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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16617497 No.16617497 [Reply] [Original]

>me rn (25 years old)
>making a little less than 350k a year
>been trying to make more money but it’s at the expense of time with my girlfriend
>this has gone on for a year and a half
>girlfriend basically tells me i need to pick her or my future goals
>tells me i dont need to make more and i’m basically set for life

What should I do? I really just want to retire at 30 in the middle of texas with my dogs and open a charity to take up my free time but I do not think I can progress with the amount of attention a girlfriend takes up.

>> No.16617504

Imagine letting a woman dictate your life

>> No.16617528



>> No.16617534

Keep this blogpost r9k trash LARP off this board you fucking faggot

>> No.16617551


>> No.16617559

not fair

>> No.16617577

>little less than 350k a year
... Yeah alright.

>> No.16617578
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How do you make 350k a year? USD?
She is probably right tho, but you can probably balance between her needs and your dreams.

>> No.16617579

Larp but if true just pick UOS. The only and real project for gamers!

>> No.16617581

tell more about business

>> No.16617582

Ive been doing e-commerce for around 7 years so it’s really not that implausible. It’s not like i’m working a 9-5

>> No.16617597

$35,000 per year at 25 is pretty shitty OP. You won't retire at 30 unless you have 21BTC in cold storage.

>> No.16617612

Ditch the girl and learn to fly solo for a while until you reach your goals. The more successful you get, the more choice of better (well off) women will be available

>> No.16617622

imagine the taste

>> No.16617649

350k.. wtf bro can you buy me some vbucks?

player name xw33b.ttv

>> No.16617845

>only 350k
>thinks he's going to be able to retire
top kek

>> No.16617864

she's a cunt for gving you that ultimatum. dump her

>> No.16617867

He’s head chef at Wendy’s

>> No.16617924

It's quite a fucking bit for a 25 year old and I don't buy it.

>> No.16617967

dude she is treasure does not even demand shit if she is not cheating then she perfect dude

tell her she has to have kids or some shit lol or you will go for the other option and your career..... to assert your dominance????

>> No.16617989

Just lol at thinking money matters more thsn happiness. Don't turn into a workaholic boomer cuck. Have a family settle down. 100k in Texas is more than enough after you have a ~700k house in Texas paid off. You will never really be rich enough to change the world, at the same time you are eating into your life quality to make more money that is not improving your life.

>> No.16618031

congrats on making 350k a year friend. Don't listen to the jealous fags in this thread. I think you should just keep going till you're 30. If you "make it" you will have thousands of women willing to be with you, I wouldn't listen to my gf If I had one and were in your situation. Good luck.

>> No.16618040

He probably “makes” $350k but minus expenses he’s at like $50 - $100k max

>> No.16618071

1. Don't dump her
2. Let her fuck and date other dudes so she can get all the atention she needs
3. ????
4. /pro/fit

>> No.16618122

Yungdari....fellas. look at who she is with. 10/10 do not want a woman such as her.
Never let a woman give ultimatums between your life and them. They seek value and validation. Give them what they want and they move on. Literal psychology.

>> No.16618129

This guy is right.

If you choose her you lose. She’ll probably lose respect for you and you’ll resent her. If she was really in love with you, she’d let you do your thing as she would want to be by your side for the potential you have and the life you could provide for her.

Something about your dynamic is off. Focus on your business for sure.

>> No.16618161

If you are high iq then u are retarded for being here, otherwised bullshit

>> No.16618764

Dump her.

>> No.16618832

depends on the gf
if she is a 10/10 (personality NOT looks), do whatever you can to keep her.
no amount of money can buy a real gf
if you make 350k at 25, you don't need to make more. funny I just wasted my time responding to a larp

>> No.16618882

what do you do to make 350k?

>> No.16618899

Explain that we are on the verge of another recession and nothing is promised but right now you have the opportunity to make sure her your family and children will be ok. Then find ways to make money passively.

Then send me Btc as a thank you for a foolproof plan


>> No.16618901

>girlfriend basically tells me i need to pick her or my future goals

girls always do this shit, say you're not paying 100% attention to them, say 99% of the time you pay attention to her and 1% of the time you pay attention the holy bible. she'll be like "You need to pick me.. Or the bible. This bible shit is out of hand." then when you pick her and give her all of your attention she'll get bored.

if shes playing games like that and you actually like her just ignore it, it's a trap, it's always a trap. call her bluff and see if she really leaves you over it. pro tip she wont because she wants to secure the gravy train.

>> No.16618906

seems you are a retard. retirement gets broing after one month

>> No.16618910

>Yungdari....fellas. look at who she is with. 10/10 do not want a woman such as her.

Sour graper fag

She is with a low inhib, tattoo maxxed fuccboi.

