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1662817 No.1662817 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly lets come to grips with it. Majority of people who start poor live out their lives and eventually die poor or a few notches above where they originally started. You cant go from shit to sugar as high as celebrities do without luck and people or a corner of people who are seeing to your success.

Its a fact of life that in our human society and economically it is literally luck.

So why when I bring up the stealing option people get so angry as if its a personal attack on them.

In high school I and two other friends stole over 10,000 dollars of product from a company and made off richer than we ever had before.

>taking from people's hard work is wrong
Yeah and how many of those people would give you a handout

>> No.1662820

Ugh it's the luck meme again.

Just get off your ass and make something happen.

>> No.1662822


>> No.1662824


If 99% people can't make it its not luck its just that they weren't trying hard enough.

>> No.1662827

Is that "getting off my ass" doing anything more than people who have it over 100 times easier? No it isnt, wall street is literally a damn legal worldwide casino. The facts of the matter is this thread is to talk about stealing in general not fucking luck.

>> No.1662830

Focus on your own game. If you're not advancing is your own fault.

>> No.1662834

How the hell can you say someone isnt being victorious in life they arent working hard enough.

>> No.1662835

Oh look, it's the "investing in the stock market is just gambling" meme.
Are you really here to talk about something educated?
Or is this all a ruse for a "things poor people say" thread?

>> No.1662836

Its more logical to steal from someone else's success than work on your own. Life has taught me that first hand

>> No.1662837

Because it's true.

Write out the average poor persons life. We can all find 100+ things they do wrong and why they deserve to be poor.

>> No.1662839

>How To Be A Lifelong Poorfag Cuck: The Thread

>> No.1662840

Not one damn refute.

>> No.1662841

You didn't make any points worthy of refutation.

You want to be a criminal? Good for you. Enjoy going to prison. Enjoying being scared, enjoy paranoia, enjoy dealing with all the bs that comes with it including money laundering.

You're a retarded kid who made a few thousand dollars and thinks he's a bigshot kingpin. Grow some hair on your balls kid

>> No.1662842


If you are born blind then its your fault for not being able to develop the ability to generate ultrasound to help you see instead.

>> No.1662844

I have no qualms with stealing. (particularly if we are talking about how militarized IP laws are in the west, open source ftw)
I have an issue with people seriously rationalizing life decisions based on memes.
You sir are a moron if you honestly believe that everything in life is based on luck.

>> No.1662849
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>Its a fact of life that in our human society and economically it is literally luck.


I'll leave you with this though, you'll enjoy it you dirty ancom

>> No.1662850

Spoken like a true social leech. The fact that I made thousands off dollars stealing and being a criminal is the same way people steal legally. Companies and corporations do it on a much larger scale but you call me wrong because I did it and got what I deserved?

Doing work yourself and proving to yourself you made your money on your own wits and bronze is nothing more than youbon an ego trip. You should never have obstacles getting to the stop. Breaking rules is the number one way to get out of the poor lifestyles majority are subject to.

>> No.1662851

Wow really clever

Being blind is the same thing as stealing from others and risking ruining your life forever instead of just working hard...

Good one my dude. You're a real clever guy.

>> No.1662855

I can name over 20 rich people who "got lucky" and without thay luck would be on this board complaining with us.

>> No.1662858

You made a few thousand dollars. Great job.

Get caught next time and have fun never getting a legit job again.

Meanwhile the guy who went to College and lived a normal life will be making his money 100% legally with no fears of prison.

>> No.1662859

There are surefire ways to die significantly wealthier than you were born.
However they take knowledge, discipline, and time.
Since you are ignorant, impulsive, and impatient, luck is your only chance at becoming wealthy.

>> No.1662860

You autistic NEET faggot.

>Companies steal legally xDDDD

Wanna substantiate that?
>"Breaking rules is the number one way to get out of the poor lifestyles majority are subject to."

No dumbass, being smart, working hard (whether it's for yourself or someone else) is the best way to get out of poverty. Don't nut in a girl before you can afford to, finish high school, and get a job. It's not that hard.

Retards like you deserve the bullet

>> No.1662861

Getting caught is the only real problem you can even throw up. The guy who went through all the pointlessness of college and doing thinkg the socially right way will have more debts and stress than I did.

Im advocating for easy simple money and many people steal for themselves. Everyo ne on this earth has. Why make my own empire when I can steal yours? And if you cant catch me. I earned the work and money just as much as you.

