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1658896 No.1658896 [Reply] [Original]

Is NVDA (95.25) too high to buy in right now or is it going to keep rising?

>> No.1658952
File: 139 KB, 1157x772, DUDE LMAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too high to buy right now lmao

>> No.1658974

yes and yes.

>> No.1658977

Depends on AMD and their next card. If amd release a competitor for mid / high end, it will pull away some of Nvidias sales in that sector, meaning theyll have say 70% market share instead of 100%, also Nvidia will have to drop prices to compete with amd, so again, they won't have their record breaking quarter like this one, their future share price is based off a one off quarter Nvidia will have difficulty repeating.

Looking out long term, amd are better positioned to transition into dx12/vulkan (every console dev on the planet has spent the last 4 years writing direct to amd hardware), and it will fix amds 'bad driver' perception, which would let amd claw back the enthusiast / swing buyer (30 - 45% of the market).

Not to mention if there is any economic shock they're fucked, like 70%"of their revenue is still gpu revenue, they are diversifying but slower than their expectations. Any deflationary shock will gut their earnings as theyre a luxury product vendor.

>> No.1659013

>amd is a viable competitor
>using l33t knowledge gained from /g/ and /v/
>here are some numbers yanked firmly from my ass

Get a load of this retard. I bet your robinhood account is up to almost 3 figures.

>> No.1659032

AMD just broke $10 for the first time in 9 years. Clearly they are doing something right.

>> No.1659106

>NVDA run-up is due to gaming
No. AI.

>> No.1659124

nvidia vs who ?
where are they made
where do the countries stand in political power today?
what are they doing to progress over competition
Has volume dried up?

smoke and think of these

>> No.1659317
File: 275 KB, 1279x1201, hnng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Robin hood is a bit too small cap for me desu. Options trading is where it's at homey.

AMD don't need to beat Nvidia, they just need a product at the mid / high end that is competitive and drives prices down (bad for nvidia) or pull the 30% of swing / enthusiast buyer (bad for nvidia). Nvidia will still 'win', but the numbers, and thus stock price which is based on a single quarter where Nvidia had no competition at the mid / high end in the PC space, and where they got to jack up those prices this quarter, will get effected. It's possible for Nvidia to both 'dominate' the PC graphics space and disappoint investors due to less revenue because of deflationary price pressure. If the RX490 is within say 10% perf of a 1080, but lauches at the price of a 1070, nvidia have to cut prices.

Going forwards long term (12 months+), with the looming API change, AMD have the mindshare for enthusiast / influencer market (AMD do better in dx12 meme), not to mention driver issues won't be a thing, and every dev has experience coding to the metal on AMD hardware on consoles. Nvidia's solution to date (bigger, more expensive chips with lower yield and paying engineers to write drivers for every new game) compared to AMD (stack 6 - 8 small, low cost, high yield chips next to each other and parallel the fuck out of it) will give AMD a competitive advantage, same as what happened with DX10 - DX11.

>> No.1659334
File: 64 KB, 620x387, 1481055092787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice

>> No.1659342

>skyblog tab
>had to check current year

Holy shit, 2005 was 11 years ago
this picture gave me the feels , where the fuck as time gone ?

>> No.1659694

Yes NVIDIA is too high, their income from their lawsuit with intel ends early next year, as well as their income with their licensing agreement with intel for their igpu, intel seems to be switching to AMD. that and their gains aren't really about the desktop gpu market, its because theyve had a monopoly on servers for AI use, and AMD is finally entering that market. Even if everything goes right for Nvidia i can't see it going up too much more.

>> No.1659695

are you rich yet?

>> No.1659712

in the short run I have no idea.

in the long run, its VERY undervalued.

>> No.1659731

Your whole thesis is still tied up in the graffix card end of things. A big cause of nvda's recent run after earnings was because of their revenue increase outside of the PC gpu market. Think bigger (and longer than 12 months).

>> No.1659842
File: 229 KB, 900x900, 1432934740090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 on july and 90 on december
>highest previously on 2002 (20) and 2008 (40)
>not looking at a fucking chart
It won't last. It's peaking. Don't invest in a peak. Realize that you're too late to the gravy train and keep an eye on other opportunities to cope. Or else the price will drop anytime and you will be left bag holding. And is that risk worth it?

Investing at a peak and expecting it to hold will work some of the time, but it will be devastating when it fails. Going in without a plan just to ride gains is a meme and a fool's gamble.

Other people prior this thread have more specific advice. Mine is more generic so you don't have to ask the same damn question every time you ask a meme question.

>> No.1659868


so your "advice" is basically
>don't do something
>except for those times you should

Just go be new and stupid somewhere else.

>> No.1659876

Mega bubble

>> No.1659886

That's the difference between a nuanced point and a simple truth

>> No.1659932

OP go for it. Nintendo is planning to release it's new console in March which is powered by Nvidia chips. Also not a bad idea to invest in Nintendo since they will be releasing their next mobile game on December the 15th.