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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 279 KB, 950x438, china-mobile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16608019 No.16608019 [Reply] [Original]

> In early December, NKN reached an agreement with a division of China Mobile in southern China to collaborate in strategic areas including cloud computing, network, and blockchain. In addition, NKN will be using China Mobile Edge Servers and underlying infrastructure to run NKN applications such as nCDN and nFTP for enterprise customers.

Many of you will sleep on this, while NKN slowly sows the seeds of success.

>> No.16608048

also partenered with iQiy, one of the largest video providers in China. 祝你好运

>> No.16608064

Not confirmed

>> No.16608193

Not sure who else it could be though.

Whoever the video client is, they just (as in last week) passed the technical testing for NKN as they've proven to be viable just like any other delivery network (i.e. CloudFlare) so now they're just working out the commercial side of it.

>> No.16608234

I’m so excited for you guys. I remember when waltonchain partnered with china mobile, oh my oh my what a day. Rumour has it that they are selling burner phones til this day in that $2k franchise store

>> No.16608237

the details provided over the past mont have ruled out any other companies they'll announce this month I believe.

>> No.16608294

why this month? first they need to sign the contract and for what i know from the ama pricing and stuff are still negotiated.

>> No.16608305

plus: it doesn't mean that, even if nkn as a company succeeds, the token price will grow.

>> No.16608307

Good I have my bags packed and ready.
iQiyi and whatever South China mobile would be big hopefully.
Even just one of them.

>> No.16608315

You could say that for 90% of all Crypto, including most of the top 20. Having a successful business behind a token is still better than a failing one lol.

>> No.16608342

Recent tweet outright confirms china mobile partnership

>> No.16608345

absolutely true. but still, that doesn't short my concern.

>> No.16608346


Lol how can you compare WTC to NKN?

Just check their github...


NKN is built by the co-founder of OnChain (the company behind NEO) and is the co-developer of DNA, the architecture that Ontology is based on.. Supported by Whitfield Diffie inventor of public key cryptography.

>> No.16608355

what tweet please link it to us.

>> No.16608363


>> No.16608374

NKN took a beating due to the bitcoin psuedo crash the other couple of days, so you can now get it at basically all time low

>> No.16608388

thank you!

>> No.16608443
File: 2.51 MB, 1500x1857, chocola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also have Wolfram as a tech adviser, and the ex CTO of Nokia as a business adviser.

Pretty much. Anyone who's not at least getting a suicide stack at this price will regret it I'm sure.

>> No.16608458

Are you the other big whale 125k+ goal NKNanon who I mostly talk to in these threads?
If you remember i said id try to make due with a 20k-50k stack but I ended up going six figured.

>> No.16608498

Lol I think that was me maybe. At 150k going to add another 100k soon. Have 3 nodes going now too

>> No.16608509

Possibly. A good few on here have 100k+. I'm close to 140k now. Well done on increasing your stack. I'm waiting for an obvious bottom for BTC before buying more. Still aiming for 200k+ by April. Tokens bought today are going to print money in the future.

>> No.16608511

Theres not many of us here so it was probably you.
I also remember the high IQ NKNanon who talked about faster internet speeds.
I dont think Ive seen NKN team emphasize alot that reaching a closer node with nkn network will improve internet speeds.

Anyhow ive spent like 1/3 of all my money on this so I wont be putting in more I think.

>> No.16608513

Good work on the nodes. VPS or local?

>> No.16608529

Looks like people are just now hearing about the south china mobile as I see a small price jump.

Not really many follow NKN so Im sure theres more pumping in store for us in the coming days as it spreads

>> No.16608544

Lol I'm the speedanon. The team have spoke of speeds a couple times and I'm sure they inform their clients, but I do hope that sort of news gets shared more in 2020. I believe 160MB/s is what I reached in one test. They can also now move data at high speeds via nFTP and TUNA.

I'll continue to post speed benchmarks as and when it's suitable. I feel it's one of the networks strongest points, besides their unrivaled scaling.

>> No.16608548

All local

>> No.16608555

Top man. Make sure to update to allow secure connections (two more ports to open). I believe it increases rewards.

>> No.16608563

Hard to believe.
Ive really made it havent I, with my 100k stack.
I bought my first crypto couple months ago, saw you guys talking about NKN, registered on Binance, put all my crypto in NKN.
Thanks guys.

>> No.16608605

There's a good chance you're going to get a pretty serious payout, yes.

>> No.16608615

Somehow feels like people are suppressing nkn price with these sell walls.
It dumped from like 270 to 243 when bitcoin dumped and now it feels like theres a bunch of people suppressing nkn to bounce back

>> No.16608625
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>> No.16608632

Can't even find that Nyzo on CMC

>> No.16608644
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>> No.16608647
File: 736 KB, 934x1401, eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's quite a few whales at play for sure, dozens of 250k+ buys and sells happen daily. No idea if suppression is real, but could be.

Very nice portfolio. Charge your phone lol.

>> No.16608652

Im confused, sorry.