>> No.1662866


Get the fuck out of this board and this country. This board is for people who hustle their way into some money, whether it's through kneepads and lipstick or investing in cryptos. You've got the most toxic mindset on Earth. Can't face the fact that you fucked up in life, so you project your problems on others.

>> No.1662868
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If you can shitpost and complain on 4chan right now you have the ability to be bettering your life and be happy. So what if some people get rich only because of luck? Working hard and building an ecosystem socially and financially feels amazing, it's completely possible for everyone here to go out and earn $300k yearly and have a great wife, friends, and hobbies. Go enjoy life based on yourself and stop drawing your state from other people "hurr someone just won the lottery yesterday and my parents can't even buy me a nice car, life is a scam I'll just be a loser NEET who steals from people who work hard uhh I mean got lucky"

>> No.1662871

Okay this I kind of agree with. Steal if you want, but you're being an autist if you don't understand the risk that comes along with it.

The cringey "luck" mindset you've spewed throughout the rest of this thread is gay as fuck.

>> No.1662874

You're not smart enough to make anywhere near a comparable income from crime.

>Pointlessness of college
>More stress

What's your plan big guy? How do you intend to steal money? Carding?

Ok then what? Are you planning on stealing for the rest of your life? when's "enough"?

>> No.1662879


>No dumbass, being smart, working hard (whether it's for yourself or someone else) is the best way to get out of poverty. Don't nut in a girl before you can afford to, finish high school, and get a job. It's not that hard.

Why should I be subjected to poverty in the first place. You all talk as if this is ok to be born in horrible conditions and work your way out of it as if you deserved to be there in the first damn place.

Thats the problem im having with your logic, you seem to think smarts and doing things by the book like youve been taught to is the best way to be wealthy. People please stop deluding yourselves.

I worked, I have my high school diploma, I was damn student council president, but when I seen my friends making bank off stealing from a companies success I wanted in. It was damn sure better than a job at taco bell. Stole to the point it went bankrupt. Best part was that it gave me a taste of what I could have. I still do my "by the book" work. Im in college and work to jobs but I guess being a damn wage man is better than stealing my way to the top?

>> No.1662884

Dude in every venture, in every niche there are ways to steal your money. It can be passive as well. Everyone on this board knows you can never have enough money. I steal from cash registers at my job man. Packs on an extra 200 on my already 250 checks. Stealing takes just as much work but it gives a sense of satisfaction of breaking the rules to suit yourself. Havent been caught yet. I know when it is enough, im not that egotistical to think I cant be taken down

>> No.1662885

It's not your fault you were born poor, I was too. But it absolutely is your fault if you die poor.

Look if you think stealing is the best way to make it to the top, by all means go ahead, but basic analysis tells me you'll be bending over for Jamal quite soon.

But don't come off as a faggot who thinks we're delusional. You want to try to make money by stealing like 1000s of niggers have tried before, and act like you've found a genius way of making bank then fine. But don't act like "it was all up to luck" for people who stay poor.

When you end up in jail, don't come here spamming us to pay your bail.

>> No.1662891

Nigger stealing and professional stealing aren't the same.

>> No.1662895

>"I am le PROFESSIONAL stealer xD"

Look fag, you think you're a genius for stealing money? Fine. But you're going to get caught sooner or later, and the worst part is, when you end up living off welfare and sucking black cock behind bars, you're going to convince yourself you chose the right route because everything would have come down to "luck" anyway.

>> No.1662897

No, if you get robbed then it's your own damn fault for having an easy to break in house. The thief is just helping you realise that.

>> No.1662899

So many projections because you can't agree with my beliefs? Professional stealing is done every day kid. Literally everyday want to know why you dont hear about it? Its cause they get away with it.

Apple stole the gui from Xerox, Mircosoft stole it from them. Guess they were children too

>> No.1662900

>This is what 14 year old edgelords actually believe

>> No.1662902

This is you earlier
>it's your fault if you are poor

I'm just repeating your just world logic, friendo.

>> No.1662903

Look kiddo, if you've bothered to read the posts in this thread, I agree that if you get away with stealing then that's fine. But taking money from cash registers is different than reverse engineering a GUI to steal it, and ensuring they can't be sued.

