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16601855 No.16601855 [Reply] [Original]

My girlfriend of 5 years has 180k in student loans(out of state college) and makes 50k a year. She does not want to try hard to get a higher salary and wants to continue to pursue dream jobs that will pay even less.

I am 28 and haven't come to terms with this yet. What will happen if I want to start a family. How are we going to afford a house and kids? I haven't come to terms with the debt yet, but I feel like shit about it. I am debt free and make 88k a year, but still I feel like I'm going to get fucked and trapped into some shitty situation. I am starting to get pretty depressed about this shit. I am a planner type.

Her mom which also has bad finances(the apple doesn't fall from the tree) was helping her pay off some of her smaller loans and missed a payment recently, sending her credit score down 80 points. I was the one who helped get her a credit card and start building good credit...

>> No.16601908

She does a good job of trying to keep expenses down and not spend money on dumb stuff, but for some reason I just still don't feel right about it? I feel like it will never be enough which is sad, even though she is trying. When I think about the 180k I feel like shit, so I can't imagine what she must feel like.

>> No.16601916

>have girlfriend with minor hearing issue
>gets 12k in grants a year for uni x 4
>graduated debt free while landing a stress free govt job

Jesus fuck find someone better

>> No.16601928
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>the apple doesn't fall from the tree

>> No.16601944

In all honesty, if her butthole smells good and she lets you fuck then just roll with the punches fren

>> No.16602058

I've been doing that for a few years now. But I'm at a point where it ain't all about the pussy anymore.

>> No.16602170

180k in loans? yeah fuck that she will never pay that off

>> No.16602202

Listen to some Ramsay podcasts. Could have that paid off in three years.

>> No.16602207

You’re dating a gimp. How is that better?

>> No.16602279

The real question is why is >>16601916 dating a bureaucrat. Now I see where he gets his judgement. Tsk tsk

>> No.16602282

Coinfess thread? I sold My bags. I only have BSV.

As for your gf, anon. It will probably not get better unless you come to terms with whatever situation will play out. At the end of the day, YOU will be the one footing the bill if you create a family. What is her "dream job"? Once she is pregnant, she may never have to work again.

Alternatively, you can find a new gf. First month(s) will be rough as the addiction wanes, but there are females who align with your journey.

>> No.16602294

you need to find a new girl, she isnt going to pay that off ever. you cant start a family and buy a house when you owe enough money to buy a house from a degree that is useless, you can earn well over $50k a year without a degree

>> No.16602308

Just be brutally honest with her. Give her an ultimatum. Unironically. The more you wait the less likely it is that she ever will pay it off.

>> No.16602318

be prepared for her to want to "find herself" after you help her pay for all those loans.

>> No.16602322

Make her join the fucking military. I know a ton of people who joined specifically to pay of college debt.

The downside is that she probably get plowed by some shredded horny marine on deployment.

>> No.16602348

Lol this

>> No.16602445

Hahaha why would she care about money when her pussy boyfriend will always be there to provide her with beta bucks while she lives in ignorant bliss just like her retarded mother.

>> No.16602552

I am not paying those loans. It would be indirectly cause I would have to foot the mortgage and pay for the kids and shit.

>> No.16602571

If you plan on marrying her and you make a combined 138k a year just help her pay it off in exchange for you being allowed to to whatever you want to her at any time

>> No.16602576 [DELETED] 
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>I feel like it will never be enough which is sad, even though she is trying. When I think about the 180k I feel like shit, so I can't imagine what she must feel like.
Holy shit, im sorry anon, but you are never going to make it.

>> No.16602581
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men have become cucks

>> No.16602590
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>I feel like it will never be enough which is sad, even though she is trying. When I think about the 180k I feel like shit, so I can't imagine what she must feel like.
Holy shit, im sorry anon, but you are never going to make it.

>> No.16602750


so you'll provide housing, food, comfort, etc. so she can pay her loans at her own pace... that's called paying for her loans bro. or being a beta bucks provider. whichever way you wanna look at it. oh and "once you have kids" you think she's still gonna work? lol. mortgage + kids + 180k!!!! of student loans to pay off. just tie the noose now bro.

