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16625007 No.16625007 [Reply] [Original]

They were talking about the personfication of entities within our global subconscious thoughts, did anyone archive it?

>> No.16625030
File: 1.58 MB, 514x250, 1576443185756.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking jannies leave up the schizo mud slinging threads but delete the useful stuff. I really hate you all sometimes you fucking tranny jannies.

>> No.16625179
File: 4 KB, 184x184, 1561336195600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone at all?

>> No.16625201

I gotcha fren give me a second, do not fret

>> No.16625212


Currently reading it over again.


>> No.16625228

The beauty of jannies is that their lives have to be so inherently terrible to begin with that I can accept that suffering as punishment for their supernatural incompetence.

>> No.16625234

Thank you very much. I meant to read it but been busy with work and was tired as fuck, I was sad when I clicked the tab and it went 404. Thanks a ton!

>> No.16625251

I wish there was a secret group where frens actually talk regarding the occult along with the pursuit of Link.

>> No.16625256

Don't confuse incompetence with malicious intent. They are indeed maliciously looking for useful info to delete.

>> No.16625257

>inb4 Delphi
They are shut and closed but look forward on one day being invited to the realms

>> No.16625263

Eh, allegedly the cult of demeter recruits from here and had a discord, but I don't trust them. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them are the very jannies we all despise, literally a group of discord trannies.

>> No.16625271
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I don't trust them. Probably a pedophile fed honey pot.

>> No.16625289
File: 49 KB, 640x756, theweakshouldfearthestrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sad that the only anons left holding chainlink are deluded schizo fucks and their dumb followers who wants to believe they are somehow part of something mystical to give a purpose to their wasteful lives.
meanwhile, all the OGs are slowly transfering their gains into bsv and the slightly above average anons are starting to catch on. The smartest one did long ago.
Truth is, token unironically not needed and everything chainlink does could've been done on the original bitcoin blockchain. The blog post was unironically just a blogpost too. Linkies all thought those memes were marines being ironic, making good shitposts and such, but it was even better than that, it was unironic fud.
as always, no amount of anon posts should lead your investements. DYOR or be left weak-handed and broke

>> No.16625290

If my suspicion is true, and members of Delphi are jannies who delete these threads, then it just means they want to be able to control the flow of that kind of information and control the narrative in a way. They want to control anons with significant amounts of LINK.

>> No.16625301
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Hello tranny, like clock work. I've been expecting you. Why would you expend all of that brain power to write that?

>> No.16625337

Within the realm of possibility. A Delphi member is a discord jannie. Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s also a biz jannie too. LMFG ==! Delphi,
LMFG belongs to all of us

>> No.16625349

The difficulty of barrier of entry is getting higher than the original FUD, but still not THAT bad. If people DYOR then we all stand to win.

The one that sees the light will never unfeel it.

>> No.16625407

The idea of General Realm of intent just threw me back. Lump sum Cash that aligns to the General with ideas/myth towards the specific. Holy shit.

>> No.16625424
File: 17 KB, 861x758, 1576340393635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone summarize the important parts for me? Thanks.

>> No.16625439

Diarrhea on the street can't be beat. - Pajeet 19'

>> No.16625444

Hearty kek

>> No.16625446


Its all so tiresome. Wheres that $1200 price prediction? How much does creg pay you shills?

>> No.16625533

They're still around? Glad to hear it, they were the least transexual of the groups that formed last year. The few posts they made under their name were really helpful.

>> No.16625556

Yeah LMFG is back and we will be doing an experiment soon. Feeling comfy

>> No.16625609

Can someone give me a rundown. Is this some schizo shit or is there some merit here?

>> No.16625669

Worth reading for some

>> No.16625692

I wrote it off as rambling when I firdt saw it, but some people I see at a place I frequent started talking about the same subject, so I realized the synchronicity and felt an urgent need to at least go over the material posted.

>> No.16625738

What is LMFG fren? I'm sorry.

>> No.16625765


>> No.16625869
File: 796 KB, 750x1334, A7E80B80-D54F-4C14-9708-A3AEDBB0E91A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link Marines For Good (LMFG) is a subsection of the Link Marines and act as a source of light to counteract the FUD.

LMFG is the equivalent to Delta Force