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File: 56 KB, 1280x586, cruzbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16604268 No.16604268 [Reply] [Original]

In honor of the Christmas season, here is your absolute degenerate call of the year.

Cruzbit. This was shilled on here at 2,000 sats. Currently 200. Chain still works. $20K market-cap. Even at full circulation, you're talking about a $210,000 market-cap right now. Yes, it's a hobby project, but it's still being worked on and it will not stay this low.

Literally stealing at these prices. Round 2 begins now. I don't suspect a 5-10x is out of the question by January, if not sooner. With Pegnet getting added to q-trade and rumors of CMC API going in, Q-Trade's rise to fame has yet to even begin.

Again, this is a degenerate play, but if you want to become a whale in something on the cheap without mining, this is your chance. There's some decent sell walls at what I believe to still be a ridiculous price.

Yes, those buys today were me. I am not selling under 2,000 sats. I'd say first resistance is 2,500 sats since someone threw in $30,000 there.

Low-lifes and shillers, have at it.


>> No.16604282
File: 6 KB, 193x261, E11DCC67-66BE-4504-86EF-B6F2D607BD90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16604347

christ, i remember this. never thought it'd fall this fucking low. i'll join you. fuck it. degen lyfe.

>> No.16604385

Wow, I was tempted to buy 100k yesterday but decided against it since the developer has been inactive. Now that's it gone I don't really know if I want to make this play.

>> No.16604390

He's not inactive. Just busy. The 100K wall at 500 will be eaten. Only a matter of time.

>> No.16604401

Some facts :

They need this to 2-3x in order for mining to be profitable.

Major "whales" have not sold.

"Snipe" (who threw in like $42K + spent $5K on mining) still believe.

Nothing has changed. I do not think anything significant will get sold below 200 sats.


>> No.16604410

If the volume goes back to being dead then it literally doesn't matter kek

>> No.16604428

same with all q-trade coins. they all have a cycle.

is this risky? sure, but no riskier than any other low cap shitcoin. this just happens to be very easily 10x'able with how many eyes are on q-trade.

>> No.16604448

This will take off again eventually.

Me too. Reeee. Same story over and over. I never pull the trigger. Chad lounge is talking about it. Wonder how many will bite.

>> No.16604519

minister you, cruz-toshi.

who the fuck is this dev?

>> No.16604593 [DELETED] 

This is truly degenerate, indeed. Will join the fun when I close my long.

>> No.16604596

Anon. I'm unironically getting Snowblossom vibes.

>> No.16604620

Kek. If this 10x's like Snow it's still only a $2M cap.

>> No.16604629

10x'ing like Snow shouldn't be a problem considering that will still only be a $2M cap.

IF (and it's a big IF) this gets any sort of serious traction, it could very easily hit $1 ($21M cap at full supply)

>> No.16604668


>> No.16604675 [DELETED] 
File: 468 KB, 1080x2340, CUNTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sigh. Only 8k got sold at 50 sats tho. So this is not really a 300$ increase. Still where it was. I also do not think much will get sold under 200 sats.

>> No.16604682 [DELETED] 
File: 468 KB, 1080x2340, CUNTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SIGH. Only 8k got sold at 50 sats tho. So this is not really a 300% increase. Still where it was all week. I also do not think much will get sold under 200 sats. I'm not letting this shit Snowblossom without me.

>> No.16604704
File: 108 KB, 658x592, CUNTSSS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SIGH. Only 8k were sold at 50 sats tho so it's not really a 300% increase, IMO. I also doubt much will get sold under 200 sats.

>> No.16604736

> $20K market-cap
> Have 30 bucks worth

am I unironically going to make it if I just hold for 2 years?

>> No.16604742

Nobody makes it with $30 worth of a shitcoin. I really think people are underestimating this + Q-trade's whales / lurkers.

>> No.16604748

FUD : slow development, could exit scam (but why would he), anon dev.

Meaningless FUD IMO. Yes, it's a hobby proj, but most are anyways, just on a larger scale.

>> No.16604857

glad i didn't buy this when it was originally shilled. i think it's time tho.

>> No.16604872

>i'm getting 0xbtc vibes

>> No.16604876

Holy fuck sage

>> No.16604896

Whoever sniped that 130K is gonna be rich if they have the balls / patience to sit tight 6 months and ashdsifhweiofjiojseiofjiorgjioj actually keeps coding.

>> No.16604989

This shit is still being worked on? Wew. I might make it after all.

>> No.16605086

Who's gonna take down the 500 sat wall, it's only like $4k. kek.