>> No.16602775

Can't wait till she dumps your ass for another dude right after you pay off all the loans

roasties aren't evil, but don't give them the chance to do so to your beta ass

>> No.16602831


I'm sorry to tell you this but your girlfriend is beyond fucked. That debt will wreck her life and there is no escape. The interest is so high that her payments won't even matter. She could pay 20k a year and it would still take years and years to pay off. And that's about 28k of pretty tax income! And there is no escape since you can't bankrupt the debt or settle it. The US government sold an entire generation down the river. It's insane and on a related note I think it will greatly contribute to a big decline in America. Democrats say they will wave a wand and fix it, but how could they??

I had 50k of student loan debt and pain fully paid it all off. Got a degree that got me nowhere in life. It still makes me angry today. Probably paid 65k when it was all said and done for nothing!! I researched every possible way out. The only viable escape is leaving America and never returning.

In any case. If you love this woman then hey stay with her. But let me give you 2 huge pieces of advice. Do not get married and do not share any bank accounts or bills. When you're entire life gets financially wasted, those hugs and kisses and blowjobs aren't gonna seem worth it. Remember that a marriage is a financial contract above all things.

>> No.16602840

What's even more sad is that 50k is considered a fantastic salary for 2/3rds of Americans.

>> No.16602843


Well said:

Women aren't evil but don't give them a chance to be.

>> No.16602876

>jewish banks offer jewish loans to overpriced jewish schools that the jewish media and jewish celebrities insisted the goyim absolutely must attend or they will be failures forever
>jewish banks collect usury off jewish loans that jewish lawmakers passed special jewish exemptions to make sure they can never be dismissed by bankruptcy
"You know who really sold you out? Your Government!" - a jew

>> No.16602925

hahahaha thanks me later ,,, you can earn as much as you can. go to xurmoney.xyz/2716627104627/
I have done already 3400/w
and I'm doing this because I need referral for more earning

>> No.16602941


I tend to agree but don't have proof. The government is the one who passed a law that student debt cannot be bankrupted

>> No.16602957

Shit...I would kill for a 50k salary.
t. burger

>> No.16602966

my homie's girlfriend works at a strip club on the weekends and makes six figs in cash. easy to put that towards those loans and pay them off in 2 years while she's still hot.

>> No.16602974

Dump her and find a wiser woman, if you can.

>> No.16602980

>so I can't imagine what she must feel like.
she doesn't feel.

Look here faggot.. this is what you do.

Keep doing what you are doing but instead she will be responsible for everything like cooking cleaning, finding affordable things to do, coupon hunting.. all that shit.

Your main job is to make money.. thats it. Not only that, you should be able to fuck other bitches.

You fucking retarded males are putting a bad name out there for other males. This is a mans world.. fucking take it you fuck head.

>> No.16603000

>le ebin jew maymay

>> No.16603039
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money is everything...
actually, it doesn't exist

>> No.16603059

Similar situation here bro. She has 200k and makes like 30k a year. I'm basically putting off marriage and kids indefinitely. She only has herself to blame and deep down she knows it too

>> No.16603093
File: 43 KB, 694x702, 5874135B-B680-4B5D-8CD9-FBCE1DAE78BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say you need some extra cash to pay for college with
And it just so happens I got a lot of it
Spin around the pole while you're doing splits
By the end of the night might earn you a scholarship
You a college chick, you a college chick
Keep twerking baby, might earn you a scholarship
You a college chick, you a college chick
Keep twerking baby, might earn you a scholarship
100 dollars, 100 dollars, 100 dollars, trick
100 dollars, 100 dollars, 100 dollars, trick
You a college chick, you a college chick
By the end of the night might earn you a scholarship

>> No.16603105

My gf makes 60k a year I make 10k a year.

She is helping me build credit. Ahse buys me everything

She bought us a house

I'm ok with this

>> No.16603129

Yeah sounds cool until one day she brings chad / tyrone home and you can't say shit

>> No.16603142

Are you fucking kidding me? I have a $50k salary and it ain't shit. Bitches don't even respect me because they can make more flashing their titties at old men

>> No.16603275

there's something about those 2 dot ellipses that make yourt seem like you're schizophrenic or at least drunk. also i doubt you could take your own advice and have a house wife while simultaneously having a side bitch she knows about unless you're in some faggot hippie polygamy situation.