I've always tats and being low inhib are fucking important and nobody believed me. Well, look whom 10/10 prime Stacies are dating now..

>> No.16618965
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>> No.16618977

You're not making money and you don't have a girlfriend

>> No.16619000

Break up with her. Only be around people who push you or help you progress, thats the true happiness to life. Stay away from people who always make it about “themselves”. Why the fuck is she demanding you pick between her or the business, when the business is whats going to buy you you freedom. People are the worst investment we make each day. Pick yours carefully.

>> No.16619027

>making 3,500
>letting a bitch tell you wut do

Tell that hobto gtfo, buy a new car and a prostitute and drive by her place frequently playing loud music.

>> No.16619037

Hahaha, she's going to spend every fucking penny you have

>> No.16619043

Nothing wrong with talking about your Gross as long as you less COGS from Gross Sales Revenue.

>> No.16619064
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>> No.16619070

Could you give some recources on this bussines you run
Like where did you learn about it what do you sell where do you buy it from that kinda thing?

>> No.16620042
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With the amount of make up she’s troweled on, ANY gril above 2/10 would look pretty

>> No.16620205
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this lads, is good bait.

>> No.16620233

>rich fucks make NEETs rage
>needy controlling gf makes incels rage
Well played OP

>> No.16620241

Lol. Kino /biz/ bait. Well done.

>> No.16620369

Obviously you're a retard. Women who give ultimatums are drama seekers, as soon as you give her you're full attention she will think you are boring and "changed" and she'll fuck off.Be a goddamn man and tell her your goals are more important than her flippant attitude towards a hollywoods idea of a love story ya faggot.

>> No.16620407

>dem dub dubs
I don’t normally but Kek has blessed you; I shall bless you further.

Sent ;-)

>> No.16620492

Inhib? Is that Inhibitions?

>> No.16621244

he does "e-commerce"

maybe he sells coke on the silk road

>> No.16621324

imagine being this new

>> No.16621367

What is the proper exit strategy?

>> No.16621394

It's actually terrible bait because it's so obvious but it serves a purpose in luring newfags to it

>> No.16621412

>25 yrs
>not even making 500k yet
kek, must be bait

>> No.16621686

"e-commerce" huh, well congrats and hope your luck continues well into 2002 and beyond

>> No.16621987

Chase a check, never chase a bitch. You mean nothing to her.
All women are whores.

>> No.16622629
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>> No.16622659

Meme outdated

>> No.16622666

Larp detected

>> No.16622704

>350k or gf
if you don't know the answer unironically kill yourself

>> No.16622744

Beneath 250 lbs of make-up, she's a ugly woman.

>> No.16623489

>She is probably right tho, but you can probably balance between her needs and your dreams.
fucking simp

>> No.16623542

Def a larp reading all his posts back to back. Probably a jeet that tries to rape women on weekends.

>> No.16623678

If you take a system dynamics approach to the whole existence of baits in 4chan, you can pretty much conclude that their point is to poke your insecurities or other unoptimized psychological patterns until they're optimized from the sheer exposure of the same baits iterated for the thousandth time. Think about it logically, 4chan 10 years ago was very immature and prone to biting baits and the only way that we evolved a resistance to them was through the non-stop exposure to them, kinda like this place evolving an immune system against such posting. On the other hand if we take reddit for an example, they would've swallowed OP's post at face value and would've proceeded to give him serious advice, mainly because they weren't exposed like us to baitposters literally spamming the exact same bait over the years. To the average redditor, typing something in the lines of "yeah nice LARP you incel freak" is deemed as very rude and downvote-worthy so therefor no one will question such posts, because in their sheltered world of sanitized posts, no one is posting baits and everyone is a moral and truthful person.

>> No.16623801
File: 1.93 MB, 400x225, BigMEATY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you not fit your girl into your schedule if you're not working 40 hours a week?

Designate 2 date nights or a date night and "Gettogether and do something constructive for a few hours" shindig a week (I'm talking finding a hobby like rock climbing or doing pottery or hitting beach to snorkel or some crap) and she'll be gucci for another year. You have to invest in a relationship anon. You can't expect her to stay with you if you if you don't invest in her.

>> No.16623925

You accidentally added an extra zero to your income

>> No.16623938

that's a guy wearing make up you faggoted homo

>> No.16623972

Please update to the newest Meme Firmware.

>> No.16624274

aw shit, I bricked it while flashing the meme bios.

>> No.16624301

Drop her and get more money

>> No.16624574

She is R*ssian. It is well known that R*ssian women only want savages.

>> No.16624802

This, it's just a power play to see how committed you are to your dreams. You have to communicate to her that she isn't shit and you can fuck any broad you like because you're successful. Then she'll never leave.
Bitches love this shit. They love being told 'no'.