>> No.16605234

if this actually takes off 100x is only $21M cap

>> No.16605254

jesus, i'm gonna be rich huh http://cruz.bergbau.pw/explorer/?type=holders

>> No.16605314

Depends on where you are on this list. top 10? Sure, if you are patient.

>> No.16605335

Explain why this should go up

>> No.16605340

Low-cap "gem hunters"
"crypto twitter"


>> No.16605348


You forgot miners. I am a big fan of this and will continue to mine. You really think those who've mined this the last 6 months will just say "welp, GG, 6 months of wasted money, guess it's gone"


Speculation takes time. Do not underestimate the power of a light-weight version of Bitcoin. None have taken off. This would may also not, but it will surely have a speculatory run along the way.

Besides, Q-Trade is bullish AF for 2020, and this is by far the lowest cap on there.

>> No.16605350

this one*

>> No.16605352

someone just sniped another 2.5k. lol

>> No.16605356

>You really think those who've mined this the last 6 months will just say "welp, GG, 6 months of wasted money, guess it's gone"

Miners can't make demand go up on their own. The crypto needs to be valuable for that and I don't see the value in this bitcoin clone.

>> No.16605367

You don't, but others clearly do, and sometimes that's all it takes. Even if only a few people end up using this, the spec value is well past 20x what it's currently being bought / sold for, IMO.

>> No.16605371



>> No.16605412

yep. still have 20k of this. buying more slow. no reason this will not go back to previous levels in the next 4-6 months, and that, good lads, is a 25x

>> No.16605435

if someone threw in 30,000$ how tf is the market cap $20,000

he bought the whole coin at 2500 sats? are u a nigger

>> No.16605463
File: 433 KB, 2880x1732, cruzsept.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think you know how this works. it was in september - october.

>> No.16605468

AKA zoom out

>> No.16605478

Of all the hobby projects, this one has my vote to 100x. Bring on 2020.

>> No.16605528

i can't believe i didn't grab that 100k for the keks of literally buying 100k alone. fml.

>> No.16605575 [DELETED] 

Hi can you shut the fuck up about this while I mine? Thanks.

>> No.16605579

You snooze, you lose. Someone just put up a 77,777.777 wall. (((they know)))

>> No.16605611

trips and i buy 100k

>> No.16605616


>> No.16605646 [DELETED] 

Still kept 10K from the original flip. Jesus, it fell. Is it time to buy more?

>> No.16605654

I'm telling you faggots, even as a delicious spec buy or mine, this....this is your goldmine.

Hold off at your own peril.

>> No.16605710

$22K cap? .....s.....should i buy the 68k?

>> No.16605714

$30K cap at that level. jesus christ

>> No.16605723

This idea is retarded enough to work. BRB buying 50k.

>> No.16605747

come on boomercoin, transfer

>> No.16605778

Plz don't buy those walls until tomorrow I get paid

>> No.16605800

At this point all bets are off nigga

>> No.16605804


it was 50 sats, now it's 200 sats, you want me to buy the top? lol

>> No.16605841
File: 80 KB, 512x288, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started this whole crypto thing will someone explain like you would to a complete retard? I have 10k I'm willing to risk burning. Do I just buy and hold long term and I'm rich?

>> No.16605842

only 1,200 cruz were sold at 50 sats. miners playing games. not gonna make it with that amount.

21M supply, desu.

>> No.16605844

or wait patiently for a 5-10x and flip it, and repeat, if you can. stop losses are a meme. transfer your BTC to q-trade, and buy. q-trade is easy.

>> No.16605852

also, it's literally a $25,000 marketcap.

patience will pay off on this

>> No.16605863
File: 217 KB, 2416x1568, hattip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IF this keeps getting dev'd anyone who buys under 1,000 sats will be very, very comfy. I can foresee all sorts of use-cases for simple coders.


New project Cruzbit was released and subsequently went quiet (https://cruzb.it/)) although still alive and well.

The conspiracy theory begins here:


That link takes you to the whitepaper of ICTP https://ictp.io/ictp-whitepaper.pdf

It is related to a new project Kalix. (www.kalix.io)

At the time it was posted in the Cruzbit discord, it was even more obscure than it currently is - which is pretty much unknown as nothing has even been released yet (only a github).

Here is where it gets interesting though...

Looking into Wei Dai you might have known he was working on a project called Mercatoria. Sadly, the website for Mercatoria doesn't work anymore. Weird right?

Well... When you search more on Wei Dai you end up on his linked in that mentions Mercatoria again: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wei-dai-b0b6984/

All well and good.

