication, drive, and vision to getting so good that you eventually quit your day job

>> No.16644329
File: 57 KB, 399x301, 1577031001097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the largest telecom provider (in the world?) and pays out a fine dividend. Furthest thing from a meme. Buy the dip.

>> No.16644344
File: 29 KB, 530x298, 260C7E33-26A2-49DA-B013-EB27DD2BCE6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ding ding ding! How did everyone do today? I’m up .28%, ok day. Just got off a plane in Texas, no time to chatties!

>> No.16644357
File: 135 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20191223-150020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up another solid, stable 3%. This money making thing seems pretty easy

>> No.16644364

meh +.09%

>> No.16644370

Up 3.39%. A good day.

>> No.16644375
File: 241 KB, 1440x2392, Capture+_2019-12-23-16-01-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big day for my small stack

>> No.16644382

>2 minutes after hours
>SNSS jumps to 39 cents

>> No.16644383

Bought amd puts before close
How fucked am i?

>> No.16644392
File: 125 KB, 1125x636, D6748FEB-C7B3-4B17-BB4A-F2A2DF4A9BAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking gay ass day
Fake and lame market

Loaded back up on PEP calls,
Added LLY calls
Added QCOM call

>> No.16644399

The exuberance on CNBC is just amazing. They're predicting 10%+ earnings growth for next year

>> No.16644405

qcom is a mistake, that ride ended last week

>> No.16644408
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Up 2% during intraday. Slowly climbing AH too. I'm planning on dropping my tinycap bags tomorrow as they turned bullish today. Short trading day. Hopefully there is frenzy and greed I can cash in on.

I fucking love stonks.

>> No.16644409
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i've got about $50k total saved, meeting the $25k minimum isn't an issue. i still work a 9 to 5, but im on vacation so i can actually put in some time day trading for a change. im really just collecting data right now, the more this works with real money the more i will increase the amount i put in with each purchase. start with $1k at a time, then go up to $2k at a time, then $3k etc. i also keep a journal of my trades, reasoning behind the stocks im trading each day and their relevant news and fundamentals, and take lots of screenshots.

the funny thing is that it's a commonly held belief by the pros that you can be profitable in the long run by just flipping coins to decide whether to go long or short on any trade. what matters the most is trader psychology and money management. having a system just gives you higher odds than 50/50, the better the system the higher the odds.

stock trading is literally just finding high probability setups using proper risk and just doing the same shit like a robot over and over and over and over and over. it's a massive amount of work up-front but after you figure it out and have confidence in your system you just wash rinse repeat, it's just that most people don't want to put in all of that up-front effort because it is truly massive. i love looking at charts for hours every day, do you? do most normies? no, and that's what separates the successful from the masses of failures.

>> No.16644410

You got me anon, thought my big day just got bigger

>> No.16644425

So i was paper trading to test something and i was down ~$200. When the market closed it shows as -$2,520 loss. What's the deal here what did i miss?

>> No.16644427

There’s plenty of fud mixed in with the fomo...
Whys that?
We’re not going back to $90?

>> No.16644430
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I like you anon. You're fucking based. Mind posting trades?

>> No.16644436

Up 0.38% for the day. Big jump from silver, for some reason. Looking forward to dividends at the end of this month, as it'll be the first time getting them from all my CEFs at once.

>> No.16644437
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>found out about efficient market theory

>> No.16644441

christmas rally is over, time for a dip!

>> No.16644443

Not soon enough to justify a call. Why catch a falling knife when you can buy on the upswing?

>> No.16644455

What positions?

>> No.16644464
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Nice bait.

>> No.16644486

bought 2,000 stocks of AMRN @21.32. The stock closed at 21.22. Or maybe the stock closed much lower than that and im not getting real time data? Still it should hit my stoploss @19,30

>> No.16644491

>tfw your reply was already accounted for before I even made my post

>> No.16644492

You could do far far worse than getting a 5% payout on your Green... A bank forks out what again, maybe 0.25% if your lucky.

>> No.16644496

i should also add: it took me a while of just being a normie working a job to save up this money while living at home, making sacrifices. you may consider just taking a break from the stock market for awhile if you don't have the capital yet. just work and take the time to learn and paper trade on a demo account.

if you trade on a demo account for 6-12 months and keep a journal of your trades and your reasoning, carefully scrutinizing your losses and trying to consider if you made the right move or if there was a way you could improve (no one wins 100% of the time and that's okay, you don't have to be right you just have to be profitable), by the end of that time you will have learned a ton and you'll have a bunch of money saved up from your work. you'll have the confidence to actually put real money on the line at that point instead of doing it when you're still not truly confident in your system. if you fuck up in the demo account which is bound to happen when you're new, it's fine because it's just paper. what matters is being able to predict the future correctly often enough to be profitable in the long term.

again it's literally just learning high probability setups and exploiting them over and over. really simple. if you don't have the capital though you should probably work and save that shit up while educating yourself the whole time until you're ready, demo trading gives you the confidence you need to take emotions out of the equation. you can't literally see the future in demo trading like you can in backtesting, trade it like it's real money though that's key.

see: >>16642474 for today. more to come tomorrow although idk if i'll be regularly posting here or anything like that. you can see how fast that shit can go though.