But the difference is, you're going to be caught. And you're going to use your meme mentality of "everyone who is successful just got lucky xDDD" to justify going down the crime road. Wake up to the real world kid.

>> No.1662907

Remaining poor in a first world country is entirely one's own fault.

There are so many options available to get to at least a reasonable quality of life. Outside of having schizophrenia or a crippling drug addiction it's just a choice to be poor.

>Learn a trade
>Go to college
>Get a sales job
>start a business
>join the military
>Get a basic license like forklift for example to make $15/hr and not be struggling to eat while you figure something out

>> No.1662909


Crime can be fine, but the risk is too high unless you're making a fairbit.

If you don't have the opportunity to make AT LEAST $15 000/month from crime I wouldn't do it. High risk and not worth it long term.

>> No.1662910

Yes, and like a said before:

>if you get robbed then it's your own damn fault for having an easy to break in house. The thief is just helping you realise that.

It's the exact same logic you are using to describe poor people so we should be friends :^)

>> No.1662912


You're probably a male born into a western democracy during a period of no major war. So am I, but I'm not a lazy entitled piece of shit.

>> No.1662913

How is it the same?

There is no way to protect yourself from getting robbed outside of having armed guards protecting your house 24/7. And even then it's possible.

How is what I said ANYTHING like what you posted?

>> No.1662915

Are you too dense to not know what a false equivalency is?

You're comparing someone who is a victim of another person's crimes to someone who is a "victim" of their own shitty decisions. Get a life homo, and stop blaming others for your NEET life

>> No.1662917

Ssh It's a secret :^)

>> No.1662919


Why do people come here every week or so and make threads about crime then just respond with logical fallacies and some weird moral relativism argument?

>> No.1662921

if you dedicated all that time to be good at stealing then you could have used that time to be good at something more useful to society

it's you who has taken the path to stealing and only you who can put an end to it before it is too late

>> No.1662948

You are far too up your ass to realize I wont get caught at all.

>> No.1662952

The fuck are you on about man, I am not doing anything life threatening. All Im doing is assuring myself more money in the NOW rather than the later.

Have it be up to you and your society theb Id be working longer and loner and relaxing with my money when im old.

No, sorry that is not the correct way.

>> No.1662966

Being entitled means knowing what you deserve and how it is socities fault for not giving you what other people are born with (e.g better environment, responsible parents, etc) and how instead of following the route the way the society that fucking brought you into poverty stealing your way and using people to your advantage?

Get over yourself, you sound like a spic

>> No.1662994

>Stealing isn't wrong
Depends. I couldn't care less if you steal from a big corporation like Wal-Mart since they rip us off all the time as well.

But if you steal from a regular person, you're complete scum who should be gassed.

>> No.1663004


If you actually knew what it involves, you wouldnt say so. Didnt read the rest of your niglet post

>> No.1663017


Entitled: believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.

>wahh wahhh, inequality, society owes me

No, it doesn't.
>you sound like a spic

No sorry, rich white male here.

DESU, I'm not sure I totally understood your post. It's a semi-coherent run-on sentence.

>> No.1663023

Walmart operates at a 3% margin and as a publicly traded company is owned by plenty of "regular people".

>> No.1663049

>Walmart operates at a 3% margin
482 billion dollars in revenue last fiscal year. Yeah, talk about a company on the balls of their ass.

>Publicly traded company is owned by plenty of "regular people".
Here's a clue for you: they budget for the theft that niggers like OP do. So contrary to your inference, the amount of theft they suffer doesn't affect your stock prices (or at least in a material matter).

>> No.1663050

>be poor
>have the opportunity to study hard and get a scholarship all the way through high school to get to a good university
>better be a lazy nigger instead it's not my fault but rich people and my deadbeat dad!
>stay in ghetto high school and apply for a dogshit arts degree
>do nothing but smoke weed erryday >shoplifting because no monies and hunger thanks to being a lazy bum
>wew its just luck bro lemme spend my only $300 of the month in more weed xd

Don't excuse criminality with your own setbacks. The majority of people who start poor have lots of opportunities. They just don't embrace them due to laziness and bad life choices like the ones stated above.

>> No.1663058


>$XB in revenue

This comment really demonstrates your lack of perspective. Remember, the bigger you are the harder you fall.

>They budget for theft

And? If losses go down, profits go up. Which is ultimately good for me, the shareholder.