Click through to check out Mercatoria's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/lexmercatoria/about/

Where it gets truly weird is when you click on the link to Mercatoria here, it sends you to https://ictp.io/ - the WHITEPAPER/PROJECT mentioned by the Cruzbit dev at a time when very few even knew it existed.


Some additional and admittedly v circumstantial evidence:
1. Wei Dai is notoriously private/anon
2. Cruzbit dev is notoriously private/anon (to a fault imo)
3.Cruzbit is built to be "very much like Bitcoin, but with most of the confusing, and extraneous implementation details removed."
4. Wei Dai's "B-money" was never actually created, and Cruzbit has many similarities to Wei's original vision/ideas: https://www.lesswrong.com/users/wei_dai

You be the judge...

>> No.16605966 [DELETED] 

jesus christ, what a tale. alright, i'll grab some.

>> No.16605974

I didn't want to go there just yet, but, yeah. This.

Now you know.

>> No.16605979
File: 130 KB, 1242x639, cruzweidai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16605981

>dude buy crypto . you dont have to be a poor faggot
>but its not 2016 anymore .... hell its not even 2017 anymore
>just buy my shit coin i got a bag and i have bills

fuck off nigger

>> No.16605995


can you read? >>16605863

this shouldn't be this low. yes, it's a gamble, but so is life.

again, ignore at your own peril.

>> No.16606007

I've said too much already. Farewell, frens, and good luck.

>> No.16606013

Q-Trade added this within 24 hours of git being live.

Unironically insider info. Anyone dumping below 2,000 sats is selling BTC for pizza.

>> No.16606039

they won't listen or understand what this means.

>> No.16606126


>> No.16606168


>> No.16606193

holy shit, based and wei pilled

>> No.16606213

Indeed. I still hold some. However, this is a ridiculous buying opportunity if you believe in this anon dev, which after 6 months, has not exit scammed.

Miners still mining, at a loss even.


>> No.16606226

This reminds me of when people laughed at ETH / XMR buyers in the first quarter.

>> No.16606262

If this breaks thru 1,000 sats there's literally no resistance and we free-fly to a 30x.

Get to it, faggots.

>> No.16606267

now THAT'S a shill

>> No.16606298

okay. >>16605863

feeling the FOMO on this. if he keeps coding i'll at least 10x by next year..r....right?

>> No.16606310

>This was shilled on here at 2,000 sats. Currently 200

>> No.16606341

>not thinking a $20k cap coin on a moon-shot exchange, with clean new code, near alt-season, is bullish AD


>> No.16606421

walls about to fall.

>> No.16606429

I was promised $2-3 on this shitcoin. Got back in on the dumps and bought 20K a few days ago. Send it already. I can wait longer than all of you.

>> No.16606565

If this gets users it'll 10x. bought another 6k. bids for the rest.

>> No.16606588

Nigga it's a $20k marketcap. If it gets users / developers it will 100x.

>> No.16606652

oh shit, someone sniped all the 2k's. fuuuuuuck. should i just clear the book up to 500 sats? it's like $5K. with shit like this i'm either gonna be swimming in it or poor AF with this low of a cap anyway. i had the same hesitation with snowblossom before it 7x'd one me. thought about it. woke up. front-ran. fffff

>> No.16606660

not even $5k for 20% of the circulating supply. kek.

>> No.16606682 [DELETED] 

Haha fuck snipe he sounds like a faggot

>> No.16606704

stop talking and do it. i was gonna be quiet about this but now that it's fully out i want 30,000 sats by Q2. come on fags.

>> No.16606754 [DELETED] 

BTW i have 100,000 as well and will not sell any until $1.

>> No.16606810

This is why I come to this board. Will continue to buy under 500 sats.

>> No.16606816
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>> No.16606817


this is a twu shitcoin. Approach with caution.

>> No.16606871 [DELETED] 

kek. TWU is dead, desu. Anyway, if he didn't sell high last time (surely he did), and is still around, he's def accumulating now. Front-run him if you're so worried about it. If a $20,000 market-cap on a 21M supply coin isn't bottom, then it's exit scam territory and everyone loses anyway. They're still working on it.

TWU always had the best moons anyway. This is a keeper.

>> No.16606883

it's a $20,000 marketcap on 21M supply. pretty sure this is the bottom, regardless of who's shilling it.

>> No.16606994

It’s not hard to make it guys. Just buy all the qtrade coins (NYZO, BIS, VEO, CRUZ)

>> No.16606997

don't buy BIS for god's sake. wait for a nyzo dump, too.

this is the lowest cap on QT by far, and the most cypherpunk.

