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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1663011 No.1663011 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>rent out a small office space that can accommodate atleast 50 people
>install computers, a quiet study space and a social space
>market this establishment as a NEET rehabilitation centre
>initially charge people $10 an hour to use any equipment in the office as long as they learn and do something productive with their time
>all distractions are removed from the computers by being offline so that people can focus only on their studying and learning.
>But if NEETs need to do an online course they will be supervised
>Day 1 my business goes live
>300 people sign up
>mfw I had to raise the hourly rate by 300% and turn down 250 customers and put them on waiting lists
>mfw I need a bigger office space
>mfw that angel investor who mocked and rejected my business plan is probably slitting his wrists in the bathtub by now
>mfw I'm making $10,000 a day by creating a productive environment for NEETs to make something out of their miserable lives

What did you do to make the world a better place /biz/?

>> No.1663025

Im currently keeping a roof over my familys head. Its isnt making the world a better place, but its making the world a livable place.

>> No.1663034

I hate to ruin your fantasy but people can do that for free at a library.

You may have not been in one lately but they have changed a lot. Its no longer a quiet space with dusty old books. Every library in my county has an entire floor for computer labs conference rooms hangout area snack vendor etc. And its all free with a library card to log in computers and check out books movies video games etc.

>> No.1663044

>I hate to ruin your fantasy but people can do that for free at a library.

kek I knew someone would point that out...

People expect something of value when they have to pay a price. And my establishment happily provides that value as there is plenty of demand for it. NEETs who come to my establishment are generally the motivated, temporarily unemployed types thankfully. I seriously doubt those who lock themselves in their room playing vidya and anime 24/7 even have the capacity to be cured.

>> No.1663046

Your establishment is nothing but your fantasy. Stop pretending its real. This isn't r9k or b where every body is 19 and makes 300k a year

>> No.1663054

Heh, nice to know people more than twice my age are making half my salary.

>> No.1663136

So you're 10?

>> No.1663140

if they're more than twice his age he'd be 9

>> No.1663147

At best, yes.

>> No.1663148

But if we take the median, he's 4.5 years old.

>> No.1663159
File: 34 KB, 863x615, free shrugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we take the fourier transform? what's that look like?

a shrugging faggot?

>> No.1663172

No one is going to pay money to be babysat in a room with a mock boss making them 'do their homework' or some shit. That's not how it works, people either get motivated/disciplined/smart and take action or they continue being a lazy neet and if that's what makes them content then so be it.

I think the theory could work with some slight tweaking and it's not necessarily a bad idea, but 'making $10000 a day by creating a productive environment for NEETs' is bullshit.

>> No.1663181

>No one is going to pay money to be babysat in a room with a mock boss making them 'do their homework'

>No one is going to pay money to be forced to exercise in a gym with a mock drill instructor making them 'do bootcamp'

>> No.1663200

I believe your idea already exists, OP. It's called "school".

>> No.1663222

>able to pay $10 an hour
pick uno

>> No.1663550

Where do the NEETs get money to pay for this?

>> No.1663568

NEETbux, parents money, or by shilling shitcoins 24/7

>> No.1664303

can you name the company then?

No shame we would know who you are if you really earn that much. Not that you have said anything idiotic yet.

>> No.1664415
File: 324 KB, 706x412, 1479245743942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, has /biz/ never heard of renting out office space/office sharing? Seriously this isn't that weird of a concept, its just catering to the NEET demographic than the middle class freelancer or the self employed that office rentals usually cater to.

Seriously its a multi-million dollar industry, how can you possible have never heard of such a thing?

>> No.1664457

>NEET rehabilitation center

How did you go about marketing this
to the NEETs?