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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16602689 No.16602689 [Reply] [Original]

2017 fag here. I just want to quit this shithole.

>> No.16602694

On and off since... 2014?

In crypto space since 2011.

>> No.16602700

Why haven’t you fags made it

>> No.16602706

What makes you come here nowadays, considering it's shit now?

>> No.16602724

nulinker newfaggot scum here, came right at the coinbase pump

the price these days is literally a Christmas miracle, my poorfag ass finally got my suicide stack
still buying all the dips God bless

>> No.16602753
File: 43 KB, 499x499, EAE354E8-059D-45B0-A943-64032DCF7569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too - the internet is a shithole of artificial good goy behavior without 4chan though. thus here i am, here i shitpost

>> No.16602777

I came to /biz/ in 2017 when /pol/ went to shit after the election

>> No.16602792


>> No.16602834

Where else is there to go?

Youtube is shit.
Reddit is mainstream shit.
Most forums are political shit.
Economy is fake as shit.
Politics have become extremist.
Human relationships have degredated to shit.

The whole internet has become shit.
This is still the only place for the most part that at least still mimics what the internet used to be a decade ago. Gone are the times of posting about fringe shit.

Crypto is the one thing that I can still hold on to, still bonds me to something.

Growing up sucks, even if you have the money and the fancy cars. You just consume as we've been raised to buy all you can afford so you're still bound to your meaningless job.

It just seems like life as it goes on becomes more and more unbearable. The older I get the more none of it makes sense. In my mind I'm truly free, yet it only makes me more depressed to see how fucked up all this really is.

I wish I had the ability to be a brain dead NPC.
Happy with my shitty decent paying job, working my ass off 8 hours a day only for night to come around and remind me that for the next 40 years I will live the same day over and over again.

That's why I'm still here. It's the only thing that brings me some sense of belonging.

>> No.16602855

Well said and I couldn't agree more

>> No.16602872
File: 1.45 MB, 2641x980, 3320B14D-255B-42E8-9583-58E610CF1F91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and utterly redpilled

>> No.16604000

Trips of truth confirm
Same here

Seconding this

>> No.16604007

Ori/g/inal board opener.

>> No.16604056

same came because someone made a post saying '/biz/ says BAT and TEL are long term holds" and then I dedicated myself to learning everything i could about crypto

got absolutely justed but was smart enough to put all my resources into acumulating a link bag in summer 2018.. finally learned my lesson about idex pump and dumps

>> No.16604088

I love you guys. I hope everyone here has a wonderful Christmas and prosperous 2020. Also fuck jannies

>> No.16604122
File: 42 KB, 334x506, toastpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the restaurant at the end of the universe, anon.

>> No.16604253

honestly...I've been on 4chan on and off since 2004 but I only made my way over to biz around 2015.

>> No.16604300

how are you still living that kind of lifestyle despite being in the crypto space for so long

>> No.16604407

I forget whenever this shithole started but i used to come and then havent been on 4chan in like 5 years, when is my bitbean moonshot btw?