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1658939 No.1658939 [Reply] [Original]

I work for KPMG as a sales specialist and next week I'm having a meeting with rather important client.

The set-up is simple: they have 3 challenges with their company and I have a solution for it. But 15 minutes is short as hell so basically I am going to sell the idea of trusting us, not to close any deal yet. My current structure for powerpoint: Slide 1: Why I am here Slide 2: Listed the difficulties they have Slide 3: Challenge 1 and my solution Slide 4: Challenge 2 and my solution Slide 5: Challenge 3 and my solution Slide 6: A picture and a conclusion - you got challenges, I'm the answer for them.

How would you guys handle a situation where you have 15 minutes to presentate and 15 minutes for questions?

Also anything other related to sales here.

>> No.1659294


I would walk in there with 0 paperwork and 1 biz card. If u truly can solve their problems then I would simply state that 15 minutes is not enough time. At all.

Then on the back have a personal line written with the reservation for a subformal restaurant. Tell those cucks you will present them an idea and a solution and you will be hired by them or dinner is on you.

15 minutes is not enough time to build up trust and repore and unless you are the cheapest cuck on the block they won't give u a chance. You get there early with some ideas. Some research on who you are doing business with if possible. Stalk their facebooks. Learn their names and hobbies. Found out all you can.

This day and age you are no longer a salesman. You are a pi. And you are there to gain trust and respect.

Thanks they will pay wtf ever u want and be happy to do so.
Git gud son.

>> No.1659557

Some damn good ideas man!

Problem is, this is sort of a test from my boss. I home same really scarce details about the company (30 employees, family business, generation changing incoming, big investing incoming, limited resources on finance-sector).

And I damn right know that 15 minutes is not enough, but I gotta do what I gotta do.

>> No.1659599
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>> No.1659605

why do you call yourself a sales specialist if you need advice from random anonymous sources on the internet to sell properly?

>> No.1659616

>Also anything other related to sales here.
How do you get in this field? I always found it cool because it sounds exciting and you kind of determine your own salary/bonus.
I think it's unusual to start right of of university but I also often see people who didn't went to uni at all but work in sales positions.

Redpill me about sales pls

>> No.1659632

>you will be hired by them or dinner is on you.
does this ever work when your company pays for lunch and writes it off anyways?

like saying "I'll bet you a year's worth of office supplies" or something. Why would they care?

>> No.1659636

Please don't do this OP. They set the meeting at 15 minutes for a reason, you think people who do that want you to waste their 15 minutes, and then ask them to waste another hour or two listening to you trying to recreate a sales pitch you saw in a movie over lunch?

>> No.1659641

I'd skip the first two slides btw and go right into what you can offer them. They know the rest, just do a 1-2 minute introduction.

>> No.1659784

Please for the love of God close. If they are giving you 15 minutes close. If you are giving them reasons to move forward, then you better ask for their business or they will go to the next bozo who offers the same thing as you.

>> No.1659791

You intent to hand out the solution? Why hire you then?

>> No.1659849


Do this if you want to be a buddy. Buddies don't get fucked. Fuck buddies get fucked. Don't get me wrong, there is some rapport building with being a fuck buddy, but for the most part it's cut and dry pure attraction, or "what can you do for me?" If you want to talk about golf and shit, by all means fucking stalk that Facebook, otherwise listen.

They're giving you 15 minutes, which means they want to get straight down to business. They want to fuck. Drop the intro you've got. Keep it down to 2-3 Sentences. "Mr Fuckbuddy, I don't want to waste your time, which is why I want to jump into what we can do for you. You mentioned X, Y, and Z as your major concerns, here's how we can address those issues..." Present your shit. Address objections and concerns. Then you fucking close the business.

Btw, if you put a picture on your ppt, make sure it's an infographic, or at least something relevant. If you a picture of two people in suits shaking hands or a big question mark, you're going to look like a fucking tool.

>> No.1659880

>They set the meeting at 15 minutes for a reason

if I scheduled a meeting to hear a presentation and some smarmy salesperson tried to drag me off to dinner I'd flat out ignore them. And I'd be pissed. If I wanted to discuss serious business in some distracting setting I would've scheduled it like that. I want to sit down and have you stand in front of me and explain why I should use your service. If I like what you offer I'll probably take you out to dinner afterwards anyways. Hell, I might take you out to dinner if I don't like your presentation, because I can write the meal off and who doesn't like free dinner?

>> No.1660146

Ok fellas, thx for all the reasonable and not so reasonable replies. This fucking case is a test by my supervisor, obviously usually I have further information and more time during the meeting.

I'm going to get straight to the point - bring up the challenges they have and give my solution. Motivate them by giving few references and shitsoever to make them confident and finish the presentation by showing a picture of tightropewalker crossing over: without me you MIGHT cross, with my help you WILL cross over it. Yes, it sounds like a fucking cliche yet Ive never seen anyone doing something similar in my country.

WTF are they going to ask in the Q&A?

>> No.1660178

B2B is all about trust

your first goal is for them to trust you as a person

if they trust you, they will trust your solution

one shortcut to trust is referring to past successes

'I helped John from Company X with a very similar problem. In only Y [time] he's [recieved whatever benefit]. I just spoke with him the other day, and he connected me with his friend Z, who is excited to get started.'

social proof sells pretty well.

if you know the client is numbers oriented, you need some stats about your story to back things up