>> No.16603400

She's going to have to pay 50k interest before even touching the principle -- fuck that. She's got the right idea. They see her finances are fucked and she can refinance.

Also I wouldn't worry about housing, once da boomers start dropping there's going to be an implosion of house prices

>> No.16603420

With that amount of debt, it's not even worth trying to pay it off. You need to construct things legally so her debt can never become your debt.

>> No.16603429

>In all honesty, if her butthole smells good

You are a FUCKING IDIOT DEGENERATE! Yah... it's "Cool" to banter with fellow shit losers here on Biz. What the Fuck? What kind of a REAL MAN, in a 5 year relationship with a woman who he is talking about having a family with... Out of the Blue starts telling people about her Asshole. You are a fucking piece of shit. Even the thought of doing something like you have done is so disrespectful and shows the type of crap you are. FUCK OFF and DIE you fucking loser. I hope she finds a better man than you.... cause your definitely a fkin LOSER! By the way, $180k in debt... is what it is. If both of you are SERIOUS, with your combined salaries... you can pay out that loan in 5 years of serious savings. The average loser out their is making "Car Payments" (Obviously less) over 7 year finance loans. Get you priorities fucking sorted out LOSER. You pathetic punks are so Fucked up. God help us all!

>> No.16603491

Don't marry her dude. Once you do her debt becomes your debt as well. Both of you are on the hook to pay all of it off. Do you really want to be on that hook? Buying a house will only add to it. In short you will be fucking yourself into a debt hole so deep only a lotto win would fix it all.

>> No.16603513

Based boomer

>> No.16603726

What if he is chad/tyrone?

>> No.16603735

how does one get a debt that high?

>> No.16603858

Going to an out of state college with no financial aid.

>> No.16603865

Le ebin plebbit faggot

>> No.16603983

may god have mercy on your soul

>> No.16604044

>roasties aren't evil
I guess soulless isn't exactly the same as evil

>> No.16604060

Lay out a payment plan with her. Make it clear you are not taking on her debt, and you won’t get married or start a family until she pays it off. If she doesn’t keep up with the plan for selfish reasons like shopping or entertainment, leave her.

People get divorced mostly over finances. If she isn’t serious now, she won’t be when you are married, and you will get absolutely fucked when she takes half your shit.

>> No.16605068

Have sex and Kys loser

>> No.16605395

Just get a new girlfriend lol.....you CAN easily get a new girlfriend right?

>> No.16605407

OP, are your girlfriend’s parents co-signed to the loan? If not then what if she just NEVER PAYS IT and never takes out another loan. I’m surprised no one else here has mentioned it - fuck those kikes that ruin lives with debt and interest.

>> No.16605414

> Investing time, resources and seed to have deaf retarded kids.

>> No.16605421

Massive kek

>> No.16605469

It's a fantastic salary for 2/3rds (or more) of every country in the world.

Only exceptions are tax havens, like Switzerland or Monaco.

>> No.16605507

>I am debt free and make 88k a year, but still I feel like I'm going to get fucked and trapped into some shitty situation.
If you stay with her you won't be debt free. Q you need to answer is whether she is worth 180k (basically a small house), or whether it's not worth looking for a new, debt free gf

>> No.16605676

>the apple doesn't fall from the tree

>> No.16605744

>makes six figs in cash. easy to put that towards those loans
that slut is snorting those six figs right up her nose

>> No.16605765

>but still I feel like I'm going to get fucked and trapped into some shitty situation
You are.

>> No.16605771

It's your job to provide faggot. Figure it out.

>> No.16605805

kys roastie. dump that bitch, OP. find a DEBT FREE VIRGIN WITH NO TATTOOS

>> No.16606041

You sound overly emotional. I'm guessing you're female. Tits or gtfo.

>> No.16606056

They can get a default judgment to garnish her wages. Where I live it can be a quarter of your paycheck.

>> No.16606128

bros im poor af and my wife is expecting a baby.
You two combined make 130k, i mean how much money do you need?

>> No.16606142

Yeah, it's going to be hard to start a family with her.

>> No.16606146

>bros im poor af and my wife is expecting a baby.

>> No.16606236

I don't know anything about the loan system in the US but holy fuck I put this in a calculator and she's going to have to pay around a $1000 a month for 40 years ( rest of her life ).

