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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 169 KB, 650x433, 43xc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16600112 No.16600112 [Reply] [Original]

I told you anons already, Dark December.
It's almost time.

>> No.16600127

omfg this gem will moon so fucking hard imagine not holding the STANDARD

>> No.16600151

OP wtf do you know.

8k xrp whale reporting in

>> No.16600171

Ur gonna be so fucking rich

>> No.16600198

King Bitcoin will be dethroned.

>> No.16600357



>> No.16600765


secretly wish. (81k xrp)

>> No.16601377

Why has everyone been saying December for this?

>> No.16601413
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Imagine investing in this ponzi and thinking you're going to get rich. Can you imagine anything more retarded? Can you?

>> No.16601483

Not much of an answer, at least I had dubs.

>> No.16601493

Okay retard. They've spent more on branding and building the ledger than they could make off of poor people like us definitely a scam when they're pouring so much money and time into it. Fuck off and stop trying to mislead people.

>> No.16601547
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I avoided XRP until now. The bottom is in and it’s nowhere but up from here. When XRP explodes it’s going to be fast. Get in while you can.

>> No.16602148

They're building products that don't use the XRP token and are funding through sales of the token to retards like you. Stay poor. I mean, I know and you know that you will but good to remind you that you'll never make it.

>> No.16602227

>when they're pouring so much money
Its not their money, its their dumb "investors" life savings.

>> No.16602265

I'm hodlin' 25,000. I'm a mega-huge dick whale.

>> No.16602273

I concur

>> No.16602301 [DELETED] 
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if you are not buying here you are an idiot

>> No.16603451

XRP is not even crypto LOL

>> No.16603464

if ripple had been the first crypto people would have just laughed at what a scam it was

>> No.16603512

XRP was in development since the 1970's.
Bitcoin was a deepstate project clone of xrp released by the FBI for money laundering and to funnel money to china and russia.

>> No.16603517


This is fact. Better delete.

>> No.16603627

Damn, that’s so crazy it could just be true. Considering tor was started by the navy and BTC was widely used on that...

>> No.16603652

it is true though

>> No.16603691

You're an absolute smooth brain but I love you cause we family.

>> No.16603798

>to funnel money to china and russia.
Except the top 100 wallets are held by people in the US. Sorry anon, but that fucking theory is shot to shit

>> No.16603901

This better be the bottom.

Give me a damn heart attack.

>> No.16604654

5 cents soon

>> No.16604792

get out

>> No.16604795

Almost time for UPT to 3x, you mean.

>> No.16604967

you should get out before it goes even lower

I have a feeling that 5 cents will soon be a distant memory, just like every other price level above 20 cents is now, with droves of faggots crying about it on plebbit

>> No.16605195
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Just upped my stack to 34k.

>> No.16606063

Elites don't hold crypto, they hold Gold.
crypto is used to funnel money from the united states to other sources. they allow the public to use it to hide their tracks.

>> No.16606073

I unironically believe this as well. There is no ''Satoshi Nakamoto''.

>> No.16606154

Kek, fuckin newfag tards.
Read the fuckin XRP white paper retards ffs. Go to the last page, the btc white paper is referenced.
You morons are confusing ripple pay with XRP.
Ripplepay is not blockchain.
God help you all as you're probably to dumb to realise this & will argue.

>> No.16606161

Nigger that's barely a used Civic that's not a whale

>> No.16606167

Im all in baby

>> No.16606188
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>> No.16606306

You sincerely don’t believe that BTC was already premeditated by a shadowy govt project after they built the internet and deep web and what not? The winners were already decided, no matter what we are riding coattails.

>> No.16606388

XRP is not cryptocurrency. The definition being a digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank.
I know tards will argue this. But they fail to realise the '15 ruling that made the CFTC the regulator.
It doesn't matter what I think, its simply conjecture. I can say that anyone that thinks XRP predates BTC is retarded.

>> No.16606441
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Just because it was released first doesn't mean it was first.
XRP was being developed by David Schwartz 20 years ago.

>> No.16606473

xrp will be king!

>> No.16606516


>> No.16606518
File: 21 KB, 551x557, D8EB77DF-48E4-4B05-AB3E-58C0411F366F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>XRP is not cryptocurrency. The definition being a digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank.

Meekly Tree Hash. Your Dunning Kruger is very strong. Imagine actually thinking something which isn’t using any cryptography could function from 2012 until now with no issues whatsoever. Imagine thinking that something that apparently has no cryptographic security functions would even last 6 days let alone SEVEN YEARS.

