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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16606573 No.16606573 [Reply] [Original]

I have completely given up on building generational wealth

>> No.16606587

That is how your lineage will always be in the Proletarii. People like that are needed as well.

>> No.16606644

>your lineage
Not for me, anon. I'm going for the life extension and eventual immortality game.

>> No.16606749
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I'm hoarding all the wealth for myself. My nephew might see some of it but I doubt it.

>> No.16606944

>build generational wealth
>finally done with it in my 30s
>realize I dont know how to get a gf

>> No.16606963

this is why im done with chasing money. ive been chasing paper for way too long and i want to change my life around for the better so I dont end up being a loser even after I make it. I've made a fair amount of money off my internet hustles and I think its enough for now. I put more shit into link every other day to further secure my financial success in time to come. I thought money was everything but it really isnt bro. I'm gonna enjoy my uni life as much as I can. I really consider my loser in a lot of other aspects in life. I've never had a gf or a proper social life either but I'm very glad that I've had a loving family. I want to get /fit/ and be more social and confident around people. I don't want to be sitting at home playing video games all day man that shit is so fucking boring already.

>> No.16607744

dw, you'll get bored of the social lifestyle soon too, and you'll wish you were at home playing video games. life is a scam

>> No.16607771

> Video games have become boring
The transformation has begun

>> No.16607956
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>I want to get /fit/ and be more social and confident around people.

You'll come full circle once you get bored of that shit too. Like the other guy, life is a gigantic meme.

>> No.16607975

Running in circles.

>> No.16608068

I spend 900,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000$ a day.24 7 heroin and cocaine. Iv one this game.

>> No.16608255

life is shit bruh
it has a great determinisic component
you can't control everything
you just gotta live bruh. Seriously. Things come to you things go away from you. It's life bruh. You can't controol it

>> No.16608349
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This is why rental real estate is the best bet in the game. You periodically lose interest in just about anything given enough time. With rental real estate investing, even if you totally lose interest for a couple years, it's still churning cash flow and paying down principle and gathering appreciation. This is the biggest factor about passive investment strategies that make them work and is what active trading lacks.

>> No.16608749

True shit

After you get high on “socialising” you’ll start missing the neet life. Life is a meme