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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 4 KB, 240x240, BAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16593124 No.16593124 [Reply] [Original]

Uhhh, so, are we completely fucked BAT bros?

>> No.16593142
File: 204 KB, 900x973, !!!!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16593230

Nah. BAT has been at USD 0.16 many, many times. Considering the absolute bloodbath we had today I'd say the situation is fundamentally unchanged.

Brave is getting more an more users every month so it's not really stagnating. I still have faith in it (as long as Ethereum still delivers as a platform).

>> No.16593269

I don't think Brave is tied to Ethereum. If they wanted to they could take a snapshot of all token balances and replicate them on any other blockchain.

>> No.16593279
File: 192 KB, 841x750, bat JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're definitely JUST'd. I feel like BAT has everything going for it except community support. Bitcoin maximalists and twitter shill faggots FUD the shit out of it every few weeks. It's like Brave & BAT are on everybody's radar and they're just waiting for it to explode. In the meantime crypto twitter queers talk so much shit and literally make up stories about Brave out of their ass.

You'll see some literal-who crypto twitter account make a tweet about how "BRAVE REPLACES ADS AND STEALS YOUR IP" or some equally insane nonsense and it'll get 100 likes in 2 hours because bitcoin maxis are scared fucking shitless of the idea that a cryptocurrency besides BTC could face mainstream adoption.

This all might be a good thing. If Brave & BAT can survive this type of hatred and made-up bullshit it'll only make the project stronger as long as it keeps improving and adding to its utility. Brave & BAT's main adoption has always been beyond the scope of the incel weirdo cuckolds on Twitter /biz/ and Reddit, anyways.

>> No.16593288

Nah the project is still alive. Don't think this will break $1 but will definitely recover to $0.3-0.4 once the market goes back up

>> No.16593295

gotta say I'm pretty bummed. I thought BAT was going to hold out against the storm.

I bet there are btc whales holding BAT down on purpose.

>> No.16593297

Yup we've been here so many god damn times. If people were smart they'd buy right now.

>> No.16593309

Also coincidentally this is a decent reason to use a specific token rather than just ETH or BTC, like some people suggest when they ask "why does this need a token?". Without the token it would be much harder to get all the user's balances. You'd probably have to resort to an old fashioned database and be subject to all the maintenance problems that comes with.

>> No.16593312
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Also I just want to reiterate how strongly I think a BAT moon would do fucking wonders for this project. Brave is already advertising but nothing advertises better (at least in crypto) than a fucking moon. BAT going to $1+ would GUARANTEED bring aboard like a million+ users to Brave and guaranteed creates tons of new wallets as well.

A BAT moon is badly needed. I know BAT's price isn't the end-all be-all of the project's success but holy fuck it would propel this shit into hyperdrive, just like the golden bullrun did for Bitcoin.

>> No.16593356

I received around 100 tokens after using Brave for a while. I already shill it to everyone but it'd definitely get people's attention if I could say I earned $100+ just by switching my internet browser

>> No.16593361
File: 66 KB, 475x300, 484949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do the dubs always say less than $1

>> No.16593390

why would i buy this when i get it for free? we all use brave but the token really is not needed for this one. it's fun to start from zero and see how many you can accumulate browsing the web before dumping on the market to get your free link. like nigga this shit is free that means its supposed to be almost worthless lmao

>> No.16593421

Yup just sell it all, I’ll buy it bro

>> No.16593455

Brave will need to buy them back in order to keep giving them out. And with the supply cap + millions of users holding at any moment, the bet is that there will be comparatively few BAT on the market

>> No.16593473

Not at all. See you in 2022 (seriously).

>> No.16593538

And eth is inflationary...bat is capped

>> No.16593574

Yep. BAT is over 94% of the way to reaching the supply cap. I find it interesting that BAT will be less inflationary than BTC which will still be slowly creating new coins until 2140.

>> No.16593756
File: 10 KB, 225x225, BATGod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so

>> No.16593949

>We foresee the ideas contained here to be the foundation of a decentralized VPN system, which may be combined with a set of incentives around a utility token such as BAT (Basic Attention Token). In a scenario like this, users carrying traffic would be compensated in BAT and users would pay for VPN services or subscriptions in BAT, as well.

I think VPN0 is a few months around the corner. They are probably going to implement some type of staking mechanism to make the BAT token more appealing.

The global vpn market is set to reach $32B in 2022. Load up on BAT while you can. They are going to be releasing tons of browser features with BAT integrations. BAT is literally what bitcoin was meant to be.

>> No.16594038

>They are probably going to implement some type of staking mechanism to make the BAT token more appealing.
Interesting. I wish we had more staking options for crypto in general. I currently stake BAT with crypto.com/MCO.

>> No.16594056

Most staking options are just another level to a tokens ponzi. Something like tezos offers staking yet the network isn't even used. Staking for something like eth,link,BAT makes more sense.

Regardless BAT is laying an extremely strong foundation. Its basically irresponsible to not buy it.

>> No.16594071

Nobody uses fucking LINK and the team knows it. It’s why they won’t release staking. 3 years and 0 uses isn’t a meme. At least French government used Tezos to success, LINK hasn’t and won’t be used for jack shit outside of scalping neets out of their money

>> No.16594077

I currently stake eth, link, btc, and bat. Overall, I still trust the BAT project. Watching the fall from .28 to .15 was hard to swallow.

>> No.16594084

premined shittoken

>> No.16594088

Buy UPT under ICO. It will gain extremely well in Q1, and should out-perform BAT across all time-lines. You're buying the wrong Brave meme.