>> No.1663063

>If losses go down, profits go up. Which is ultimately good for me, the shareholder.
but you shareholders got mad at the cost of having greeters at the entrances and now thieves can load carts full of stuff and just stroll out the IN door.

it's almost like shareholders are too stupid to run a company.

>> No.1663075

Gee great argument.

>> No.1663079

It's cus poor nigger places like India and China trample all over our IPs. Why shouldn't we enforce them, especially when some IP projects take billions of dollars to discover a process or molecule that makes it past human trials?

>> No.1663152

Youre wrong.

>> No.1663169

About what?

>> No.1663879

I agree, OP, there is absolutely nothing wrong with stealing.

Just send me your address and your work schedule to: LoweBro2@mail.com

Lol what's your problem OP? Why are you acting so weird? It's not like a personal attack against you, jeez, settle down. I think I'll take out a few credit cards in your name... really large companies make money the same way, if I work hard to steal your identity then I deserve your money. I think I'll ruin your credit score, steal your kids college tuition, steal your retirement, copy the keys to your house and car.

It's like you said, taking from people's hard work isn't wrong. So I think I'll just go to your house and take all of your hard work away from you. Why not? It's not like there's anything wrong with it. Why can't you come to grips with our economic system and send your address to me?

Hey, and if it isn't me that robs your house it will be someone else that agrees with your philosophy. You should post your teachings all around your town and spread the word. What are you afraid of?

>tfw OP is praying to God that nobody that thinks like him ever crosses his path

>> No.1663907
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fuck off jamal

>> No.1663927
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incoherent garbage: the post

>> No.1663970

Lack of a brain detected. You both have stolen goods or services in your life hypocritical garbage from people is what I hate most.

>> No.1663991

Why is this on the /biz/ board?

Go to /pol/ and qq about rich people being lucky thieves or whatever in one of their socialist threads.

>> No.1664007

>Its a fact of life that in our human society and economically it is literally luck.

Yes, it really is up to luck. However, that is not an excuse not to try. You cannot win always, hell maybe you cannot win even 1/10th of the time, but you will lose every single time if you don't try.

Imagine it being like climbing a mountain. You may not live to reach the top, you might not even live to reach the half-way point, but you can bet the view is going to be better than at the very bottom at least.

>> No.1664009

>Honestly lets come to grips with it. Majority of people who start poor live out their lives and eventually die poor or a few notches above where they originally started. You cant go from shit to sugar as high as celebrities do without luck and people or a corner of people who are seeing to your success.

true or not this has nothing to do with what side of morality theft is on

>Its a fact of life that in our human society and economically it is literally luck.
thats ignorant as all fuck. Yes I agree some of it is luck, yes I agree some people only make it thanks to luck. No its not all based on luck for "literally everyone"

>So why when I bring up the stealing option people get so angry as if its a personal attack on them.
>In high school I and two other friends stole over 10,000 dollars of product from a company and made off richer than we ever had before.

again, even if your opinons were facts and 100% true, being poor / society keeping you there is completely unrelated to the morality of theft.

>taking from people's hard work is wrong
>Yeah and how many of those people would give you a handout

just because I won't donate a 20 dollars to your paypal when you make begging threads on /b/ does not give you the right (legally, morally, or otherwise) to steal my wallet tomorrow

if this is bait I gotta give you props, made me respond.

>> No.1664014

If stealing wasn't considered wrong, everyone would do it, and then the risk to reward ratio would be shit. People are afraid of going against whoever they judge as their superior, thus will never do so.

Stealing is fine, as long as you have basic morals. There is a great difference between stealing from an old lady on the street and frauding a credit card company. One is going to miss the money, the other is fine without it.

>> No.1664071

>Stealing isn't wrong
>Has to make up excuses to why he steals

>> No.1664088

>You both have stolen goods or services in your life hypocritical garbage from people is what I hate most

How do you figure that?

>> No.1664121

It's luck. You three will never make it, ever. Screencap this post, print it out and frame it. Look at this post on your deathbed and realize your existence was a lie.

>> No.1664326


Read "Outliers" by Malcolm Gladwell

>> No.1664333

There's a difference between being a successful businessman worth billions of dollars or a high ranking executive of some f500 company AND making an honest living, being able to support yourself and afford most things to ensure a decent quality of life.