How could putting 18 year old kids into usury like that be legal, I'm sure college is a great thing but it's been turned into this untouchable meme thats hammered in from childhood. When you could spend a year doing heroin and come out financially better than going to college somethings wrong. Just like financial planners have to be licenced to have a thorough understanding of the risks, there should be licenced college advisors that can look at your situation and deny or atleast warn against taking on the debt.

>> No.16606311


Here's a guy who gets it. It's the interest that's the killer.

Revolution when?

>> No.16606329

Well you see the impressionable 18 year old signed it so therefore it's all fine and there's no moral issue whatsoever. Muh contracts n shiet

>> No.16606334

It's a tool to enslave the middle class. But no one forced anyone to take $180K in student loans.

The fair thing to do would be to allow student loans to refinance to sub 30 year mortgage rates. They can't default, so the stupidly high interest rate is not justified by risk.

>> No.16606346

Bruh, she's just waiting for you to marry her so it'll become "our debt" instead of just hers.
Just get a new debt free broad desu.

>> No.16606357

Instead of immediately try to tell her what you think she has to do to pay off her debt, take her to see a financial advisor. Just tell her you are looking forward to a future with her and want to start taking the right steps. You also might learn something from a professional yourself. Then make a "plan", where you can slip in whatever you want to say. After that, you've done about all you can do aside from making demands.

>> No.16606365

student debt doesn't transfer in marriage

>> No.16606500

This happened to my brother

23 years ago, he was OP
She had student debt, no financial sense
Dumbass brother married her, provided
2 years ago her debt was gone, payed by my brother

She left him a few months ago, to find herself, not be a housewife anymore. She was never a housewife

Now she asks for 50k from my brother, or else she would force sell their common house, and then she thinks their house would sell for that amount to her after all mortgage is payed

My brother offers her 20k. Even that is stupid, their house when sold would give them both 5k each, not even enough to buy apartment.

She is leaving him partly because they are poor
Not realizing my brother kept them above poverty line for 23 years
And now with divorce, I'm just standing by to pick him up from the street but not her

Don't be my brother OP
Dump that pussy and fuck a tighter one

>> No.16606596

She can pay that off in <3 years with a 2nd job

>> No.16606610

Sounds like she gets paid more than a woman should anyway. Deal with it.

>> No.16606624

180k is insurmountable debt. Her only solution is to build her credit to the point she can build a 150k-200k credit line, and go ham on paying it down with borrowrd money. Dont do it all at once. Take at least a couple years. Then file chapter 7.

>> No.16606646

This, less polygamy. Also prenup that shit.

>> No.16606653

Hope you listen to this OP. And I know what you're thinking
> "my gf isn't like that, she would never do that"
That's literally what all guys think. And a lot of things can change over 10+ years of marriage.

>> No.16606678

You have two options:
1. Pray for Elizabeth Warren's election and the cancellation of all student debt
2. Find another girlfriend

>> No.16606687

to be blunt anon....you're girlfriend is retarded and obviously a liability. you don't wrack up 180k in student loan unless you've made some very, very bad decisions. we can't pretend like this is normal....it's not. you will never get ahead in life carrying a woman like this with you. trust me on that. this is boomer advice learned the hard way.

>> No.16606709

>don't get legally married
>she has a bunch of children, takes care of the house
>you purely focus on making money
>pay for her health insurance out of pocket

>> No.16606761

also this. not sure why it always ends up happening like that, but it sure seems to.

for the sake of argument, lets say you commit to holding down the house and supporting her while she pays 100% of her salary to these debts. (she won't do that anyway cause she wants her money.) after 4+ years, she'll have paid her debts. that doesn't mean she values the relationship with you any more though.

>> No.16606776

dude makes 10k a year, he's not chad/tyrone.

>> No.16606822


Ironically, helping a woman financially is a major turn off because it's putting her in a pedestal. Women evolved to be disgusted by weakness in men. She will only tolerate that kind of behavior when she's ready to get off the cock carousel and settle with a beta provider.

>> No.16606861
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You're going to work hard paying off her debts and then she will leave you for a richer guy. I've seen it happen. All these thirsty betas thinking cap'n-save-a-ho strategy will work for THEM.

