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1662908 No.1662908 [Reply] [Original]

I despise people and hate socialising. What's the best career option for me?

>> No.1662922


>> No.1662923


>> No.1662928

If you hate people so much why are you asking them for advice?

>> No.1662930
File: 78 KB, 409x409, wagecuck-not-amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

programming, accounting, long way truck driver

>> No.1662931

He's probably ugly and stupid kek

Ugly = his reason for hating others (rejection)
Stupid = his reason for asking us

>> No.1662939

I've been searching for the same thing OP. I dropped out of University because nothing interested me. I got a job at a factory and ended up becoming a lead operator after 3 years. I only have a small group of people I work with but they are anti-social just like me and we all get a long.

Programming requires working in teams and requires leadership skills to make any decent money.

Accounting requires constant interaction with others in the office and with clients.

My Dad does this. As a truck driver, you're constantly on the phone talking with shippers, receivers, dispatchers, brokers, etc. Even when he's home he's always on the phone with something work related.

>> No.1662957

>ended up becoming a lead operator after 3 years
How much money do you make?

>> No.1662961

internet interaction ≠ real interaction

>> No.1662978

I hate people and work as an engineer

it's worked for two years now

>> No.1662984

I just got promoted in October and make $24/hour now.

>> No.1662988


>> No.1662993

Philosophy obviously. Don't reply to my post though ,you insufferable faggot.

>> No.1663000

Accountant here.

Trust me, it is not a robot job at all. You don't deal too much with outside clients (unless you work audit), but you are consistently talking with retarded coworkers err I mean "teammates." I honestly think I had to do less socializing while working the shitty customer service jobs I worked in during college.

>> No.1663005

There really isn't any, assuming you want to make decent money. I mean there's some really menial jobs where you don't have to talk to (m)any people, like night time security job or overnight stocker. But then you're stuck making $10/hr if you're lucky.

Talking and socializing is a must for any big boy job.

>> No.1663013
File: 145 KB, 670x424, tumblr_o4rrd5IOaB1v0pigno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about those wood chopper machine operators. they work alone pretty much in the woods just cutting the forests. now, that's comfy.

>> No.1663174


Another accountant here, it seems like it wouldn't be a job where you need to socialize but it's a big part of the job/office culture. Meetings, collaboration, training, etc

>> No.1663176

This, you don't need social skills. You just need to have thick skin.

Gives you one of the best resume builders on the planet when you're done too

>> No.1663189
File: 822 KB, 2215x1710, Lezzie KEKIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's probably ugly and stupid

made me kek a little.

>> No.1663193

ahh. I sort of dream of this

>> No.1663204
File: 44 KB, 409x409, 1438176596959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay that's nice to hear so i wont be regretting not doing accounting

>> No.1663239


>> No.1663249

My family is a "military family" and that's really true.

Good luck getting in with 20% acceptance rate to begin with and getting out just to realize only $14/hour warehouse jobs will hire you. But at least they will move you up to management pretty quickly. Most of my family are supervisors or managers in production factories or distribution centers. The only one that was really successful was my Uncle. He did 8 years in the Navy. He now does repairs (mechanical and welding/structural) on cruise ships and lives in Hawaii. Gets to travel the world and gets paid almost $200K a year to do it. I can't remember if he was a MR or CM.

>> No.1663264


Probably a hard science, advanced degree level. You can hide in a lab much of the time and need to only see a few peers.

You'll still have to socialize, present, etc on occasion, but people will at least expect you to be weird and awkward because it fits the stereotype.

>> No.1663266

Not really by the time you get put your 4 years behind everyone else.

If your going to go military do it right and become an officer so you can make it a career.

>> No.1663267

Worm food

>> No.1663383


She looks like a female Martin Shkreli.

>> No.1663384

Hitman for the Mafia

>> No.1663392

I would still hit that tho.

>> No.1663393



>> No.1663455