Yes you'll probably never be worth $100 million without a combination of Hard work, Intelligence/talent, and some dumb luck. But making $80k/yr and having a pretty darn OK life is fully possible in the US.

>> No.1664405


Every shit head thinks they won't get caught until they get caught.

>> No.1664480
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easy fix, don't be a shithead

>> No.1664558


Shit heads are born, can't fix that. Too bad eugenics fell out of fashion

>> No.1664565

considering some rich people indulge in fraud i don't see how stealing is immoral.

>inb4 2008 was because of greed and not because of fraud

rich people create those fucking bubbles that make everything expensive, not poor people.

>> No.1664580

I don't think you have an understanding of how things work whatsoever

And what you said: 'considering some rich people indulge in fraud I don't see how stealing is immoral' is beyond retarded. Ever heard "two wrongs don't make a right"?

>> No.1664593

>"two wrongs don't make a right"?

i would completely agree with you if the government had some fucking agency and put a leash on those criminals but i guess the rules that applies to us don't apply to them.
this is when you wake up and realize the government don't exist to serve you

>> No.1664607

I'm just saying it's not a moral justification.

The fact that others do something doesn't make it right.

I mean I can fully understand why people commit crime but I hate the whole "robin hood" and "I'm just bringing justice... I need to commit cc fraud to feed mah kids!" Spin they put on it.

Would be a lot easier to respect these people if they just said: "Yeah I did it to line my pockets. I know I hurt others but I don't care because I fulfilled my wants".

Instead of retarded shit like - b-b-but the jewish elite always steal money! See some shadowy boogeyman figure steals money so it's okay! A-at least I'm not a rapist or murderer!

>> No.1664621

im obviously talking to a wall

when the government enforce their laws so firmly on little people (especially in western countries) and let rich people get away with crime it means there is no law at all and its an illusion.

we are living in anarchy, and its the same anarchy as any other anarchy just like those with people killing eachother for a loaf of bread.
the government shouldn't sleep in the same bed with businessmen, its one of the more serious violations thats in existence.

>> No.1664623

What happens if a poor person steals from another poor person?

>> No.1664637

>when the government enforce their laws so firmly on little people (especially in western countries) and let rich people get away with crime it means there is no law at all and its an illusion.

Not him but be more specific.

Maybe you're talking about China or Russia but in the civilized world this isn't really the case.

>> No.1664652

i didn't say the government don't actively arrest rich people but

>be rich
>get to court
>high five the judge
>have your battery of 10 lawyers sit in front of the desk
>completely wear out the judge with speeches
>forced to a shitty deal for the prosecutor

that's not lawmaking in my opinion. and i haven't even talked about family courts which is a literal whore house

>> No.1664664

I.... guess?

Not really sure how you'd possibly combat this but yeah I guess it does suck. The world ain't fair, and never has or ever will be.

In ANY CASE that's not a moral argument. What you're saying is valid - yes that exists and is absolutely not right (I think just about anyone, including rich people can agree with this). But that still doesn't justify stealing by others.

You can't just say "Rich people steal and get light sentences... so that's why i also steal!". It doesn't absolve you of the blame whatsoever.

In fact what you said is a great reason to not be a criminal. Because as a "regular, little guy" you get the book thrown at you. Guess it's just one of those things.

>Be blackhat hacker who commits bank fraud
>Get assfucked in prison for 20 years

>Be Government-sponsored hacker who steals state secrets
>Get no punishment because the government was the one who hired you.

>> No.1664671

its not a moral argument, if it was i would agree with you.

but who is supposed to provide an example for law and order if not police officers,judges and politicians. government in general.
they are supposed to be the forefront of morality and we put them in place to respect the law and the constitution.
its one thing to disregard the law, its another thing to expect you to obey it

>> No.1664680

Collusion always occurs, in every single time period and every part of the world.

Simply: there's some things you can't fight. Government is one of them. Can't do shit about it but deal with it.

If you're rich you have good friends and connections. And if you have good friends and connections you get special treatment. That's just how it is.

Yes to varying degrees but it will always occur. The Soviet Commissar lives lavishly while the citizens starve, same shit here(obviously not as exaggerated though).

>> No.1664684


>> No.1664695

the problem is that you accept this as un-solvable situation and accept it as part of human nature.

just remember that the government is a body you pay to for them to hook your electricity and give you running water, in some sense they are serving you.
being afraid of the government means you already accepted a situation where the government no longer serve you and not even respecting you.