>> No.16608660

Ah found it on gecko.

>> No.16608664

You can watch it on Coingecko and buy it on Qtrade but do your due diligence before putting in any money and see if it's something you think will have value. volume is pretty decent but has been flying under the radar.

>> No.16608688

Had not heard of this XHV either.
Apparently its doing well today.
Tezos too, you seem like you know how to pick'em.
Wouldnt hold nano though.

>> No.16608721

Why the hell would people sell at the drop of these news is what im not getting.

>> No.16608817

Many don't read the news and NKN's reach is currently very small. 2020 will bring more marketing work for sure.

>> No.16608977

Who does these autistic images?

>> No.16609020

Some random days it was up 10-18% from 280s to 310s for no reason so one would hope this woud yield more as the news start radiating out.

>> No.16609060

tom on telegram

>> No.16609076
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Price prediction but realistically?

>> No.16609090

Anywhere from 0.5 to 3 USD doesnt feel farfetched to me, but I dont know anything so its not really a good opinion.

>> No.16609143

Pretty accurate actually.

>> No.16609182

at least ~6-10c is needed for mining to be profitable

>> No.16609192

i've kind of given up on this coin, i hold a small bag and have forgotten about it and don't really expect it to ever do anything, but if im wrong itll be a plus

>> No.16609204

Well then read this thread or watch the price movement start going up from here on.
If you have any shitcoins like RSR throw away that trash for more NKN

>> No.16609236

I'm just glad it crashed an additional 16% ish from where I thought was a good buy, cause I didn't buy then.

>> No.16609239

nobody has even mentioned how fucking active their dev team is. chain pruning fully implemented and https/wss fully implemented within the last few days. every node is now capable of having it's on ssl certificate. these chinkers go hard

>> No.16609288
File: 264 KB, 1691x658, chinmob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder if/when China Mobile will announce anything anywhere where they name NKN

>> No.16609353

Yilun is an absolute machine. They're also expanding the team in China.

People rarely talk about the VM side of NKN either, but they have the scalability to compete with NEO or ETH. VM work is meant to be implemented next year I believe, and while it's said to be only for internal use; it's possible to make it public with enough testing etc.

>> No.16609487

None of it matters if the token will never do anything.

>> No.16609538

While thats true for literally anything i wonder who'd fud NKN

>> No.16609602

Really needed a thread like this. Holding strong but kinda down in spirit due to the recent market crash. Managed to get to 17k
>t. Nknvzlanon

>> No.16609613

good to see you back fren!
hold tight

>> No.16609660

About to get good now.
Get more if you can soon

>> No.16609717

You're at 17k now? I pitied you when you had 5k but you're becoming a big boy now. Did you DCA?

>> No.16609726

Miners are necessary for scaling and mining needs to be profitable for the network to work therefore price should also reflect mining cost.

>> No.16609736

Are you the anon that only had 5-7k a few months ago?

>> No.16609762

I believe 6c at 20k nodes is profitable by a reasonable margin. Node count somewhat self-regulates due to the price and profitability, but I believe it's a cat and mouse race and they'll "tick tock" up and up over 2020.

>> No.16609803

Thanks bros

Lmao yes, i had 4k in january, the slowly bought a bit to 5-6k. Had tons of success trading when it listed in huobi, like I got to around 12k just swing trading. And recently took advantage of the keybase xlm airdrop in november and bought more.

Don't consifder 17k to be big boy watching other have like 130k but I realize this stack was 8500 dollars at the top and thats cool. I would score big with only 3 or 4 thousand

>> No.16609935

Congrats sir. I had promised you if you didn't hit 10k by Christmas I'd cover the difference. You got there with surplus though! Great trading.

>> No.16610328

Any recommendations of where to store NKN?
The wallet made by NKN?

>> No.16610422

NKNxVault for Mainnet.

>> No.16610504

Easy to use for someone who isnt so techy and into setting up nodes and such?

>> No.16610624

About time I've seen a good thread on this fucking board, just picked up 50k. Cheers lads

>> No.16610642

Cheers lad.
Looks like the action is starting now

>> No.16610784

It hasn't taken a beaten lately it's always been a shit coin. I have followed this coin since launch so spare you bullshit fantasies.

>> No.16610800

Yes you are right. Please let us here have the shitcoin for ourselves.
Go pack yourself up to the eyeballs with link, ftm and rsr.

>> No.16610812

>24 posts by this ID
holy fuck kys
sage this faggotry

>> No.16610824

Nobody asked you sweetie.

>> No.16611006
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Good to get good news about NKN.


>> No.16611063

Extremely solid project with good chances to be something big but nobody is noticing this at least for now. I'm on the edge of possibly buying more

>> No.16611623

I don't understand if this thread is real or not

Are there really people on biz who have 100k nkn?

>> No.16611670

Yeah, same as there were people with 10k ANS(NEO). How crazy were these people buying a chink coin with decent potential to see where it goes right? You imagine? I hope they are ok.