>> No.16644513
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>> No.16644520

> seeing high percentages on my stocks
> only have $51.89 dollars invested so the gains are minimal
I have ~$850 sitting in my brokerage's core position, but it's been way too scary for me to buy any more...
Is there such a thing as FOFOMO? Fear Of falling victim to FOMO?

>> No.16644524


>> No.16644531

Not sure really, I think I set the buy order on Friday when I wanted exposure to semis that haven’t rallied yet. Managed to catch a bit of a reversal in CSCO and MRVL.

I've been playing calls this way for a few weeks, setting limit buys at or near the lows of the day on stocks that I think should be going up. It’s worked out mostly pretty well (KO PEP MRK LLY BMY VIACA CVS LMT)

Probably just been getting real lucky though... (Also sold a MRVL put and bought it back for a stupid $5 daytrade gain)

>> No.16644550

there's no such thing as stop losses in the after market lmao, that's why i don't hold overnight. at least you're learning this while paper trading lmao

>> No.16644557


Look at money market accounts, they're basically exactly what you're thinking of - money held in an investment account but invested into real low risk shit.

>> No.16644560
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I will take heed to your advice. Thanks a lot mate.

>> No.16644575
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What price did the stock close at? I know there isn't i was wondering if it dipped before the market closed and for some reason i didn't get the real price yet

>> No.16644576

Why does everyone on stocktwits think tomorrow will be the day their stock will multiply by 10

>> No.16644591

Because that’s the type of thing that gets other people to FOMO in to the trade...

>> No.16644595
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if psychology played any part of trading or was an obstacle of any means then it would be very easy, trading psychology was mostly brokers sales pitch that the sucker lost money on markets because not of his poor and naive strategies but because of his poor "psychology", being impatient, greedy or not able to suck losses like a man ! HOHOHO !!


>> No.16644598

Based WKHS always making full use of powerhour last days.

>> No.16644614
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Also, any other helpful educational material aside from what you already posted and linked to? That Dr. David Paul video is gold and would have saved me so many losses had I watched it months ago. Every rookie mistake I ever made he's already touching on. Kek.

>> No.16644618

just take it slow anon, there's no rush. the stock market will be there whenever you're ready, it's not going anywhere. there will always be new opportunities every day, if you miss one no big deal there will be others, remember that. over what, 7k stocks in existence currently in the US? and you only need 1 to trade at any given time, maybe have a couple of more each day for backups if that one starts going sideways.

literally just take it slow. im actually pretty far ahead of the game, but im an engineer irl with a BSEE so it might not be entirely surprising since im smart. most people take YEARS to figure this shit out, and suffer a lot of losses in the way. best advice i can give is take your time. rushing into things is what loses most people money.

the key is consistency and high probability. your goal is just to find the highest probability setups possible, that you have proven through backtesting and paper trading, which fit your personality, and just do those over and over again.

google says it closed at 21.22

>> No.16644638

so what's the deal why does it say i lost so much?

>> No.16644651
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that ain’t good
I’m pretty leveraged here...

>> No.16644674
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>20% of the days volume

>> No.16644678

>im actually pretty far ahead of the game, but im an engineer irl with a BSEE so it might not be entirely surprising since im smart.
you made $10 today, and you're already talking about quitting your job. you DO understand the concepts, but to think this game is in the bag is retarded.

>> No.16644696

investopedia is good, seminars like some of the ones i posted are good. the main point is that everything you need is available on the internet for free, you just have to absorb enough of it in general so you can cross-reference things and figure out what's right and wrong, and then ultimately testing it out. it helps if you learn a bit of programming or at least how to use tools like your trading platform or finviz so you can crunch data (still a process even im working on, and i know how to code).

main thing is that there are tons of viable strategies out there and they pretty much all work ("are profitable in the long term"), which fit different personalities (basically the time frame you're working on and the volatility vs. risk you're looking for). as long as your psychology and money management are rock solid it really doesn't matter that much in all honesty. most people aren't disciplined enough to cut their losses, they hold on to losing trades for too long and cap their wins by getting out of winning trades too early. a lot of this is just about testing the ever loving SHIT out of your system so you're absolutely confident in its performance in the long run, so cutting losses and waiting for the signal to get out of a trade becomes easy and robotic. that's the goal.

all that aside, you can literally learn pretty much everything significant, including psychology and money management, from no nonsense forex. that'd be the short answer. but it can only help you to try to learn about as many strategies and indicators as possible and test the shit out of everything to see what really works and what doesn't. just keep optimizing, don't overcomplicate (at one point i had like 8 oscillators on my screen, now i have like 2 and some moving averages on the chart). you'll eventually get to a point of diminishing returns on optimizing and that's when you can feel pretty comfortable.