>> No.1664703
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>It's morally justifiable to take things that don't belong to me because their owner won't just give them to me and that's wrong

>> No.1664705

It is unsolvable though.

The problem stems from human nature (natural biases people have, certain logical fallacies etc). You can reduce the problem but a certain amount will ALWAYS exist, until you massively overhaul humans.

MAYBE in 200 years when we have super intelligent robot AIs who are 100% rational, thinking deep into the future, for the good of the nation and world.

Until then, deal it with it. Bud. Sorry but that's life.

>> No.1664712

>they budget for theft
>therefore theft doesn't hurt their bottom line

wew you are fucking retarded

>> No.1664733

>the problem stems from human nature

not really. stop blaming human nature.
its human nature that people rape too, so i don't particularly like to use that argument.
you can literally excuse anything with human nature and that's the problem with people like you.
you think its ok for this to happen because its not at surface level. i don't really mind a billionaire getting away with raping 4 year old girl in the ass. i care more about how he influence the economy and millions of people in a vacuum

>> No.1664759

I'm surprised you're coming to an anonymous imageboard for justification when you seem so super-confident in the philosophy you use to justify theft. Why do you need the validation of a bunch of people you already know are going to disagree with you?

>> No.1664802

He probably has no moral inhibitions but wants to confirm that morals are a social meme.

>> No.1664814

>not really. stop blaming human nature.

But it is. It's fundamental biases and behaviors that are as natural to us as the desire to have sex with the opposite gender, or eat, or drink.

>its human nature that people rape too, so i don't particularly like to use that argument.
>you can literally excuse anything with human nature and that's the problem with people like you.

Not in the same way.

The fact is that biases exist in every person. Someone who is your good friend (or if is even known to you or has built some sort of rapport w/ you) you are more likely to act favorable to such a person.

As an example, that "Nice guy" with a pleasant appearance, friendly demeanor and who always has a nice thing to say will almost universally get a more favorable outcome than an opposite guy (Whether that be in court, bargaining a deal, asking a girl out, et cetera).

Simply, the friends of the people in charge will always be treated well. You can change who's in charge but the fact will still remain.

>you think its ok for this to happen because its not at surface level. i don't really mind a billionaire getting away with raping 4 year old girl in the ass. i care more about how he influence the economy and millions of people in a vacuum

I do not think it's okay. I just think it's not something that can solved.

Do you even understand what you're arguing?

>> No.1664821

bias is also human nature, you are retarded for arguing your point over and over.

law system not only exists for correction but also for the better of society.
on one hand you expect people to behave in a moral upstanding way, on another hand you argue that the justice system barely matters because of biases and conflict of interests.

there is no law where laws aren't being enforced so naturally there is no morals. setting example is much more important than you think it is. not all people grow up to be upstanding citizens.

>> No.1664824

You're not a big shot until you've stolen someone's identity.

Until then, you're a grand larcenist

>> No.1664827

>on one hand you expect people to behave in a moral upstanding way, on another hand you argue that the justice system barely matters because of biases and conflict of interests.

There is justice, but there is also injustice. And yes there is a margin of error where people slip by who have committed crime and don't get the punishment someone else has gotten.

I'm saying that most things go smoothly but sometimes there are issues, we have just gotten so off track from the original argument of ("B-b-but muh rich wallst executives iz evil!").

>> No.1664829

whoa dude HARDCORE

Must be soooooo hard to just buy information from a Russian criminal online and apply for credit cards in their name. Real mastermind lol

>> No.1664831

Didn't cost me shit because I study cybersecurity.

>> No.1664834

no there is no justice at all.
judges get certified after they studied lawmaking,been lawyers and sworn an oath under the bible just to prevent those biases and conflict of interests.
you are just making excuses to why things should remain fucked, at the same time you denounce people that want to join depravity

>> No.1664838

>you are just making excuses to why things should remain fucked,

What's your solution to "un fuck" things? Until you come up with a solution that won't make things work, or simply shift the problem to something else then it's just dumb words.

>at the same time you denounce people that want to join depravity

Why would contributing to a problem be a good thing? Nigger-tier thinking.

>> No.1664839

Did you change IP's or something, OP? We know this is you, faggot.

>> No.1664841

I think you need to re-read my posts.