>> No.16606532

>confusing distribution method definitions with actual crypto currency definitions

The CURRENCY utility is an independent attribute to the token creation/distribution method. Your post is just a small pasta though I’ve seen this dumb shit from you toddlers before.

>> No.16606533

Kek, look ALL ideas stem from something else. Schwartz expanded on someone else's idea. You're just comparing apples & oranges. Next you'd say master card created BTC since they made digital payments or some shite.


>> No.16606548

the patent was filed in 1988 back when the the apple 2 was released and not a lot of people actually used computers.

They referenced bitcoin in the whitepaper because thats an example of something that is already established and well known at the time.

>> No.16606788

Kek, as I said tards will argue. By your loose definition the fiat in the bank is cryptocurrency as its secured cryptography. XRP is the same you have an account # & a password.
Also this definition even though you don't like it the definition accepted by the CFTC & the SEC. People with actual power. Very obvious you came after the ruling. The SEC use the phase 'coins like BTC' for a good reason. XRP/ICO are not 'coins like BTC'
>Your post is just a small pasta though I’ve seen this dumb shit from you toddlers before.
its only me that posts this...I only post it cause 17+ fags hate it, cause its actually true.
I love how tards use dunning kruger desu
Great, Please have a look at ripplepay which does predate BTC, its not blockchain. The blockchain element was added AFTER btc was released. Your whole 'theory' (which is something your 'community' dreamed up) is conjecture. I do hope you can accept that.

>> No.16606853

https://www.lexico.com/en/definition/cryptocurrency (Oxford dictionary)

all say you're wrong.

>> No.16606882


>> No.16606989

Anon, Thanks, didn't know about this! This looks very similar to Schwartz patent, who most likely expanded upon the concept of hash trees patented by Ralph Merkle in 1979. Nothing wrong with that. The issue is the statement about BTC being a XRP clone, IS conjecture. You've just proved it wasn't ripple/Schwartz idea in the first place. So if anything you could say that Ralph invented BTC if I'm following your line of thinking. Besides BTC is PoW & XRP is 'premined' that is not a clone BTC offers more by not being central distributed.

My issue with the word 'cryptocurrency' is it gets confused with blockchain, they're 2 separate things. ICO/XRP does use blockchain but are not cryptocurrency, by definition.

>> No.16607454

And fudders compare it to excel sheet kek

>> No.16607481

May all your dreams come true in January

>> No.16607492

Thanks for the thread. Do you have any real info to back this up, or is your analysis of the market as a whole two you Q1 will be a green month?

>> No.16607511

I am currently sitting on 5k. Should I dump it into Ripple?

>> No.16607533
File: 79 KB, 2048x320, ert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

January 1, Banks will be allowed to hold Crypto without Regulations.

If i had 6k i would

>> No.16607637


>> No.16607691

Why is this important? Doesn’t this apply to all crypto, or are you implying that XRP has some secret Illuminati tier connections?

>> No.16607695

With those dubs I assume it has Masonic connection. >>16607691

>> No.16607723

This applies to all crypto, but XRP is going to be used for the next financial system as the new standard.
The US will go back to a gold standard using a rainbow currency backed by precious metals and xrp.

The impeachment is the satanic forces at work.
the world will be completely different in 2020.

If you want more information about the new US government read up on Gesara / Nesara

>> No.16607725
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>> No.16607736
File: 358 KB, 828x1403, F1C43DE5-7E7A-4CFB-BF8C-A558CDA2A099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it’s nothing.. sigh

>> No.16607742

that is reference, you don't need to buy to read what is on the page.


>> No.16607769

I pray everyday that Nesara/gesara happens....

>> No.16607820

I don’t see XRP on here, seems like a stretch to say Jan 2020 everything will change. Reads like a conspiracy but desu based on the characters involved it is somewhat believable

>> No.16607911

the bill signed in law by bill clinton at gunpoint in the year 2000 and was to go into effect in the year 2001. 9/11 was an orchestrated plan that shifted focus from Nesara/Gesara to war.

This was before Crypto currencies.

>> No.16608489
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>> No.16608616

>By your loose definition the fiat in the bank is cryptocurrency as its secured cryptography
>strawmanning this hard

You don’t know anything about tech or crypto. You don’t know how XRP works and you don’t know what the point of a cryptocurrency is. Go back to /v/, we don’t care about helping you save for your bibeo gayms here.

>> No.16608947
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>> No.16609320


LOL yea no. Nothing happening tomorrow. Idiot.