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16613077 No.16613077 [Reply] [Original]

Where do russia guy with social anxiety and good computer skills can find some remote job?

>> No.16613080

Even couple of hundreds bucks would be good

>> No.16613088

make ransomware obviously

>> No.16613111


>> No.16613354


What skills, Ivan? Wordpress, SEO, PHP coding, lmao?

You have no idea, Ivan, what skills are.

>> No.16613364


Oh fuck, what a shithole

>> No.16613368

I worked as sys admin.
And I know programming a little. A bit of photoshop. Can type fast.

>> No.16613370

And I am not Ivan. Thats kida offensive

>> No.16613377

Is it weird that I find old soviet blocks comfy? I wonder what it'd be like to live inside of them.

>> No.16613379


Okay, slavnigger, I will tell you how.

There are some real project on github, ,made by decently educated white people. Mostly British.


Learn what exactly they are doing and why they are doing it the way they do.

Then, obviously, do research and contribute some major enhancement to their codebase. Do it two or three times, so you will be noticed.

Just this.

But you see, Ivan, it requires something beyond PHP and SEO.

>> No.16613382

Internet Research Agency

>> No.16613387

Why do you people call me Ivan and slavnigger? I did nothing bad to anyone

>> No.16613390


Why, Ivan? Do you expect some respect? But why? What are you have accomplished to deserve any respect? Just being a slav is not enough, as you might have noticed.

>> No.16613397


Because this is what you are, lmao. Go complain to Putin and FSB.

>> No.16613401

In India

>> No.16613405

its just 4chan culture, you russian faggot. don't take it personal.

>> No.16613422

I have been here for years and I never experienced so much hate until now.

I dont need to accomplish anything to be respected. You just need to be decent human being.

That's very narrow minded answer.

>> No.16613436

fiverr, odesk, freelancer,

>> No.16613453
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Nice dubs comrade

>> No.16613457

pol has ruined this board

>> No.16613479

Kaliningrad Oblast

>> No.16613490

>good computer skills
I work far outside of IT, yet I have the same "skills" as you. You're not qualified to find a good job.

>> No.16613498
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draw furry porn for commissioners

>> No.16613546

Shill fomocube

>> No.16613571

Because you are on 4chan and that's what edgy retards do: call you name and demoralize you.

>> No.16613577

This board is evil. Never trust anyone here.

>> No.16613584

Money corrupts people.

>> No.16613596

I know. That's why I am not looking for a good job. 200-300 dollars would be enough.

>> No.16613602

The most hateful people I've met here sound very poor and and stupid.

>> No.16613609

I'll just give you $50 in your goal bru

>> No.16613611

I mean chasing money corrupts people.

>> No.16613617
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>Why do you people call me Ivan and slavnigger? I did nothing bad to anyone
the ones saying russophobic stuff on 4chan usually fall into one of the following groups:
>neocon boomers

>> No.16613624

is this somehow related to a climate investment?

>> No.16613629

are you good looking? you can come to america and fuck my sister if you are handsome

>> No.16613653

Would be nice but I am not sure how it will help to get a steady job tho

I have SO. Dont know how to deal with girls obviously.

>> No.16613659

you sound like my dream man move to Christchurch new Zealand and date me idc what you look like I love russian men ;/ im 18 so im legal

>> No.16613676

how old are you faggot?

>> No.16613677

Forget about him, I have actual development skills, could be making 80k in NZ. Doing alright here in Saint-Petersburg, it gets a bit depressing here during the winter though

>> No.16613680

in germany dude
they're desperately looking for competent programmers

go to germany

>> No.16613685

you should ask /g/, unironically
the only IT fags on biz are either way above your level or way below your level, or in other words, people here either code, or make wordpress websites to sell trash.

>> No.16613711


Oh. just fuck off. That was not name calling, these are assertions of facts.

>> No.16613723


lmao Ivan. your projections are pathetic. fucking cringe.

You are low IQ uneducated scum. You have to go back to suck Putin's dick.

>> No.16613729

>ADA investor

you know I'm not surprised

>> No.16613734


He does not have any high school diploma lmao.

No way you could secure any job in EU without a proof of a relevant education.

>> No.16613741

No, you're just being rude to random faceless people on the internet because you're a frustrated coward who doesn't have the balls to do this IRL.

>> No.16613753

Older than you obviously.

But I am.not competent programmer. I tried to learn python to make some gui apps with qt but you qt is so massive I gave up after the third of the book I was reading.