>> No.16594095

The fall has been hard to watch, but i have been loading up. The price is going down but the user growth and publisher count is going up a lot. CDP utilization is also growing and the browser is getting better everyday. 350k+ publishers are also basically 350k+ advertisers. The self service ad dashboard and other things they are working on are only going to make BAT more and more appealing.

>> No.16594405
File: 81 KB, 960x564, 1570517020-5d9c301ce8894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised it isn't already the biggest browser out there, it runs more efficiently and I haven't seen ads in over a year now. blocks lots of subtle trackers, even fingerprint scanning on phones

Also; you can monetize memes, news, etc. without censorship demonetizing you, it's honestly amazing to me that it's not a top 10 crypto yet.
brave.com/uwu839 in case you somehow are on biz and haven't tried it (gibs)

>> No.16594428
File: 13 KB, 223x226, BATlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty based. Lots of potential uses for BAT, hopefully these are actually implemented in the near future. Obviously BAT paywalls are on their radar and would be fucking awesome to see. BAT for VPN services would be equally based.

>> No.16594446
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>https://youtu.be/qIqcQGyjeOw [Embed]

I appreciate your autism, friend. Le tipped :^)

>> No.16594560
File: 137 KB, 300x300, 1111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty fren

>> No.16595163

Whats wild to me is that BAT is valued below dogecoin. It has over 10.4m users and over 350k publisher/possible advertisers. Honey was just bought by paypal for $4B and it only has 20m users. This thing is a sleeping giant and the crypto market is doubling down on vaporware instead of loading up on this. The real tragedy is that 90% of cryptocels are going to miss this and end up becoming poor because they bought holochain or xrp

>> No.16595194

Is 3000 BAT enough to make it?

>> No.16595241

it could get you a nice down payment on a house. Try and go for 10k then 25k and if you still have time left 50k

Theres some people in this thread that probably have 500k

>> No.16595280
File: 106 KB, 1876x470, thatredditfaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am that faggot that gave away ~10,000 bat on those gay little giveaway threads on the bat subreddit. i have 4 mil bat. i periodically post in these threads. heres the bottom line:

official make it stack = 10k
official rich for life stack = 100k
official fuck the world stack = 1 mil

>> No.16595299

Based. You tipped me 20 BAT in the first thread and I think 5 or 10 in the second. I posted a cat picture in one of them.

>> No.16595304

I have 20k so 2 make it stacks. Nice.

>> No.16595322

how many for asian gf

>> No.16595327

Damn im sitting at 480k right now. Trying to get more while its at $.15 but can probably only manage to get about 15-25k in the next three months unless i can find some more income. Trying to load up what i can. Theres just way too much potential here, and BAT is extremely undervalued.

>> No.16595364
File: 91 KB, 1030x582, rip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is now BAT general. also i will make it rain on anybody that posts a link to their brave verified site.

i think i remember that

depends on how ugly and how painstakingly awkward you are in social situations. stick with >10k to be safe.

thats plenty man. just round it off to 500k and relax knowing that you made it times 50.

>> No.16595374

went in 5k for first bat. missed the last 15c dip

>> No.16595424
File: 98 KB, 1469x711, batflag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its 15c right now.

lets do charts. bat is in an uptrend against btc. what we are in right now is called a bullflag. sentiment is absolute shit right now which is exactly what a bullflag consists of. USD chart is not as pretty but i think btc will resume its uptrend in the coming months, and if not i expect bat to keep gaining on btc regardless.

>> No.16595445

Im mainly trying to get to 500k so that anything beyond it I can sell as a short term investment without touching the mega stack. The other reason is that buying more BAT means theres less to go around. 20k BAT locked up is more than 133 people could earn in 7 months using the browser everyday.

>> No.16595453
File: 12 KB, 466x242, Bullish-flag1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just looked up bull flags looks legit. How long do we have?

>> No.16595484

>what we are in right now is called a bullflag
I thought so too, until it broke below 2300s. BAT will retest 1.5k support soon and if it fails expect sub 1k BAT.

>> No.16595515

yup. even at the current userbase of 10 mil, thats only 150 bat per wallet and thats the entire supply (and thats excluding people that have fat stacks sitting in eth wallets like us). ive already earned more than that from ads just on my desktop. as time goes on supply is going to get incredibly fucking scarce.

another thing people never talk about is the circulating supply. bat is one of the only shitcoins where the entire supply is almost completely circulating. in other shitcoins like link the team has more than HALF of the supply for the express purpose of dumping on people. sure part of that is for "node incentives" but at the end of the day its getting dumped. last time link mooned sirgay dumped a shitload right on top of peoples fucking faces. dont even get me started on xrp lmao jesus fucking christ. anyways i dont want to get off track, anyone who has been stacking bat already knows whats up.

until the flag breaks above the dotted line

flag is still in tact. people thinking it will go lower and waiting to buy is what a bullflag consists of.

>> No.16595573

yeah i can kind of see the flag. whats your price target for this?

>> No.16595631
File: 144 KB, 1468x713, flaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do price targets a bit different than other people. whenever i hear people start to talk about brave or bat in casual conversation, that is the when i will start to dump it on their fucking faces. could be $2, could be $10, could be $100. its way too early to tell.

>> No.16595641

Where is BAT brap poster

>> No.16595668 [DELETED] 


>> No.16595808

Wikipedia is a verified publisher too. Glad the universe brought me back into all this at the right moment.

>> No.16595871

I remember your BAT tipping threads! It's kind of like the old BTC faucets from back in the day

>> No.16596048


>> No.16596077

>staking through a scam exchange
the absolute state

>> No.16596511

Staking where

>> No.16596647

1337 bat here. not more, not less. im a modest man.

no need to be greedy.