>> No.1664842

you are setting a bad precedent by telling people to no go into a broken store when there is already 3 robbers inside of it.

well the solution is to not contribute to society and rebel against it respects the law. but im guessing you are too straight narrow to go about justice like that

>> No.1664844

I'm too high to do so

>> No.1664847

>well the solution is to not contribute to society and rebel against it respects the law

Edgy. Let me know how that works out for you when you're gargling Jamal's cum because you tried to "FIGHT DA SYSTEM" and the system won.

>but im guessing you are too straight narrow to go about justice like that

What justice would you be accomplishing?

You'd be stealing even more, from innocent people, because you perceived some "Shadowy, evil figure stealing and not getting punished". Then what?

Justice would be punishing people who deserve to be punished. You won't be doing that. So what justice are you trying to accomplish?

Accelerationism ? Trying to "speed things up" so that the "system" crashes and burns? Yeah ok.

You don't know what you're talking about man. You're creating a really weird, mutated moral relativism argument as ALL the threads on criminal shit have done in the past. It's getting boring and I'm tired of responding to them, not sure why I do so anyway.

>> No.1664855

don't explain it to me my dude. im smart enough to not steal a car and reserve myself.

explain it to the average person that sees law as a system with so many loopholes you can buy your way out of jail if needed.
lawyers shouldn't exist to get you out of jail, quality police work does. and quality judging. lawyers are just middleman to pump money into so they can reduce your sentence. essentialy a fucking business inside court of justice

>> No.1664873

There are plenty of reasons to not steal shit that have nothing to do with morals, like the risk of being thrown in jail and getting anally dilated by Jamal or the Aryan Brotherhood. This doesn't seem to matter to him either.

The main question is what does this person want to be true, that drives him to shitpost?

>> No.1664912

Man OP if you're going to make money off of petty crime why would you do something as high risk and high effort as stealing?

Being a low-level pimp is probably your best bet. I starting pimping out a girl I used to fuck in middle/high school. Been going on for about 2 years and she occasionally refers her girlfriends to me.

>> No.1664913

Likely one of two things:

1) He feels guilty and wants to justify his choices - people often do this by getting into arguments because they desperately want to yell out explanations, if not only to hear themselves say it and feel comforted.

2) He isn't a criminal but wants people to argue For/Against crime, in order to make a decision (It's been found that the best way to get a good response is NOT to ask a question, but rather say something wrong on purpose on the internet, as that sparks peoples' natural urge to correct you ).

>> No.1664932

The point of a defense attorney is to have an expert who can argue for you, since the average person doesn't have an encyclopedic knowledge of the legal system. That is why legal representation is a right for anyone accused of a crime.
You, of course, are always welcome to choose to represent yourself in court.

>> No.1664961

Poor people by definition don't have much to steal

>> No.1665008
File: 56 KB, 480x782, Capture+_2016-10-07-15-24-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly yes, at the end of the day I really dont care for anyone else's success but my own. Or let me rephrase that, I care about your success when Im stealing from it.

Ultimately stealing isnt wrong. We've all done it and no matter how high or low you all contradict yourselves when you try to tell me how wrong stealing for my own benefit is.

>> No.1665009

You sound like a shithead bro. Ive never been caught, never will and ive stoleb thousands man. So dont come to me with this "hurr youll be caught sooner or later" bs.

Life is about risk. Take em

>> No.1665013

>I've stolen thousands

wow tough guy

>> No.1665014

>We've all done it
How so?

>> No.1665059

If you are asking that then you have nothing more to argue about.

>> No.1665222


what'd you steal OP

>> No.1665231


>> No.1665255

I shoplift every time I go to the store. You realize that the cameras are fake and that the staff cant pursue you if they didnt see you take anything even if the sensors go off while you walk through? I have been at this for years now and have probably stolen thousands. I see a bag of candy I want? Into my jacket pocket. No one is watching the aisle. Fucking retards put it in their cart and wait in the line to actually pay for this shit. Just come in a big coat and look presentable (clean shaven). No one expects a thing. I love ripping off the fucking kike bastards that run Ralph's, Wal-Mart, etc. Fuck them in the ass and get a thrill to boot. God damn I love shop lifting.

>> No.1665259


why don't you try big items that you can sell for profit

>> No.1665277

It is. SWIM used to do this >>1663063 at Kroger, where they do not have door greeters. Thousands of dollars worth of shit over my teenage years.