I have asked. They didnt suggest anything usefull.

I do have it tho.

>> No.16613754

This. Jews want all the Goy to not trust or like each other.

>> No.16613761


You are wrong. In real life you would have been skinned alive.

>> No.16613762

Python is a scripting language and not really intended for app development. Learn C# if you want to make apps with guis.

>> No.16613767


>I do have it tho

What was your dissertation topic, Ivan?

>> No.16613774

Are you a tranny?

>> No.16613777

The fantasies of a weakling.

>> No.16613779

When you have dealt with Russian people before you understand why they are hated.

>> No.16613786
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Correlation between angriness and small brain

>> No.16613791

DNS Citilink

>> No.16613797

Haдo былo пopaбoтaть пo cпeциaльнocти и cвaлить из Poccии

>> No.16613802

books are often a waste of time (if you're trying to learn/build something fast)
tutorials + documentation, start with a tutorial, move to the documentation after you feel like you get it (and don't touch tutorials after that)
and be project driven, set your sights on something, learn through achieving that
compare your project to other things, figure out what they are doing that you aren't, why, and if you should implement it (the point is to figure out best practices)

After you've done that, the book might be a lot more approachable, so you can give that a 2nd try, and you should, it'll fill gaps on anything you missed or should know. I get that some tools are massive, that's why you start off with a tutorial that gives you a basic view of what you're trying to achieve, and you slowly discover everything else from there. In the end your job is to build shit, not be able to recite a book.

>I have asked. They didnt suggest anything usefull.
You really should try again. Maybe don't be a tranny newfag that starts threads and instead lurk more.

>> No.16613810

Am I on tumblr?

>> No.16613819

Я вooбщe ничeгo нe знaю. Я был oчeнь лeгкoмыcлeнным в юнocти, o чeм oчeнь жaлeю.

>> No.16613849

you fucking idiot.
water will be worth more than oil relatively soon
and Russia has lots of water
but it's prolly Chinese by now

>> No.16613869

dont know anon your current salary, but many of ukraine ppl work in poland remotely/on site and i have good memories with them, also in my team ive 1x fe dev from there
but if youre decent try uk/germany/sweden if youre capable to travel from time to time there

>> No.16613878

checked buy chainlink

>> No.16613885

Toгдa зaкyпaй мaляcь Pипплa и жди

>> No.16613893


>> No.16613904

>He doesnt know

>> No.16613908

lmao implying work on some useless shitcoin is more valuable than PHP and SEO

>> No.16613914

>he thinks he knows

>> No.16613926

This is literally the only proper answer in this thread

>> No.16613932

Rustard thinks he can work, go dring vodka and staight to zavod dolabeb

>> No.16613941

Where the fuck u want. Western Europe needs slavs with computer skills like air.

>> No.16614610

Balkaneum are hiring devs. Can you get to Serbia?

>> No.16614781


>> No.16614787

kek nice one

>> No.16614877

Look up zipzoom on telegram, we would love to have you.

>> No.16615388


Of an Ukrainian, faggot. You owe us something.

>> No.16615408
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>he's ukranian
>he invested all of his grivni in cardano
>he keeps bitching about slavniggers despite being one

oh man it only gets better
please keep posting

>> No.16615602

how good?
with 2/3 powerful exploits you can retire in Russia

>> No.16615628

Sell me one of your women. That can be your job, selling Russian women to the US

>> No.16615728


>> No.16616177
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Invent Chainlink

>> No.16616241

Based and redpilled

>> No.16616246

Come to America. Join CIA. Then you can go back and live in Russia and spy and try to convert people etc.

>> No.16616292

Just work for some big business in Moscow or Kiev. Get paid a lot to do the work normal monkeys can’t do.

T. Works for Ukraine cryptocurrency ministry

>> No.16616297

fiverr.com / upwork
shopify hires remote reps too

>> No.16616559

It honesty sounds like you just played wc3 and counter strike for most of your life, so you’re just good at computers because you needed to mod and install games in a computer cafe kek
Learn coding
If you do, post here again and I might hire you.
t. Russian entrepreneur in the states

>> No.16617404


I get Russian guys trying to add me to LinkedIn all the time looking for jobs. Why should I bother hiring you over a local? Only businesses interested in exploiting you will hire you.

>> No.16617532

looks pretty comfy

>> No.16617603

Why does the written Russian language look so sinister?

>> No.16618785

> poisonous air
> flat wasteland all around
> cold, mud, endless grey
yeah sure comfy, first world anon