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16596057 No.16596057 [Reply] [Original]

how fucked am I?

>> No.16596064

Please do not use the j-word.

>> No.16596065

A-are you a nigger?

>> No.16596108

No, it's a third world country filled with some of the most arrogant people on earth. Oh & its a police state

>> No.16596122


>> No.16596154

Im a devout sudanese muslim and have a family of five that I will bring with me. I hope thats not a problem.

>> No.16596185
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>> No.16596194

ok ok Im larping Im actually white so no worries
but I AM moving to the US
and I will take your precious jerbs and your women
how does it feel getting cucked by a yuropoor immigrant?

>> No.16596203

Go home, we are full

>> No.16596218

I am living in europe myself brainlet, have fun in weimarica tho

>> No.16596222

Holy shit they found the missing link! I thought it was big foot this whole time!

>> No.16596238

how does it feel a fellow yuropoor makes it to the promised land while youre still stuck in europistan?Im gonna buy myself a pick up truck and a shotgun and enjoy FREEDOMS while you get cucked by achmed and tyrone.

>> No.16596242

Dude stay in your country. It's a nightmare here. The only thing that keeps me going is investing in cryptocurrency

>> No.16596250

Another day, another LARP

>> No.16596272

>it's a third world country filled with some of the most arrogant people on earth. Oh & its a police state

So...you're already American?

>> No.16596282

im kinda glad /biz/ is telling me to stay home
biz is always wrong so this confirms I made the right choice
Its about time a european chad brings some sophistication to these uncultured yankee swine

>> No.16596287

stay in youre own country looser

>> No.16596310

>youre own country looser
case in point burgers cant even spell for shit. time to refresh your shitty country with some pure european blood, remember thats the people that built your great nation before you started shitting it up with negros and mexicans. you have lost your way burgers but dont worry the aryan chad is coming to the new country to be a role model for you.

>> No.16596322

Brazilian anon here, If I had a chance to move to USA I'd without doubt, its so easy to find opportunity there, brazil is scary af already Im tired of this shithole with everybody betraying ya and putting a big ass knife behind your back.

>> No.16596455

No I lived there though, I'm never going back even for Holiday.
Happy I had the experience, as I would probably be one those tards that want to move there.

>> No.16596476

whats so bad about it?
desu Im only planning to be there for a year or two I dont wanna spend the rest of my life in burgerland. but holy shit its basically impossible to make real money in yuropistan with all the taxes and sheit

>> No.16596486

I bet the job is in LA or New York. Have fun getting literally ass raped by diversity. Oh and living in 100×100ft apartment which you pay 4k a month for

>> No.16596604

Pray to your god you never need to go to the hospital or you're risking tens of thousands in debt

>> No.16596641

Thats actually pretty big

>> No.16596649

>whats so bad about it?
The Americans mainly, its disgusting how brainwashed they all are. They literally belive they are the freest nation on earth. They will think they are better than you & will say how they saved Europe in ww2.
> all the taxes and sheit
I pay way less tax in the UK than the States, I've set myself up better. once you include inflated heath/car insurance (which are crazy high) the tax 'savings' will be deminished. You will have a bigger house/car though.
Hope you have a good job as the cost of a decent life is considerably higher.

Don't do a 401k as you will have to double taxation, but check the agreement with your home nation.

Also stay on a visa as the US passport is the worst in the world & the greencard needs to be abandoned & won't give you any benefits.

>> No.16596668

You have to go back

>> No.16596669

I ment 10x10ft

>> No.16597176

Were a federated union of states. What state are you moving to. If i was moving to france i wouldnt say “im moving to the eu”

>> No.16597407

>how fucked am I?
Just don't get sick, get shot or get jailed and you should be good to go