>> No.1665305


>> No.1665313

motherfucker, the shit you steal gets taken out of the low-level employees' paychecks. way to stomp people into the ground to elevate yourself.

>> No.1665317


>stoleb thousands man

You're a fucking idiot who should be removed from the gene pool. High risk for low rewards it's a stupid fucking trade. You've only stolen thousands? You're nothing but a crack-head level thief. If you have to steal at least steal things that are worth doing time for not candy, t-shirts and dvds.

>> No.1665323
File: 37 KB, 680x496, goy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only the wealthy elite deserve to be competitive.
Good goyim.

>> No.1665328

Says the guy who's too pussy to break the law for profit. Guess what chief, laws are at their core a set of rules made by people with power and with power probably have wealth. If I have to take and deal with laws that lack-lusters easy pay-day's then they have to deal with me breaking them. Im not ashamed of what I do this world is about getting to the top no matter what.

Boohoo to the people I dont care for. Man please empathy will leave you broke. I care about no one but me, who I trust? I trust me. Who will get me the shit I want and deserve? Me. Grow up, the world isnt a damn sunshine.

Honestly the way some of you talk, you dont belong in business.

>> No.1665346

>Honestly the way some of you talk, you dont belong in business
if you think business and crime are the same thing you don't belong in business.

and you won't last in business.
>inb4 "I'm a millionaire that's been in business for 60 years!"
sure you are, kid.

>> No.1665349


>Guess what chief, laws are at their core a set of rules made by people with power and with power probably have wealth.

Power doesn't equal wealth and wealth doesn't necessarily equal power, you have child's understanding of the nature of power if you think it does.

>If I have to take and deal with laws that lack-lusters easy pay-day's then they have to deal with me breaking them. Im not ashamed of what I do this world is about getting to the top no matter what.

You're a lazy nigger you're not going anywhere and we both know that you're too much of a bitch to actually steal anything of real value.

>Honestly the way some of you talk, you dont belong in business.

You don't know fuck all about business. Business is about creating relationships and fostering reputations, nobody's gonna work with a thief. Sure a con here and there might make you a millionaire but you'll never be billionaire because you don't know how to cultivate power.

>> No.1665472

there are no arguments to be made since 99% of cases close in plea bargain. the judge usually only accept the prosecutor deals so basically speaking to a judge in a courtroom barely has any effect.
since lawyers are the only ones that can bargain with the prosecution you basically have to get a lawyer because 99% the judge is going to outright ignore your argument

>> No.1665607

You sound salty as fuck bro. You thibk everyone in business has a moral ethic, business and crime has been linked since the creation of the concepts. I highly doubt anyone working anywhere are getting what they deserve. Everyone is either being paid over or under what work they put into a business but someone always gets the short end of the stick.

Just cause I do my dirt and dont get caught shows how much of a person I am. Tell me would a billionaire hand you a dollar if you asked? No? Didnt think so either.

My code is to do what is best for me by any means. Thats the life code I follow. I bullshit everyone even my own damn girlfriend, in this world you have to learn how to be ruthless. Its a cold and nasty place but you seem to much of a child to get that so you may be used in life.

>> No.1666308


You're clearly a stupid kid who's not even out of high school who watched too many movies and thinks he knows how the world works. Deserve? That's the attitude of every lazy nigger out there. Deserves got nothing to do with life. Everyone I know with you're attitude are drug addicts struggling with poverty and have criminal records a mile long.

>Tell me would a billionaire hand you a dollar if you asked? No? Didnt think so either.

So you know a lot of billionaires huh?

>Its a cold and nasty place but you seem to much of a child to get that so you may be used in life.

Everyone gets swindled and hustled dipshit even the ones at the top, that's the nature of the game. Being ruthless for the sake of being ruthless is stupid and it's the best way to get hated. You think any of the people who you brag to about your thefts actually respect you? You don't know the first thing about cultivating power and respect in order to get ahead in life, it's all about the short-term gains. That's why you're not shit and you're never gonna be shit.

>> No.1666636

Look at you go, spouting off every damn social norm in your post acting as if you know how the world works and how people operate.

For someone so far up his ass and telling me how Im never going to be shit. My bank account says otherwise.

>> No.1666645


>> No.1666649

oh it hasn't happened yet

>> No.1666652

fucking slowassboard