>> No.16607133
File: 7 KB, 225x225, greenpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck was THAT

>> No.16607152

damn someone just bought 25K

>> No.16607217

holy sheeeee clear the books

>> No.16607286

if this goes above 500 sats before my BTC clears i'm gonna kill myself

>> No.16607321
File: 13 KB, 719x77, cruzdevcrumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16607350
File: 23 KB, 1129x94, cruzdevcrumb2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.16607422

How the hell did I miss this? I thought it was a meme. Rabbit hole goes much deeper it seems. Will put some cheeky bids in 200-300.

>> No.16607434


>> No.16607556

>this is a twu shitcoin. Approach with caution.


95% of posts in this thread are by one samefag piece of shit scamchink called twu. You are literally taking his sell orders right now if you touch this shit.

Avoid. Anything twu touches dies. He pumps these threads with embarrassing samefagging, do not fall for it.

7 posts
10 posts
4 posts
9 posts
6 posts
8 posts

And all the others as well.

Classic twu scam shit

>> No.16607589

from "bigshoots in discord" :

"If someone wants to debunk this.... I told eric about it and he added it within 24 hours of starting to work on it, but it wasnt listed within 24hrs of the git being live"

close enuff i guess tho.

anyways, we moonin' lads. 1,000 sats EOY.

>> No.16607601

there's only 6 people on this board, retard.

ZOOM. OUT. look at the books, dummy. this is still the bottom. only like 2,000 cruz were traded at 50 sats.

whales are playing games with you

>> No.16607607

calm down ranjeet. look at the book + spread. this is clearly the bottom.

this. check the richlist too.

>> No.16607629
File: 208 KB, 1712x1732, Screen Shot 2019-12-20 at 12.59.56 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CaReFuL GaIs tHiS hAs alRedY goNe Up So Much

>> No.16607690

hopefully my bids fill. i have a habit of getting fucked by the time shit takes off.

>> No.16607704
File: 696 KB, 1080x1921, 20191219_121300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a lot more where that came from faggot.

>> No.16607711

Avoid this shit. It's a bunch of dirty niggers trying to pump it. See my last post in this thread.

>> No.16607722


>> No.16607730 [DELETED] 

Thanks for the free PNK faggot. Next time pay it faster bitch.

>> No.16607740

is people calling + buying the bottom of low-caps and then shilling them for monetary gain something new? this is called....trading.

>> No.16607753

Anyone who fell for this shit is a fucking retard

>> No.16607774

>literally a speculative monster by and old btc circle anon dev who has ties to OG crypto people
>$50,000 cap
>still the bottom
>"fell for it"

i don't think you know how speculatory markets work.

>> No.16607782

Stop putting curry on everything you stinky man

>> No.16607787

Are you retarded? This project, although unused and still in early stages, really should not be this low, considering some of the facts.

12 year old Indian boy, show some respect.


OP, cheers. I'll bid up + buy when good orders appear. This is solid.

>> No.16607793


fuck off, twu.


fuck off, twu.


>> No.16607795

Ok Mr. Curry please invest your 2$ we are going to the moon!!!!

>> No.16607797
File: 86 KB, 1202x436, FELLFORIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy is your face going to be red in 2020.

>> No.16607823


>> No.16607833

yes, buy.

>> No.16607836

The only post anyone should pay attention to. For anyone that doesn't know: twu dumped snowblossom and a whole host of other shite in biz.

>> No.16607885

yeah but not before 600%-1,200% moons.

this is the bottom. i'm a buyer.

it's a scam. sell to me.

>> No.16607899


unironically good info.

>> No.16607925
File: 105 KB, 1102x534, no-cruzretardsneverlearn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16607952


If you weak-handed losers are so worried about getting dumped on, then mine it. You realize this is a mine-able coin, right? But you sure as hell won't get a sell spread like this (or as low as this), I can tell you that from experience.


>> No.16608097

the salt in this thread is palpable.

>> No.16608227

Comedy gold. Cruz is a killer hold and I am very surprised it dropped so low. Thanks for reminding me.

>> No.16608285
File: 684 KB, 1080x1904, 20191219_133237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is spam posting from different IPs trying to bury the evidence of him getting exposed

>> No.16608314
File: 627 KB, 1080x1915, 20191219_133605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is an dirty Pajeet

>> No.16609207

>Anything twu touches dies.
It’s a shame too, some good projects are dead now because of his pump and dumps