>> No.16644779

lolidk, call your broker or something.

$10 on $1k trades. i made 1% today. there are 250 trading days roughly in the year, you do the math. i haven't quit my job, but the more this works the more i can scale it up and eventually it makes sense that if it keeps working it's eventually going to make enough to pay the bills at a minimum. first goal is just paying the bills, everything after that is just gravy. i'd be happy with $200 a day, that's about $1k/week or $50k/year (not including taxes etc). making this my job i can do from home is the dream, im hardly quitting my job tomorrow over this but that is the goal.

you never work towards a large goal in your life, anon? $200-$300 a day is hardly a get rich quick scheme over here, i look at this like a form of running my own small business. stock trading is the best job in the world if you can handle it, that's what i want. if it takes another year or 2 even, i'd have no problem with that as long as i get to my goal eventually, and this is fun for me so im not forcing myself. even if it didn't work out i have an education and a resume, i have a savings and supportive family. im really careful with this shit, seems really hard for this to go wrong in all honesty. but if the system keeps proving itself out day after day why couldn't i believe more and more that the "game is in the bag" as long as i have the data and P/L to back it up?

>> No.16644860

if psychology wasn't a part of trading than you wouldn't have so many FOMO bagholders or crypto gamblers, anon.

>> No.16644881

LHX finally closing above 201

>> No.16644904

ONTX - good news is on the horizon (Jan 2). I hope. That's the only reason I think the stock's stuck where it is; people aka the Fat Cat Groups, are loading up before the news comes out. Same reason AMRN's kinda stuck where it is. There's a deal looming, Fat Cats want to load more before said deal comes to light. Also its the holidays; no one's doing shit other than fucking the side piece, getting drunk or doing the family thing. Remember: Profit beats all, hands down. People can say what they want. When Green Bags land in front of them funny how those previous thoughts kinda take a backseat.

>> No.16644918

imagine being able to paint that artwork, the broad strokes in the sky compared to the details in the foreground.

>> No.16644932

shill me on ONTX was thinking about picking up some

>> No.16644978
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Instead of boarding every new pump-and-dump train (AMRN etc), why not just own a quality business?

>> No.16644980

People fuck up when they let money go to their heads (and other places). That's why lotto winners mostly end up worse off than before they hit it big. Me; give me 2 million and I'd be happy as shit. Or hell just 1 million. Why? Cause the interest on just 1 million is like over 60k. I could live from 60k a year no problem at all. Cause I live from a shitty 27k as it stands now.

>> No.16644984

Literally what?

>> No.16644988

I've been buying 100 a day for the last week and a half mostly for the lulz....the PT's are fucking nuts yeah I know not to trust them but I couldn't resist on this one.

>> No.16645025

practice makes perfect, anon. applies to anything in life. you could paint that well if you practiced it for however many years that would take, or at least get close. are you actually willing to put in all of the time and effort required though, that's always the question in life.

>> No.16645050
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You’re goddamn right

No idea who that is though...

>> No.16645056

i'd rather day trade a quality business, holding stocks overnight terrifies me. i've been trapped in a few positions because i was trading at the end of the day but ended up making out quite well because i knew the company was solid. in my case i made like 6% in a single day (first hour) on NVDA when it went from around 200 to 215 or something on one day a month or two ago. i was cool with holding it overnight, even though i fucked up im long on NVDA and look at where it is now. that's where the FA comes in, and the TA on the day/weekly timeframes.

there are so many tools out there to help you, idk why people take such long odds when you can give yourself the highest probability possible to be successful.

>> No.16645061

Well before they did a cash raise the stock was trading at around 4 a share. So them needing money with the news right around the corner kinda points at it being good. Why need more money if it was bad? You'd cut your losses and move on (they've got other drugs in the pipeline, according to the site). Cancer drugs are kinda in vogue as buying targets now. Pretty much every company that's been bought this year was in the cancer drug game.

>> No.16645110

the highest 1Y estimate I saw was 13.77, if it even does even a quarter as good...sheeeeeeeeeeeeit.

>> No.16645200

>dude don't do $AMD
>dude don't do $TSLA
so what's the next big thing

>> No.16645296

what can I say, I like the thrill of a gamble

>> No.16645334


page 9 death death death


>> No.16645348

what's a good buy in point ? under .30?