Cynically speaking, I would just never, ever, EVER marry her. Buy a house and put in in her name. Move to a state or province that does not accept common law if you really like her.

OR, emigrate to another country. I worked with a South African who got fucked in the 2008 downturn on his house. Walked away from $500k in debt and moved to Australia. He's laughing now.

Just remember ALL the rich people do this. Debt is a game. Learn to play it fren.

>> No.16606867

a woman's attitude doesn't really change when she's ready to settle....she'll still find ways to make your life a living hell, even if she isn't prepared to leave you for someone else.

>> No.16606870

This is really tough man, I feel for you. I make a ton of money >400k a year bc in a doc. Well I met a girl like yours she’s 200k in debt and makes 80k a year but she’s in public service so she’s on that loan repayment shit. I don’t know if that will work out desu. My net worth is 650k I’m 36 tho, my parents are very well off. I just took the plunge and we’ll see what happens, i hate the idea of taking a step back but you need to evaluate the girl too and if she will be a good mother. If not you need to get rid of that. Some girls should not be married and if that’s the case then you should get rid of her

>> No.16606925

I meant to say "buy a house and put it in YOUR name. Jesus fuck don't do what I originally wrote. Might as well just give it to the local nigger pimp directly and cut out the middle-woman.

>> No.16606937

Dude what’s the point? She’ll never pay that debt and is a slave to it for the rest of her life. Leave before you’re caught up in it too.

>> No.16606947

Also, if you can emigrate, she will be somewhat beholden to you.

Remember student loans are FOREVER, meaning that when living abroad, she ever decides to fuck around on you, get fat, bitchy, she can fly her ass back to America where $180k + default interest is waiting with open arms.

In fact, the more I think about it, this is an Alpha fucking strategy. You could rule her like a king abroad.

Damn you know any of her dumb hot friends with high debt? I work for a global multinational and I can choose to work anywhere in the world.

Having a harem of debt enslaved college hoes is now a bucket list challenge for me. I think this could work.

>> No.16606959

this but unironically
the only real game out here is passing your genes
poorfag anon is winning while op mindcucked himself despite being wealthier than 95% of the world

>> No.16606969

become expats and take advantage of the double tax treaty that makes taxable income below 100k or so 0. Change to income based repayment, and you will pay 10% of 0 monthly, which is zero.

or just leave the country permanently, and have leave nothing here.

>> No.16607328

This is truth

A good woman will inspire you, nurture, provide warmth, be a motivator for the man, encourage the man to take risks, for you the man to bring home the biggest beef and she will cook it and praise your cock a good woman knows her place, to be soft and moldable and not take financial decisions like debt

But this woman, a bad woman, will bring a man down to her level, make him hesitate and doubt like OP does in this thread, a bad woman makes a man become a pussy like her, then the woman will be disgusted and move to next richer harder cock

>> No.16607643

>Not only that, you should be able to fuck other bitches.
degenerate detected

>> No.16607862
File: 493 KB, 1131x652, 7C84D641-73D1-4979-A671-83651A299DCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lovely idea, but what do you believe the ratio is between good women and bad women in the current year paradigm? Further, how might one differentiate between the two? In some cases it’s obvious, sure, but it’s pretty easy to manipulate men in particular by appealing to their peepee

>> No.16608075

>Gf is stripping for men

>> No.16608240

Why are degrees in america taking so much money like wtf Jesus, I'm glad that I live in a shithole 3rd country, at least I can get a dump in some woods if things go south.
t. subhuman sandnigger with shit degree

>> No.16608471


>> No.16608496

Profoundly based.

>> No.16608847

The ratio is the same as it always has been for millenia, Bell curve
10% good 80% average 10% bad

>> No.16609101

Those sound like pretty shit odds m8

>> No.16609147

Settle down Karen. Remember you’re on 4chan. Nobody here gives a shit what you think so writing long emotional blog posts is just pure cringe. Also, please wash your stinky asshole.

>> No.16609216

man the jews have really made it tough for us white folks to start a family

>> No.16609385

imagine giving a fuck about someone else's debt.
The only cucks here are you little beta orbiter incels who give a fuck like it's your debt or something.
You don't like her financials then fucking leave dumb wojak faggot.

>> No.16609430

>Pay for my student loans anon while I fuck Tyrone