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16641406 No.16641406 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly, do people still fall for Link fud?

I mean, it could maybe work on some newfags coming from reddit, but can't we just stop and ride this shit to the moon?

>> No.16641412

I'm not done accumulating the golden bull run won't occur until the end of 2020 OP

>> No.16641414

Old holders, no. But it looks identical to the fud that scared me, a complete newbie at the time, away from 3 dollar ethereum.

>> No.16641450

I guess because i sold planning to buy back in around june next year. I don't think it'll go much lower but i think it's a way off from actual use and i can use the money better in the meantime.

>> No.16641509
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> end of 2020


>> No.16641633

it's literally all link holders trying to cope with needing to wait another year, minimum, until their life begins...

>> No.16641644

do u understand that link is an ethereum token?

>> No.16641649

prove to me that the token is needed then and wasnt just a crowdfunding scheme like the majority of these erc20 shitcoins. pro tip: you cant

>> No.16641651

whoa, seriously? tell us more

>> No.16641670

I don't even think of FUD as a social engineering tactic anymore. I think of it as base, guttural instinct borne from self-loathing and insecurity. It's basically, "IF I CAN'T HAVE IT, NO ONE CAN!"

>> No.16641685

this, except a lot of it is done by link holders who just aren't satisfied with the size of their bag

>> No.16641691


>> No.16641694

You were supposed to buy at 1 cent, sell at 4 USD. What's left to fud? lmao

>> No.16641707

I dunno. I think they believe they have an effect on the price. HOOODL shaming is despicable. I wonder if they actually got to anybody. Since I'm not a bipolar woman, it doesn't bother me. Nothing will determine me from reaping long term capital gains

>> No.16641712

>but can't we just stop and ride this shit to the moon?
Are you implying that fud is what keeps the price low instead of the fact that it is not important or as effective as you think it is?

>> No.16641719


>> No.16641742

Because people fucking hate linkies. See, back in the day, if FUD was funnny because it was tongue and cheek and deterred retards (supercomputers in every city, etc). The OG linkies absolutely did not give a fuck if you wanted to buy LINK or not and would actually chuckle at anyone dumb enough to ignore the signs.

But now? They get visibly offended at the thought of people not buying link. It all started with the twitter faggots going back and forth of the XRP retards.... most 'link marines' are actually retarded defectors from the XRP army. They can't comprehend a world where they don't mindlessly shill all the time.

So now you got faggots like that feebly trying to shill link to people with 10-100x larger stacks than they have. When I bring up the few interesting projects for discussion, so dipshit linkie (who bought the top in July) will come in talking about 'oh well X is going to rely on chainlink anyway so DRNS please buy chainlink'.

Those people have ruined this board and ruined the fun of Chainlink. I hate them so much.

>> No.16641758
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>supercomputers in every city
those were good times, fren

>> No.16641762

The FUD is good, there's a lot of truth in the FUD that really should be taken into consideration. I'm not saying sell all your LINKs but realize that not everything that sounds good is destined to work out.

>> No.16641780

Link is a middleware. Its blockchain agnostic. The token exists on ethereum (which isnt going anywhere) to facilitate its use, but isnt confined to it, by any means.

>> No.16641815

Writing this. In this thread. Lol.

>> No.16641821

I don't give a fuck about the price, I just want the fud to stop because it clutters the board with nonsense while having ZERO effect on anyone who actually holds LINK. It's the literal definition of wasted space.

>> No.16641961

stinky linky gonna crash and burn and be worthless by EOY 2020 bud

>> No.16641977

you are gonna be destitute selling feet pics to feral Negroes on instagram for hodling

>> No.16642262
File: 15 KB, 400x400, 5SCmQ2tk_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be full on LINK for 2 years, but i went and did research and discovered ATOM is the real way to make it.
Its the most comfortable holding i have with the staking

>> No.16642306

I'm a man pajeet

>> No.16642422
File: 12 KB, 384x384, 08232328-104F-469F-A6D5-E5010E43AAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you understand that LINK is not an ERC22? Do you understand that it has a monopoly for acting as collateral for the value of extremely reliable digital agreements that can be executed trustlessly and settled instantaneously in *any* currency, all while eliminating billions in annual post reconciliation costs and >>16641644
Do you understand its not an ERC22? Do you understand that it has a monopoly for acting as collateral for the value of extremely reliable digital agreements that can be executed trustlessly and settled instantaneously in *any* currency, all while enhancing data security and eliminating billions in post reconciliation costs for those titans of industry that adopt blockchain technology?

>> No.16643408


>> No.16643552

For what it's worth, OG Linkies are still hodling. They're just not bragging about it because there's no point to loudly proclaiming how amazing you are for not selling a coin before it moons.