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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16633619 No.16633619 [Reply] [Original]

How do you avoid such a fate?

>> No.16633768

AJ gets more pussy than you and is well liked by mostly everyone due to how easy going and fun he is. You are a boring fat balding manlet.

>> No.16633775

cope level maximum

>> No.16633960

t. Aj

>> No.16633987

Most people have to work a shitty menial job at some point in their life. There's nothing wrong with joking around a bit to make it more tolerable.

>> No.16635084


>> No.16635185

The sad reality is that this picture is actually only funny because he is making the well recognized alt-right-white-pride-sign-language symbol for the number 4,

thus making the price 4188

41 being an inverse of 14, 88 being the secret alt-right-white-pride-sign-language symbol for "Heil Hitler"

14 of course being the alt-right-white-pride-sign-language symbol for the "14 words"

thus making the meaning of the Walmart post:
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children; heil hitler"

>Yet I say that AJ, and the photographer, and the poster; should all be fired for their overt and dangerous racism.

>> No.16635608

Quality shitpost

>> No.16635971


This, he's young it's fine. Stay on the grind

>> No.16635978 [DELETED] 
File: 3.10 MB, 1242x2208, A6718D23-318E-4D0B-A8A9-E10FA7893DC7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cagey wagey

>> No.16635984

cagey wagey

>> No.16635985

I would like to know what your occupation is, OP. It seems like these threads pop up so constantly and there's always people ragging on this kind of work yet I can't imagine all the people making these posts aren't working similar jobs themselves.

>> No.16636090

Get to bed aj, you have work in the morning.

>> No.16636366
File: 53 KB, 585x876, 1572739688162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. At my age I'd never want to revert back to one of those god awful retail jobs, but when you're late teens or early 20s it's fine, you need some kind of stepping stone to enter the work field for experience and pocket cash. Meanwhile /biz/ will shit on anyone making less than 100k while they live unemployed in their moms house.

>> No.16636942

By buying BitCoin Super Vishnu

>> No.16637747

t. A bottle of Hawaiian Punch.

>> No.16637757

AJ appears to be 6' tall with a full hairline so he's doing better than most anons here in a biological sense.

>> No.16637777

>Stay on the grind
Wagecuck cope phrase lmao

>> No.16637816

quads of truth

>> No.16637823

"i'll just post this crap in defense of the massive corporations and then close the thread"